Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 34: Mind Sword Flow

Blood light retreated, dissipated in an instant, and became invisible.

The blood-slaying king looked pale as a ghost, his eyes were full of disbelief and despair, staring at Chen Zong, only to feel that figure seemed to be enveloped in a layer of sword light, as if possessed by the sword god, not offensive. .

His eyes became increasingly blurred, and his consciousness continued to sink into darkness. Eventually, the blood-slayer king covered his heart with one hand, like a snake with a spined spine, and fell down softly.


The blood-slaying king, who already has seven-star combat power, truly died.

Chen Zong was relieved subconsciously. No matter how he looked at it, the blood killing king was a strong enemy.

Moreover, the opponent's means are terrible. If you don't make a rapid increase in combat power, the result of this battle is your own death.

Of course, if the combat power has not increased sharply, Chen Zong will definitely not seek revenge on the blood to kill the king, but slow it down and wait until the strength is sufficient.

Fortunately, the consciousness came to the eternal battlefield, which is indeed a great opportunity. It is unprecedented. In the accumulation of the eternal battlefield, when the consciousness returns to the body, the mysteries of the heavens and the earth are surrounded, and the speed is realized. Chen Zong was shocked.

Heart Sword Taoism and Yin Yang Taoism broke through to the second level of the polar world one after another, and stabilized.

Tianfeng, Tianhuo, and Tianlei Taoyi also broke through to the extreme, and successfully merged.

Then, there was the change of Jianyuan Gong in the beginning.

With reference to the mystery of heaven and earth, Chen Zong reorganized Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, and the original 33 layers also began to change.

The name has not changed, but the first is equal to the original tenth floor, the second is equal to the original eleventh to twentyth floor, and the third is equal to the original twenty-first to thirtyth floor.

Although theoretically equivalent, the mystery of it must go beyond a lot, and even increase its power.

The first three, like the world and the world, belong to the basic level and are the basic cultivation and cohesion of Jian Yuan.

It is the true manifestation of power to the beginning of the fourth.

The fourth word is equivalent to the original thirty-first and thirty-second layers.

The fifth layer is equivalent to the original 33rd and 34th floors.

Today, Chen Zong is from the first to the fifth, and cultivates to a perfect state, which is equivalent to the top level of the 34th floor.

But when it comes to power, it is better than the 34th floor.

Of course, before Chen Zong was only created to the 33rd floor, but according to inference, it should be so.

Just the fifth primordial sword Yuan Gong in the state of perfection alone is enough to make your combat power soar, and to do all you can to achieve the elite six-star, if you use your own freedom, it is definitely more powerful than the elite six-star.

As for whether it can compete with ordinary seven-star stars, it is difficult to say.

The Swordsmanship broke through to the second level of the extreme, allowing the combat power to rise again, and fully entered the seven-star level.

In the end, it's a kendo trick.

Originally, it was the world line.

However, after experiencing the training and enlightenment of the Eternal War Fortress, and because of the change and improvement of Jian Yuan Gong in the beginning and the breakthrough of Xindaodao, Chen Zong further enlightened and further improved, even extending on the basis of the world. In the end, a new Kendo trick was created.

This move should be more in line with the spirit of swordsmanship. Intangible, in the case that Chen Zong himself is not very clear, he is in his own vein.

Chen Zong also took a new name-heartbeat.

It's not for anyone's heart, but when the heart is moving, the sword will reach, and there is an inexplicable power, which can pull the other person's mind to affect the heart at the moment of the sword.

Heartbeat is simple but appropriate.

The huge background and enlightenment also allowed Chen Zongyin to grasp the subsequent Kendo tricks. Therefore, he used the first action of the mind and the first trick. Although the subsequent tricks are not clear, there is no clue, but Chen Zong still made a general outline and took a name.

Mind Sword Flow!

This means that the incomplete swordsmanship is created based on the intention of swordsmanship.

The flow of minds may just be Chen Zong's whim and inspirational works, but who can predict the future.

Not only was the embryonic form of Mind Sword Flow, but also the merging of yin, yang, dao and feng huo lei three ways of tao yi were also improved by Chen Zong.

It seems that it is on the right track for cultivation.

Now that the blood-slaying king has fumed, this resentment has ended, and it is time to return to Shuramon.

The current Shuramon, but once again encountered a crisis, it is still an amazing crisis.

The deity and the avatar are not far apart, so you can know what the avatar knows.

This time, with the explosive increase in combat power, when there is no fear, even the King Rakshasa appears.

Moreover, during the period when his consciousness came to the Eternal War Fortress, Shura was in the secret territory of Shura, but made great progress.


Outside Shuramon, in the sky, a figure stood in the sky, each figure filled with extremely amazing breath fluctuations, terrible.

At a glance, these figures were all wearing black robes, with the marks of **** claws on their backs. They were lifelike and filled with a trace of evil murder.

Xie Xie Lou!

These people, all of them are people from the Blood House.

Xiexuelou is a force that has only emerged in these hundreds of years. It is a very strange force. There is no great sacred state. Strong.

Only with the strength of a half-step grand saint, can he enter the Xiexuelou and become one of them.

Xiexuelou also accepts various killing, revenge and other businesses, as long as it can afford the money.

However, Xiexuelou is also very wink. Those who are the top powers will not target them.

Those targeted are often not as powerful as Xiexuelou. It is better to say that it is bullying or afraid of hardships, and to know the current affairs. In short, the Xiexuelou has grown so much in hundreds of years.

Fierce name!

Among them, the blood claw king, can stop children crying.

This time, Shulomen was caught by the Bloodshed, and by the cruel and brutal Bloodclaw King.

Today is the third day, which is the last day that Xie Xuelou gave to Xiuluomen.

Hand over Chen Xiu!

Dismiss Shuramon!

"Looks like, Xiuluomen is going to resist to the end." A six-star powerhouse in Dixuelou blinked cold eyes and his teeth grinned, seeming a little excited.

It seemed that Shuramon was to resist stubborn resistance, which was his most hopeful thing.

"Stubbornly, I haven't slaughtered for a long time." Another six-star combat power is filled with amazing evil spirits.

"There are less than a thousand people up and down Shuramon, not enough to kill."

"However, it is said that they still have some half-step holy masters. They will feel better when they are killed."

Shuramen, surrounded by the **** strong men, has already opened Da Tianluo with all his strength.

The full-open Tiantian array is enough to withstand the attacks of the elite six-star combat power.

Most of the strong men who had vowed to guard the 100-year-old Shuramon, either left secretly or left directly, leaving only a few.

Two elite six-stars, namely the Silver Knife King and the Mixed Sky King.

As for five-stars, there are still six, and four-stars have three.

Compared with the previous five-star, thirteen five-star, and twenty-four four-star, there is a big difference.

If those people did not leave, it would be enough to fight against the current bloodshed and even win.

After all, the six-star powerhouse of Dixuelou is four, two elite and two ordinary.

There are ten five-star powerhouses, eighteen four-star powerhouses, and three-star two-star and one-star power. .

It wasn't these people who dripped the blood floor, but the Blood Claw King, that really made them afraid to flee.

The blood claw king's fierce name is too rich. He is an elite seven-star. He has also beheaded and killed a elite seven-star.

Such a strong player, even if it is five or six elite six stars together.

Some strong men are simply shocked by just a name, and Blood Claw King is obviously such a person.

Inside Shuramon, in the hall, a respected strongman was present, as well as the master and elder of Shuramon.

Chen Xiu is also here.

Chen Xiu's combat power is not ordinary. He has a special constitution and the sharpening of Shura's secret realm. He has already surpassed the previous level and reached a higher combat power.

The rise of Xiuluomen was driven by Chen Xiu. Now, facing such crises, it is directly related to Chen Xiu, and Chen Zong has become the principal.

How to act, everything depends on Chen Xiu's meaning.

Of course, others don't know at all. The Chen Xiu in front of him is not the previous Chen Xiu.

However, to this extent, no one can see that Chen Xiu is not flesh and blood unless he is the Great Holy One ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

The Great Holy Realm is generally rehearsing and practicing, there is nothing particularly important, and it will not appear at all.

Although Chen Zong already knows that most of the great holy realms in the Lingwu Holy Realm are afraid of being the most common among the gods, but in the Lingwu Holy Realm, there is still the supreme invincible.

"Brother, let's just say, is it time to go out to fight the last match or something?" Heaven said, his voice was vigorous.

"Of course I'm going out." A smile hanged at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, spreading the murderousness.

Enemies are blocking the door. Where can there be no reason to fight?

Of course, the battle is to fight, but the big Tian Luo Zhen must be opened, and Shuramen becomes a victim.

What's more, once the battle is up, the aftermath is astonishing. Without the protection of a large array, Shuramon would be affected and very dangerous.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, the King of the Silver Knife and the King of the Heavens suddenly showed a smile. Since they chose to stay, they were ready.

It's nothing more than a life and death fight. This has been experienced many times on Miguang Island.

They are different from those who fled. They belong to the Vietnam War and the Brave, without fear.

"Tiangong senior, this time, you stay here to host the big team." Chen Zongdao.

The frontal fighting is relatively poor for Tiangong elderly people. Its specialties are the refiner and the formation method.

The Tiangong elderly did not object, nodded and promised.

Now that a decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate any more.


Instantly, Chen Xiu was headed, with Zhao Mingkong and Mixed Kings, and four five-star strong and three four-star strong. Strong enemy of Blood House.

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