Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 31: Boiling power

(Dry up, hi up, wave up)

The mystery of heaven and earth turns into countless breaths, and the breath condenses like a dragon.

Dragons are noble, powerful, and mysterious.

Any relationship with the dragon is extraordinary.

The mystery of the heavens and the earth turns into a dragon pattern, which encircles Chen Zong firmly like a dragon.



At this moment, the mysteries of heaven and earth seemed to open up all mysteries to Chen Zong, and let the enlightenment.

This kind of benefit is the benefit of becoming a soldier in the world after the consciousness comes to the eternal battlefield, and can more intuitively and clearly understand the mysteries of the world of the ontology.

Even if it is as low-level as Yang Guan, returning to the ontology can get a lot of benefits, not to mention Chen Zong.

As long as you gain more benefits in the Eternal War Fortress, the benefits of returning to the body will naturally be greater.

Chen Zong continued to ascend from the lowest mortal body to the lower level spiritual body, which has a great impact on the mysteries of heaven and earth, followed by the enlightenment of the world of cultivation to the sixth level and the enlightenment of the martial arts of heaven and earth. Is the enlightenment of the war pattern of heaven and earth.

In three aspects, the superposition of triple benefits is unimaginable.

This state will last for a while. As for how long it is, it is not clear, but in any case, as long as it has a duration, you must hurry up and don't miss it, because you may gain more insights and improve yourself a little bit. And accumulation.

The mystery of heaven and earth is so clear that it turns into a dragon entangled itself, so that you can feel more intuitively, your mind is clear to the extreme, as if entering an inexplicable realm.

A heaven and earth stone carving suddenly appeared in front of.

This is the first stone carving of heaven and earth, which contains the primordial radiance of the primal **** that is sharp and sharp tearing the void universe.

As soon as I saw this heaven and earth stone inscription, he had not yet entered the state of enlightenment. At that moment, there was a glimmer of light on the stone inscription, as if there was a peerless sword sacred in the world of stone inscriptions. Void and nothingness, revealed through stone carvings.

Go forward, open up the world, and vacuum the universe.

Chen Zong just saw the radiance of Shenhui, but couldn't avoid it. Even the reaction was too late.

Vaguely, a tingling sensation swept through, letting Chen Zong give birth to a sense of being penetrated, and the whole thought was frozen in an instant.

I don't know how long it has been in the past, and my consciousness is restored. There seems to be a glimpse of Shenhui in Shenhai. There is no beginning, no end, no end, a mystery that is extremely clear.

Chen Zong immediately became enlightened.

A mystery that seemed to open up the universe and evolved into the universe, suddenly appeared, quickly absorbed by the mind and soul.

As if the arid land encountered heavy rains, it gradually filled the birth.

There are so many mysteries and their meanings come out.

With the enlightenment, the radiance of Shenhui is becoming smaller and smaller, it seems that it is continuously absorbed by Chen Zong.

Immediately, another heaven and earth stone carving appeared, which contained the mystery of heaven and earth yin and yang.

The black and white light turns into a yin and yang magic wheel, and it seems to fly out from the stone carved world in a flash. Through the eyebrows, it penetrates into Chen Zong's Shenhai, and continuously rotates in the Shenhai.

It seems that these mysteries no longer need Chen Zong's whole-hearted enlightenment as before. Instead, they have actively poured into the sea of ​​God and evolved the mystery on their own. Only a little enlightenment can be quickly grasped.

Thunderfire Mystery!

The mystery of wind and fire!

All mysteries continue to emerge from the world of stone carvings and penetrate into Chen Zong's mind, as if entangled.

The mystery evolves by itself. In the early days, Yin Yang, Fenghuo, and Thunderfire, all mysteries are presented in Chen Zong's Shenhai, so that the soul can observe and realize more intuitively. With the enlightenment, it is continuously consumed and continuously integrated into Chen Zong's. Within the sea of ​​God, into all kinds of thoughts.

The first breakthrough was wind, fire, and thunder. These three thoughts have reached the extreme of the nine revolutions. They are only one line away from the extreme, but at this moment they broke through immediately and all reached the extreme.

Once you reach the extreme, you feel instantly different, and your power and potential increase a lot.

However, the mysterious power of wind and fire has not been exhausted, and it is still evolving continuously, rendering Shenhai a slice.

The wind was blowing wildly, the fire was burning wildly, and thunder was shooting down wildly.

Gradually, the irrelevant potential of wind and fire was gradually approaching.

The fire spread and touched each other.

The same is fire, which belongs to the same source. When contacted, it is not conflict, but slowly merges.

As soon as they merge, they are out of control.

Gradually, wind and thunder approached each other as the fire spread.


At the moment when the wind and thunder came into contact, two different forces collided with each other at the moment, sending out an extremely terrifying power, swaying all directions, raging the four poles, and the terrible power seemed to collapse Chen Zong's sea of ​​God.

But the sea of ​​Shenhai is vast and very stable. Even if the wind and thunder collide, it will give out an incredible power and remain motionless.

That touch of divine light perched like a dragon, and the yin and yang **** wheels turned endlessly, without being affected.

Collision and entanglement again and again.

Fire and fire spread to each other, you have me and you have you, regardless of each other, and the collision of wind and thunder, the debris exploded again and again, but unknowingly, slowly blending a little bit .

In the storm, there were a few broken thunder arcs spreading, and among the thunderous mighty waves, a broken strand of wind was floating.


Although wind and thunder are not the same root, they also have a kind of closeness, and the fusion is naturally not more difficult than the opposite, such as water and fire.

Wind thunder originally had the possibility of thunder in the wind and thunder.

Wind and Thunder meet!

At this moment, the three moral forces of Fenghuo Thunder are constantly in contact and collision in Chen Zong's Shenhai.

In the past, Chen Zong only managed to blend the fire and the fire with the thunder and fire, but it was difficult to blend the three ways of the fire and the thunder.

After all, Taoism is Taoism, which is not so simple to be integrated.

Especially in the case of the fusion of two kinds of Taoism, it is difficult to fuse the third one.

In the past, Chen Zong did not fail to try and work hard, but all ended in failure and could not find any clue.

Unexpectedly, this time, they started to blend together.

Once the fusion is successful, the power of mixing the three Taos will become even more terrifying.

Fenghuo Thunder and Taoism first broke through to the extreme, and then merged with each other. Heart Sword Taoism and Yin and Yang Taoism were also constantly improving, and gradually approached the extreme.

Taoist extremes are divided into three levels, each of which is difficult to improve.

From nine to the extreme, it is difficult for many people to advance. From the first to the second, it will undoubtedly be more than ten times more difficult. From the second to the third, it will be at least ten times more difficult.

Originally, if I continued to cultivate according to my own understanding, I would like to upgrade the Taoism from the polar state to the polar state. It is impossible in a few years, and I am not sure if I can do it within a few years. .

A strong man like King of the Seas who has lived for thousands of years is nothing more than enlightenment of Taoism to the extreme state. In this life, it is estimated that he is hopelessly enlightened to the third.

And one of the prerequisites for becoming the most powerful of the Holy Land is to perceive Taoism to the extreme, the extreme of the extreme, and the third extreme.

Enlightenment Enlightenment Enlightenment, crazy enlightenment, constant enlightenment and continuous improvement.


When the time passed, in Shenhai, a variety of imaginary sword energies seemed to breed from nothingness, diffused from all directions, and blasted towards the center. When the time passed, it was like a million swords returning to school.

At the center of Shenhai, an imaginary sword-light outline began to condense and form. With countless imaginary sword-gas blasts, it slowly solidified and the outline became more and more clear.

When that imaginary sword light is fully condensed, and when countless imaginary sword spirits are fully invested in it, suddenly, the light is masterpiece, the radiance of God shines on Shenhai, and the astonishing sharpness also diffuses at any time.

Breakthrough of heart and Taoism, the second level of polar realm-Taoism condensed!

Yes, when Taoism breaks through to the second level of the extreme, its mark is to condense the basic shape.

With the successful completion of Xinjiandaoyi to the second level of the extreme environment, that touch of divine energy also exhausted the last power, turning it into a bit of brilliance, pursuing the air and plunging into the illusory swordlight of Taoyi's condensed, a little aura, More stable.

Later, the transformation of Yin and Yang Taoism.

Black and white continue to spread out from the sea of ​​God, black and white, filled with the mystery of yin, and white, filled with the mystery of yang.

The yin and yang appeared, collided with each other, entangled with each other, and turned into an illusive wheel of yin and yang, converging from all directions to the center.

At the Shenhai Center, a shadow of a yin and yang godwheel began to condense.

When the thousands of yin and yang **** wheels converged from all directions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the yin and yang **** wheels that have been integrated into it all became more and more solid, and in the end, a wonderful mysterious atmosphere also permeated.

That is the mystery of the yin and yang meaning.

Yin Yang Shenlun condensed.

Yin-Yang Taoism Extreme Situation Second: Taoism Condensation!

Fenghuo Thunder has three ways to break through to the extreme, and successfully merge with each other.

Heart Sword Taoism and Yin Yang Taoism also broke through to the second level of the extreme.

These improvements directly saved Chen Zong's penance for at least ten years, which made the combat force leaps and bounds and skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Before the breakthrough, Chen Zong's combat power was fully open. When he could reach the elite five-star level and compete with the ordinary six-star level, now he can definitely reach the elite six-star level and even against the ordinary seven-star level.

But the encirclement of the mysteries of heaven and earth is not over.

Chen Zong, can still continue to enlighten and continue to improve.

However, as far as moral understanding is concerned, Chen Zong has already felt that he is approaching the limit. In this case, let ’s start to improve the exercises.

The exercises to be promoted are, of course, the early sword sword exercises.

This is an exercise that was created by his own deity. It has amazing potential, but it is much rougher than Tiandi Jue.

This time, Chen Zong not only wanted to improve Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, but also revised it and further improved it.

After all, after practicing to the sixth place, Chen Zong has a deeper understanding and comprehension of Gongfa. Naturally, these insights can be applied to enhance his own Gongfa, make it more complete, and further enhance its potential and power , And then enhance their own strength.

If time permits, then even Wuxue must be improved to make a breakthrough in combat effectiveness.

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