Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 20: World war pattern


When the so-called deep inspection started, Chen Zong did not know. Therefore, for a period of time, Chen Zong did not enter the virtual world, and stayed in the temple to concentrate on practicing the world.

The degree of integration of the true meaning of heaven and earth has reached 60%, and is constantly impacting towards 70%.

The higher the degree of integration of heaven and earth, the greater the strength of Chen Zong, and the superior mortal body also allows Chen Zong to apply and exert his power more thoroughly.

Chen Zong estimates that if he goes to the virtual world now, forty consecutive wins may not be a problem, unless luck is bad.

However, now is not the time to enter the battle in the virtual world, practice first, and strive to complete the quadruple of the heavens and earth as soon as possible, and merge all the forces into the true meaning of heaven and earth. By then, the strength will greatly increase.

Chen Zongchang has already discovered that all the strength of the ontology can hardly be effectively exerted or improved here.

It cannot be practiced by itself, of course, it is not as good as heaven and earth.

In addition, it is also difficult for a martial art such as swordsmanship to exert its due power.

Furthermore, it is Taoism. Here, the level of the ontological Taoism is what it cannot be promoted.

It can be said that the only useful thing is the accumulation of ontology.

I still don't know what the chance in the Eternal Battle is useful to the body, but since it is a big chance, there must be its mystery. You will know it when you have a higher status.

Or you can know it by returning to the body yourself.

However, after returning to the body, if you want to come to the Eternal Fortress again, you need to wait for a while.

After all, eternal heaven and earth order also needs time to restore strength.

Waiting, waiting for the so-called depth detection to begin.

Cultivation Cultivation continued to cultivate. When Chen Zong merged the true meaning of heaven and earth into Qicheng, he was finally notified.

Deep inspection is about to begin.

In front of himself, there are three figures.

The first is the master of the previous battle tower, the second is a tall figure wearing heavy armor, exuding an extremely breathtaking atmosphere, as if suppressing the earth, and the third is a figure in a white robe, which seems to permeate the faint In the moonlight, people stand in front of them, but it seems as if they are far away in the sky, like the mysterious and mysterious moon.

Chen Zongfang didn't know their identities, and was secretly shocked.

Lord of the Battle Tower, Lord of the First Palace, Lord of the Celestial Palace!

In addition, Chen Zong also found that there are no other than four people. Is there only one person participating in the deep inspection?

So, what exactly is the deep inspection for?

"Boy, if your performance does not satisfy me, the consequences will be conceited." The eyes of the landlord stared at Chen Zong, and his words were low, with a mountain-like majestic momentum, called Chen Zong asphyxiation.

I just feel heavy, almost like being suppressed.

Just one word and one look, it was so horrible that it was hard to imagine what level the person's strength reached.

"Well, Gurado, don't scare him and influence the performance." Ming Jiang smiled, and the heavy pressure was instantly dissipated.

Chen Zong didn't know why the Lord of the First Palace was so. In fact, it was just a casually spoken word. I didn't expect it to come true, and it just came true. It is also very good to find a moldable talent.

The main reason is that the resources spent in applying for that deep inspection are on your own.

Fortunately, the Ming general and Qing Su Mingyue shared the two together, otherwise they really have a big bleeding.

Anyway, if the other party's performance is not satisfactory, it must be learned first, killing is not enough, but you must punish it and then deprive the other party's eternal order.

As for how to punish, Gulado has already thought about it, which will definitely make the other party uncomfortable and unforgettable.

Perceived Gurado's gaze, Chen Zong could not help but tremble, a cold chill struck, and secretly trembled.

"Come on." Ming Jiang smiled, waved his hand, and suddenly opened the void, a black and white portal appeared.

Under the gaze of the three, Chen Zong stepped forward and stepped into the black and white portal.

Ming General smiled a little, Guladuo snorted, and the moon was cold and clear.

In front of Chen Zong's eyes, a black and white two-color streamer flashed past, constantly moving forward, stepping out, and finally stepping out.

This seems to be a room with a black stele standing on it. There are a dozen white lines on it. These lines are as short as fingers, longer than half a meter, or straight or meandering. They look different. Messy, but implied.

"For a limited period of time, you can enter the next level when you realize the war pattern of the heavens and the earth." One seemed to be extremely deep and very majestic, but it sounded as if the sound was far away.

Suddenly, Chen Zong understood it.

World war pattern!

The dozen or so white lines on the black stele are the so-called world war lines.

So how do you get involved?

Eliminating distractions, Chen Zong concentrated all his attention on the black stone tablet in front of him and began to enlighten him.

Super strong understanding and strong and solid foundation began to play an unimaginable role, Chen Zong soon entered the state of enlightenment.

I just feel that the dozens of white lines in front of me seem to come alive in an instant. It seems to have turned into a dozen white eels, of different sizes. .

Flexible and light, fast like electricity.

Each white eel, whether it is long or short, thick or thin, is extremely flexible, agile and mysterious, as fast as lightning, swimming in the water.

Gradually, a little bit of consciousness breeds and condenses in Chen Zong's mind, and the aura of light flashes. A dozen eels startled, the light shines from the inside to the outside. Soaring in the sky, chasing with the light, dancing with the white clouds.

Got it!

When Chen Zong emerged from the heart, when Ming Wu emerged, the dozens of white lines on the stele staggered, condensed into a straight line, drawn from top to bottom, and turned into a portal.

According to the previous voice, this should be the portal to the next level.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong stepped forward.

Outside, the three generals, Gurado and Qing Su Mingyue are waiting. For a little time, for them who have a long life, it is nothing, but what is more important is that they can break through the first level?

That is the point.

"This little devil, if I can't break through the tenth level, I can never spare him." Gulado said suddenly, his voice was low and aggressive.

"According to the level, the mystery of the tenth level should belong to the level of the genius of the king." Ming Jiang smiled slightly, but did not say anything, because he was in the mind, too.

Consuming a lot of resources, opening an in-depth inspection by exception, if you can't cross the ninth level and enter the tenth level, it will be too disappointing.

In the minds of the three of them, at least passing the tenth level is considered qualified and basically satisfactory.

However, it is still unknown whether this child can reach the tenth level in the end. That is not easy.

There are not many geniuses who reach the king level in the entire eternal battlefield, and each one is valued.

If you can surpass the genius of the king class, it will be even more amazing. It will be cultivated as a baby.

The second level is also the realization of the white war pattern, but only twice the number.

But for Chen Zong, it was nothing. He soon realized it and entered the third level. The white battle pattern of the third level was twice as much as the second level. The difficulty of understanding was naturally doubled, but in Chen Under Zongna ’s amazing understanding, he also came to the fourth level.

The stone in the fourth stage is not black, but white, and the battle pattern on it is not white, but has become black.

The black battle pattern is calm and heavy, and there is a calm trend that belongs to the earth.

It is not easy to realize, but Chen Zong's perception is superhuman, and he also found that Heaven and Earth have a supporting effect on the understanding of these war patterns.

The fourth level ... pass!

Fifth level ... Pass!

The sixth level ... pass!

In the seventh stage, the stele changes again. It is not white or black, but black and white. The battle pattern above has also changed. It is not just a color, but also black and white.

There are more than a hundred lines in black and white, crisscross, and it looks very mysterious.

If you come to a place where your understanding is not high enough, you will see nothing like the flowers in the mist, let alone see the enlightenment, or even feel dizzy.

Chen Zong did not, stared, and soon entered the state of enlightenment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The black and white war pattern seemed to come alive, and the black and white python snaked, as if swimming in the mountains It is like lightning fast, sometimes bursting into the sky, as if changing into a dragon, driving around the sea for nine days.

Chen Zong also seems to be involved, feeling free and free on the earth, and wanton in the sky. This feeling is very beautiful.

The seventh level ... pass!

In the eighth level, the black and white war pattern doubled, but it looked more complicated.

When Wu through the eighth level of the world war pattern mystery, Chen Zong suddenly felt that his understanding of the world and the world has been deepened a lot.

The fourth place in the body is the involuntary movement of the heaven and earth. The operation beyond the imagination exceeds the limit. The remaining 30% of the heavenly and territorial powers merge into the heavens and the earth at an astonishing speed.


The degree of integration of the true meaning of heaven and earth has been directly increased to 80%.

Ninth level!

The world war pattern increased to more than four hundred, nearly as many as five hundred. At first glance, there are countless black and white two-color war patterns crisscrossing, as if living, as if more than four hundred pythons intertwine and meander. There is an unspeakable sense of thriller.

A person with a lack of understanding will feel dizzy and even faint in a moment.

However, Chen Zong quickly entered the state and quickly realized that the fourth place of Heaven and Earth continued to run endlessly at an astonishing speed, surpassing the limit, and the remaining heavenly and terrestrial forces also merged at an astonishing speed and turned into heaven and earth. .

Unconsciously, the true meaning of heaven and earth was merged into as much as 90%, and a distance of 10% could reach 10%. The fourth place of heaven and earth was cultivated to a satisfactory state, and its strength was greatly enhanced.

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