Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 41: Sword breaks grudges (3)

In the Taixuan Realm, the ditch of the abyss seems to be bottomless.

Inside the dark cave, the darkness was so deep that it seemed like the heart was beating, endlessly.

"Dead, both the left and right envoys are dead, who killed you?" In the dark, suddenly there was a horror roaring from the ghost king of nine inferno, full of anger and murder.

The Blood Claw King and the Savage Mountain King, however, spent hundreds of years, consuming countless efforts, tens of thousands of practitioners' lives, and even risked life and death by chance, and finally developed a powerful arm.

Facts have also proved that the King of the Wild and the Blood Claw are very good, earning a lot of wealth for themselves and providing continuous training resources.

The top seven-star combat power, in some cases, is enough to run the Tianyuan Sanctuary.

I asked them to deal with a junior, but now they are dead.

Who killed them?

Could it be that a strong man with an eight-star combat power has taken the shot?

The eight-star powerhouses in the Taixuan Realm are very clear, not many, but they are only four in the open, maybe secretly, but they are among the top forces .

Under normal circumstances, the Bloodclaw King and the Savage King cannot provoke the top forces.

Could it be said that Shuramon relied on a certain top power?

"When the King succeeds, you will all die." King Luocha roared, echoing in the dark cave.


Chen Zong found that without using some means, the people of Wanlingge did not cooperate at all.

Therefore, only those who showed arrogant force to persuade Wanlingge to surrender Tianmingzi.

Of course, Chen Zong did not hurt anyone.

"Who, dare to be wild in my Wanling Pavilion?" Angrily came, and it exploded in the hall of Wanling Pavilion, like a sulky thunder, and the arrogant breath followed.

The strong man guarding this place of Wanling Pavilion approached.

That breath, clearly reached the level of half a step of the holy level, and is a strong two-star combat level.

This astonishing momentum was like a storm passing by, and immediately rushed to Chen Zong to lock it in.

To the sanctuary, it was a horrible and devastating momentum. To Chen Zong, it was like a breeze.

In this way, the other party was told to secretly fear.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"What about looking for Elder Tian Mingzi?"

The middle-aged man in a short gown stared at Chen Zong with a wary face, his voice was low.

"You don't need to know anything, tell me where Tianmingzi is, or let Tianmingzi come over." Chen Zongbuxu replied, at the same time, exhaling a breath.

This breath is terrible, like a sky sword hanging in the air, shot down instantly, making the other party creepy, the whole person seems to be penetrated.

In this breath, all his resistances were defeated and disintegrated.


This is a terrible powerhouse.

In an instant, the guardian of Wanlingge understood that cold sweat was seeping from his forehead and flowing down his cheek.

"Sir, I don't know where Elder Tianmingzi is?" The man responded hard.

When the gap in strength is too big, we dare not be half lucky.

"Wanling Pavilion has the most informed information, I believe you must know." Chen Zong sighed leisurely: "In fact, I only look for Tian Mingzi, and do not want to be the enemy of Wanling Pavilion, but if you are not willing to cooperate, All souls Pavilion will be robbed. "

The other side heard the words, his face changed from moment to moment, it seemed to be weighing the pros and cons.

The opponent is very strong. Just just breathe, let yourself have a sense of being destroyed, indicating that the opponent's combat power is at least four-star level, and may even be higher.

Although outside the legend, Wanling Pavilion has the Great Holy Realm as the backer, but whether it is true or not, in fact, can not be determined.

Even if it is true, it will be a long time ago, not to mention, the battle under the Great Holy Realm, the Great Holy Realm Xeon will not intervene at all, unless it is the extinction crisis of the Wanling Pavilion.

It is said that everything else is false. For the sake of today, we must deal with this person first.

"I really don't know where Elder Tian Mingzi is, but please give me some time, and I will report the matter now," the person said quickly.

"Well, it's best to find someone with enough weight." Chen Zong's eyes looked at the other person with a profound look, said Xu Xubuji.

Indeed, Wanlinge's argument is that the great sacred realm is underpinning, but the realm is at the level of Chen Zong, and things become clearer.

If there is really a great sacred state, the Xeon will not easily shoot.

It's like my own contradiction at the level of entering the holy realm. If you don't go too far, you won't get involved because of the level.

Moreover, he is not without a hole card.

Eternal World Order!

When one's consciousness came to the Eternal War Fortress and returned to the body, the Eternal Heaven and Earth added a power inside, which is a kind of protection power, which is the power of the Eternal War Fort specifically to protect the king-level genius.

Fighting at the same level will not inspire the protective power within the Eternal Heaven and Earth Order, but if the powerful person who is in the divine realm fires on himself, the power of the Eternal Heaven and Earth Order will appear to protect himself.

Of course, the power within the eternal heaven and earth can only resist and repel the low-level strong men who pass through the divine realm.

According to Hua Ji's words, the Great Sacred Realm of Tianyuan Sanctuary should belong to the lower level of Tong Shen Realm.

In other words, in the sacred realm of the heavens, the Great Holy Realm can no longer threaten himself.

In fact, this is also a kind of attention that the eternal battlefield pays to the king-level genius. After all, there are not many king-level geniuses, and it is not a small loss to die one.


Chen Zong is waiting for a response from Wanling Pavilion.


Shuramon of Taixuan City in Taixuanjie.

Chen Xiu's energy and spirit fully recovered to the peak and walked out of Shura's secret realm.

"A notice was issued, and both the King of the Savior and Bloodclaw have been ambush. Those who violated their vows at the moment of the crisis must limit their rush to Shuramon within three days to plead guilty." , But filled with the meaning of Mori: "Those who don't come overtime, don't blame my sword for mercy."

Before, those people would rather break their vows in order to survive, because the blood claw king's fierce name is too strong.

Today, Blood Claw King is directly beheaded and killed by Chen Xiu, which shows directly that Chen Xiu's strength is better than Blood Claw King.

In addition, the Savage King was also killed. Although it was not said who killed the Savage King, it seemed to have something to do with Shuramon.

Will this Shuramon be intimidating?


Chen Xiu believes that if this news is released, those who are greedy for life and fear of death will certainly rush to Xiuluomen. If they do not come, the consequence will be death.

Relentless under the sword!

Those people are all from the island of Miguang. They all bear the mark of the island of Miguang. They themselves are not clear, but the deity is very clear and can feel it.


In the Lingling Pavilion of Fei Ling City, Chen Zongyou was sitting and waiting slowly.

Immediately, a few eyes were so sharp that they stared, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

Three people!

The total number is three, two elderly people, one is a middle-aged person with white hair and double wrinkles. All of them are filled with amazing momentum and very arrogant.

Great step!

Moreover, it can be judged from their breath that the combat effectiveness of these three men is not low.

Those two old men had a four-star combat power, and the middle-aged man had a five-star combat power. As for the ordinary level or the elite level, only hands-on combat can be further affirmed.

Three arrogant breaths directly locked Chen Zong and suppressed Chen Zong.

However, as if Chen Zong didn't notice it, he remained motionless and looked indifferent. This gesture suddenly made the three of them secretly jealous.

Although the news of the Wanling Pavilion is well-informed, Chen Zong entered the Miguanghai a few years ago. According to what Wanling Pavilion knows, no one can come out.

Therefore, they will not associate the person in front of him with Chen Zong.

Generally speaking, the confrontation of momentum can determine the strength of the opponent, but in the face of the momentum of the three, the opponent is a light and unpretentious appearance, unpredictable.

"What's your name?" The middle-aged five-star combat man suddenly arched his hands and smiled.

"Where is Tian Mingzi?" Chen Zong asked back.

"Why did you look for Benko Tianmingzi?" The middle-aged man asked again, speaking softly, as if talking to a friend.

"Settling the grudges," Chen Zong said without covering up.

"But don't know what kind of grudges the Elder Tian Mingzi has with your Excellency?" The middle-aged man said again with a smile on his face: "If it is not too big grudges, we will pay the price to resolve them. "

"Who are you?" Chen Zong asked, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, not a good man, I am a lame son, and the deputy head of the Wanling Pavilion, these two are my elders of the Wanling Pavilion. "The middle-aged person said with a smile, a look of warmth to make friends.

The other party's attitude is mild, without any slight impatience, and the tone of speaking has a feeling of close relationship, which can make people feel uncontrollable.

It's really not ordinary people.

"My grievance with Tian Mingzi is life and death. How will Wanling Pavilion bear it?" Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

"Junior, I have a few tricks of pretending to be deceiving. I think that I have never looked for anything, but I'm not afraid of it." An elder of the headquarter seemed to be unable to read it, angrily.

The other elder, although he didn't open his mouth, also released a domineering breath, with a bit of evil spirit.

"The two elders, be calm and calm, everything can be resolved." Bai Lingzi smiled, and immediately looked at Chen Zong: "No matter what kind of resentment between your Excellency and Elder Tian Mingzi, in my opinion, they are It can be resolved, as long as you prescribe the conditions. "

"Tian Mingzi's life." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

This time, I did it to break the grudge, and the way to break the grudge was very simple and straightforward, that is, to kill Tianmingzi, and everything else need not be said.


No, you have a lot of wealth, which is enough, not to mention that you have a broader world and a higher mind, and you are no longer limited to this.

After breaking the grudge this time, when the eternal heaven and earth order can be used again, go to the eternal battlefield again.

That's where I pursue my cultivation.

Then, with the help of enlightenment and mystery in the Eternal War Fortress, return to the body to improve itself, reach the divine realm as soon as possible, enter the universe into the void of the universe, and explore endless mysteries.

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