Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 30: Return to the ontology

(Maybe it ’s still fun for you)

Fierce battle!

Endless battle!

Life and death blood battle!

The opponents on the eleventh floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower are extremely powerful and terrible. The world of cultivation is definitely the sixth most important. The marksmanship is superb, the martial arts are superb, the combat talent is extraordinary, and the consciousness is terrible.

Chen Zong burst out with all his strength and strength, and he fought fiercely.

With the cooperation of the realm of the heart, fighting is more beneficial to you.

Transmigration ... Tianling Nine Strikes cooperated with Tianling Phantom, and finally killed the powerful enemy under the sword.

Two million record rewards, with extra rewards, are the fourth and fifth and sixth and sixth for the Celestial Phantom.

The fourth exchange requires 200,000 records, the fifth one requires 400,000 records, and the sixth one requires 800,000 records. Together, the total is 1.4 million records.

With enthusiasm, Chen Zong broke into the twelfth floor, which was the last floor of the heaven and earth battle tower.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to leave the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower.


On the twelfth floor, the opponent is too strong, not an ordinary person, but a phantom left by a genius who has passed through the twelfth floor in the past.

If you have also broken through the twelfth floor, then what is left is your own phantom.

"Brother Chen, you came out." Yang Guan had already come out. He failed to break through the third floor, and he was here waiting for Chen Zong to appear.

"Brother Yang, this thing is for you." As soon as Chen Zong was thinking, he took out a rewarding Chinese product and stole it to Yang Guan.

A piece of Chinese high-quality goods is worth ten thousand records, which is undoubtedly a lot for the past, but for the present one, it is nothing.

After breaking through the 11th floor of the World War Tower, I have obtained a lot of records, already three or four million, and a record of 10,000, which is nothing, but it is undoubtedly very precious to the current Yang Guan.

Yang Guan was stunned, but he was very excited, but he did not dare to accept it, but in the end it was accepted. This piece of Chinese medicine is enough to upgrade his physique to intermediate mortal body. Once the physique is improved, other All aspects will follow.

"Thank you, thank you." Yang Guan was grateful. I didn't expect that he was just used to enthusiasm, but could get such a generous gift.

In fact, Chen Zong also has a top-ranking stealing dan, worth 100,000 records. This one-hundred-thousand record is not much for himself now, but it is enough to give a Chinese top-ranking stealing dan.

The middle and triple tiers of Tian Ling's imagination are retained, and everything else is replaced with a record. In this way, Chen Zong's record has exceeded four million.

This was simply unthinkable before.

Four million record.

If you cross the twelfth floor, you can get three million records.

Returning to Tianyuanju, Tianyuan Peak of Qianwang Mountain, Chen Zong began to customize the unique weapon.

The first is the sword.

Secondly, it is the shape of the sword, which must conform to its own aesthetics, suit its own sword habit and so on.

The last is naming. The naming is very simple.

Then, it is submitted, waiting for the delivery of the unique fighter weapon.

For the Eternal War Fortress, the unique warfare weapon is not too much, and it is easy to forge. Therefore, in just one day, the Tianyuan sword was delivered to Chen Zong.

The blade of the sword is wide, the blade is white, the blade is black, and it looks black and white.

Holding the hilt, the extremely comfortable feel is spontaneous, and it feels completely fit with your palm print, as if growing together.

Between the swings, the sword rushed across the air, extremely smooth.

This sword is very suitable for you. In your own hands, you can reach the level of the top-level gem fighter, but if it falls into the hands of others, it can only be regarded as a general gem fighter. of.

"It's time to leave for a long time to look back at the body," Chen Zong secretly said, starting all the formations of Tian Yuanju to avoid interference from others and affect himself.

Sitting in the hall of Tianyuanju, Chen Zong took out the eternal heaven and earth order and mobilized all consciousness into it.

This eternal heaven and earth order is a treasure that communicates the body and the eternal battlefield. It is very precious and must not be lost.

If you lose the eternal heaven and earth order, then you can no longer consciously come to the eternal battlefield, and you will lose the opportunity here.

As consciousness continued to flow into the eternal heaven and earth, Chen Zong's body seemed to have lost his spirituality. In the end, it seemed as if he had become a wooden man, sitting quietly and sitting still.

However, this is not real flesh and blood. Therefore, it will not be hungry or sleepy, but after losing consciousness, it loses its leadership and cannot move, and can only stay here.

It will be destroyed if attacked.

But Tian Yuanfeng's formation method is very powerful, even if it is an ordinary psychic realm, it is difficult to break through.

What's more, here is Qianwang Mountain, which is extremely important. It is guarded by the strong. Whoever dares to arrogantly here is asking for help.

Consciousness, passing through the black-and-white void channel, quickly traversed. Gradually, Chen Zong's consciousness felt the existence of the ontology, from a weak blur to a strong clear.


In the Taixuan Realm, a huge crack traverses, as if a sky-divided gap that directly reaches the abyss, dark and cold, with a terrible atmosphere, like a dim ghost.

A figure of a black robe with **** claws on the back of the black robe, extremely evil, quickly flew into the abyss of the gap and disappeared, as if swallowed.

Going deeper, straight into the depths, there is a black hole in the mouth, which breathes an amazing cold.

The cold air was blowing like a gust of wind, as if freezing everything around, but the figure of the black robe stepped into it without any influence.

Deeper and deeper along the dark channel, the breath became deeper and scarier.

Directly to the deepest point, in front of a group of darkness that seemed like Sin Luo's sneakiness, this black robe figure paused and kneeled on one knee.

"My king, this time I heard the news of Xiuluomen outside." The voice of the Heipao people was a little bit cold, but very respectful.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths passed, and it took a while before a voice that sounded very fierce and evil came out from the deepest part of the darkness, as if accented.


"The original Shuramon had not fallen, the wind and rain were shaking, and the door was about to be destroyed, but a younger generation named Chen Xiu came, saying that it was a disciple left by Shuramon." The man in the black robe immediately gave all the information he knew Everything was said out in great detail.

"How many half-step saints are there in Shuramon now?" The evil voice deepest in the dark came out again.

"According to the investigation, there are five of the six-star warriors, six of the five-star warriors, and twenty-four of the four-star warriors." After the investigation, he was also shocked.

Such strength is indeed terrible.

"Revived." After a while, the evil voice came out again.

Shuramon, which was about to be destroyed, suddenly came to a magnificent transformation. Not only did it start to rise, but there were so many strong people sitting in the town. Without accident, it would rise and continue to flourish.

The leading change in all this is in the person named Chen Xiu, and that is the biggest change.

"It will take some time for the king to clear the gate. You must act first and mobilize all your powers. No matter what means, suppress Shuramon, catch Chen Xiu alive, and if necessary, let the right actor cooperate with you." Out of the darkness, it penetrated into the ears of the black robes, like the roar of the **** ghost king.

"Yes, my king." The man in black robe responded immediately.

The man in black robe immediately got up and backed, turned and left quickly.

In the deepest darkness, a tall and majestic figure sat cross-legged. The endless darkness was diffused out of his body, flooding all around, forming a ball.

The terrible power and breath that emanated from the dark sphere was amazing.

"Suramon ..."

"King Shura, isn't it, that Chen Xiu is your heir?"

"Best of all, he is your heir, and the king can get Vientiane Shura magic from him."

The voice that was full of evil, low, and talking to himself, was filled with terrible viciousness.

"When the king ’s infernal ghost nerve breaks to the sixth level, he will concoct your heirs and wipe out Shuramon completely."

Immediately, a burst of mad and evil-filled laughter sounded from the endless deep darkness and permeated the entire cave. If anyone heard it, they would be afraid to fall into the ghosts and be scared to death.


Consciousness travels through the void, moving forward through black and white channels.

Chen Zong carefully felt that when he went to the Eternal Battle Fortress, he was a bit uncomfortable, so he didn't experience it carefully.

But this time I came back, but I can appreciate it very well, very mysterious.

It's close!

Chen Zong can already feel his body more clearly, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger.


See the ontology.

The body is located at the core of Miguang Island in Miguang Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sitting cross-legged, standing still, surrounded by the faint and almost imperceptible vitality, even the heart's beating becomes extremely slow, and it will only beat once in a while. .

The whole body seems to be completely dormant.

Fortunately, Chen Zongxiu is very tall. Although he is flesh and blood, it does n’t matter if he does n’t eat or drink, otherwise he will be starved to death.

Suddenly, the consciousness rushed out of the black and white channel, and instantly, it penetrated from the top of the head.

Returning to the Sea of ​​Ontology, consciousness and soul converge.

For a long time, a very familiar feeling emerged spontaneously. From the deepest part of the soul, this feeling is indescribably comfortable.

This is, after all, his own body, his own body.

At the same time, a tyrannical force is restrained and enters the eternal heaven and earth order, which is a protective force.

When the consciousness returned to the body, bursts of roar suddenly sounded, and the sky above Miguang Island seemed to be trembling with thunder. It seemed that the mysteries of heaven and earth were converging, turning into a ghost image of the dragon, soaring into the sky, and then, Falling straight down from the sky.

The mystery of heaven and earth also became clearer at this moment, as if it could be touched.

The countless atmosphere of heaven and earth, carrying endless mysteries, poured into Chen Zong's body and wrapped it, so that Chen Zong's body was completely immersed in the mysteries of heaven and earth, which surprised Chen Zong.

"This ... is it the benefit of returning from the Eternal War Fortress to the ontology?"

Seizing this opportunity, Chen Zong did not hesitate to get rid of all distractions and began to realize.

The mystery of the heavens and the earth is so clear, so unobtrusively presented in front of myself, so touching, so beautiful, if you miss it, you should regret it for a lifetime.

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