Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 26: In the name of Tian Yuan (4)

(The second chapter of the story of Kendo ’s unique gods in the earth has been released on the public account: The Six Ways of Deterioration, please pay attention to reading)

"The Jiuduan soldier Chen Zong, with Tianyuan as his name, has outstanding potential and is specially given the title of Tianyuan Sword King."

"The Jiuduan soldier Chen Zong, with Tianyuan as his name, has outstanding potential and is specially given the title of Tianyuan Sword King."

"The Jiuduan soldier Chen Zong, with Tianyuan as his name, has outstanding potential and is specially given the title of Tianyuan Sword King."

Three times in a row, the low and vigorous voice sounded like all realms, so that everyone in the virtual world can clearly hear.

"Title Sword King!"

"Suddenly won the title of King!"

The word Tianyuan did not attract much attention, because the prefix in the title is often given by itself or by others.

Only the part after the title is the focus.

The name of the sword indicates that there is an amazingly inscrutable accomplishment on the knife path, and the name of the sword represents that of the sword that has an inscrutable attainment.

Of course, there are some titles that do not include swords and other weapons, such as the hunting Yehouhou.

In most cases, the title level obtained by the nine-segment soldiers with a 50-game winning streak is Hou, and only a few can directly obtain the title of king.

Those who get the title of the king directly also represent that they can achieve at least 70 consecutive victories in the virtual world in the future, which is extremely amazing.

Chen Zong was awarded the title of Wang directly, which indirectly shows that his potential is outstanding.

"Feng Wang class!" Hunting night in his own room, after hearing the news, first hesitated, and then, his eyes burst into flashes, his body filled with a hint of sharpness.

Even if she was defeated by Chen Zong, she was not half afraid.

As one of the most outstanding Tianjiao in the world, Ye Houhou was not very good at first. On the contrary, it was more ordinary, but it was because of her indomitable spirit and conviction that she continued to gain opportunities. Transcend others, and finally surpass all heavenly pride of one world, and get eternal heaven and earth.

Here, she also experienced many failures, but was not hit in the least, but instead became the driving force for continuous progress.

It used to be, and it is now.

"I will definitely surpass you." Hunting Night Hou Ning whispered, in that sharp voice, contained unparalleled fighting spirit and determination.

Immediately, the hunting Yehou began to immerse himself, remembering the battle between himself and the other party.

As soon as she remembered, she became more aware of the terribleness of the other party. Although she was not as good as herself in terms of strength, her swordsmanship was better than her own swordsmanship. When she performed the lore trick of dark hunting, she did not know the convenience. Imperceptibly set a trap, pretending to show a flaw inadvertently.

On the contrary, he was eager to win, and was eventually attracted by the flaws of the opponent and fell into its trap.

This is the first step.

The second step is that the opponent ’s celestial body is cut to the third level, and the application is very clever. Instead of the real body, the imaginary body is used to kill itself, consume its own power, and then wait for the opportunity to counterattack and kill.

I have to say that this is a very terrible opponent, even compared to the top hunters in his world.

The more the analysis, the more the hunting Yehou became interested in Chen Zong, the more determined he was to defeat him.

Chen Zongke didn't know he had become the prey in the eyes of Li Yehou.

Get fifty consecutive victories, and get the title of the king, in addition to improving the record base point, you can also get additional rewards.

In short, as long as you can get the title, you can get the reward of the virtual world.

The reward of Fenghou class is better than Fengwang class.

Chen Zong is now king, and rewards are naturally better.

The first reward: 100,000 records.

Second reward: Heaven and Earth decide the sixth.

The third reward: custom fighter customization, only need to pay a tenth record.

Soon, the 100,000 record entered Chen Zong's order of heaven and earth, and the sixth important content of Tian Di also entered Chen Zong's mind, leaving Chen Zong to enlighten.

A record of 100,000 is the most intuitive, but it is the lowest value reward.

The fourth place requires a 10,000 record exchange, the fifth place requires a 100,000 record, and the sixth place requires a million record.

If it is sold, Chen Zong can get a million records directly, but this sixth heavy has not been cultivated, so it cannot be sold naturally. Of course, this is directly introduced into the mind and cannot be sold.

The third reward is the customization of unique fighters.

Inferior fighters worth a thousand records, 10,000 in top grade, 100,000 in top grade, one million in superb quality and ten million in superb quality.

Tens of thousands of records, it is amazing to think about it, it is difficult to come out at all.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly very difficult to get a superb fighter, let alone a superb fighter. Even a superb fighter requires millions of records.

According to this situation, it is not easy.

Fortunately, to get the reward of the title of king, you only need to pay one-tenth of the record, that is, one million records, and you can get a unique fighter, and it is also a customized version.

The so-called customization is to design everything according to your preferences.

But unfortunately, Chen Zong now has less than a million records, so he can only retain this reward first.

Of course, Chen Zong can also sell it, but he does not have a unique weapon, so naturally he will not sell it.

Do your math, and now you have a record of nearly 100,000 in the eternal world, which has increased many times compared with when you first entered the eternal battlefield.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Decisive Lord allowed me to achieve at least 50 consecutive victories in a month, and it will give me a chance." Chen Zong thought about it, his eyes glinted secretly: "Does it mean that fifty consecutive victories is the basic, The more winning streaks you get, the better chance you will get? "

Literally, this should be true.

Then, after regaining strength, continue to challenge.

The fifty-first battle begins.

What the Lord of the Celestial Palace refers to is that he should continue to win until he loses.

Chen Zongshi is like breaking bamboo.

Fifty-one streak!

Fifty-two consecutive wins!

53 consecutive wins!

Match after match, the opponent's strength seems to be getting stronger and stronger, basically, every one is Fenghou class.

However, the strength of these people is worse than the hunting night.

Both are Hou Hou grades, and there are strong and weak points.

59 consecutive victories!

At this moment, thousands of people have watched the battle.

The continuous battles also brought sharpening and precipitation to Chen Zong.

The next game is a 60-game winning streak. The opponent will be stronger.

Chen Zong was breathing quietly, staring at the open black and white portal, waiting for his opponent to appear in this battle.

Is the top Fenghou class?

Or is it Wangwang?

Chen Zong looks forward to the latter.

I saw a blade of blades piercing through the black-and-white portal, filled with extremely fierce murderous murderous, as if rolled up a storm of blades of air, swept away and screamed.

Every ray of knife air exudes a terrible and direct Mori killing, cutting in all directions, cold all over the body.

"This way of playing ..."

"It's him……"

"Absolute King!"

The exclaiming sound continued to sound, it seemed that this must be a terrible terrible existence.

With the blood-stained blade in the black, the complete blade appeared, followed by five pale and slender fingers clasping the handle.

A slender figure with blood-stained lines draped from the black and white portal.

The pale face seemed to have no trace of blood, but a pair of eyes were extremely dark and deep, and there seemed to be a faint light of blood bursting out.

When these eyes gazed, Chen Zong's subconscious body was tense, and he felt that his eyes seemed to have turned into a knife-like cut across his own membrane, which was creepy.

The blade drooped, pointed obliquely to the ground, and there was a smile on the pale face of Judgment King. It seemed that it was just a slight smile, very ordinary, but it didn't know why it gave people a thriller.

"So it turned out that I turned out to be your opponent for sixty consecutive victories." A smirk appeared from the corner of Judgment King's mouth, and Xu Xubuji said, his voice had a subtle charm, as if a ray of wind was blowing, Melt into the void and into your ears from all sides.

Chen Zong did not answer, and he intuitively told himself that this person was terrible.

This is a tough rival, a terrible rival who is not as powerful as Li Yehou.

On the opponent's body, a faint whiff of breath, if sharp, like a blade, seemed to cut and tear himself.

Compared to himself, this knife master does not know how long he has entered the eternal battlefield.

The King of Knives itself is a peerless demon in a large world. It has an incomparable existence. It has been several years since coming to the Eternal Battle Fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is many times that of Chen Zong.

And from the beginning, he was a king-level genius, and he got a lot of resources and benefits. With his own ability and a lot of resources and benefits, the power of Judgment King quickly improved.

Nowadays, among the king-class soldiers, the strength of the King of the Knife is not at the bottom, but at the middle level, which is very scary.

"This time, we're going to lose."

"The strength of the Extreme Knife King is terrible. Except for a few top-ranked kings, who is his opponent?"

"Unfortunately, it is a great misfortune."

None of them are optimistic about Chen Zong. After all, compared to the King of Knives, Chen Zong is just a rookie. The rising star has just emerged, but the power of King of the Knives has been around for several years. The knife in his hand has proved his powerful.

Everyone who has seen the knife and knife technique is shocked.

Even those top-ranked kings have to admit the power and threat of Judgment King.

The King of Knives is a terrible master who has achieved 80 consecutive victories. His highest record reached an 89-game winning streak. When he hit the 90-game winning streak, he encountered a top-ranked opponent, and after a fierce battle Before being defeated.

Although defeated, it also made people see the power of the King of Blades.

"Draw a sword, I hope you can make me have a few more knives." Jue Wang's pale face still had a slight smile on her face, a soft tone blended into the wind, blowing into the depths of Chen Zong's eardrums, for no reason Bring a touch of chill.

The razor-knife sword pointed directly at it, and the astonishing sword spread out from the blade, cutting through the torn hole through the void and persecuted.

This is a unique fighter, or a customized fighter, which can increase its attack power by 50%, so that the original strength is further enhanced, and it is even more amazing.

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