Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 43: Sword breaks grudges (5)

"I first discovered this blue leaf sky blue. Are you going to grab it?" This voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Tiancaidibao, where the fate belongs, strength is fate." Another voice was full of sneer.

There are hundreds of caves in Qianyuan Cave. Because of the abnormal vitality of the heavens and the earth, there are many treasures that are not available outside.

Early in the morning, when you enter any cave, you can easily find treasure medicine, low medicine, high medicine.

But after many years, countless practitioners poured into it to find excavations. Gradually, the treasure medicine became less and less, and it became more and more difficult to find, and even some treasure medicines became exquisite.

The so-called things are rare and expensive, and once they become rare and difficult to obtain, their value will soar.

When a lucky man gets any rare treasure in Qianyuandong and sells it for a large price, he will attract more people.

Of course, the vast majority of people who enter Qianyuandong to search for treasure medicines are in the level of sacred realm, and very few are half-step holy priests. As for the level of transcendental realm, even if you get any kind of treasure, you may be The treasure was sinned.

For example, just before finding treasure medicines, there are many cases of scramble for conflicts. After Chen Zong entered Qianyuan Cave, he has encountered many times.

However, these have nothing to do with Chen Zong and ignore them.

Looking for Tian Mingzi!

Chen Zong entered here with only one purpose, found Tian Mingzi, and beheaded and killed directly, breaking this grudge.

With grudges, my mind will be clear, I wo n’t forget, I wo n’t leave regrets, it ’s like wiping away the dust on my soul.

A thorough soul is impeccable.

Qianyuan Cave is very large, with hundreds of caves winding around, like a large maze. Finding someone in it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Zong is extremely fast.

The seven-star warriors are like aurora glances, and there is a search for divine thoughts, there is no need to stay.

Many people are looking for treasure medicine, and suddenly they feel that there is a breeze flying past them, and they can't see the figure at all.

Chen Zong's speed is very fast. Short caves are only hundreds of miles long and can be searched quickly. Long caves can be up to tens of thousands of miles in length. In fact, it is nothing more than spending more time.

Chen Zong's investigation is step by step, just like a carpet search. This may take some time but avoid omissions. For example, after searching here, no target is found. When searching for other caves, the target enters the already searched. Inside the cave.

A cave!

Two caves!

Three caves!

Chen Zong kept searching, while Chen Xiu stood guard at the main entrance.

The eighteenth cave is a cave that is more than 8,000 miles long. The cave twists and turns is very tortuous, and Chen Zong suddenly pauses, his eyes twinkling with an unexpected look.

Tianmingzi was not found, but someone who needed grievances was also found.


Deep in the cave, it was dark and the vitality of heaven and earth was flowing at an abnormal speed, as if a wave of wind was blowing.

It's deep in the cave, dark, making the wind cold.

But in this darkness and coldness, someone exists.


There are five people in full, and each person is filled with amazing breath fluctuations, apparently the five strong men.

Five Holy Saints!

These five people are truly the Miguang Wusheng, the owner of Miguang Haimiguang Henghai Ship.

In the same year, after they held Chen Zong, they were attacked by Chen Zong as avatars. They successfully marched into the sea of ​​lost light and lost Chen Zong's trace.

However, other people believe that it was the secret that they five held Chen Zong and got the avatar.

At that time, the five people fled around like rats.

However, the Miguang Wusheng has good strength and ability. It is more powerful under the joint efforts, but it has survived crises again and again, and the five people have dispersed and changed their appearances. trouble.

The five are better, and hide in Qianyuan Cave.

With the strength and means of five people, and the complex terrain of Qianyuandong, it is not easy to find their whereabouts at half-step grand level as long as they are not shot by the great holy state.

Unless it is a big move.

However, no one knows that the five of them entered the Qianyuan Cave. After all, they were scattered when they entered, and they changed their looks.

Chen Zong was very surprised. The purpose of entering Qianyuan Cave was to find Tian Mingzi. After killing Tian Mingzi, he would then search for the Five Holy Saints.

What I didn't expect was that I first found the Miguang Wusheng here.

Although the Miguang Wusheng has changed their face, their breath will fluctuate without much change. Chen Zong already remembers it clearly.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and Chen Zong's eyes flickered cold, flying out like a lightning.

Now that the Five Saints of Miguang were discovered first, then the five people should be solved first.

"Who?" Miguang Wusheng was very alert. As soon as Chen Zong approached, they triggered the alert set by them. Five powerful breaths erupted in unison, like a storm sweeping past.

"A few, long time no see." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

The gloom here is nothing at all for a half-step sacred power.

Therefore, the eyes of Miguang Wusheng are all bright and gazing at Chen Zong's face.

"It's you!" Miguang Wusheng also recognized Chen Zong, exclaimed, full of horror.

how can that be?

Didn't the other party escape into the sea of ​​mystery?

How would it appear here?

Can the other party leave the Sea of ​​Miguang?

For a time, countless thoughts flashed through the hearts of the five Saints.

The sea of ​​mystery has always been extremely mysterious. Those who enter have never heard of anyone who can leave.

This person can leave, maybe there is a great chance in it.

"Take it down!" The boss of Miguang Wusheng uttered immediately, and the five shot lightningly.

Winning the other side not only forced to ask the secret of the avatar, but also forced to ask the secret of Miguanghai.

Big chance!

That's right, Chen Zong can leave Miguanghai, and he really got a great chance in it.

Seeing the Miguang Wusheng engulfed from all sides, Chen Zong hung a smile.

The strength of this Miguang Five Saints is indeed not weak. Three have reached the elite three-star combat power, one is an ordinary four-star, and the other is an elite four-star. Together, they are enough to compete with the elite five-star.

However, his own combat power is not comparable to five-stars.

Chen Zong originally wanted to kill all five of them with a sword, but his thoughts suddenly turned.

Just kill them, it's too cheap for them, don't kill them first, but throw them all into the sea of ​​lost light, so that they can also experience the dangers of the lost light.

Turning his thoughts, he took notice, and Chen Zong attacked immediately.

There is no sword drawing, and there is no need to draw swords against these five people.

Refers to the sword, instantly breaks through the void, instantly, and divides the five sides.

In an instant, the five's attack was directly broken. The terrible power penetrated everything, directly hitting the five's body. The terrible power spread instantly, impacted the body, and all of their strength was defeated and lost. All resistance.

If they wished, Chen Zong could kill them on the spot.

"The owner of the Miguang Henghai ship travels between the Miguang seas all year round, but you must be curious about the Miguang seas." Chen Zong's voice sounded suddenly, with a sense of playfulness, and passed into the ears of the Five Saints At once, let them have a bad feeling.

At this moment, the Five Holy Saints are panicking.

One move, just within one move, five of them were defeated, how could this be possible.

At the next breath, the five felt only spinning around, as if traveling through time and space.

When they reacted, they found that the place where the five of them were was changed.

Pieces of gray mist pervaded in all directions, and their bodies were falling rapidly.

However, their strength was restored, and they could be re-used, quickly dwelling and standing in the air.

"Where is this?" The second child of Miguangwusheng looked around and could only see the endless gray fog. There was a familiar feeling, but he didn't remember it.

The other four also looked around, and felt that the gray fog looked familiar.

Divine thoughts diffused in an instant, but found that they were greatly restricted.

"Here ... is it ..." The fifth child of Miguang Wusheng seemed to think of something, and his pupils contracted like a needle.

"Impossible ..." The fourth child thought something, but shook his head again and again.

"Illusion, this must be an illusion. We must have hit the other party's illusion." The oldest three of the five light saints said resolutely, vowed.

After all, they all recognize it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is Miguanghai.

Their Miguang Henghai sailed on the Miguang Sea for many years and were very familiar with the environment here.

Without a doubt, this is the environment of the Miguang Sea.

The last breath, they are still in Qianyuan Cave, the next breath, but they appear in the sea of ​​Miguang, it is completely impossible, after all, the distance between Qianyuan Cave and Miguanghai is very far, and it takes some time to fly at their full speed Able to arrive.

Another point, how could the other party directly get them from Qianyuandong to the sea of ​​light.

There is only one explanation, and that is illusion.

It is the other party that performed some kind of illusion created by a certain illusion, or the use of some secret treasure to make them mistakenly think that they and others have entered the sea of ​​light.

Now that you know it is an illusion, break through the illusion and get out of here.

As everyone knows, this is not an illusion, but a real sea of ​​light.

With the strength of Chen Zong's current devotional power, it is possible to send all five of them together into the Sea of ​​Miguang, without consuming all of them.

This is Chen Zong's revenge, allowing them to personally enter the Miguanghai, experience the dangers of the Miguanghai, and finally die in the Miguanghai.

I have mastered the Miguang Realm and controlled Miguang Island. To me, the Miguang Sea is like my own back garden, and you can enter and exit at will.

Everything is under control.

However, if Tian Mingzi is found, Chen Zong does not intend to retaliate in this way, but will directly kill the other.

Recovering the power of the consumed gods, while continuing to search for the whereabouts of Tianmingzi, as for the five holy gods, they also began their actions in the sea of ​​lost light.

Of course, they still think that they have entered the illusion and are looking for a way to break through the illusion.

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