Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 39: Sword breaks grudges (1)

Over the territories of Taixuanjie and Tailuo City, a majestic figure filled with a mountain-like astonishing might, emptied into the void, like mountains and rivers, and quickly flew past, and then, there was a roar that rang out in all directions. Dang, like a surging wave.

This is the King of the Wild!

The King of the Barbarian King was overwhelmingly powerful, and the exercises he practiced also paid great attention to momentum and strength, so it was somewhat inadequate in terms of speed.

Of course, the so-called deficiencies are relatively speaking.

The combat power is as high as the elite seven-star, which belongs to the top level of the seven-star. It is very powerful. In terms of speed, it will not slow down. Even the elite six-star is difficult to compare.

The flying speed of the Savage King is completely faster than the ordinary seven-star star. Of course, compared with most elite seven-star stars, there is a slight gap.

"How could this person be so strong?" Wangshan Wushan was still in shock.

Originally received the news of Zuo Shi Blood Claw King, when he asked for assistance, he didn't take it for granted, but after all, the Lord ordered it, so he had to go there.

Unexpectedly, everything was unexpected. Beyond the control, depending on the strength of their left and right sides, they were unable to win the opponent, even in a two-on-one battle, not only could they not suppress the capture, but even with the fighting for longer There is a feeling of being suppressed by the other party in turn.

If you notice something wrong, and you ca n’t really kill the order against the command of the Lord, you can only retreat temporarily and report the matter to the owner, and then make a decision, or you must take the action yourself.

The King of the Wild Hills doesn't know yet. The Blood Claw King is dead and killed by Chen Xiu.

If the energy is not exhausted, I am afraid he will be chased.

The King of the Barbarian was not slow. He flew with all his strength and kept going out of the boundary of Tailuo City. He had to report this to the Lord.

The reason why he didn't choose to go to the Nether Temple in Tailo City was to worry about being intercepted.

Leaving the boundary of Tero City first, heading to the adjacent boundary, borrowing the Void Gate of the Nether Temple to go faster to the place where the Lord is.

Flying and flying, the King of the Wild Mountain suddenly saw in front of him, a white robe figure standing in the sky, motionless, his back to himself, looking like a breeze.

"Get off!" Manshan Wang suddenly sighed with angrily breath, and suddenly burst out.

However, when this overbearing momentum hit, the figure of the white robe remained motionless and unaffected.

Immediately, when Wang Shan saw the other man turned around and saw a smile on his face, he was shocked, as if the cat was trampled on his tail, and was frightened.

Suddenly the strong body suddenly stopped, completely stopped, and then, without hesitation, rushed in the other direction immediately.


At this moment, the savage feeling in the heart of the Barbarian King made him frightened.


Why this person appears here, it seems that it has been waiting for a long time.

However, along the way, I didn't feel any pursuit, and when I got out, I saw the other party to go after the Blood Claw King.

This person's speed is really so fast?

If there is such a speed, it completely exceeds the seven-star level, and it is definitely an eight-star level.

Wang Shan also noticed another point, that is, the clothes on the other side are different.

The previous one wore a gray robe, but this one wore a white robe.


Frightened by the horror, Man Shanwang's thinking was chaotic. He didn't think about it. He just fled, and fled here first.

However, he could not escape at all.

Because the white robe figure behind him was quickly chasing, and the distance between them was rapidly shortening.

"You can't escape." In my ear, there was a calmness, but with a cold voice, the Mountain King was creepy.

"Who the **** are you?" Roared Wang Shanshan, not because he was not courageous, but because what he encountered today was completely unexpected, and subverted his ideas again and again.

"Isn't King Rakshasa letting you deal with me?" Chen Zongwei smiled.

Yes, this person is the deity Chen Zong, not Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu fought against Bloodclaw King and Manshan King, etc., the deity Chen Zong knew that he did not appear immediately, but waited.

After all, if you show up, you will reveal the secret of your deity and avatar.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu's strength is arrogant enough, so that one enemy and two will not fall behind.

Originally, Chen Zong felt that when he returned from the Eternal Battle Fortress and realized the mysteries of heaven and earth, he had made great progress in all aspects, and his combat power soared to become more powerful. He should have surpassed Chen Xiu.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the clone Chen Xiu has also been raised to such a degree.

But in retrospect, it is not impossible, it makes sense.

After all, the avatar Chen Xiu can be condensed from the magical power of the supernatural powers Shura to draw a large amount of evil spirits. It is not a flesh and blood body, just like the body condensed by his consciousness coming to the eternal battlefield.

Of course, on the level of physical fitness, the physical fitness of Shura's avatar definitely surpasses mortal body and reaches the level of spiritual body.

As to whether it is a middle-level spirit body or a higher-level spirit body, it is difficult for Chen Zong to judge clearly for a while, but it is estimated that it must exceed the lower-level spirit body.

Obtaining a lower level spirit in the vein of the Eternal Battlefield, Chen Zong is more aware of its amazingness.

Chen Xiu had such a constitution from the beginning that he was able to continuously improve in a short period of time, and it was even more amazing.

And this kind of constitution has great benefits, but it also means some limitations, that is, cultivation.

For example, the lower-level spirits in the Eternal War Fortress need to cultivate quickly, and the effect will be manifested when they are in a place with strong atmosphere of heaven and earth.

The same is true of Chen Xiu. Where there is no evil spirit, his progress will become slower, just the level of ordinary Tianjiao.

But if it is in a place with strong evil spirits, it can reach the level of the peerless evil.

Shura's mystery is a place full of anger and shock, and Chen Xiu enters it to practice, when it is like a fish, he can make rapid progress, which is also reasonable.

One year of the Eternal Battlefield is equal to ten years of the Heavenly Realm.

The consciousness of the deity stayed in the Eternal War Fortress for less than a year, and the Tianyuan Sanctuary passed for several years.

It is normal for Chen Xiu to strengthen his strength.

In this case, there is no need for the deity to show up. However, the blood claw king Fuxi, of course, this wild mountain king can't be ignored.

Chen Xiu couldn't chase, then gave it to the deity.

With all these breakthroughs, Chen Zong's spiritual thoughts have been further strengthened, and he can already upload himself from Miguang Island to any place in the Tai Xuan Realm and Tai Luo City.

In this way, I am waiting for the appearance of Manshan King.

"Where is King Rakshasa now?" Chen Zong spoke again, his voice rushing into the ears of Manshan King.

The King of the Mountain did not respond, but slammed his feet at full speed and flew continuously.

However, Chen Zong had already pursued it.

Shen Yejian came out of the scabbard and swept across the sky. The speed of the sword was astonishing. It seemed like a little black star came and shot. The sharp edge suddenly made the King of Manshan shake.


Turned around and blasted out with one palm.

This punch was unremarkable, and the speed was not fast. It seemed to push the door open, but it filled with an astonishingly magnificent momentum.


The world was shocked, the storm was raging and the roar was endless.

That palm directly brought horrible power, as if destroying mountains and mountains, everything was compressed and condensed extremely hard, as if an invisible but sword-like wall ran rampant, and it was like an ancient Magnificent mountains move.

Push the mountain with one palm!

The formidable strength of the elite seven-star combat power is interpreted in this palm.

Even if it was shocked and frightened in the heart, when the real shot was taken, the King of the Wild Mountain would not have half of the reservation and would not be afraid of bombing.

This kind of combat power is obviously more arrogant than the ordinary seven-star combat blood king, which makes Chen Zong feel excited.

The strength of the blood-slaying king is indeed very strong, but compared to his current self, it is not enough to see, with a sword, you can kill.

So, how about the barbarian king of elite seven-star combat power?

How many swords can you block?

It is difficult for such a strong person as Chen Xiu to kill them with swordsmanship. Only by using the magical power of the magical eyes to silence the evil eyes can they die.

So, can you kill it yourself?

Not sure, but eager to try.

Facing the palm of the King of the Mountain, Chen Zong didn't have the idea of ​​half-avoidance.

Shen Ye Jianfeng was extremely sharp, tearing everything between heaven and earth, nothing to stop.

The majestic palm-like palm strength was torn away in a moment, and the mouth was invisible but felt.

After being perfected and improved, Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has been sharpened to the extreme, and the ground-breaking characteristics have been further enhanced.

After a sword was torn, Chen Zongshi was like a bamboo shooter.



Jian Guang was dark and sharp, and suddenly the King of the Mountain changed his face, and he did not dare to touch it.

He felt a terrible sharpness condensed in the opponent's sword light, as if he could tear everything in the world.

He has a very strong physique, and the defensive power brought by the exercises he has practiced is also very strong, but he is not sure to resist.


The Infinite Martial Arts serial sword immediately unfolded, killing melee.

Close combat is also good at the King of the Mountain. Between the changes of the fists, each blow carries the majestic and mighty terror and combines the skills. The needle burst into a spear-like majesty.

The combination of the two also brought a lot of pressure on Chen Zong.

Sure enough, these seven-star powerhouses with top-notch fighting power are extraordinary and extremely powerful.

However, such an opponent will make people excited.

Without inspiring self-confidence, relying on the normal state and normal strength to fight against the enemy, and close-killed, Chen Zong exerted his sword skills to the extreme, and did not fall halfway.

Sword light is endless, either picking or cutting or chopping, and constantly dissolving the opponent's overwhelming power offensive, and at the same time counterattack, each sword can tear the opponent's energy and threaten the life of the barbarian king.

The King of the Wild Mountain did not dare to have a slight distraction, because as long as he had a slight distraction, he would be seized by the opponent and immediately hit the sword.

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