Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 36: Inexplicable

(Tomorrow will be published in the public account of the third chapter of God alone, please pay attention to the public account: the six sinking)

At the peak of Shura, blood is diffused, blood clouds are surging, rendering half of the sky.

Chen Xiu's sword made the people in Xiexuelou feel terrified, almost shocked, and almost collapsed, but the arrival of Blood Claw King was like a pin of a sea god, which directly eliminated their inner shock and calmed down.

As the horrible powerhouse of the top seven-star combat power, the seventh-ranked powerhouse on the Taixuan Grand Sacred List, who had beheaded the elite seven-star combat power, is undoubtedly a deterrent to the super existence.

Although there are more powerful eight-star combat power and nine-star combat power at the half-step grand sacred level, there are very few eight-star combat power in the entire Taixuan Realm, and it is difficult to find out a few. As for the nine The star, so far known, is only one person.

In the face of the Blood Claw King, including Chen Xiu, everyone looked dignified.

The Blood Claw King was shrouded under the black robe, and even his head was covered, and his face could not be seen clearly. Only the blood-stained eyes flashed cold, as if tearing the void, making people extremely distracted and chilling.

The horrible momentum was turbulent, as if the **** was pouring in torrents, and the relentless venting shock came, and suddenly everyone except Chen Xiu was deterred.

The King of the Silver Sword and the King of the Heavens are okay. After all, the strength is strong enough, and the momentum alone can resist it, but other people can't, it is almost difficult to move.


This blood claw king is as if a powerful sect is coming, overwhelming.

So powerful, it makes Chen Xiu more excited.

Blood Claw King's eyes glowed with blood and swept across, staring at Chen Xiu's face, carrying the terrible oppression, and it seemed that Chen Xiu should be seen through.

"You are Chen Xiu?" The blood paw king's voice sounded hoarse and obscure, seemed to be asking, and seemed very determined: "Get away with me, follow me, Xiuluomen is safe and sound."

"Hold your hands and ask me the sword in my hand." Chen Xiu's long sword crossed the air, his tone calm, his eyes glowed with a strange cold light, and his astonishment was coiled around his body.

"That being the case, I will kill the first." Blood Claw's tone filled with a trace of cruel and fierce, the sound of the voice fell, the robe sleeve suddenly waved, and suddenly, a black storm swept out, blinked Quickly compressed, condensed into a black knife light, a scarlet glow on the blade edge, emitting a sickening stench.

Just moments later, the black sword light tore the void to kill.

However, Chen Xiu had no intention of dodging. One sword swept across, and the gray sword light broke like thunder, condensing unparalleled murderous power.

Daoguang and Jianguang collided in an instant, Jianguang collapsed instantly, and between the sword's shock, Daoguang also shattered.

The Blood Paw King was secretly surprised. Although he just hit it with his own hands, he could not resist without the seven-star combat power.

In other words, this Chen Xiu has at least an ordinary seven-star combat power.

Thinking of this, the Bloodclaw King was suddenly shocked.

When he got the news, it was Chen Xiu's combat power a few years ago. The five-star level should be the elite five-star.

But it is only a few years, and it is impossible to imagine that it can have at least ordinary seven-star level combat power.

Big secret!

There is absolutely a big secret on this person. It is no wonder that King Rakshasa wants to act by all means, even with the right ambassador, and he must take this life away.

"It was beyond my expectation." Bloodclaw King laughed.

For a while, without seeing any gesture, the black robe suddenly shook against the wind, as if flying in midair.

Chen Xiu's sharp eyes had captured a shadow, disappearing at an astonishing speed as if he was plunging into the void.

This scene can only be seen by Chen Xiu, what others see is only the black robe flying suddenly, and the figure under the black robe disappears without a trace.

It was as if there was no one under the black robe, but now it is just rippling by a strong wind.

A strong sense of crisis swept across, as if an invisible frenzy would drown himself.

Chen Xiu stood still in the void, motionless, and the wicked evil sword drew naturally.

Perception was promoted to the extreme by Chen Xiu.

In addition to the differences between Gongfa, swordsmanship, and Taoism, some of the abilities mastered by the deity also master the same.

The blood claw king's speed is extremely fast, like lightning, and, not only quickly, but also as if immersed in the void, it is more difficult to detect.

The terrible killing power is hidden in the void, restrained, and a little outbreak will release the most powerful power.

This blow was fatal.

Of course, the blood claw king would not kill Chen Zong, but when he shot, he would directly destroy Chen Zong, or even abandon it, and then catch it alive and return it to King Luocha.

Time slowly passed, and Chen Xiu closed his eyes, and the divine thoughts spread out, elevating perception to the extreme.

Field of Hearts!

Chen Xiu also released the realm of heart.

The realm of the heart will be shrouded all around, all the slightest changes will be felt.

Immediately, Chen Xiu felt a blurry figure, as if walking between gaps in the void, and was surrounding himself, slowly approaching.

Blood Claw King!

Chen Xiu didn't move, he felt quietly, waiting quietly, waiting for the Blood Claw King to approach, waiting for the best time before shooting.

If this sword comes out, kill the Bloodclaw King.

One, two, three ...

Suddenly, the blood claw king's speed intensified, rushing to Chen Xiu like a thunder, and his shape also changed from invisible to tangible.

A dark red tight-fitting military robe with a slender body, like a dark red poisonous snake, twisted and bounced in the void instantly, the speed increased sharply, and it was winding and approaching.

His hands suddenly grabbed, as if turned into a **** condensed hook and claw, tearing the void directly, with the ultimate killing power, to mercilessly kill Chen Xiu.

This is the time!

The sword trembled gently, and a faint sound of the sword rumbling spread into the void, and the gray light shone like a dragon like electricity, turning into a ripple like a blade. The handle is straight through the tip of the sword.

Xeon killing moves, a sword through the sky to kill.

The grey sword light disappeared instantly, turned into a thunderbolt that was pure and unrestrained, and was killed at an incredible speed, leaving a shadow in the void.

Tiansha sword tactics-Shaying!

Tiansha Sword Technique is a new sword technique created by Chen Xiu after concentrating in the secret territory of Shura.

The first move is exactly shame.

With this sword, Chen Xiu did not retain his strength.

Elite seven-star combat power!

A sword broke, and immediately called the blood claw king creepy.

Although he is certain that Chen Xiu has at least seven-star combat power, he can't help but feel terrified when he really feels the power of the opponent's sword.

Although I have killed elite 7 stars myself, it is not so easy.

Speaking of time and time, in a moment of thinking, Sword of Sword already carried through the sky with terrible murderous power, and pierced the body of the Blood Claw King mercilessly.

However, Chen Xiu's expression changed slightly. This sword did not feel the stabbing of the entity.

"Dead!" Behind Chen Xiu, a trace of **** cold light appeared, the claws seemed to penetrate the heavens and the earth, and there was an unreserved burst of murderous intentions, which seemed to fall apart.

The true body of the Blood Claw King appeared behind Chen Xiu and was shot down.

This blow was enough to tear Chen Zong's back.

Of course, the command of King Rakshasa was alive. Therefore, the Blood Claw King retained a little strength and would only seriously hurt Chen Xiu.


Suddenly, Chen Xiu's body was hit by the **** claws, penetrating from the back and tearing down.

This is actually not true.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong seems to have mastered everything.

The real body had moved forward in an instant, as if Jin Chan had husked, rushing forward, twisting his waist in midair, turning his back and cutting across, like a thundering mountain.


The sharp voice shook and the ripples rolled.

Chen Zong only felt that the long sword split the hardest thing, and the force of the shock came and broke the sword body.

It was the claws of the Blood Claw King.

At a moment when Chen Xiu's sword body swings slightly, I saw the blood claw king's claws slip and hook, and suddenly the sword body was hooked and locked, and the power broke out suddenly. Pulling the sword body directly pulled Chen Xiu closer, the other The claws suddenly broke, killing fiercely, to tear Chen Xiu's shoulder.

Chen Xiu's left hand was pointed like a sword, condensing the mighty power of burning Shura Gong, and burst out of the air in an instant, like a huge sword destroying mountains and mountains.

The sword fingers collided with the claws. Chen Xiu felt a shock in his two fingers, as if to be broken, but also blocked the claws to kill.

The blade of Sword of Extinction turned around, and with a wonderful technique, it was immediately pulled out from under the opponent's claws ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Crunched to the throat of Bloodclaw King.

With the sharp edge of the extinguishing evil sword, if it is cut, the blood claw king's neck may be cut more than half.

After all, Blood Claw King is a strong man who has endured countless battles of life and death. He is powerful, experienced, and has an amazing response. His head is tilted back slightly, avoiding Chen Xiuyi's cross-cutting. Crossed out.

The shadow of the claws filled the sky, and the overwhelming killing was like a storm.

Chen Xiu did not back away at all, with a sword in his hand, blocking all the offensive actions of the Bloodclaw King.

The two shot very fast, the battle was extremely fierce, and everyone was shocked.

Both those in Xiexuelou and Shulumen's powerful men were stunned.

Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu's strength is so powerful!

The King of the Silver Swords and the King of the Blinds shocked inexplicably, totally unthinkable.

Of course, they also knew that Chen Xiu was not called Chen Xiu, but Chen Zong. Chen Zong had also informed them about this.

The people on the side of Xiexuelou were creepy and terrifying. Although they were desperate, now they couldn't help feeling cold.

Even when he found the front door of such a murderer, he threatened to slaughter his opponent's gate, and he didn't know his life.

This is at least an elite seven-star combat power, capable of fighting fiercely with Bloodclaw King.

"Zuo Shi, it seems that with your ability, you can't take this younger generation." A voice filled with jokes and a joke suddenly came from a distance. Immediately, only one figure approached quickly, and it became clear from the slightest investigation. .

It was a middle-aged man who was extremely tall and tall. His shoulders were astonishingly wide, as if he could carry a mountain, his chest bulging thickly, as if there was a strong and violent force hidden in it.

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