Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 21: Break through

(Fifth more, tired, this outbreak is over, the normal update will resume tomorrow, nourishing and exercising, and the next outbreak will be notified in advance)

In the war pattern of heaven and earth, there are infinite mysteries of heaven and earth, so that people ca n’t help but immerse themselves in it.

In the ninth pass, the mystery of the war pattern of heaven and earth appeared little by little in Chen Zong's mind.

The world war pattern contained in the first level is the most obvious and the easiest to understand. The second level is more complicated and difficult, and the third level is the same. The more profound the mystery is.

Tiandi decided to run spontaneously beyond the limits of the fourth, and the last ten days of spiritual power and earth power also merged successfully.


A burst of roar immediately sounded in Chen Zong's body, and the degree of integration of heaven and earth truth reached 10%.

The true meaning of the heavens and the earth means that the fourth place of heaven and earth reaches the level of consummation. If the fifth place of heaven and earth is determined, then you can immediately enlighten and practice.

In addition, ten percent of the heaven and earth's true essence pervades the body, and once consumed, it can be recovered more quickly, just like the previous heavenly force, earth and power.

But at this moment, Chen Zong didn't have the heart to feel his own change, he was immersed in the enlightenment of the war pattern of the heavens and the earth.

The ninth level, at a certain level, corresponds to the top superior genius.

Going through the ninth level, when you can enter the tenth level, it is equivalent to the level of a king-level genius, and it is also a qualified line to meet the satisfaction of the three strong.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't know, but it was clear that this test cannot be reserved, and he should try his best to continue to comprehend the obstacles and get better results.

This is also a challenge to himself, not to mention that Chen Zong has a feeling that understanding the war pattern of the heavens and the earth is not only for detection, but also of great benefit to himself.

The last mystery of the war pattern in the ninth stage was also revealed by Chen Zong. Immediately, a black and white light masterpiece, a portal appeared.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong stepped forward, stepped into the portal, and stepped into the tenth level.

It is still a black-and-white stone stele, but there are more than a thousand lines on the stele.

More than a thousand lanes are more than double the ninth level, and each line of war is thicker and longer. It seems that the mystery contained in it is deeper and more profound.

At first glance, Chen Zong felt dazzled.

When you close your eyes, you must be attentive. When your eyes are opened again, your eyes have become clear, like the clear water of a stream, staring away, and seeing again.

The tenth level of the world war pattern is at least twice the number of the ninth level, and the number is more, and the difficulty of understanding is more than doubled.

Rao is so, it was also revealed by Chen Zong's continually, just like drawing silk and cocoon, the mystery gradually emerged, spreading and condensing in the mind.

The fourth place of Heaven and Earth is still running continuously. However, the speed of operation has gradually decreased from extremely fast and becomes slower. However, every day of operation, the essence of Heaven and Earth is condensed for a while, and the intensity is increased slightly.

Time slowly passed, and the mystery of the tenth stage of the world's war pattern was continuously realized by Chen Zong. At the beginning, it was slow, and then, it gradually increased, and it was out of control. It was like a torrent, which filled Chen Zong's mind. among.

It seems that the dragons are dancing in the sky, and Ruo Qionglong controls the sea.

Mysterious and explosive.

The portal appears.

Tenth level ... Pass!

Step into the eleventh level!

The world war pattern in the eleventh pass, more than two thousand, is becoming more and more complicated.

Closing your eyes and calming your mind clear your mind and your heart.

The war pattern of the eleventh level is more and more mysterious and more difficult to comprehend. Chen Zong has been unable to achieve the same bravery and advancement as before.

After the third breath, his eyes opened and he stared again, and soon entered the state of enlightenment, and quickly enlightened.

Although it is more difficult, under the superb understanding of Chen Zong, he is still comprehending the mystery and deepening.

The eleventh level is still not the limit of Chen Zong.

Got it!

Twelfth level!

There are more than 4,000 war patterns in the world, nearly 5,000.

At first glance, Chen Zong only felt that his eyes seemed to be flooded with countless battlefields, dense and endless. The whole person seemed to sink into it, dazzled, and felt almost lost.

Upholding the original heart and not getting lost, Chen Zong began to enlighten.

As soon as I realized it, I felt like I was in the heavens and the earth. Countless black-and-white textures turned into snakes, walking around the earth, mountains and rocks, and grass. .

Then, the serpent grew a horn, molted, transformed into a dragon, and rose into the sky, soaring in the sky, as if freed from the **** of the earth.

Dark clouds, born out of nothing, swept away from a distance, covering the sky, covering the sky and the sky.


The dull voice sounded, shaking in all directions.

The dark clouds were as dark as ink, and they were extremely rich and filled the sky, and suddenly they turned into darkness.

The white thunderous light suddenly blasted out from the thick dark clouds, and instantly exploded, shining the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, white thunders kept appearing, and they were shot down from the thick black clouds, bombarding the black and white dragons one after another, as if suffering great pain. The dragons were trembling and roaring.

The black clouds are overwhelming, and the white thunder is devastating.

Under the terrible white thunder, the dragons seemed to be crushed, and the breath turned black and white into the clouds.


The black clouds rolled up like boiling water. The white thunderbolt never shot down in the sky, but raged inside the black clouds.

As if the dragon roars with pain and joy, bursting with joy and excitement, flooding the world.

As if being transformed and reborn.

A black and white dragon burst out of the thick black clouds.


This is no longer a dragon.

Snake into a dragon, dragon into a true dragon, really happy world.

Happy world!

An indescribable enlightenment suddenly rose from Chen Zong's mind. Chen Zong only felt that each of the black and white true dragons in front of him was permeated with a sense of freedom and mystery, as if in the cosmic void. Bound.

Each true dragon condenses the truth and mystery between heaven and earth.


Chen Zong seems to be a sponge, constantly absorbing seawater, and enriching himself.

Countless worlds and mysteries, at this moment, poured into my heart, as if transforming into dragons.

The dragon has always been the supreme beast between heaven and earth, known as the sacred beast, symbolizing strength and nobility.

Among people, there is a saying that hopes to become a dragon and a dragon among people, expressing a yearning in one's mind.

Turning the dragon means detachment.

Suddenly, Ming Wu broke out.

All the mysteries of the Twelve Stages of World Warfare broke out and were absorbed and mastered by Chen Zong.

Immediately, a portal appeared, so that Chen Zong was awake.

It turned out that before he knew it, he had realized the war pattern of the twelfth level, and mastered all the mysteries.

"This is still the twelfth level, what about the thirteenth level?" Chen Zong said secretly, his heart was moving.

From the first level of enlightenment to the present, the more you enlighten, the more difficult it is, the more mysteries, and the greater the benefits you can feel.

Especially after realizing the mystery of the twelfth stage, I feel that there is a kind of metamorphosis in myself.

The twelfth level is still so, so what about the thirteenth level?

If I understand it, I do n’t know how much I will gain?

However, when he stepped out of the portal, he didn't see a stone monument, but three figures, and Chen Zong couldn't help but be shocked.

At the same time, the three eyes with indescribable coercion seemed to penetrate everything and seemed to see all the mysteries of Chen Zong.

"You're out." Ming Jiang smiled slightly, and his pupils contracted like needles.

The prince of the earthly palace and the lord of the heavenly palace stared at Chen Zong, and they seemed to see something like that, and their pupils contracted instantly.

Then, a terrible force shrouded, as if to shatter Chen Zong, a majestic voice like thunder and thunder, straight into the eardrum.

"Your boy, how many levels have you made?" Gulado asked impatiently.

"Twelfth level." Chen Zong answered subconsciously. Suddenly, the three men's eyes flickered with fascination and intensity, as if the six rounds of fierce sun were shining in the air.

"Did you break through the twelfth level or pass the twelfth level?" Ming said quickly, with a bit of urgency.

There is an essential difference between breaking through the twelfth level and breaking through the twelfth level.

"Break through the twelfth level," Chen Zong said as soon as his heart moved.

I remember very clearly, Ming Ming had told me, do my best, so don't hide, maybe better for myself.

Moreover, the so-called satisfaction is naturally to make them all satisfied ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What level is it?

"Break through the twelfth level!" Ming will repeat again, and suddenly meet the eyes of the Lord of the First Hall and the Lord of the Heavenly Decree.

At first they were shocked, but Xiu reached their level, was well informed, and soon recovered calm.

"Yes, your boy's performance was unsatisfactory and basically satisfied me." Di Chudian said.

Hearing his words, Chen Zong was relieved subconsciously.

If the landlord is satisfied, the other two should not be dissatisfied.

Then it means that I can still stay in the Eternal Fort and master this opportunity.

"Okay, the next thing will be left to Ming Jiang." After finishing the beginning of the hall, the body quickly became blurred.

"I give you a chance." Qing Su Mingyue, the head of the Celestial Palace: "In a month, at least 50 consecutive victories."

After speaking, Qing Su Mingyue's figure also became blurred. After a few breaths, he disappeared under Chen Zong's gaze.

The Lord of the Beginning of the Palace and the Lord of the Celestial Palace left one after the other, leaving only the General of the Battle Tower and Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's heart had many questions, but for a while he didn't know how to speak.

The Ming general smiled a little, waved his hands, as if the world was replaced, blinked, and appeared in a study-like house.

It was exactly where Ming Ming would call him.

"Sit." Ming Jiang laughed, then sat down and waved, a cup of tea flew out, landed on the table in front of Chen Zong, steaming up, the tea fragrance spread out leisurely, one said no The taste, as if from heaven, is full of psychedelic.

Chen Zong only felt that he seemed to be bathed in the spring breeze and autumn rain.

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