Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 38: 1 sword double decision (below)

(The third chapter of Dushen Fanwai has been updated, please pay attention to the public account: the six sinkings, which can be read)

The arc of the lingering moon is like a sky-scrape, and everything in the world can't stop its sharp edge and its cutting.


The Blood Claw King was terrified, only feeling that under this horrible sword light, his own mind, his own will, and his own soul were all torn and killed.

break out!


The giant scorpion phantom suddenly became a masterpiece of light, becoming more and more solid, and the blood hook once again fiercely smashed, sending out more and more terrifying power, as if piercing everything.

A best-effort blow!

The sword was slaughtered, and it suddenly collided with the full force of the Bloodclaw King. They slightly antagonized each other and made an extremely harsh sound, as if the swords cut each other.

Terrible energy continues to rag.

The King of the Barbarian shot again.

Boom boom!

The two fists condensed the horrible mountain-like power, and bombarded them in succession. Each fist can smash the mountains and bombard them in succession, as if the void was completely destroyed and broken into a vacuum ruin.

Chen Xiu's face remained the same, but his body was twisted in an instant, making all sorts of unreasonable actions. Between the sword of annihilation, he crossed the void, the sword light was straight and sharp, as if cutting the void away, like It's cake-like.

The seemingly chaotic sword-slashing and slashing is like a graffiti written by a child's handwriting, but each of the punches killed by the wild mountain king is separated, making its power unable to merge.

This extremely accurate grasp of martial arts suddenly called Manshanwang thriller.

Both the King of the Wild and the Blood Talon had agreed in secret that they would have to capture this person back anyway to complete the Lord's mission.

Although this person's strength is very strong, he can use one enemy and two to fight against the two of them, but only temporarily. In the end of the battle, the strength will be consumed and the strength will be weakened. At that time, it is the time when the other side is ambush.

As everyone knows, even when Chen Xiu's strength is consumed, his strength will not be weakened by half.

In turn, the strength of the Barbarian King and Bloodclaw King will be affected with power consumption, but will be weakened a little.

Gradually, the King of the Wild and the Blood Claw found that they felt a little suppressed, and they seemed to be falling behind.

This found that the two were creepy and totally incomprehensible.

Self-confidence, such superbly incomprehensible realms, is too far away for them to hear, never heard, no concept.

"Zuo Shi, fight like this for a long time, I'm afraid that I can't help each other in the end." The voice of Wang Shanshan rang in the ears of Bloodclaw King.

The latter words, of course, he did not say.

Nothing but the other party will be suppressed.

The Blood Claw also knew this.

"For the time being, withdraw temporarily and report this to the Lord." The Bloodclaw King responded.

The strength of the opponent was completely unexpected.

It is not that the other person is too weak, but that the other party is too strong, and it is no longer possible for them to deal with it. Only the Lord himself can suppress it.

The two changed their thoughts and discussed again, and were ready to evacuate.

Both were fiercely blown, their strength was violent, the aftermath was rolling like a tide, surging and mighty, and the impact was endless, submerging Chen Xiu.

At the same time, the King of the Wild Mountain and the King of the Bloodtalon each spurred the fastest speed, exerted their energies and evacuated quickly.

"Escape ... Escape ..." A strong man in Xieloulou was stunned, his jaw almost fell.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ranked seventh and sixth on the Grand Sacred List, the Blood Claw King and the Savage King can stop children from crying out for the fierce and powerful terrorists and join forces to deal with a junior and escape.

Is this dreaming?

The escape of the two was also unexpected by Chen Xiu, but Chen Xiu under his self-confidence, the reaction was extremely fast.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong chased directly to the Blood Claw King, and as for the King of the Mountain, he was ignored for the time being.

"Where is King Rakshasa?" Chen Xiu's speed is amazing, just like the sword light that opened up the world, passing by instantly, extremely fast, chasing to the blood claw king, and at the same time, the voice of Sen Leng came in. In the ears of the Blood Claw King.

The blood claw king could not help but tremble.

King Rakshasa!

The other side knew the Lord.

Thousands of years ago, the Blood Claw King was completely unaware of it, so he didn't understand why the owner would name him by name and try to capture him.

It seems that there is any grudge between the two parties.

"Speak out, I will spare you a life." Chen Xiu's voice sounded again, but made the blood claw king sneer.

Save my life!

Despite the fierce battle, although Chen Xiu's strength is strong, he is not weak. Although he cannot capture the opponent, it is impossible to kill himself.

"Since I don't say it, I'll show you off the road." Chen Xiu's voice again passed into the Blood Claw King's ears. Suddenly, a strong and extreme sense of crisis suddenly exploded from the Blood Claw King's heart.

Chen Xiu's body stood for a moment, standing in the void, and his eyes flashed a stream of light.

The streamer is gray, chaotic, and filled with a trace of dying vitality, full of death and will to death.

Silent Evil Eye!

Continuous cultivation, and with the continuous improvement of his basic strength, Chen Xiu's grasp of the wicked evil eye has reached a great level.

The wicked evil eye is a small magical power. It is a magical power cultivated by the Great Holy Realm. It is difficult to practice magical power below the level of the Great Holy Realm.

However, Chen Xiu fits the little magical power of silence and evil eyes, and it is easier to cultivate.

Reaching the level of success, the evil eye has not only improved a lot of power, but also more flexible.

For a while, in each of his eyes, there was a wicked evil wheel condensing, the light of death pervaded, and the will of death became stronger and stronger.

Death is dead!

The two grey rays permeated with deep death, like two sword lights, radiated from Chen Xiu's eyes.


Unparalleled speed, like shooting out of the aurora.

Come first!

It only took a moment to approach the Blood Claw King.

The Blood Claw King was creepy, and the chill pervaded everywhere in the body, shivering.

Too late to dodge, the Blood Claw King also found that he couldn't avoid himself and was completely locked by those two rays.

If you can't avoid it, break it.

The giant scorpion phantom reappeared, and the long thick tail suddenly shook, and the scarlet light was extremely strong.

Desperately, the Blood Claw King was desperate, Xeon strikes, just to block these two terrible gray-white rays.

Suddenly, a dying light was crushed, but the giant scorpion's shadow also began to break from the end of the hook tail.

Another piece of silence, like a broken bamboo, hits the Bloodclaw King.

In a single hit, the blood claw king's body was instantaneous, motionless.

Gray is centered on the chest hit by dying light, and the layers spread like ripples and ripples. Soon, the entire chest was rendered gray, and it continued to spread to the neck and limbs.

The Blood Claw King continued to tremble, his eyes bulging out, as if struggling to use all his strength to resist the confrontation, but it was losing ground.

Death pervades the body, and vitality is rapidly extinct.

Chen Xiu approached like lightning, and a sword was shot out of nowhere.


The gray sword light is like a thunderbolt breaking through the air, passing through the void, and piercing the blood-claw king of the bloodless king with no resistance, the terrible sword intention and sword gas invade his mind and break the soul.

At this point, the fiercely-blooded landlord and the seventh-ranked Blood Claw King with brutal strength and brutal means killed him, but it was Chen Xiumen's elder Chen Xiu who killed him.

Killing the Blood Claw King, Chen Xiu also withdrew from his self-confidence, and felt a burst of weakness suddenly.

The stimulus of one's self-consciousness will continuously intensify the consumption of one's energy and spirit. This is one, and the second, and the most important point, is the exertion of dying light.

The power of the little magical power is extraordinary, but the consumption is also amazing. The two silences killed them, and they directly consumed most of Chen Xiu's energy and spirit.

At present, Chen Xiu can only issue such a blow, and it is difficult to issue a second one.

Fortunately, the blood claw king was finally killed. If the blood claw king and the barbarian king did not disperse and escape, Chen Xiu would not use the silence to die, otherwise he could only kill one. He consumed too much and was unable to maintain his freedom. Situation, the strength has fallen sharply, not another opponent.

The original plan of the Blood Claw King and the Savage Mountain King was to leave each other, making it more difficult for the opponent to chase them. I did not expect that being clever but being misunderstood would cause the death of the Blood Claw King.

After standing for a while, after recovering some of his spirits, Chen Xiu returned to Xiuluomen with the blood claw king's appetite.

All the people in Xiexuelou have fled.

Seeing the return of Chen Xiu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Silver King and Mixed King and others were relieved.

"Chen ... brother, are you okay." The King of Silver Swords asked immediately.

"Nothing, the Blood Claw King is already ambush." ​​Chen Xiubu Xu Buji said, the content, like a thunderous blast, suddenly made everyone's head cyanotic, stunned.

The fierce blood claw king is dead?

Is this hallucination?

Still dreaming?

"Return to Zong." Chen Xiu glanced over and took the lead in the direction of Xiuluomen.

The crowd was shocked and immediately returned to Xiuluomen with Chen Zong.

Upon returning to Xiuluomen, Chen Xiu immediately entered Xiuluo's secret territory to restore his strength. Here, the speed of recovery would be more than ten times faster than the outside world.

Shuramon also knew the news.

The powerful enemy Xiexuelou was defeated, and the blood claw king of Xiexuelou was also killed by the elder Chen Xiu.

The level of disciples is relatively low. The news has not had such a big impact on them, but the elders, the doorkeepers, etc. have completely stopped, and the whole brain is rigid and solidified, and they can't react at all.

Before, they were still worried. Even half-step Great Saints who had at least four-star combat power fled in violation of their vows. Now, the crisis is resolved, and the powerful enemies are directly beheaded.

"Okay." The keeper came awake and was so excited that he couldn't help yelling and letting out his unspeakable excitement.

Several elders also reacted, shaking with trembling, too excited, too excited.

Not only did it resolve the crisis of Shuramon, but it also represented that since then, Shuramon has a man who is at least one of the top ten in the holy list.

According to records, the ancient heyday of Roman Solomon was no different.

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