Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 42: Sword breaks grudges (4)

(There is a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. When you go back to worship your ancestors, pay attention to safety.)

Lark has a headache.

He excels only when he comes from Tongkou, and when dealing with large and small things in Wanling Pavilion, he also values ​​peace, and can't do it if he can't do it.

And with his eloquence and ability, he can often handle many things that are difficult for others to handle smoothly and convincingly.

This time, the main cabinet chief asked him to come, which also meant to value his ability.

Wanling Pavilion is a business. It has never conflicted with other forces and values ​​peace.

Of course, if it is the enemy, then Wan Ling Ge will not be merciless.

Peaceful settlement is naturally the best.

However, Bai Lingzi found that no matter what he said, he tried his best to keep the other side unmoved, and his attitude was obviously and resolute. That was the death of Tian Mingzi.

To put it bluntly, the hidden sharp is extremely amazing.

Bailingzi only felt the sudden beating of the foramen, and his headache became more and more severe.

"Sir, I have stood for thousands of years and encountered countless crises, but in the end, I still have it, and it is getting stronger and stronger." The smile on Bailingzi's face was restrained, and his tone was a little bit more. Suddenly, there was a faint little kill.

Bailingzi has a five-star combat power. This combat power is not uttered by mouth, but is really cultivated and battled out.

Eloquence is good, like peace is expensive, does not mean that he will not be angry, does not mean that he will not fight and kill.

"Then this time, it may become the biggest crisis in the history of Wanling Pavilion." Chen Zong smiled indifferently to the threat of the other party.

Even if the sacred realm behind the Wanling Pavilion is really disregarding his face, he is not afraid of himself.

If Wanling Pavilion has a nine-star warrior, it cannot fight against itself, but it can also break away and enter Miguang Island in an instant.

There is strength to rely on, there is also a backward path, more powerful protection, here, I am almost absolutely safe.

In the past, when there was only one strength, he dared to fight for it, not to mention that now, under various reliances, is it even more daunting?

Hearing Chen Zong's words, Bai Lingzi's expression sank, and the elders of the two main cabinets suddenly became angry.


The momentum was violent, as if it was a torrential dyke, pouring down to Chen Zong.

"Since Wanling Pavilion did not surrender Tian Mingzi, it will be done until it is handed over." Chen Zong smiled coldly, his eyes had a sharp and extremely radiant burst, and his breath was as strong as a sky sword, erupting instantly, Repression.

The horror of the seven-star combat power instantly fell on the lark and the two elders of the General Pavilion, as if the impact of a cosmic sword flow came, like a Taigu Jianshan.


The three lark were terrified.

How could it be, how could it be so powerful.

Even the head of the cabinet did not have such arrogance.

In their hearts, it seems that there is a Jianshan suppression in the world, as if there was a sword in the early days that opened the sky and opened the universe.

Everything will be suppressed, everything will be penetrated.

In the face of this horrible power, he could only tremble.

Strong enemy!

This is a strong enemy. Seriously, as the other party said, this time, Wanlingge has really encountered the biggest crisis.

"Sir, have something to say." Bailingzi suddenly smiled, and bowed his head slightly.

There is no way, the momentum diffused by the other side is too arrogant, suppress them directly, if you want to do it, it is estimated that you will be instantly killed.

The two angry elders of the main cabinet were also stunned and did not dare to make trouble.

"I reiterate it again and surrender Tianmingzi." Chen Zong's eyes flashed coldly, his tone sounded, but as if the sword gas directly pierced the hearts of several people, they contracted in an instant and were extremely shocked.

Lark's perception is very sharp, and he can feel a certain determination from the other person's tone.

This is the ultimatum of the other party. If you violate it, it will really anger the other party.

Headache, Bailingzi's thinking turned sharply, thinking about ways to resolve, endless pain in the brain.

Tianmingzi is a half-step grand holy power. Yes, but it is only a three-star level. In the entire Wanling Pavilion, it can only be regarded as a medium level. One more, Wanling Pavilion will not increase much, one less, and neither How much will weaken.

But the focus is on the reputation of Wanling Pavilion.

If it is forced to surrender an elder and spread it, it will be a big blow to Wanling Pavilion, and it will damage the reputation established by Wanling Pavilion for many years.

Trees live a skin, and people live a face.

As a powerful force in the Upper Yuan, Wanling Pavilion naturally values ​​its prestige.

In fact, prestige is valued by every faction and every force.

But now it seems that if Tianmingzi is not surrendered, the loss of Wanlingge is not only prestige, but also other things.

Does it really make the great Holy Land behind the Wanling Pavilion shoot?

That's impossible. How could the Great Holy Realm take care of such little things.

What's more, Bai Lingzi, the deputy head of the General Pavilion, is more clear. According to rumors, the sacred King of the Backing of the Wanling Pavilion is only old with the head of the General Pavilion long ago, and has already left. For many years.

As long as the Wanling Pavilion has not suffered a destructive blow, the Great Holy Realm will never appear.

The Great Divine Realm, like a tiger skin, can frighten people.

The two elders are waiting for the decision of the lark.

Is it war?

Still yielding?

Make a decision.

"Tian Mingzi is not in the Wanling Pavilion now." Bai Lingzi seemed to think clearly, and suddenly, discouraged.

"Wanling Pavilion is the most informed, isn't it?" Chen Zong asked.

"Tian Mingzi is now in Qianyuan Cave." Bai Lingzi still said. Immediately, his eyes were cold and his tone became harsh and stern: "I have already told you that there is no longer a half relationship with my Wanling Pavilion. As for later, If Your Excellency does not spare any more, I will have no fear. "

"You also have to be clear, the consequences of deceiving me are not something you can afford." Chen Zong responded with a quick response, and got up and left.

My goal is only Tianmingzi. As for Wanling Pavilion, I don't want to be an enemy. Of course, if Wanling Pavilion doesn't know anything, you should fight and kill.

But now, Wanling Pavilion is quite cooperative.

Everyone is happy!

Of course, the people of Wanlingge must have been very aggrieved.

The potential is stronger than people, that is, crushing.

This is what power brings.

Looking at the back of Chen Zong's departure, there was a glimmer of gloom under his eyes, a kind of humiliation, a helplessness, and he and the two elders also left one after the other.


Qianyuan Cave is well-known in the Upper Yuan Realm.

From time to time, practitioners go to Qianyuandong to find the so-called chances, but there are really practitioners who find opportunities to improve themselves.

The reason why Tian Mingzi came to Qianyuan Cave was to find opportunities and improve himself.

In the past few years, in order to avenge his brother Tian Lingzi, the revenge failed, but he was severed and suffered severe injuries.

The broken arm wasn't taken away, otherwise it would only take a few bucks to reconnect it without any impact.

Without that truncated arm, if you want to grow a white flesh and body, it is not impossible to grow a brand new arm, but it is too expensive, and based on his current accumulation, it can't be done.

However, because he is the elder of Wanlingge, after consulting the news, I learned that there may be a holy medicine for osteogenesis and bone formation in Qianyuan Cave. After recovering from the injury, he entered the Qianyuan Cave to find it himself. .

It's just that many years have passed, and many elixir have been found, but no elixir that can build muscle and bone has been found.

But Tian Mingzi does not intend to give up on this, he must find and restore his arm, otherwise, his strength will be affected.

Because of this, Tian Mingzi has been staying in Qianyuan Cave for many years. Naturally, he is not so well informed about outside news.

Therefore, he didn't know that he was going to have a big disaster.

Soon, Chen Zong came outside Qianyuan Cave.

Qianyuan Cave is a collective name, because there are many caves here, which are twists and turns, and there are hundreds of them, covering more than 100,000 miles.

Hundreds of caves, winding around, are called thousand yuan.

Some of these hundreds of caves are very long, tens of thousands of miles are counted, and some are very short, less than a thousand miles.

But whether they are long or short, those caves have one or more places connected to each other, and they are like a huge maze.

Therefore, once you enter Qianyuan Cave, if you haven't left, it will be relatively difficult to know the outside news. On the other hand, Qianyuan Cave is so large that it is not easy to find someone in it.

Like a haystack.

Bailingzi finally chose to tell Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ one is due to the situation, and the other is because the terrain of Qianyuan Cave is complicated, and it is not easy to find Tianmingzi from it.

If it was found, it would be unfortunate for Tian Mingzi.

Resentment and resentment, it's time to break and break, Wanling Pavilion can't take the lead for Tian Mingzi, otherwise it will only cause trouble.

Although there are hundreds of caves and hundreds of cave entrances, Qianyuan Cave has a total entrance.

If you stay at the main entrance, you can also intercept, but when the other party will leave, it is uncertain.

It may only take a short time, or it may be years or even decades.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Zong to wait at the main entrance to wait for Tian Mingzi to appear, because he doesn't know how long to wait, maybe it will be many years, and he doesn't have that much time to waste.

However, he is not alone, and he has a clone.

Soon, the avatar Chen Xiu went from the Taixuan Realm to the Upper Yuan Realm through the power of Miguang Island, and merged with the deity.

Of course, the avatar has made some changes that will not make people look the same as the deity.

The double guarded at the main entrance of Qianyuandong, and the deity entered the Qianyuandong.

Hundreds of caves, where to look for Tian Mingzi, Chen Zong was not clear, he could only go into the search, while asking other people for information and so on.

Randomly choose one of the cave entrances and step into it. The air inside moves faster than the outside world, and the fluctuation of the heaven and earth's vitality is also stronger.

From time to time, there will be whine winds passing by, mighty, as if piercing the eardrum.

Chen Zong is very fast, and at the same time, he spreads the power of divine thoughts, condenses into a straight line, and continuously extends forward to accelerate the search.

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