Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 44: Sword breaks the grudge (6)

Within one of the caves of Qianyuan Cave, Tian Mingzi was resting.

Looking for a few years, unfortunately, the holy medicine for osteogenesis and muscle growth is too scarce. I just heard that it is there, but it has not been found for many years.

The sacred medicine for osteogenesis and muscle growth is also extremely amazing. It can't afford it based on your own net worth, but you can only find it by yourself. Maybe by chance, you will find it by yourself. Then you can regenerate and restore strength.

Touching his broken arm, the wound has been treated for many years, but Tian Mingzi seems to feel pain.

This pain is not pain in the broken arm, but pain in the heart.

At that time, his arm was cut off, and the pain was vivid, and the pain was always accompanied, very clear.

The thought of being cut off by his arm, a cold chilling power appeared on Tianmingzi's face, his eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body was filled with an astonishing chill.

"Good luck, escape into the sea of ​​lost light." Tian Mingzi whispered, his voice hoarse and cold, like a dim dark beast growling and roaring, hatred of broken arms, hate skyward.

There is also the hatred of killing his brother.

However, since the other party has entered the sea of ​​lost light, there is absolutely no possibility of leaving, even if he is not dead, he will be lost in the sea of ​​lost light, making him lose the opportunity to avenge himself.

Entering Qianyuan Cave to search for the holy medicine, during this period, it is inevitable to find other treasures, and there will be some conflicts with other practitioners.

As long as there is a conflict, Tian Mingzi will not be softened and beheaded.

After breaking his arm, his mentality was affected and he became less calm.

And with his elite three-star combat power and good strength, the vast majority of people who entered Qianyuan Cave were not his opponents at all.

"Sword Emperor Chen Zong, when I am reborn with a broken arm and the combat power is fully restored, I will kill one by one with your relatives and friends." Tian Mingzi growled.

"It's a pity that you don't have this opportunity." Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded, like a breeze blowing in the willow, floating into Tian Mingzi's ears, and suddenly Tian Mingzi's complexion changed.

"Who!" While whispering, an overwhelming force burst out from Tian Mingzi's body, as if the dark tide was sweeping in all directions.

Even if the arm is broken and the combat power is affected, Tianmingzi is still very strong.

However, the strength of the strong is often relative. Except those who stand at the top of the universe, the strength of others is limited.

When Chen Zong was still in the sacred realm, Tianmingzi was an unmatched powerhouse.

But now, it's the other way around. Chen Zong's combat power has completely surpassed Tian Mingzi.

To others, Tian Mingzi is a strong person, but to Chen Zong, Tian Mingzi is a weak person.

"Tian Mingzi, I haven't seen you for a few years, you look a little bit embarrassed." Chen Zong's figure stepped out of the darkness, his footsteps were subtle, but full of regularity. Every step fell, as if stepping on Tian Mingzi's heart It made his heart tremble uncontrollably and was very depressed.

Tian Mingzi's eyes were dark, staring at the stepping figure, his face was vigilant, and then he turned into a full face.

Chen Zong!

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

The man who killed his brother Tian Lingzi that year.

The person who cut off his arm with the avatar.

"Aren't you into the sea of ​​lost light?" Tian Mingzi exclaimed, incredibly.

"Thank you," Chen Zongwei smiled.

Indeed, if it weren't for Tian Mingzi, he would not be pursued by many powerful men, fell into the captivity of the Five Saints of Miguang, and finally had to venture into the sea of ​​Miguang.

At that time, he was nine dead in the sea of ​​lost light, and the most dangerous thing was to encounter the King of Blood.

If it weren't for Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, he would have fallen into the hands of the blood-slaying king. He would be better off dead, even now he is dead.

And all this, the cause, is Tianmingzi.

Of course, after all my hard work, I got a lot of benefits in the sea of ​​Miguang. In the end, I took control of the island of Miguang, obtained the eternal heaven and earth, and consciousness came to the eternal battlefield.

That is the biggest opportunity.

It can be said that the opportunity that I got in Miguanghai will not be inferior to the heart and sword mark that I got when I was young.

But, what about it?

To get the chance depends on his own ability.

Revenge still has to be reported.

Tian Mingzi, still want to die.

"You can actually come out of the sea of ​​light." Tian Mingzi's breathing began to become heavy. For a moment, his thinking suddenly turned sharp, and he thought of many things.

In the eyes of practitioners, Mi Guanghai has always been very mysterious, and it is also extremely jealous.

From ancient times to the present, no one who can enter the Sea of ​​Miguang can leave.

Of course, there are also speculations that while Miguanghai is full of dangers, there are also many opportunities.

If you can leave alive, maybe you can get a lot of opportunities.

Now, this person has left Miguanghai, perhaps, he has got some great opportunities in it.

Kill him!

Be sure to kill him and win.

For those who have already tapped their own potential to the extreme, and their combat power cannot be further improved, great opportunities are very important, full of attraction and temptation.

Now, the big opportunity is in front of me, or come to the door in person, where can I miss it.

And this person's body, but has a secret of avatar.

However, Tian Mingzi will not forget that year, the other side's deity and the avatar teamed up, but they can fight against themselves and even cut off their arms.

However, because of the impact of the broken arm combat power, he spent most of his net worth and got a secret treasure.


In an instant, his thoughts flashed like lightning, and Tian Mingzi shot.

"Dark chains!"

Suddenly, a whole body seemed to be cast from black fine iron, entangled with black smoke, like a chain burning like a flame, like a poisonous snake radiating from within the sleeves of Tian Mingzi.

The venomous snake came out of the hole in general and was extremely vicious and spicy.

Just moments later, the dark chain approached Chen Zong, and quickly surrounded him, as if the snake was entangled, directly tangling Chen Zong's body tightly.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed a stun.

What a secret is this, it's fast, and there's a feeling that can't be avoided.

Just momentarily, let yourself be restrained.

And the black flame burning on the chain emitted a little bit of coldness, and wanted to invade his body, cut off his internal power, and affect the movement and operation of power.

Of course, this is nothing to yourself.

Seeing Chen Zong bound by the dark chains, Tian Mingzi seemed to be relieved.

"The dark chain is a one-time secret. No matter who it is, it cannot be avoided as long as it is locked." Tian Mingzi's voice glowed with an amazing chill, his eyes flashed with mad murder: "Now, hand over the secret of your avatar and Say what you can do to leave the sea of ​​light and give everything to you, and I can give you a happy life. "

"Otherwise, I will tell you that life is better than death."

Threat, Tian Mingzi is threatening Chen Zong.

"Dark chains, this is indeed a good secret." Chen Zong said without any fear, and said unhurriedly, "Unfortunately, you chose the wrong target."

At the moment the voice fell, a force that was overwhelming and extreme erupted from Chen Zong's body instantly, like a torrent, like a volcanic eruption, but it was only a moment that the dark chain tightly entwined by Chen Zong was tense, Overwhelmed by the average voice.

Tian Mingzi's look suddenly changed. Instantly, all power erupted. Amazing killings such as tide, he did not hesitate to shoot.

He is in fear!

The fear is that if Chen Zong breaks out of the dark chain, the consequences will be very bad, so he would rather give up those so-called opportunities that have not yet been obtained and kill them.

I have to say that at the critical moment, Tian Mingzi's choice is extremely correct. If Chen Zong's strength is not strong enough, he will be killed.

But unfortunately, the top seven-star powerhouses such as Manshan King were all killed by Chen Zong.

With a sound of collapse, the dark chains broke apart, and instantly broke apart, as the dark smoke burning like flames also collapsed, like a candlelight blown by a strong wind.

Tian Mingzi's Xeon strike also blasted out at the same time, directly blasting to Chen Zong, showing no mercy.

It was an extremely condensed dark palm print exuding terrible fluctuations, suppressing everything and breaking everything.

In the face of this overwhelming blow, the look of Chen Zong, who broke the shackles of the dark chains, did not change half. It seemed, so calm, so light.

Pointing like a sword, a gentle stroke is like a sharp blade cutting through thin paper. In a moment, under the horrifying stare of Tian Mingzi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He condenses the power of his whole body. The palm print was even torn apart.


Tian Mingzi's mind flashed four words, and at the same time, there was a cheerful feeling permeated, as if he cut it by himself.

Extremely thrilling!


In the next breath, Tian Mingzi could barely catch a swipe of Jianguang to kill, and only felt a slight pain in his eyebrow. Immediately, his eyes darkened, and his consciousness sank.

Without a sword, Tian Mingzi does not need to draw a sword by himself. He only needs to refer to the sword to kill him.

This is the difference caused by the gap in combat power.

After killing Tian Mingzi, Chen Zong suddenly felt a little loose, and seemed to have removed a burden.

He was chased and killed, immersed in the sea of ​​light, and after life and death, he also got the chance. The source of all is Tianmingzi.

Now, Tian Mingzi was killed by his own hands. This feeling of relaxation is very wonderful, it seems to be a sublimation.

The Five Saints of Miguang are not dead, but they have been sent to Miguang Hai by themselves. It is only a matter of time before death, and before they die, they will experience the desperation of Miguanghai.

On the first day, the culprit, Mingzi, was already ambush. For a time, Chen Zong was reconsidering whether to deal with others.

At that time, those people surrounded them like sharks smelling **** blood, trying to take themselves away, forcing them to find out where they were, but they did not succeed.

In a sense, there is no loss to themselves, and revenge is actually optional.

The other point is because of the relationship between Tianmingzi and others. Others are relatively minor.

The most important thing is the Eternal War Fortress.

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