Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 23: In the name of Tian Yuan (1)

Qianwang Mountain, many king-level geniuses are meditating, and they strive to improve themselves.

On the 6,000-meter-high Tianyuan Peak, Chen Zong stood in front of the Dongfu and stared at the mountain peaks. There was a cloud of mist rising, and the wind slowly filled with the wind blowing like a fairyland.

Standing high, overlooking Cang Sheng, full of arrogance and grandeur.

I have been here for less than a year, and I have made rapid progress from the bottom of the subordinates, and constantly improved to reach the king level.

When I first came here, everything that Yang Guan said made Chen Zong realize the hardship and cruelty here, but now, it seems to be a bit of a dream.

However, despite the rapid progress, Chen Zong knew very well that he had put in a lot of effort, and also because he had a surprisingly superb understanding, otherwise he would have put in even more effort, and maybe he was still at a lower level.

Where can I stand here and enjoy the different scenery.

Open and cheerful, Chen Zong turned around and stepped into Tianyuan's residence.

This will be the Dongfu in the Eternal War Fortress.

Dongfu is just a collective name. In fact, it is a quaint palace.

Chen Zong began to take the best of the world, there are four black lines and four white lines, crisscrossed like a dragon and a snake.

Before Chen Zong didn't know, now I can see at a glance that these eight stripe roads are really eight heaven and earth war lines.

Taking it, the elixir began to be refined and absorbed, which strengthened the heaven and earth in the body, thereby improving the physique.

All over the body, there was a feeling of Su Su Ma, as if thousands of ants were constantly moving inside, more intense than before.

After the elixir was completely refined, Chen Zong felt the sublimation of his physique as if it were a kind of transcendence.

Top Mortal!

This is truly the top level of the mortal body. In an instant, Chen Zong felt the atmosphere of the surrounding heaven and earth, became more intimate, and seemed to be better absorbed and mastered.

The physical fitness of the heaven and earth will increase, which will be the case, increasing the degree of fit of heaven and earth.

Familiar with some top mortal bodies, the degree of consciousness and body fit is higher, but Chen Zong feels not enough, it is not the limit, and it has not reached the end.

Is it necessary to continue to improve.

Could it be that the spirit body can fully fit its strength of consciousness?

The improvement of physical fitness is not difficult in the Eternal War Fortress, but it is also difficult. After all, to improve the physical fitness from the top mortal body to the lower spiritual level, at least one unique piece of thief is needed.

A piece of world-class stealing pandemic needs 10 million records to be redeemed.

A 10 million record is enough to make people feel hopeless.

At least for now, it's impossible to get at all, even a million records.

Therefore, it ’s no longer necessary to think about exquisite products. The top mortal body is the current upper limit. For others, the first place is to cultivate the world and decide the fifth.

Heaven and earth are the exercises, the root of cultivation, and the strength cultivated is the basic strength. Using this strength to exert martial arts, the power will be stronger.

The higher the level of cultivation of Heaven and Earth, the stronger the fundamental strength will be.

Now, I have cultivated the fourth level to a perfect state, and all the celestial and terrestrial powers are merged into the true meaning of the heavens and the earth, and the fifth level of cultivation can be performed.

As it happens, the king-level genius can get the fifth decision.


Upon seeing Chen Zong, he suddenly found that the fifth level seemed to be easier than the fourth level. After a while, he fully realized and grasped the essence.

This is of course not that the fifth weight is more obvious than the fourth weight. In fact, heaven and earth determine the fifth weight more than double the fourth weight. The reason why you can understand the mystery more easily than the fourth weight, except for your own understanding. In addition, thanks to the enlightenment of the world war pattern.

At this point, Chen Zong began to realize the benefits of the war pattern of the heavens and earth that he had learned during the deep inspection.

After realizing the fifth mystery, Chen Zong began to cultivate. As soon as he practiced, he immediately realized the change.

Top Mortal!

World war pattern!

Qianwangshan area!

Triple increase. The speed of cultivation is more than twice as before. A large amount of heaven and earth air is continuously absorbed and refined into the body. The true essence of heaven and earth begins to increase at a perceivable speed. More refined.

Sure enough, cultivation practice and environment are very important and have a great impact.

And during the cultivation process, Chen Zong felt that his body was constantly being nourished, and he seemed to improve a little bit towards the spiritual body.

But this improvement is very subtle and hard to detect.

In other words, even if you do n’t take the best product, you can transform the mortal body into a spiritual body as long as you practice enough time here, but you do n’t know how much time it will take.

Moreover, the higher the level of heaven and earth, the more obvious the effect of self-feedback.

After practicing for a period of time, Chen Zong terminated the practice of heaven and earth and began to select advanced martial arts.

Wang-level genius can directly enter the virtual realm in Dongfu, or directly open the redemption interface, the required exercises, martial arts, and so on.

A king-level genius can select two advanced martial arts and one basic secret method at no cost, in addition to the fifth priority of heaven and earth, and a superb stealing panacea.

On the level, the secret law is higher than martial arts, so the value of the basic secret law is equal to advanced martial arts.

Advanced martial arts is not much different from basic martial arts.

Chen Zong looked at it one by one and slowly thought about it.

In the end, Chen Zong chose an offensive martial art called Tianling Phantom and a martial art called Diyuan Bengshan.

As for the basic secrets, there are only two of them, one is called Tianqi and the other is called Dishaqi.

Chen Zong chose Tian Qi.

After choosing it, I soon got it, and that was to start enlightenment.

Chen Zong's approach is to enlighten one by one and fully understand the essence of two martial arts and one basic secret method.

This enlightenment Chen Zong immediately discovered that the war pattern of heaven and earth also had obvious benefits for martial arts and secret methods, at least doubled the efficiency of his enlightenment.

It is undoubtedly more amazing that the super-savvy can increase the efficiency of enlightenment more than double.

Realize the essence, and then, naturally, cultivation.

Celestial Illusion Cut is based on Celestial Nine Swords and Celestial Illusions, and then extended and expanded to a higher level.

It can be said that the celestial body magic can be regarded as both offensive martial arts and can also be used as physical martial arts.

Tian Ling Phan Shen is divided into nine levels. It is only the first exchange, which requires 10,000 records. Chen Zong can get it for free, and only the top three.

The mystery of the war pattern of the heavens and the earth obtained through crossing the twelfth level not only allowed Chen Zong to learn the martial arts in the vein of the heavens and the earth, it also has great benefits.

Heavenly spirit phantom cut!

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled, and the sword of the top quality warrior came out of the sheath in an instant.

People and swords merged into one, and the almost transparent color permeated it, traversing the sky, as if tearing heaven and earth.

Immediately, a figure appeared at the end of another Jianguang, turned around holding the sword, and one sword was killed.

It was as if at the moment, two Chen Zong had sent swords to kill at the same place.

One is the deity, and the other is the phantom. Even if it is a phantom, it also has good power and can reach ten percent of the deity.

Tian Ling phantom body cut a heavy one, then condensed a phantom body, nine heavy, is for nine phantom bodies, each phantom body has its own 10% power, it is terrible.

Di Yuan collapsed mountain martial arts, but Di Yuan step strengthens the advanced level, integrated into the elementary mystery of a few subtleties, is foot martial arts, but also can be used for attack.

Diyuan Bengshan is also divided into nine steps, one step at a time, and the first step requires 10,000 records to be redeemed.

As for the second or second step, a record of 50,000 is required, and the third or third step requires a record of 100,000.

Natural gas is the secret way to increase speed.

The time given by Qing Suming, the master of the Celestial Palace, was one month. Before and after, Chen Zong spent twenty days to practice the exercises and advanced martial arts. On the twenty-first day, he entered the void and stepped into the void .

After a full month and a half before and after, Chen Zongfang entered the virtual world again, and his reputation of thirty consecutive victories has long been forgotten.

However, from now on, your name will be remembered by more people.


Soon, Chen Zong won a ten-game winning streak, but did not report, because this is just one of Chen Zong's previous achievements.

Twenty consecutive wins!

Thirty consecutive wins!

The rank of the soldiers continued to rise to nine.

During this period, Chen Zong was defeated despite encountering several powerful opponents.

Top Mortal!

Heaven and earth are fifth!

Chen Zong didn't even need to perform the celestial imaginary slashing, the Di Yuan collapse, and the Tian Qi, etc., and he directly defeated one strong enemy after another with four basic martial arts, winning successively.

This surprised everyone who watched the battle.

The thirty-first battle begins.

Opponent, nine soldiers.

Nine soldiers, the upper limit, can be surpassed. Only the titled soldiers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to become the titled soldiers must meet two conditions.

First, the combat ranks reached nine.

The second is to achieve at least 50 consecutive victories.

Chen Zong won the streak and won 39 consecutive victories.

At the beginning of the fortieth battle, the opponent, not a titled warrior, was also a strong enemy with a 43-game winning streak.

"The king-level genius is just a top-level mortal body. When you meet me, you can only stop there." Shen Minghao in a black robe hung evil smiles, his eyes burst into a strong coldness, staring at Chen Zong, his eyes Senran, as sharp as a sword, breaking through everything.

Chen Zong only smiled slightly and did not answer. This reaction immediately made Shen Minghao pick an eyebrow, a flash of annoyance flashed under his eyes, and the heavens and the earth moved to the fifth level. Swept all directions.

The nine soldiers of the soldiers are still the old soldiers nine soldiers. Although Shen Minghao is not a king-level genius, he is also the top member of the superior genius.

Suddenly, Shen Minghao stepped out.

Di Yuan collapsed the first step!

The whole platform was shaking in an instant, as if it were shaking in the mountains. The ripples of layers spread wildly, impacting in all directions, and it seemed to break everything around.

This step was even more amazing than the perfect realm of Yuan Yuan, which made Chen Zong's body slightly shaken, and seemed to lose his balance.

With a bang, Shen Minghao's soles of eruptions erupted into an astonishing power, as if broken on the ring, the whole person seemed to be a black magic thunder that traversed the void, with a long knife coming out of the sheath, approaching Chen Zong, tearing the sky, one knife Straight and choppy, arrogant and extremely powerful.

Earth strike!

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