Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 35: Blood Claw King

Above Shurao Peak, every figure exuded a breath of tyrannical force, with a strong murderous spirit.

"Be brave."

"Dare to take the initiative to come out and wait for a while to kill you, I will start faster."

One of the strong men in Xiexuelou laughed and laughed.

Amazing breath, as many shocks as possible, locked Chen Xiu, Zhao Mingkong, and the mixed king.

The number of strong players is very different, but they can't let everyone back down.

"Whoever lives and dies is not necessarily." Zhao Mingkong held the knife handle in his right hand, his eyes were cold, and he was murderous.

With the shaking of his hands in both hands, the king of heaven blew an astonishing airburst, and the force of the waves was violent, blasting from his body, shaking in all directions.

"The King of Refining!" For a time, the side of Xiexuelou was a little surprised.

Cultivation practitioners will undoubtedly become more difficult in the same level, because their life-saving ability is stronger.

Sometimes your attack may not kill you, but your opponent's blow may kill you. You must pay more attention.

Although on the surface it was embarrassing and murderous, it was very vigilant inside.

It seems that the other party does not intend to compromise, but intends to fight the last match. Although there is a gap in comparison, if you are not careful, you will have a lot of casualties.

"Kill!" Chen Xiu only uttered a word.

The power that burned Shura Gong instantly poured into the sword of silence and turned into a gray flash of light, tearing the void, and directly killing an ordinary six-star powerhouse in Xiexuelou.

At the moment when Chen Xiu's voice fell, the silver knife came out of the sheath and turned into a silver thunder that smashed in a vacuum and killed.

The Celestial King condensed a mighty force, like a volcanic eruption, rushing forward, punched like a landslide, violently violently killed, punched and suppressed the void, making the void seem to be extremely solid, like a steel wall And keep moving forward.

The other four five-star combat powers and three four-star combat powers were also shot without mercy.

At the moment of everyone's hands, one of the strong men in Xiexuelou also burst out and shot.

At each half-step grand sacred level, there have been many grinds and blood battles of life and death. The combat experience is very rich, and his mastery of martial arts is also very superb.

As soon as these battles broke out, the one- and two-star and three-star stars of Xiexuelou had no room to intervene.

There is no way, the gap between the three-star and the four-star is at least doubled. Below this gap, once it approaches, it will be immediately hit by the aftershocks, which is very uncomfortable.

They can only attack from a distance, but the battle changes quickly, and it is not easy to hit.

What's more, only the strength of three-star combat power can play some auxiliary role. As for the two-star and one-star, the combat power is too different, and the gap is several times, their attacks can not work at all.

However, the four-star combat power was too small for Shuramon. There were only three of them. They were quickly suppressed and fell into the siege of the side of the Bloodshed. They fell into the wind and could only support it. It seemed that they could not support it for long. Time will be killed.

The five-star situation is not much better.

The King of the Silver Swords confronted one of the elite six-star powerhouses in Shangxuelou, while the hybrid king confronted another of the elite six-star powerhouses. As for Chen Zong, he faced two ordinary six-stars.

Both the strength of the Silver Sword King and the Celestial King are very strong. For a time, they do not fall behind.

However, we must make a quick decision and beheaded as soon as possible to avoid too many casualties.

Full strength!

Suddenly, Chen Xiu was astonished to the extreme.

Burning Shura Gong is working to the extreme, and the Tiansha force field is also deployed.

Although it is only a supernatural power field, with the cooperation of Shura's avatar and the burning of Shura Gong, the power beyond the supernatural power has erupted, and it is infinitely close to the small superpower.

Two ordinary six-star powerhouses were shrouded in an instant, and their minds were twitched in an instant, as if bones appeared in front of their eyes.

A trace of manic killing also breeds from the heart. This is not a killing against Chen Xiu, but a chaotic killing that wants to vent the destruction, completely disrupting its own calm.

Cultivators, whether they are angry or murderous, will remain calm as they should, in order to control all their strengths and tactics, and grasp the war situation.

If you lose that decent level of calm, you will become frantic, and you will lose the precise grasp of the battle situation, and lose the precise control of your own power, which is very dangerous.

Now, this is the situation encountered by the two strong men in Xiexuelou.

Losing the calmness they deserve immediately, waiting for them is naturally dangerous and even death.

Chen Xiu was killed with a sword, and Jianguang condensed, like a gray lightning, reaching the extreme, directly penetrating the void and killing mercilessly.

This is to reach a higher level of burning Shura swordsmanship, naturally it is Chen Xiu's own lore to sharpen himself in the secret territory of Shura.

A sword broke, without mercy, without hesitation, penetrating the eyebrows of one of the ordinary six-star powerhouses in Dripping Blood House, the terrible sword qi, and instantly shattered everything in his mind.

Losing support, the soul is also shattered.

This evil spirit is extremely strong, and the power of Tiansha's Taoism can be incomparable.

Just moments later, an ordinary six-star powerhouse died.

Another moment when the other had just reacted, Jian Guang had turned into a gray lightning strike.

The gray lightning flashed into the world in front of me.

The horrible sword struck and killed, directly shrouded, making the other party feel numb, as if the limbs were paralyzed.

This is a gap in strength, and it is also caused by the overshadowing of the Tiansha force field and the direct impact of the Tiansha Taoism.

Shamefulness can destroy vitality, strike directly at the spiritual will, and even hurt the soul, which is terrible.

The shame grasped by Chen Xiu is even more trivial.


However, in a short time, two ordinary six-stars in Xiexuelou were beheaded.

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the news, Shuramon should only have two six-stars, five five-stars, and three four-stars. Chen Xiu's combat power is even in the five-star ranks.

But now it seems that everyone is wrong and deceived. Where is this five-star combat power, at least the elite six-star combat power.

Not only are they wrong, but even the landlord Bloodclaw is wrong.

Chen Xiu was too scary to hide too deeply.

As everyone knows, the previous Chen Xiu was indeed only a five-star combat power. However, he is not a flesh and blood body, but a body of massive evil spirits condensed with magical powers. He cultivates such evil qigongs as Shao Gong Dharma, enlightenment is Tiansha Taoism, and also went into the secret territory of Shura to sharpen.

Leap forward!

It's all a leap forward.

If the Bloodclaw King noticed the change of Shuramon and acted a few years ago, then Shuramon was really not good enough every day.

However, in those few years, it was also the time for the Blood Claw King to retreat. After missing those years, he only acted now and the news has fallen behind.

After all, Chen Xiu usually stays in Shura's secret territory to practice, and for several years, he has never shown half his strength.

Furthermore, according to common sense, no matter how fast the improvement is, the improvement over the past few years is very limited.

An error affects the whole.

Killing two ordinary six-star powerhouses in a row, Chen Xiu did not hesitate, immediately turning his sword into a gray lightning, killing the five-star powerhouses in Xiexuelou.

As for the two elite six-stars, they can be handed over to the Silver Knife King and the Mixed King.

Those four five-star combat powers and three four-star combat powers, but stayed with Shuramon to advance and retreat, to say nothing, can not let them die.

Chen Xiu's speed was extremely fast, and he was killed instantly. A sword traversed the sky, and his power was terrifying.

Six-stars were all killed, let alone five-stars with less strength than six-stars.

No one can stop Chen Xiu's sword.

Seeing Chen Xiu killing, the four five-star combat forces originally resisted hard, all of them were wounded. It is estimated that death will occur shortly after the support, but suddenly broke out, and the counterattack was not afraid of death.

When cooperating with Chen Xiu, they immediately suppressed each other.

Kill kill!

One after another, the five-star powerhouses in Xiexuelou were killed by Chen Xiuyi.

The gap in combat power is really terrible. It's a one-sided situation. No wonder those people will leave Shuramon in violation of their vows after hearing the fierce name of Bloodclaw King.

Under the obvious gap in combat power, especially the mastery of his own martial arts reached a terrible level, killing people who are weaker than himself is like killing chickens.

Seeing the death of his own people, the two elite six-star warriors were also terrified ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But in the fierce battle, there is no room for loss, and no one is afraid to be distracted.

Not long after, all the five-star powerhouses in Xiexuelou were killed by Chen Xiu. Without hesitation, Chen Zong killed those four-star powerhouses.

These four-star combat power has already spread out. After all, even the six-star and five-star have been slaughtered, let alone their four-star.

"Okay ..." Suddenly, a slightly hoarse voice came from a distance, and there was a flash of blood. Immediately, half of the sky was rendered in blood, and even the white clouds in the sky were stained with a large piece of red, as if to cover the sky In the meantime, the endless scarlet waves rushed across.




The breath made people smell, and they went straight into the nasal cavity and pierced the lungs, making people feel sick.

Under the **** wave, a figure appeared.

A black robe was exceptionally clear in the blood, and countless blood was as silk as smoke, which was constantly permeating on his body.

The horrible evil spirit is like a raging tide, as if the sea is flowing, and the impact comes. The silver sword king and the hybrid king are suddenly changed in appearance, and the whole membrane seems to be stimulated by countless currents, and a burst of tingling comes out.

The two elite six-star warriors in Dixuelou immediately seized the opportunity to retreat, and quickly rushed away.

The same is true of the other half-step grand saints in Xiexuelou, one after another.

"See the landlord." These people bowed in salute in the air, as if welcoming the king.

This person is the master of the Blood Tower: Blood Claw King.

Chen Xiu held the sword in the air, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he gazed at the Blood Claw King through the void for thousands of meters, feeling the horror of the other person's body, secretly shocked.

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