Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 25: In the name of Tian Yuan (3)

(Please pay attention to the public account: Liu Dao's fall, tomorrow Liu Dao will publish the second chapter of the book's protagonist on Earth)

This platform is the battlefield chosen by Chen Zong.

On the boxy square, the hunting night shuttled back and forth like a black lightning, rushing back and forth, with sharp edges in both hands, it was a superb weapon, which could increase the attack power by 40%, which was terrible.

Comparatively speaking, Chen Zong's sword can only increase the attack power by 30%. The difference of 10% may not seem to be much, but it is very obvious.

If two people with the same strength, but because of the relationship between the fighters by 10%, the difference will become obvious.

For martial arts highly talented and experienced masters, any gap in power will be caught, and then it will expand and become an advantage.

Night hunting is like a hunter born into the dark, agile and robust, exquisite and skillful trajectory, each strike is restrained with amazing killing power and strength, cutting everything.

The knives are very sharp. It seems that there is a terrible power that can tear everything. After repeated fighting, Chen Zong can feel that it is not a special cultivated power, but a kind of hunting night. Caused by the method of making swords.

This method of knife operation is very peculiar. It seems to have a unique skill. Even if Chen Zong is superior in understanding, he cannot understand it and master its mystery.

But it is certain that if it is hit by such a knife, it will inevitably cause greater injuries, or even be cut and torn directly.

The hunting night continued to attack, crisscrossing like black lightning, and it was extremely fast. It seemed to turn into numerous phantoms around Chen Zong. The two swords disappeared completely, as if turned into a plume of black smoke and blended into the void. Among them, rushed to Chen Zong from all directions.

The true meaning of heaven and earth is color, with a little bit of black, almost transparent, but the short blade is black, so the attack also looks black.

Chen Zong was in the middle, standing still, with a sword in his hand, and not broken, he directly resisted all the attacks from hunting at night.

No matter how fast the attack, how weird, how tricky it is, it still couldn't break Chen Zong's sword circle.

This scene saw thousands of people horrified.

Hunting night attacked while secretly scared.

This time I went out of the customs and achieved sixty-nine consecutive victories, the goal is seventy consecutive victories.

Under normal circumstances, your opponent should be a king-class soldier with a higher winning streak. How can he be a newcomer who has achieved 49 consecutive victories and is about to hit 50 consecutive victories?

Although it is not clear why, as long as you defeat the opponent, you can achieve 70 consecutive victories, improve the title level, and obtain higher rewards.

But now I know that although this person's cultivation is not as good as himself, and his weapon is not as good as himself, the one-handed swordsmanship is extremely superb. The application of strength is even more amazingly clever. For a time, he can't break the opponent's defense. And kill it.

Moreover, it was not possible to suppress the opponent.

Indeed, in terms of cultivation, Hunting Night has already practiced the fifth place of heaven and earth to the full, but Chen Zong has just practiced the fifth place shortly, only to reach a small level, and there is a large level between them. The true meaning of heaven and earth There is a gap between the number and the power.

The gap brought about by the gap between repairs and warfare is very obvious.

However, Chen Zong also has his own advantages, that is, swordsmanship, very superb swordsmanship, even the hunting night swordsmanship cannot be compared.

With superb swordsmanship, Chen Zong directly resisted all attacks from the hunting night.

"That being the case, you can try me!" The sharp voice of the hunting night sounded suddenly, and in a moment, the eyes filled with a hint of silver and white, directly into the self-confidence.

In a hurry, the black breath pervaded, like a mist, and the surroundings were completely rendered black.

"Dark Hunt!"

Almost every titled warrior combines the martial arts accomplishments of his own body on the basis of martial arts in the world of heaven and earth, and creates his own amazing tricks.

Maybe its power is not necessarily stronger than the advanced martial arts of Tiandi Yimai, but it is created by itself, with infinite possibilities and potential for improvement.


In the dark, hunting the night is like turning into a dark hunter and killing everything. The creation of this trick is closely related to the world environment and ethnic environment of her birth.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt like he had become a prey, and was stared at, but the other party merged into the darkness, disappeared, and seemed to appear anywhere at any time, launching a fatal blow to himself.

Be alert!


This kind of pressure and threat, sure enough, the title soldiers are very strong and amazing, even if it is only the Fenghou class, it is just as amazing.


Chen Zong also entered this state, and further controlled everything.

In the self-confidence, perception is also promoted to the extreme, it seems to transcend its own limits, and master everything around it.

Heavenly Nine Strikes ...

Chen Zong's practice time here is still short, and there is not enough knowledge to integrate his accumulation into the martial arts of the world and create his unique skills.

However, Tianling Nine Strikes is not a trivial matter.

The sword light turned into a sea of ​​clouds, and it spread in all directions, spreading away as if to break through the darkness.

But this darkness is really strong and amazing, as if engulfing everything, extinguishing all the sword light that Chen Zong wielded.

That peerless sword light was shot out of the air, as if tearing the darkness, like a divine light that crossed the void of the universe, but only a flash of instantaneous light bloomed and was swallowed up by darkness.

Chen Zong's trick is really strong, but the dark hunting at night is even stronger.

Darkness shrouded, and the hunting night seemed to disappear, completely immersed in that darkness, waiting only at the best time to launch a fatal blow to Chen Zong and set the victory and defeat in one fell swoop.

Such power is not inferior to the lower levels of advanced martial arts, such as the three steps in front of Tianling Fantasy or the three steps before the collapse of Di Yuan.

Sensitive Superman's perception made Chen Zong feel that there was always a pair of sharp and fierce eyes staring at himself, but it was difficult to tell where they came from.

The creepy feeling pervaded the whole body.

Stand still!

Chen Zong waited for the other to take the initiative.

What the other party needs is a flaw, so give it yourself, but the appearance of this flaw should not be too abrupt, or it will be seen by the other party as a bait.

Among the invisible, the invisible confrontation turned into a mind.

Chen Zongheng sword was in front of him, his eyes gazed past, as if to penetrate this darkness. From the outside, thousands of people watching the battle, can only see a dark, not the people in the dark, and listen No sound.

Within this darkness, it has the effect of depriving the five senses to a certain extent, which will cause great interference, causing people to lose accurate judgment and be killed.

However, Chen Zong's consciousness is amazing. Although he has not yet fully matched this body, he can resist the five senses.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong slowly walked up and walked in the darkness, looking very alert.

Immediately, it seemed that inadvertently, Chen Zong revealed a flaw, but in an instant, Chen Zong immediately reacted and the flaw disappeared.

This darkness seems to be endless. No matter how you go, you can't get out of it. Chen Zong again reveals a trace of flaws, and he quickly reacts and the flaws are eliminated.

The third time, when Chen Zong exposed the flaws for the third time, the hunting night was waiting.

Seize this instantaneous flaw, double-edged the attack, and turned into a dark **** thunder through the void of the universe, tearing through eternity, carrying the ultimate killing intention to kill instantly.

This attack condensed the strength of hunting the whole body of the night, and even inspired a basic secret magical suffocation, which increased his speed by several percent in an instant and became more rapid.

After all, from the previous observations, as soon as the other party's flaws appeared, they were immediately detected and eliminated. Therefore, opportunities are rare and must not be missed.

As everyone knows, that is the purpose of Chen Zong.

A kind of invisible confrontation, facing the opponent's psychological confrontation, this time, Chen Zong has the upper hand.

Next, it depends on how Chen Zong dealt with this mortal blow and how to fight back.

Suddenly, the horrible and lethal blow to the sun and the moon passed through the vacuum.

At the same moment, Chen Zong turned around and slashed out with a sword.

However, the power of this attack was very horrible. Only in an instant, he defeated Chen Zong's sword light, and then continued to break like a bamboo, breaking apart, piercing Chen Zong's body, and his horrible power broke out in an instant. Drive away, sweeping in all directions, destroying Chen Zong's body.

Night hunting was not half happy, but he looked dignified and his eyes flashed.

She realized that something was wrong. At that moment, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ didn't feel the defeat of the opponent, but the sword of the opponent also had amazing power.

Just moments later, the hunter realized that he had been fooled.

At the same time, Chen Zong appeared on his side, a sword slashed out, and the sword light tore through the sky like a waning moon, slashing with the ultimate murderous power and terror.

Yehunhou turned around, as if turning into a tornado, and struck out with a double-edged horizontal air attack, blocking Chen Zong's sword, and fighting back.

The double blades staggered to death, as if the dark and violent fangs were **** and fierce.


Just moments later, Chen Zong's body was torn again.

The third sword light suddenly lights up and is instantly killed. It is a peerless sword light. It is a sword light that condenses all the power of Chen Zong. Under the breath of heaven, the speed of this sword is increased to the extreme.


Tian Ling nine strokes into the second half of the realm.

Killing moves, weird ghosts and gods.

With this attack, the hunting night had no way to dodge, and even couldn't fully react, just reluctantly moved the body, barely avoided the moment, the body was penetrated, and terrible power broke out and hit the body.

Another figure appeared, wielding his sword.

The badly hunted night hunting was unable to dodge the slightest, and was cut off directly.


Lethal, the hunting night waited before reacting, how did he die.

"Nine-dan soldier Chen Zong won fifty consecutive games."

The sound sounded and a wide range of broadcasts let more people know.

At the same time, a low voice sounded in Chen Zong's ears, asking Chen Zong's title.

"Tianyuan!" Chen Zong did not hesitate, but his own body was still in the heavenly sanctuary.

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