Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 24: In the name of Tian Yuan (2)

(After taking a nap and dreaming, I dreamed of picking up money all the way, I couldn't finish it, and it was all hairless)

"Is this the main person I continue to pay attention to, I don't know if this battle will be won?" A strong man secretly gazed at the battle between Chen Zong and Shen Minghao.

Shen Minghao is so powerful and powerful, and all basic martial arts have reached a satisfactory state. They were exhibited, and every move burst into amazing power.

If it was before, Chen Zong was definitely not his opponent, and it is estimated that he would be defeated if he did not make ten moves.

Not so now.

Sword in hand, fierce fighting.

Di Yuan collapsed footsteps once again, the momentum further increased, the power became more and more amazing, the blade cut off in volley, as if splitting heaven and earth into two.

Diyuan collapsed nine steps. The second step is more amazing than the first step, and the third step's power is even more amazing than the second step.

Shen Minghao practiced to the second step.

Subsequently, Chen Zong also took the second step.

The incredible waves of power impact each other, as if the 擂台 collapses, there are numerous cracks, and the pieces are scattered all over. It looks like it is like the 擂台 broken into sand and gravel, which will be broken into powder at any time Alas.

The momentum hedged, the forces collided, and bursts of earth-shattering roar, shaking in all directions.

Immediately, Chen Zong took the third step.

The majesty brought by the third step was even more powerful and overwhelming. He directly repelled Shen Minghao's momentum and quickly advanced.

Earth strike!

Chen Zongyi sword was shot out of the air.

In the third step, the ground element strike under the mountain collapsed, and the power soared.


Drive straight!

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Instantly changing, the Ninth Strike of the Fifth Heaven and Earth urged, the power became more and more terrible, and swept away like a white mist, raging like a sea, and a row of clouds.

Shen Minghao was engulfed by Jian Guang.

Tianling martial arts is light and agile, and Yuanyuan martial arts is calm and domineering, quite different, just like light and heavy.

Chen Zong, however, grasped everything in an instant and converted easily.


Endless change!

Transformation ... Nine Strikes!

Sword light turned into a sea of ​​clouds, engulfing all around, enveloping everything. Immediately, it was like the glory of the world ’s most radiant sword light, as if it was the primal glory that split the heavens and the earth, like the ancient **** thunder that tore the universe.


This sword broke through all defenses of Shen Minghao and penetrated his body.

Shen Minghao's eyes were full of surprise, and he was killed.

Is this the ability of a king-level genius?

But how does a top mortal body become a king-level genius?

"Nine-dan soldier Chen Zong won forty consecutive victories!"

The low voice was full of grandeur, and it suddenly shocked many people, recalling that last month, the Chen Zong had achieved thirty consecutive victories.

There are more curious people, and when they check the information, they are all surprised.

"If I remember correctly, before this Chen Zong, it was only an intermediate genius level."

"No, wrong. Chen Zong is a subordinate genius. I have seen his first battle. At that time, he was assessed as a subordinate, or the lowest subordinate." Someone said very resolutely.

"Before it was a subordinate genius, but now it is a king genius. What happened in the middle?"

Many people are curious.

After all, there are not many king-level geniuses in the world. Any one of them is either still practicing, has never appeared, or has become famous.

These king-level geniuses are almost all evaluated for the first time. They belong to innate king-level geniuses. Of course, there are some king-level geniuses who are promoted the day after tomorrow, but they are often promoted by the top superior talents.

Like Chen Zong, at first it was only a subordinate genius, but within a short period of one year, he was promoted to a king genius, which is incredible.

Many people even surreptitiously speculate that Chen Zong will not be a powerful illegitimate child in the eternal battlefield world.

After winning the forty-game winning streak, Chen Zong did not terminate, but resumed his war after a short break to recover his strength. As everyone knows, many people have already been paying more attention to this.

However, Chen Zong's information is not a top secret, nor is it deliberately hidden. It is not difficult to find out.

Upon inspection, it was even more shocking.

Break through the sixth floor of the heaven and earth battle tower and enter the seventh floor, the forty consecutive victories.

But even so, it is impossible to become a king-level genius. Among them, there is information that most people cannot find out, which is the information that Chen Zong conducted in-depth inspection.

"Within one year, I was promoted from a subordinate to a king." After many king-level geniuses knew the news, they all stunned.

"This person can get to know some of them," some king-level geniuses secretly said among Qian Wangshan.

"There must be a big secret on this person." There are also some king-level geniuses who are dimly blinking.

The king class represents talent, not mind.

Peerless evildoers are not necessarily people with integrity.

The level of talent and the strength of strength have nothing to do with righteousness and evil. Many Xeons are the righteous and evil, even some are evil.

In the virtual world, Chen Zong scored forty-one consecutive victories.

Forty-two winning streak!

Forty-three games in a row!

Forty-four consecutive victories!

Forty-five consecutive victories!

Chen Zong continuously defeated his opponent to achieve a winning streak, approaching a 50-game winning streak.

For a normal winning streak, the opponents are usually not too strong.

Forty-nine consecutive victories!

The next game is to hit a 50-game winning streak. Chen Zong has a hunch. This opponent will be very strong and stronger than Shen Minghao, a 40-game winning streak.

Thousands of people watching the battle are also looking forward.

Looking forward to Chen Zong's opponent.

"I guess it must be the title soldier."

"It must be the title warrior, but it's not clear who it will be?"

"I don't know if it is Fenghou class or Fengwang class?"

The strength of any titled soldier is very strong, but the title of a titled soldier also has a level.

The lowest level is the Hou level, which is usually the title of the genius below the king level and the more ordinary king level genius.

As for the title of the king, it is the powerful genius who can obtain it.

"Most of the opponents who have won 50 games in a row are mostly Fenghou class soldiers. This time, they should also be Fenghou class."

"Maybe it's Wangwang." Someone joked.

The title will be obtained after the soldiers have won 50 consecutive victories.

Fengwang level can be more powerful than Fenghou level.

To put it simply, Feng Hou's potential is to win at least sixty consecutive victories and stop at sixty-nine consecutive victories. It is not possible to achieve seventy consecutive victories. Of course, exceptions may occur, but as long as they can achieve seventy consecutive victories. , You can be promoted to Fengwang level.

Fengwang level, its potential can reach 70 consecutive victories, as to whether it can reach 80 consecutive victories, but it is difficult to say.

Once a ninety-game winning streak is achieved, it will be promoted to royal rank.

Getting the title is not only an honor, but also a substantial reward.

The black-and-white portal opened, but there was no movement.

One, two, three ...

A man wearing black combat shoes stepped out, his legs were slender, and his body was as strong as a cheetah. He was tightly wrapped in a flexible robe, and outlined a thrilling moving curve.

Such a body is pleasing to the eye and desires to move greatly, but when you see the other person's face, they will be stunned, as if being poured by ice water, all the flames will be extinguished directly, and a large piece of Wuqing will cover half of the face, directly It should be pretty beautiful.

"is her!"

"Hunting night."

"Hunting Night has already achieved 69 consecutive victories. If this battle is won, it will be able to win 70 consecutive victories. At that time, the title will be promoted to king."

Forty-nine consecutive victories!

Sixty-nine streak!

Both sides reached the tipping point for a complete winning streak.

Winning this game will be totally different.

Night hunting eyes are sharp, like a knife-like coldness, staring across the sky and staring at Chen Zong's face, suddenly let Chen Zong give birth to a feeling of being cut and torn, and the skin faintly heard the coldness of the blade. Tingling.

"Standing, don't move, just let me cut it with a knife." The hunting night's voice was a bit sharp, and it even destroyed the temptation brought by that seductive body.

As soon as the voice fell, the hunting night rushed out, just like a black cheetah running in the dark, transformed into a black lightning to tear through the void, erupting into an extremely amazing speed, and the sound was subtle, and the number passed instantly. A hundred meters, approaching Chen Zong.

too fast!

Compared to Shen Minghao, he has to go a lot faster.

Fast past lightning, it's not just metaphorical.

Only momentarily, a hint of Mori Han's black blade of light glided across the void with lightning, silently and tangentially to his neck.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, his footsteps didn't move, but the long sword came out of the scabbard. A sword brought a streamer, seemingly slow, but it came first, blocking the black blade.

As soon as the black blade light touched the sword body, it immediately chopped with the trend, splitting from top to bottom, turning into a round black moon, as if to tear Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong looked so calm, with a sword in his hand, immediately blocked the second strike.

Suddenly, the black waning moon collapsed, and the short black blade turned into a streamer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ into the sky, stabbing to Chen Zong's heart.

At the same time, another black streamer penetrated the void and stabbed Chen Zong's brows.

The second attack was so abrupt that it was difficult to prepare for.

But all this seems to be expected from Chen Zong.

With only one sword, two blows were blocked one after the other, the wrist turned, the sword body twisted, and the sword light spun, and it was immediately counterattacked.

A sword is cut flat, the sword body is steady, as if a mountain is moving horizontally, and it contains a calm and domineering trend.

Although this is just an ordinary sword, the mystery of Di Yuan strikes into it, and the power is overbearing.

Vaguely, there seemed to be sounds of mountains moving across the river, as if the waves were surging, the force was deep, and the suppression was empty.

But in an instant, the hunting night turned into a black streamer, and he quickly got away from the sword that Chen Zong counterattacked. When he appeared again, he shot down in the air behind him.

The short black blade in his hand was instantly broken and killed, and a terrible black blade storm was rolled up instantly, shattering everything.

However, what she shattered was not Chen Zongzhen's body, but just an afterimage left by Tian Linghuan.

The swords fought, and in an instant, the two fought hundreds of times, sparkling in all directions.

Whether it's night hunting double knives or Chen Zong's long sword, it seems that they are integrated with the two, which is extremely exquisite.

"So clever swordsmanship and swordsmanship."

"The hunting technique at night is very strange and fast. It's fast like electricity, and the angle is tricky. When you fight with her, you must be vigilant and always be on guard or you won't know when you are injured.

"The Chen Zong's swordsmanship seems simple and ordinary, but it returns to normal, as if everything is under its control, it seems ordinary, and it is even more amazing under deep thought."

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