Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 32: Bloodclaw Threat

The boundary of Taixuan Realm, Tailao City, and Shura Peak in Tailao Mountain. With the large arrays running, a faint stream of heaven and earth vitality gathered from all sides and poured into the peak of Shura.

From a distance, there are clouds of mist on the top of Shura Peak, and the clouds are white and light, and diffuse, like a fairyland.

Among the Shuramons, there are large gathering elementary arrays and pure elementary arrays. Such array methods will gather more and more vitality with the passage of time and time.

Over time, the cultivation environment here will become better and better.

Since the last time he recruited a group of disciples, Shuramon has developed with all his strength.

Nowadays, under the superior environment and the supply of resources, the original disciples of more than 20 disciples of Shuramon have made breakthroughs. Half of them have broken into the sanctuary, and those who originally entered the sanctuary are now entering the sanctuary. Triplex, big device late into general.

At this rate, Shuramon will become more and more powerful and become the overlord of Tailo City.

After a hundred years, most of the half-step sacred powerhouses will leave, leaving only a few. At that time, Shuramon would have to be self-reliant.

But as long as there are no surprises, Shuramon will be more than ten times stronger than it is now.

At this time, there was a dignity inside the hall of Shuramon.

"You guys talk about the views." The doorkeeper said, breaking this one.

In the main hall, in addition to the doorkeeper and the original two elders, there are three more elders, all of whom are engaged in cultivation in the late period of the Holy Land.

Five people, looking dignified.

The reason for this is a post with a black background and **** lines forming a **** claw.

The mixture of black and blood, the claws are sharp like a screed moon scimitar, dripping blood, giving people an ominous feeling, with a sense of evil.

This post is very famous in the Taixuan Realm, but it is the symbol and symbol of a powerful and terrible strong on the Taixuan Dasheng List.

Dripping Hook Claw Post!

This is the status symbol of the blood claw king ranked seventh on the Taixuan Dasheng list, but often, whoever receives the blood claw post means that disaster is coming.

The blood claw king is extremely powerful and terrible. It should have nothing to do with Shuramon, but this time I do n’t know why, it would even send a dripping blood claw post, which means that the blood claw king is staring at Shura. door.

Moreover, the content of the post is also very direct, that is, Xiuluomen should hand over Chen Xiu and dissolve himself, otherwise, he will be killed.

Although there are several six-star powerhouses in Shuramon, and many five-star and four-star powerhouses are in town, the comparison with the blood claw king of seven-star powerhouse is still very different. .

What's more, His Majesty's Majesty also has six-star and five-star combat power, four-star three-star two-star and even one-star power.

Because the Blood Claw King is a powerful force in the Taixuan Realm-the landlord of the Blood Tower.

Xiexuelou is a powerful force that does not know how many times stronger than the previous Tian Luozong. It is also well-known in the entire Taixuan Realm. In addition to the absence of the Great Holy Realm, the strong forces are compared to those top forces In the future, there will not be much difference. The end is terrible.

Like the enemy!

It was only a short while before Shuramon really got on the right track. It was really unfortunate that he encountered such a disaster again.

But since Shuramon is on the right track, he must overcome such difficulties. If he passes, I believe that Shuramon will become more powerful.

"In my opinion, this matter should be known to Elder Chen Xiutai." A new elder said, "After all, this matter is closely related to Elder Chen Xiu."

"Although Chen Xiutai is very powerful and has great potential, it is still very different from Blood Claw King now." The elder said, "In any case, Chen Xiutai cannot be lost. As long as he is here, we are Shura. The door will never be destroyed, and it will definitely revive again. "

"Notify Chen Xiutai about this and let him leave as soon as possible," the doorkeeper finally decided.

Dixuelou and Bloodclaw Kings are too powerful. They are not comparable to those of the enemies before, even if they are the most powerful six-star powerhouses in Shuramon's internal combat, they are not their opponents.

Chen Xiutai is very young and has great potential, but his current strength is still not comparable to Bloodclaw King.

Therefore, Chen Xiutai could only be left as early as possible, with the inheritance of Shuramon, and one day, the reconstruction of Shuramon will be continued.


"I don't know why the landlord has to deal with such a martial art?" On a mountain not far from Xiuluofeng, several people were watching every move of Xiuluomen. One of the middle-aged people with thin eyebrows and stern bones protruded casually. Road.

"The landlord is acting unpredictably. We don't need to know that much. We just need to get things done." Another short, dark-skinned old man squinted with small green bean-like eyes, flashed a vicious and sharp light, and his voice was a bit sharp.

"The landlord attaches great importance to this matter and must not allow any mistakes. Otherwise, the consequences will be clear to you." The middle-aged man in a large black robe with a sullen expression on his face said with a warning, so that the two should not be so casual.

The man's words obviously played a role, and the two's loose gestures converged and became serious.

They all thought of the means of the landlord's blood claw king, their faces changed slightly, and a stun of light flashed under their eyes.

These three people are all the strong men under the blood claw king, but a six-star and two five-star strong. In the Xiexue building, they have a high weight and will not easily move. However, this time, It was obvious that the Blood Claw King was real to deal with Shulman.

At the same time, some of the strongmen who had vowed to speak with Chen Zong for a hundred years of service to Shulman, looked dignified.

Xie Xie Lou!

Blood Claw King!

Although they stayed on Miguang Island for a short time, they did not block the news after leaving, naturally they knew all the information about the powerful forces and strong men in Taixuan Realm that deserved attention.

The Blood Claw King and his Bloodshed are worthy of attention and must be taken seriously. They cannot be offended and cannot be enemies, unless they have seven-star combat power.

However, the gap between six-star and seven-star combat power is much larger than the gap between five-star and six-star combat.

It is difficult and difficult to upgrade from six-star to seven-star.

Anyone who can improve their combat power to a seven-star level must have a high level of talent, must be at the top of the ranks, and have a good chance.

Such a strong man can be among the best on the list.

Such a strong man can be reused and gain a very high status even if he enters into the top forces who have the great sacred state.

The blood claw king gave Xiuluomen three days, which means that within three days, Xiuluomen had to surrender Chen Xiu, otherwise, a strong man who led the Dixuelou stepped on Xiuluomen and completely removed him.

Chen Xiu who sharpened himself in the secret territory of Shura also knew the news.

Three days, no, the remaining time is less than three days, only two more days.

However, Chen Xiu didn't show anything and didn't intend to leave, but watched in secret.

Of these four-star, five-star, and even six-star strong combatants, only a few of them have actually joined Shuramon and become the elders of Shuramon. Most of them are because they want to leave Miguang Island and not get enough fog. Crystal and Beast Crystal came, and finally chose to guard the condition of Shuramon for a hundred years.

However, they did not really join Shuramon, and they were not a member of Shuramon. What would happen to them at this moment in the face of the threat of the Blood Tower and the Blood Claw King?

Even if they have made vows, in the face of the crisis of life and death, the vows sometimes do not work so well.

After all, the vows only involved their cultivation, and the price of breaking the vows was that they could no longer improve, it was better than being killed.

In fact, there are indeed such thoughts in life.

Some people are brave and advancing on the road to cultivation, without fear, but others are the opposite. The longer the cultivation time, the more experience, the more cautious they become, and the more they fear death.

After these people have gone through Miguang Island, their minds are no longer longer than before.

Chen Xiu found that someone secretly sneaked out of Shu Luomen, and secretly left.

At least four-star combat power, extraordinary means, to leave secretly, it is not so easy to find.

"King of black guns, have you forgotten your vow?" Zhao Mingkong, the king of the silver sword, intercepted a middle-aged man in a black robe holding a black robe and questioned harshly.

"Silver King, you better let it go, otherwise, don't blame the black gun in my hand." The black gun king threatened with a chirp ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then you try. "The King of the Silver Knife held the handle by his right hand, and his arrogant breath suddenly exploded, as if the cold sword came out of its sheath.

The Silver Knife King and the Black Gun King are both elites of elite six-star combat power, but in contrast, the Black Gun King has been at the elite six-star level for longer.

"Don't stop me, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless with the black gun." The Black Gun King didn't actually think of fighting the Silver Knife King, and threatened again with a harsh word.

Because once fighting, even if you can win, it is not easy.

Immediately, the King of the Silver Knives released the handle, gave the Black Gun King a cold look, and turned to leave.

Seeing that the Silver Knife King suddenly left, the Black Gun King was a little stunned, and then quickly left.

Although he has an elite six-star combat power, he is quite different from the seven-star star. This can be known from King Lei Yan and Gu Feng on Miguang Island.

Moreover, the blood claw king, but the strong seven-star warrior, is more terrible than King Lei Yan and Gufeng Wang. It is entirely at the level of Shan Haiwang, and may be more powerful than Shan Haiwang.

How can such a strong enemy provoke.

Anyone who guards the vows of centuries, violate them. Anyway, it is difficult to go any further in your life. It is better to live than die.

Among the Shuramen, there are five six-star strong combatants. The Silver Sword King is one of them. He really joined the Shuramon and the other four. Although the mixed king did not join, it had a good relationship with the Silver Sword King. This one has other thoughts.

Now that the Black Gun King has left, the other two have left.

The King of the Silver Swords and the King of the Sky were naturally resentful, but they did not stop it anymore, but let them go.

Those who want to leave, if they leave, only a few remain.

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