Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 22: King class

(Resume normal update, taking a nap too long, late)

"This is Tianqing Mingshen Tea, it can wake up the gods." Ming will hold up the tea and said simply.

Chen Zong raised his tea cup, just smelling the aroma of the tea, he felt that his mind became clear and clear, and there was no distraction.

Gently sip. When I sip, I feel an indescribable sensation and an instant impact. I just feel that my mind is exploding in an instant, and all my thoughts are blown up, as if disappearing.

Chaos, hazy.

Chen Zong was sitting upright in a chair, his eyes were wide, his face was stagnant, as if he had lost all consciousness, but Ming Jiang was not half nervous, but drank tea freely.

Tianqing Mingshen Tea can also be regarded as a treasure. At the level of the Tongjingjing, of course, for the strong at this level, it has become a good drink.

However, for Chen Zong, who is only at the level of the demigod, this Tianqing Mingshen tea is no small matter. This cup of tea is a treasure.

After just a sip, less than one-tenth of the whole cup of tea, Chen Zong felt his mental consciousness like an explosion.

I don't know how long in the past. Gradually, Chen Zong felt his existence, his consciousness reunited, his mind returned, and he got into the body.

I just feel that the whole body Shutai, as if washed from the depths of consciousness, to remove the dirt, the whole person seems to become extremely light, it seems to be riding the wind, soaring to the sky.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seems to feel some change in himself, but here, it is not convenient to double-check.

"Thank you seniors." Chen Zong stood up to thank Ming Ming for his bow.

"Sit down." Ming Jiang said indifferently, and immediately said: "The eternal battlefield's detection of genius has always been based on three aspects."

"One is physical fitness, the other is combat power, and the third is perception."

"Regardless of physical fitness or combat power, it is relatively easy to improve, but it is the most difficult to improve understanding."

"The depth inspection you go through, also known as the perception inspection, is a test that every king-level genius must pass."

Chen Zong listened to the words of the general, his thinking moved, and he quickly sorted out.

When entering the Eternal War Fortress, you must participate in the test and assess the level of genius, based on physical fitness and combat power, etc. As for age, it is also one of the conditions, but it is relatively secondary.

Only understanding, not much involved.

As Ming Ming said, physical fitness and combat power can be improved better. This is not wrong. For example, at first, he was a lower-level mortal body, but now it is a higher-level mortal body.

In terms of combat power, of course, it is cultivation exercises and martial arts.

It is the understanding, which involves the soul level, and it will undoubtedly be more difficult to improve.

"Perception detection, in order to understand the world war pattern, and understand the world war pattern, you can learn the mystery, the mystery of the war pattern will be absorbed, increase your own accumulation, this point, you will have experience in the future. Ming continued.

Chen Zong vaguely understood that this perception test would entail a lot of consumption in understanding the world war pattern, for the eternal battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that it will not be easily opened, and only those who have been rated by a king-level genius are eligible.

It is an exception.

Is this an honor?

"You can get this perception test, naturally because of your performance, extraordinary." Ming Jiang laughed: "Since you can pass the twelfth level, which is equivalent to the top king level, after that, you will be promoted to King-level genius. "

Chen Zong was secretly excited.

King-level genius!

He was only promoted to a superior genius, and now he is directly promoted to a king genius.

The sixth floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower is very difficult. I also tried my best to pass it. If it is the seventh floor, I am not sure, let alone the eighth and ninth floors.

Only through the ninth floor and stepping into the tenth floor can it be considered to reach the level of a king-level genius, but according to the previous situation, I still need to spend a lot of time.

Today, a perception test directly allows you to obtain the status of a king-level genius, and the treatment is better, the status is higher, and more you can get and know.

And these are all Chen Zong needs.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong also asked some inner questions.

For example, why can't you comprehend your own Taoism here?

For example, when consciousness comes here to consolidate the body, what happens when consciousness returns to the ontology and so on.

In addition, it is a void demon.

Most of Chen Zong's questions were answered here.

Taoism, which is a mystery between heaven and earth, is realized in the ontological world and is closely related to the ontological world, but the eternal battlefield is completely different from the ontological world.

Therefore, as if there is no root duckweed here, naturally it is impossible to comprehend and improve the Tao.

However, as long as it returns to the ontology, with the accumulation in the Eternal War Fortress, the ontology's understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth will advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. At that time, Taoism and so on will have a significant improvement and strength.

As for the body condensed by the consciousness coming to the Eternal War Fortress, once it is promoted to the god-like realm in the future, the ontology travels to the universe, and this body either becomes pure energy absorption, or it becomes a avatar.

Most people's approach is to refining into avatars, which surprised Chen Zong.

In this way, it is tantamount to getting an avatar, which is very remarkable.

He owns the Shura clone, but Chen Zong knows it's hard to come by.

As for the Void Demon, beyond Chen Zong's imagination, it belongs to a very powerful existence in the cosmic void, running across the universe, slaughtering, destroying, and invading everywhere, but a powerful enemy of many forces and races in the cosmic void.

Eternal Battlefield has also fought countless times against the Nether Demon, and I do n’t know how many people were injured or injured.

There were some other questions that were also answered and suddenly opened up.

"But what more questions?" Ming Jiang asked with a smile.

Chen Zong put down the tea cup. In this cup, half of the tea was still left, but Chen Zong felt that he could not drink anymore.

This kind of inability to drink means that it cannot be absorbed. Drinking it again will only cause unnecessary burden to yourself and even affect yourself.

"No, thank you seniors." Chen Zong stood up to thank.

"That being the case, I'll take you to Qianwang Mountain, a region of king-level genius." Ming Jiang smiled, waved everything, and changed again.

Such means are inscrutable and unthinkable.

The king-level genius is a truly highly regarded arrogant. The place where he lives is very different from the upper, middle, and lower geniuses.

At a glance, the mountains are surrounded by it. I don't know how many miles it stretches. It is very majestic and amazing.

Several thousand-meter-high peaks stood up to the sky.

This eternal battlefield was transformed from a huge star, and naturally retains many landforms that belong to the stars. This mountain is one of them.

Among the mountain peaks, the air of heaven and earth is extremely rich, more than double the superior genius area.

Staying in such a place for a long time without taking any elixir, the lower level mortal body can also be promoted to the intermediate level mortal body, and the intermediate level mortal body can be promoted to the upper level mortal body.

Even higher-level mortal bodies may be promoted to top-level mortal bodies. As for the top-level mortal bodies to the spiritual bodies, it is an essential transformation. It is not so easy, but it is not completely hopeless, but it will take longer. time.

Of course, those who can become king-level geniuses are basically spirit bodies, at least lower-level ones. It would also be beneficial to stay in such places for a long time with spiritual resources.

Chen Zong only felt that he was whole body and Shu Tai, as if he had been injected with vitality and was full of energy.

"At present, there are a thousand cave houses in Qianwang Mountain, and there are 719 geniuses in the king class. You are the 720." Ming Jiang laughed.

Either the constitution reaches the level of the spiritual body, or the understanding reaches the level of the king, in order to qualify as a king-level genius.

The average spiritual person has a high level of understanding and can reach the tenth level.

Such a genius, placed in the Lingwu sacred realm, is completely of the rank of the demon evil, and I don't know how many generations will have one.

Here, there are hundreds of them. Chen Zong can be sure that hundreds of them are not all. After all, some people come and go, some people are promoted, generation after generation, and if they are accumulated, I do n’t know how many.


Immediately, Chen Zong chose one of the remaining two hundred Dongfu as his own Dongfu.

This cave is located in a mountain peak more than 6,000 meters high. Chen Zong can name it himself, which is considered to be the right of a king-level genius.

Chen Zong didn't think too much, so he just took a name.


I come from the Heavenly Sacred Realm of Lingwu Holy Realm and name it directly, very simple and straightforward.

Next, it is natural to receive benefits that belong to the newly promoted genius.

One of the best fighters!

Heaven and earth are fifth!

You can choose between two world martial arts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not basic martial arts, but advanced martial arts that are stronger than basic martial arts.

Pick a basic secret.

In addition, you can also get a best-of-breed.

Xiapin is worth a thousand records, Zhongpin is worth 10,000, top grade is 100,000, and top grade is worth millions, which is extremely amazing.

Million records!

This is exciting.

Under normal circumstances, the king-level geniuses have replaced the best products with record, so in the next period of time, they do not have to worry about no record available, unlike other geniuses, to get Records and continuous efforts.

For Chen Zong, this piece of superbly stealing the earth to change the world, but can improve his own physique from the superior mortal body to the top mortal body, which is of great significance.

Of the three types of benefits, the most valuable is undoubtedly that one-of-a-kind level of thief.

However, if the Fifth Heaven and Earth is to be exchanged, it will also require a record of 100,000. In addition, advanced martial arts also require at least 10,000 records, and more than 10,000.

The treatment of Wang-level genius was truly extraordinary.

"Since you become a king-level genius, then within one year, you must pass through the tenth floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower." Ming Jiang said to Chen Zong, "If it is not possible, it will be relegated. If you want to improve, it is difficult. It will be bigger. "

"In addition, the opportunity given to you by the Lord of the Heavenly Palace must be seized." Ming Jiang said positively, but did not say what the so-called opportunity would be.


Martial arts?

Or something else?

It's not clear, but as long as you win 50 consecutive victories within a month, you can know.

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