Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 29: Full potential


A force full of toughness and stamina raged in the body, leaving Chen Zong intoxicated.

This power is not a direct power, but a potential.


His physical constitution has been successfully transformed into a lower-level spiritual body. Compared with the previous top-level mortal body, it is a large-scale leap.

The mortal body is like a mortal body, and the spiritual body is like a cultivated body that is completely reborn. It is completely different.

It is not only a change in strength, but also a change in potential. It is an essential improvement.

The atmosphere of heaven and earth free from the surroundings is more and more intimate, at least doubled, and it has a fish-like feeling.

It seems that the heavy burden is unloaded, and it becomes light and easy to fly.

Breathe deeply, the breath seems to become more fresh, and the body is transparent.

The incredibly wonderful feeling made Chen Zong happy.


Sure enough, it is extraordinary.

Chen Zong started to work. Xiaocheng ’s heaven and earth were the sixth most important thing. As soon as he started, the speed of the heavens and earth in his body suddenly increased, as if it were torrential, but he would not feel the slightest burden.

A large amount of heaven and earth air is continuously absorbed into the body, and it is quickly transformed into the true essence of heaven and earth.

At that time, Chen Zong was surrounded by the strong atmosphere of heaven and earth, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in it.

Spiritual bodies have already been favored by the heaven and earth to some extent, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth will naturally get closer, closer, and gather.

Once the work method is run, the efficiency will naturally be higher.

The efficiency of the Sixth Heaven and Earth is far better than the fifth.

Revised to rise at a sensible speed.

Immediately, as if breaking the limit, the sky was wide.

Tiandi made the sixth breakthrough to Dacheng Realm.

This broke through to Xiaocheng shortly, and then to Dacheng, but Chen Zong understood that thanks to the transformation of his own physique, he was promoted from the top mortal body to the lower level spiritual body. The essential transformation brought about the impact and promotion.

Next, it ’s not easy to cultivate to a perfect state. Either slowly accumulate cultivation, a breakthrough that can be achieved by nature, or it is only possible to upgrade your constitution from a lower level spirit body to an intermediate level spirit body.

The latter will undoubtedly be more difficult than the former.

As the physical level improves, the difficulty becomes even greater.

From lower-level spirits to intermediate-level spirits, you can also take the best-quality stealth-changing dandan, as long as the quantity is sufficient, you can increase it, but from intermediate-level spirits to higher-level spirits, the best-in-class stealing horn Useless, let alone top spirits.

However, he was able to ascend to the lower level spirit body. For the time being, Chen Zong was also satisfied. As for the higher level spirit body, there is a suitable opportunity to say it.

Tiandi decided the sixth major achievement, and the strength was further enhanced.

Chen Zong tried to perform basic martial arts, and Tian Ling was nine strikes.

A sword kills, and it runs through the sky in an instant. Whether it is sword speed or power, it is increased by more than 50%.

This is the increase brought by the spirit body.

"If I fight against the King of Blades again with my current strength, even if I lose, I will not easily lose it." Chen Zong said secretly.

After consolidating, Chen Zong went to the heaven and earth battle tower.

This time, you have to cross the tenth floor, at least, so as not to be disqualified from being a king-level genius.

In addition, Chen Zong wanted to go back to the ontology to look at it. After all, it took a lot of time to come to the Eternal Fortress. According to the proportion of time, it is estimated that many years have passed in the heavenly sanctuary.

I do n’t know how Shuramon ’s development is going?

Did King Rakshasa appear?

Now, what he has to do in the Taixuan Realm is to find King Rakshasa, to kill it, to take revenge on King Shura, to fulfill his last wish, and to fulfill his promise.

Only when this promise is fulfilled can one truly practice with peace of mind, improve himself wholeheartedly, and strive to break through the divine realm as soon as possible, and the real body enters the void of the universe.

Seeing a wider world and a stronger realm, I am no longer satisfied with the half-step grand sacred level of the heavenly realm.

When exhausting all his energy, he pursues the peak of kendo all his life.

The heaven and earth battle tower, towering soaring into the sky, without seeing the end.

When Chen Zong came to the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower, he unexpectedly encountered Yang Guan.

"Chen ..." Seeing Chen Zong, Yang Guan was a joy first, and was about to open his mouth, but thought of something, paused his tone, and stopped his pace.

He had just returned to the Eternal Battlefield, and immediately inquired about all the events and information that happened when he left, and found out that Chen Zong had made rapid progress in less than a year.

First of all, ten straight wins, twenty straight wins, and fifty straight wins till now, almost sixty straight wins.

From the lower-level genius to the higher-level, he has now become a king-level genius and has the title of Tianyuan Sword King.

Yang Guan felt that he had come to the wrong place, or that he was in a fantasy.

But facts are facts.

So when he saw Chen Zong again, although Yang Guan was delighted, he was somewhat restrained.

After all, the current Chen Zong is not the same subordinate genius as himself at that time, but the king genius who got the title of king. The gap between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth.

"Brother Yang." Chen Zong stepped forward, smiling.

At that time, it was still Yang Guan who told himself all kinds of information to let him know more about the Eternal War Fortress, but he was not the kind of person who developed and thought he was abandoning his friends.

Chen Zong's attitude has not changed in any way, so Yang Guan is relieved.

After chatting for a few words, they entered the battle towers of the heavens and earth and began to break through the towers.

What Yang Guan wants to break through is the third floor. If he can break through the third floor, he can be promoted to intermediate genius. For him, it is no less than an improvement.

As far as Chen Zong is concerned, it is the seventh floor.

But this time, Chen Zong's goal was to break through the tenth floor.

Previously, on the seventh floor, Chen Zong didn't have much confidence, but this time, his strength has improved a lot. The seventh floor is nothing at all.

Easily broke through the seventh floor, and immediately got a reward of 100,000 records, and also got additional rewards.

Then, began to break through the eighth floor.

Although the eighth layer is more difficult than the seventh layer, it is also not much with its current strength.

Break through.

200,000 records, the extra reward is a top-quality fighter.

Ninth floor!

The difficulty of the ninth layer is much higher than that of the eighth layer.

Heavenly Nine Strikes ...

Jian Guang's sea of ​​clouds was surging, permeating all directions. In the sixth major battle of Dacheng, the power became even more powerful and terrible.


Peerless Jianguang attacked, condensed Chen Zong's strength and belief, and killed everything.

After the first battle with the King of Knives, Chen Zong had a deeper understanding of the Nine Strikes of the Heavenly Spirit, killing with one sword, a kind of indomitable momentum.

The 300,000 record is in hand, and the extra reward is a top-notch.

In this way, plus the record obtained in the virtual world, you have a record of nearly 900,000. If you replace the extra rewards with records, you can exceed one million.

Millions of records, you can customize a unique fighter.

Think about it, Chen Zong can't help feeling a little excited.

Tenth floor!

The tenth floor of the World War Tower.

The tenth floor belongs to the level of the king-level genius.

Chen Zong was not afraid, but he was a little dignified.

"A new man ..." The sound of Jin Tie's symphony sounded, with a bit of suspicion: "Come on, beat me, you can break through the tenth floor."

As the voice fell, a figure wearing a black metal armor stepped out of the darkness, holding a long knife, the blade was narrow and thin, and sharp.

The tyrannical breath hit, as if astonishing from the abyss.


The long knife broke through the air and was instantly killed. Just moments later, there were hundreds of black knife lights breaking the sky and killing them crazy.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was covered by hundreds of black blades of light, covering everything, blocking everything around him.

Each blade of light permeated a horror-like cold abyss like an abyss, as if to cut itself into countless pieces.

Heavenly magic!

Instantly turned into a ghost.

Diyuan collapses!


Two steps!

Three steps!

In three steps, Chen Zong's momentum and strength condensed to the extreme, exceeding the limit.


A sword broke through, carrying the sixth heaven and earth truth, the sword was violent, tearing the sky, and blasting out like Foshan's collapse.

I have to say that the strength of this tenth-level opponent is indeed very strong. If it is only the fifth decision, he may not be his opponent.

But now, he has transformed into a lower level spirit body, and has practiced Gongfa to the sixth place in heaven and earth, and reached the stage of great achievement.

Fierce battle!


Gradually, Chen Zong took the upper hand.

Heavenly spirit phantom cut!

The magic body was killed with one sword, and the deity was killed with a sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the opponent's body was immediately penetrated.


The tenth floor broke through!

This is to achieve the goal of the king-level genius, will not be demoted.

In addition, if you pass the tenth floor, you can directly get a million records and get additional rewards.

The extra reward this time, however, is five capsules of top quality.

The eleventh floor!

Although he was not sure, Chen Zong relaxed his mind and improved his fighting spirit.

Even if it is defeated, it does not matter, as a sharpening of oneself.

The opponent on the eleventh floor, a white robe, but holding a black and white two-color spiral long gun, stood tall and slender, with a long gun in his hand, indescribable grace.

Seeing Chen Zong's appearance, the man looked with a smile, but didn't say any words, and took a step directly, as if the white horse was walking on waves, the speed was amazing, passing by instantly, and a shot went straight through.

The spear was broken, like a black and white lightning tore the void, killing it with terrible power.

Chen Zong had a feeling of being penetrated.

Heavenly spirit phantom cut!

The phantom body slashed to death at the moment, but was defeated by the opponent with one shot. Chen Zong's deity appeared on the side of the body, and a sword was cut.

The spear trembled, the tip of the gun looked like thousands of pear flowers, bloomed instantly, filled the surroundings, and blinked, as if the pear trees were in full bloom, but each pear spit out a bit of coldness, and the coldness was like a broken starlight. , Filled with amazing forest cold sharp, broke everything to kill, covering Chen Zong's whole body.

This shot, not only as Chen Zongyi sword, but also counter-attack, and could not escape.

Field of Hearts!

When the physique is transformed into a lower-level spiritual body, the consciousness and the body fit together, and the realm of the mind can be used again.

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