Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 27: In the name of Tian Yuan (5)

The edge of the sword pointed to it was pervasive, and the meaning of the sword contained an indescribable breath, which seemed to impact the mind and will of people, making people feel lost and depressed.

Chen Zong was a little surprised, and felt more vigilant when he felt the influence of the opponent's knife breath.

If nothing is wrong, the other party should have a sense of emotion.

Seven emotions and six desires can be enlightened.

However, it is very difficult to grasp the meaning with emotional enlightenment. Chen Zong has never encountered it in Tianyuan Sanctuary, so he is more vigilant.

Difficulty often means strength.

The long sword came out of the sheath and lay in front of it. A trace of the sword's intention condensed. The invisible sword air permeated all around, making Chen Zongzhou's body seem to condense a sword domain.

Under the pressure brought by the other party, his sword and sword energy became more and more condensed.

"Yes, maybe you can block me a few more knives." The King of Knives spoke again, and his soft voice was full of chills. Even if it was watching the crowd, there was no reason to feel the chill attack, and he couldn't help it.

The voice fell, and the King of Knives took a step forward. This step was very slight, as if walking in the courtyard, but when the sole of his foot fell, it seemed as if a breath of breath turned into ripples, and his foot was used as the center to spread quickly. .

As if the water was rippled, it was just a moment that filled the entire platform.

Chen Zong only felt that the platform under his feet seemed to become a rippled water surface, and there was a moment of turbulence in front of him. The figure of the King of Blades was slightly distorted, and in the next breath, it spread like a cloud and disappeared.


Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis exploded from his eyebrows, as if a storm rolled up and down his body, an inexplicable trembling shock, like a thunderbolt.

The hair was upside down, and a cold current hit the spine endlessly.

The sublime consciousness erupted, and Chen Zong struck out across the air, as if to tear through the void. At that moment, there was a sharp, extreme sound of the sword clash that seemed to tear everything.

This sword, dangerously, blocked the sword of King Jue, and at the same time, the fuzzy body of King Jue appeared.


The water was rippling like smoke, and then disappeared.

Moving at a high speed, and incorporating some wonderful technique, Chen Zong's eyes cannot be captured, but can only be sensed by his own super strong perception, which is very blurred.

Just before the sword, if he did not block, he would be killed directly.

But blocking a knife does not mean safety.

That knife might just be the tentative sword of the King of Knives, and did not make every effort.

The fact is the same.

That knife, but it took 70% of the force.

The next knife is to use the force of ten percent.

The difference between the force of 10% and the force of 70% is very obvious.

That sense of crisis became more intense, almost suffocating Chen Zong, and even the heart beating stopped.

It is a pity that the realm of the mind itself cannot be used here. When it is used, it feels like it is limited by some kind of invisible sting, it seems that it is because the relationship between consciousness and body is not enough.

Only by solving this problem can some means of ontology be exhibited here.

Such as the realm of the heart, is of great benefit to the battle.

If there is a realm of mind, it will be diffused, maybe, you can clearly feel the location of the King of Blades, instead of being as vague as now, if not.

Suddenly, a swarm of murderousness pervaded the void.

Behind Chen Zong, a blade seemed to penetrate through the void, and penetrated his back, trying to pierce Chen Zong's heart with one stroke.

No surprise, Chen Zong's body was pierced in an instant, the terrible sword swept across, and Chen Zong's body was torn instantly.

But that was just a phantom.

Jianguang swept across the sky, killing directly, one sword across the world, four poles boundless.


This sword condenses the strength of Chen Zong by 10%, seizing the opportunity of the opponent to pierce his phantom body and killing him. The grasp of the timing is just right.

In the face of this sword, there seemed to be a little surprise on the face of the King of Knives. He was surprised that the other party could avoid one shot of his own power and could seize the moment to counterattack.

Sure enough, the combat talent is superb, and the swordmanship is superb.

But strength is strength, and gap is difference.

Without half reluctantness or any dodging, the King of Blades slashed out.

At the moment of the sword attack, Chen Zong suddenly felt a terrible and violent shock from the opponent's blade, and directly opened the long sword. The power came through the blade's forced killing, and the edge was extremely sharp , Seems to cut his arm to tear.

With that terrible power, and a horrible will to directly kill the mind, there is endless despair, as if to drag yourself into the abyss of despair and perish forever.

Desperate sword!

This is the top idea, and it has reached the extreme.

With this stab, he frustrated himself and fell directly into the downwind, making Chen Zong realize the terribleness of the other party.


Under the impact of that terrible desperate force, its own powerful consciousness comes into play to resist it, but the body cannot stop that terrible force, as if to be torn.

Without hesitation, Chen Zongshi exhibited the Celestial Phantom.

This is not only an attack on martial arts, but it can also be used as a physical method.

Successive battles have deepened Chen Zong's insight into the mystery of the Celestial Phantom, and the application is more flexible. Not only can he attack with the Phantom, but he can also use the Phantom to block the attack and even die.

It is like a golden cicada peeling.

For a moment, his body was torn by that terrible knife, but it was just a phantom.

The real body appeared, and a sword was killed.

Jian Guang instantly turned into a sea of ​​clouds, permeating the entire platform, engulfing Chen Zong's body, and also engulfing the King of Blades.

God's breath!


Peerless Jianguang was struck across the sea of ​​clouds, condensing Chen Zong's strength, as if it were a pioneering swordlight in the beginning, and it was stunning and moving.

This sword condenses Chen Zong's unmatched faith.

Just to kill the opponent.

Invisibly, in the face of the mighty strength of the King of the Knife and the terrible pressure brought by him, Chen Zong's heart and swordsmanship erupted into unprecedented power, which greatly increased the power of this sword.

Under the sword, there is no death or life. Vaguely, the King of Knives feels a tremor in his heart, a trace of inexplicable thrill, breeds from the deepest part of the heart, and quietly permeates.

As if the opponent's sword was deadly.

But it felt that the power of the opponent's sword was not very strong, at least for himself.

Being able to bring this kind of crisis that originates from the mind should be the relationship between the other party ’s grasp of the will, which is an approach to the mind, and it is not inferior to the hope of the despair. .

"Unfortunately, you are still too tender." The soft voice of Jude Wang's soft voice blew through like a cool wind, and blew into Chen Zong's ear.

Suddenly, a terrible breath erupted from the King of the Knife. The horror was far more powerful than his own cultivation.

Heaven and Earth are sixth!

The King of Knives, he has cultivated the world to the sixth level, and has reached the sixth level of perfection. His strength as a monk is terrible, and the power of the true nature of the world is even more amazing.

The gap between the world and the world is obvious, and it has a great impact on strength.

Previously, the King of the Knives did not use the power of the sixth decisive battle, but used the power of the fifth decisive battle against Chen Zong.

But in the face of this sword, he found that he had threatened himself and could no longer hide it, only to explode.

The power of the sixth decisive battle broke out, and in a short time, it was poured into the superb weapon of the superb weapon, and all the power of the superb weapon was completely excited at once.

Just now, he only used part of the power of the Skyknife, an increase of 40%.

Bend down and close the knife!

The King of Knives made a stabbing and stabbing gesture, his eyes flickered out with a strong intensity, pierced through the sea of ​​sword light and stared at the sword light with amazing killing power.

The sea of ​​swords and clouds is not half blocked by it.

Absolutely ... Blood Front!

In an instant, a splatter of blood was red, like a blood-like lightning tearing through the sky, which was instantly killed, tearing the sea of ​​sword light and breaking the sword light of Chen Zong's sword.

The situation is like a smashing bamboo and a wild kill.

Amazing killer, rich and extreme, can't be turned away, so that Chen Zong can't breathe, his pores are widened and his hair is creeping down.


A fierce death crisis is approaching.

His arrogant sword was broken when he couldn't resist the slightest.

This gap in power makes people feel hopeless.

Diyuan collapses ... one step, two steps, three steps ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The momentum rises instantly and rises to the extreme.

Heavenly spirit phantom cut ... Three phantoms appeared and killed with swords together.

Do your best!

However, this knife of the Extreme Knife was extremely horrible. It was like a broken bamboo, chopped up a phantom, and directly killed the body.


Jian Guang and Dao Guang fought each other and both broke. Chen Zong felt like he was being struck by a savage ancient beast. His sword trembled endlessly, and terrible forces attacked him, as if to break his body completely.

The desperation of the desperate sword directly strikes you into the abyss of despair.


In the end, Chen Zong still blocked, and the whole person retreated to the edge of the ring, his mouth was bleeding, but he still blocked.

"It's actually blocked." Judgment King looked surprised.

How powerful this knife is, I know very well, even if it is with the 80-game winning streak in general, I can hardly resist it.

Sure enough, it is a potential opponent.

Unfortunately, this battle is over.

Perfect knife ... crack the ground!

The sky-knife rises, the astonishing power pervades, and it is instantly cut off. It turns into a black waning moon and shoots out. The edge of the waning moon is glowing with blood, sharp, as if it is going to sink into hell.

This knife directly splits the ring, and kills it with unparalleled killing power. The amazing knife suppresses the void. Chen Zong feels that his body is difficult to move, and he can only wait for this knife to come.

Exhausted all the last power and wielded a sword.

This is the last sword.


The sword and the waning moon fought, and the sword trembled and was cut off and flew up instantly.

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