Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 28: Chance of the Lord of the Celestial Palace

One shot ... broken!

When consciousness was restored, Chen Zong was already in his void.


Sixtieth straight win ... Failure!

"Absolute sword king!" Chen Zong whispered, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and the whole body uttered a terrifying sword gas roar.

So strong!

The strength of the knife king ... so strong!

Chen Zong couldn't help holding it, shaking slightly, not afraid but excited.

Obviously it is the same level of Taoism that can be so arrogant.

Although there is a clear gap in the strength of cultivation and a large gap in warfare, Chen Zong can feel that the other party's grasp and application of Taoism clearly surpasses himself.

The other point is that the martial arts developed by the other party have already separated from the shadow of martial arts in the world and become a whole.

First hunting Yehou, then the King of Knives, let Chen Zong see the differences from the martial arts of the world, and realize the deeper mystery.

However, compared with the King of Swords, among the hunting night tricks, the shadow of martial arts in the world is still very clear.

"What is really powerful is martial arts in the same vein of heaven and earth. It just provides a foundation, an introduction ..." Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

After practicing the martial arts of the world, master it to the extreme, then use this as a medium, guide, and fuse the ontology of martial arts, so as to create a powerful martial art that is more suitable for this body. come out.

Vaguely, Chen Zong explored a mystery.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

The world changed, and in an instant, Chen Zong left his void and appeared in a cold palace.

Uncontrollable, Chen Zong felt the slightest chill permeate.

The chill seemed to penetrate the bone marrow and penetrate deep into the soul.

Then, a figure appeared as if the moonlight fluctuated, not far away, but like the moon in the sky, far, deep and unpredictable.

Tian Jue Dian Qing Su Mingyue!

His gaze came, making Chen Zong seem to be immersed in the quiet and deep as if bathed in the white moonlight.

"I've seen the Lord of the Palace." Chen Zong bowed and saluted.

"You have achieved your goal and achieved 59 consecutive victories." Qing Su Mingyue's voice sounded, as cold as water, quiet as moonlight, as if from the distant void: "According to the agreement, I will give you a chance."

Chen Zong was secretly agitated, but stood still, waiting for the other party to continue to speak.

The Lord of the Celestial Palace is the most powerful person in the Divine Realm. In the Divine Realm, I do n’t know what level he is in. In short, he is a strong man. The presence.

I do n’t know what is the chance of such a strong man?

Qing Su Mingyue did not immediately speak, it seems to be thinking, what kind of opportunity should be given to Chen Zong.

In terms of the level of Qing Su Mingyue, fifty consecutive victories and sixty consecutive victories are two levels, sixty consecutive victories and seventy consecutive victories, and two more levels.

Achieving a 50-game winning streak is just the most basic goal.

However, Chen Zong's opponent in the first battle was an 80-game winning streak king. He was strong, defeated, and reasonable. If he changed to a weaker opponent, he might win.

Watching the battle between Chen Zong and King of the Knife is remarkable, talented and has potential, and his mind and will are very tough.

"You are still the top mortal body, but every king-level genius is a spiritual body." Qing Su Mingyue spoke again and heard the other party's words, Chen Zong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Could it be that chance is ...

"You have achieved your goal, and through my test, I will give you a unique piece of stealing heaven and earth, hope you can use this to transform and achieve the soul of the world." Qing Su Mingyue said, his voice was cold and cold like the wind water.

"Dear Lord, I don't want to report it." Although Chen Zong was ecstatic, he was not stunned.

You have to know that a unique piece of good-for-nothing jewels can be exchanged for millions of records, which is extremely valuable.

"In the future, there may be a place for you to help." Qing Su Mingyue said very directly: "Within your ability."

"Okay." Chen Zong groaned slightly and agreed.

In the future, when Qing Su Mingyue really needs her own strength, she will look at the specific situation. If she can do it, she will do it. If she can't do it, she will also say it clearly.

At the next breath, Chen Zong only felt that his eyes were changing again, and he went back into the void.

Such a change of heaven and earth means, so does the Lord of the Battle Tower, which is really amazing.

I don't know, what level of power this is.

Now that Qing Su Mingyue has set his goals, and has been promised rewards, Chen Zong exits the void and walks out of the void.

Not long after, a unique piece of stealing heaven and earth was sent to Tianyuanju on Tianyuanfeng and delivered to Chen Zong.

Nowadays, his physical constitution is a top-level mortal body, and further, that is a spiritual body, a lower-level spiritual body.

It can be said that starting from the lower level mortal body, one's physical fitness has been improved step by step to the present day.

After becoming a king-level genius, I knew more of the mysteries. It seems that the body that was condensed when entering the Eternal War Fortress, and how much the air of heaven and earth is, is closely related to the strength of the world where the body is.

If the world in which the body is located is very powerful, it will affect the perfusion and absorption of the heaven and earth air to a certain extent, and achieve a stronger constitution.

Because the Lingwu Holy Realm was invaded by the Nether Demon, a world war broke up and the world was almost shattered. As a result, the Tianyuan Sanctuary was separated, and countless strong men fell. The overall level is much weaker than before.

Therefore, the Lingwu Holy Realm can only be regarded as a weaker world among the many worlds in the universe, and Chen Zong is also affected.

And those who can achieve superior and even top-level mortal body from the beginning, their world of birth is very powerful.

As for the person who can achieve the spiritual body at once, in addition to the very strong world of birth, there are other factors.

Of course, not all people come from other worlds in the void of the universe, but a few are descendants of some strong men in the Eternal War Fortress.

At all levels, you can directly upgrade from the best to the best, but from the top mortal to the lower level, it is a big leap. Therefore, even if it is a best-selling stealth, I'm sure you can break through the transformation at once.

If you are lucky, you only need one capsule. If you are unlucky, you may even need three capsules.

One unique piece of Stealth is worth ten million records, and three tablets are thirty million, which is undoubtedly terrible.

However, if I want to come back, with the status of the Lord of the Heavenly Judgment Hall, perhaps the record of tens of millions is not too much.

"The higher the level of cultivation in Heaven and Earth, the greater the physical benefits."

"If I have thoroughly practiced the Fifth Heaven and Earth Decisiveness, maybe a unique piece of stealing heaven and earth can make my physique truly transform and become a lower-level spiritual body."

Then the goal now is to cultivate the Fifth Heavy Heaven and Earth to a complete state first. It is best to understand and cultivate the sixth heavy, and grasp more, otherwise, if you fail, at least for a long time, you are hopeless Physique has risen to the level of the spiritual body.

In the following time, Chen Zong did not leave Tian Yuanfeng, did not enter the virtual world, and even closed Tian Yuanju directly. He refused all possible visits, and concentrated on the cultivation of heaven and earth.

The mystery of the war pattern of the heavens and the earth is also of great help to the fifth cultivation of the world.



When the fifth rehearsal of the day and the ground was completed, Chen Zong's true essence of heaven and earth was condensed to an amazing degree.

Began to understand the sixth decisive decision.

Thanks to the assistance of the war pattern of the heavens and the earth, the sixth enlightenment of the heaven and the earth did not encounter any difficulties.

After comprehending the mystery of the sixth heaven and earth, he began to practice, and the practice was not difficult.

Heaven and Earth Shinji is once again strengthened.

Heaven and Earth decide the fourth priority, which is the fusion of heavenly and spiritual forces into the true meaning of heaven and earth. The fifth is enhancement, and the sixth is also enhancement.

Time flies, and it is getting closer to the next battle tower.

A tyrannical breath permeated, impacting in all directions, roaring, the terrible realm of heaven and earth condensed on Chen Zong's body.

The sixth heaven and earth is cultivated to Xiaocheng realm. The higher the concentration of the true essence of these heavens and earth, the more terrifying the power.

"Now, you can take the best product to steal the world." Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

Finally, it's this time.

A strong premonition permeated, this unique piece of stealing heaven and earth will surely make your body break into a spirit body.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong took the one of the best products in the world.

Suddenly, the intense air of heaven and earth broke out in the body, and turned into a black and white torrent that impacted Chen Zong's body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, constantly shuttled into the body, poured into the depths of the body, and continued Enhance Chen Zong's body and change his physique.

The mortal body is undergoing a rapid transformation, moving towards a higher level.

This is like reborn.

The black and white halo permeates from the body, like a twining of black and white dragons.

The viscera, bones, large tendons, and membranes are all bounced, making a sound of golden iron and iron symphony, amazing breath, constantly swept out of the body, like a void storm, destroying everything.

This is a transformation from the deepest part of the body. Gradually, the transformation from the inside and the outside is equal to the transformation and promotion of the essence of life.

Chen Zong's strong consciousness can clearly feel his own changes.

Involuntarily, Chen Zong is looking forward to the spirit body after the transformation is complete. As for what transformation fails, there is no such thing. This is a kind of self-confidence from the deepest heart.

Unmatched confidence!

Belief in success!

In a hurry, the black and white dragons held their heads high, and when the air blew out high-pitched dragon chants, as if penetrating the clouds, if they were not blocked by the large array of Tianyuanju, they would cause a lot of alarm.

The halo spread like a ripple of waves, sweeping endlessly, spreading to every part of the whole hall.

Then, numerous black and white halo ripples flowed back into Chen Zong's body, causing the body to continue to vibrate, and the final transformation began.

Deep metamorphosis, metamorphosis of life.

When all the black-and-white two-color brilliance was completely restrained into the body, Chen Zong felt a violent force emerging from the deepest part of his body, like a torrent of torrents, endless, full of turmoil, the impact permeated the whole body.

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