Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 45: Attacking Sword Emperor (1)

In the upper world, no one knows that Chen Zong is alive from Miguang Hai, because the person who knows is either sent to Miguang Hai by Chen Zong, and has a good experience, or he has already fumed.

If it is known, it will definitely cause a great shock.

The grievance was broken, and Chen Zong did not continue to stay in the Upper Yuan Realm, but returned to Miguanghai.

As for the repair of Shura Chen Xiu, of course he returned to Shuramon.

You know, Xiuluomen issued an ultimatum, asking those who escaped in violation of their vows to rush to the court within three days to plead guilty.

Otherwise, they will be killed.

This ultimatum is undoubtedly very deterrent.

After all, the Blood Claw King made them have to flee in violation of their vows, and Chen Xiu, who was able to kill the Blood Claw King, would undoubtedly be more formidable.

But after three days passed, very few people actually came to confession within Shuramon.

On the same day, there were three people with six-star combat power, seven with five-star combat power and 21 with four-star combat power, but only one or two came to confess guilt within a limited time. Five-star combat power and six four-star combat power.

Three days, is it short?

In fact, it is not short. You can reach it quickly through any void temple in the city.

It just depends on whether you want to come back and confess your sins.

It seems that other people are lucky and do not want to come back to confess guilt, or that they can leave forever once they leave. As long as they keep a low profile and remain anonymous, they will not be pursued.

After all, Tai Xuanjie is not small.

If so, the ultimatum of Shuramon would be less deterrent.

The main hall of Xiuluomen is seated by Chen Xiugao. Below is a half-step saint-class strong man who has come to confess his sins. Outside, these people are good and amazing, but here they all look down. Not dare to squeak.

"You have three choices." There was a cold smile on the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, and his voice was as cold as the north wind, making everyone tremble uncontrollably: "One, where to come from, where to go."

All of them shuddered, their faces panicked.

Where to come from and where to go, there is no doubt that it is back to Miguang Island or even Miguang Sea.

They knew very well that kind of day was simply a torture.

You can leave now, how vast the outside world is, if you go back, you will definitely be crazy.

It's like a person who was originally in despair, suddenly caught hope, but then fell into despair, even more unbearable.

"The second option, all die here."

Chen Xiu's words, like the devil's murmur, caused everyone's faces to change drastically, terrifying.

They fled in violation of their vows, but did not want to die. Who knew that Chen Xiu's strength would be so terrible.

I didn't want to die before, and I don't want to die now.

With only the last option left, a few people were extremely disturbed and very disturbed.

"The third option is to re-swear that once in effect, loyalty to Solomon, no matter what crisis he encounters, he will never run away, and swears to coexist with Shuramon, otherwise, it will be destroyed." As if the verdict of the gods.

"Three options, you have ten days to consider." Chen Xiu finally said.

The time for ten breaths is short, but for the half-step grand saints, the thinking is extremely fast, and ten breaths can completely consider many things.

Several people are thinking, they can see that the person in front of them is not joking, but really wants them to make a choice.

Ten breath time is up.

"I chose the third, loyal to Shuramon, and vowed to co-exist with Shuramon." A five-star strong combatant said immediately.

Others also expressed their opinions, choosing the third one.

After all, the first one will experience despair, the second one will die directly, and only the third one will survive.

They think more.

Shuramon, however, has an elite seven-star combat powerhouse, as well as six-star combat power and five-star combat power. The potential is great and the future is extraordinary.

Here they can continue to live.

Even if there is any crisis, there are still seven-star combat powerhouses.

Anyway, the third option is currently the best option, and under normal circumstances, as long as it is not death by itself, Shuramon will not be easily destroyed, and they will naturally not be buried.

All in all, this is the best option for them.

Seeing the choices made by everyone, Chen Xiu could not help but smile.

After all, there will be a day to leave.

Before leaving, of course, more power must be left for Shuramon to pass it on.

Two five-star combat powers and six four-star combat powers, allegiance to Salomon forever, coexist and perish, and will make every effort to give their lives to Salomon, no doubt to provide a layer of protection for Salomon.

Perhaps five stars and four stars are nothing to themselves, but they are not weak at all.

Throughout the Taixuan Realm, there are not many martial arts forces with four-star combat capabilities.

The former Tianluozong, but with only a four-star combat force, can dominate the territory of Tailo City for countless years.

At present, Shulomen's high-end combat power is countless times higher than that of Tianluozong, and he has a better cultivation environment, so he can recruit more outstanding and outstanding disciples and continue to improve.

"The choices you made are correct." Chen Xiu smiled slightly. "Since then, the eight of you are the protectors of Shuramon, second only to the elders. They are related to the birth of Shuramon. I hope that you can also Select excellent disciples to teach in Shuramon and pass on what you have learned. "

These eight men had previously violated their vows and had been restrained by the vows. The combat power of this life could not be further advanced.

The current combat power is their limit.

However, they are not weak at present, they can protect Shuramon and protect the law, they can be regarded as complement each other. In addition, they have good combat skills and rich experience. If they choose some to be taught by their disciples, it will only be good for Shuramon. .

Of course, it is also good for them. After all, if the disciples who are taught are good enough, they can have a long face, and they can also grow Shuramon to ensure that it will be inherited. Of course, those who coexist with Shuramon will also live longer.

Originally, they vowed again, thinking that afterwards, they would be treated as slaves of Shuramon, without dignity, but after hearing the arrangement of Chen Xiu, they became the guardian of Shuramon, second only to the level of the elders, and they were surprised. , And secretly grateful.

They are all half-step sacred powers. If they are treated as slaves, they will have no dignity, live, and will not be better than dead.

Now, finally, he has a good position in Shuramon.

At least, it wouldn't be inferior to those elders of Solomon.

After fixing these people who came to confess their sins, Chen Xiu looked away.

Next, those who did not come to confess their sins.

They thought that the sky would be wide as soon as they left Shuramon, and they didn't know that it was very naive and extremely naive.

As long as you have entered Miguang Island and started being protected by Miguang Island, the mark of Miguang Island will be left on your body, and you will not be able to notice it.

Even the King of Mountains and Seas, it is impossible to detect the existence of the Seal of Miguang Island.

Only Chen Zong can.

Because Chen Zong is now the master of Miguang Island and controls Miguang Island.

However, this time, Chen Xiu will not be dispatched. Instead, he will be in the presence of Xiuluomen.

Eternal World requires time to build up strength, and when it is enough, one can again consciously go to the Eternal Battlefield.

However, it takes several months for the power of the eternal heaven and earth to recover, and these months will naturally not be wasted.

Another point is King Rakshasa.

Now that King Rakshasa has taken a shot, although he did not take a shot himself, it means that he has followed Shuramon again.

Chen Zong estimates that the power of King Rakshasa is at least an ordinary eight-star level.

Of course, if you are only an ordinary eight-star, you are not afraid. If you are an elite eight-star, it is very tricky. Therefore, you need to further improve your strength.

Following the guidelines of the Island of Miguang, Chen Zong started to act.


The Black Gun King, one of the strong men on the island of Miguang before, possessed a superb six-star superpower, vowed to protect Shuramon for 100 years, but escaped from the oath before the Blood Tower and Blood Claw King invaded.

At present, the Black Gun King is hiding in a large mountain. The mountains are magnificent, the terrain is complex, and the curve is inaccessible.

"I will hide here for a hundred years before I go out." The Black Gun King secretly said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course he also received the news of Shuramon, but he will not plead guilty because he knows the consequences of confession Absolutely uncomfortable.

Now that they have all left, they will return unless they are fools.

However, the Black Gun King was also afraid of Chen Xiu, who was able to slay the Blood Claw King. Although he remained skeptical, he had to hide first because of caution.

One hundred years is actually nothing to him.

Wait for a hundred years and then come out again. Keep a low profile and you won't be discovered by Shuramon.

The Black Gun King's abacus is playing very well. If Chen Zong really does not control Miguang Island and cannot trace the fluctuations of the mark, the Black Gun King will successfully avoid Shuomen's ultimatum.

But no if.

Following the fluctuations of the mark, a figure was as fast as a glorious movie, quickly passing through the sky and heading towards the mountains.

This one is the mountain where the Black Gun King lurks.

Soon, Chen Zong came to the depths of the mountain and approached the place where the black gun king lurked.

The Black Gun King is practicing marksmanship. Although the combat ability cannot be furthered because of breach of vows, the practice of marksmanship has started from an early age, countless years, and has become an instinct.

Practicing marksmanship is also a pleasure of the Black Gun King. Otherwise, it would not be too boring and would go crazy for a hundred years.

The Black Gun King ’s black gun is extremely arrogant. Even if no powerful force is injected, the gun method alone will destroy the surroundings like ruins. Each shot is simple and straightforward.

After a while, the Black Gun King stopped practicing, closed his gun, exhaled a long breath, looked around, and was quite satisfied with his marksmanship.

"Your marksmanship is really good." Suddenly, a soft laugh sounded.

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