Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 46: Attacking Sword Emperor (2)

The breeze is swaying, the leaves are swaying, and the sun is falling and the silhouette is mottled.

It was broken everywhere, and you can see the vertical and horizontal gullies left by the spears, staggered and staggered.

This is the trace left by the Black Gun King not using his powerful combat skills to practice marksmanship.

In this regard, the Black Gun King is very satisfied.

However, when the sound that sounded like a breeze sounded, the black gun king's look suddenly changed, as if he was facing an enemy, he was terrified.


Someone is close to himself, but he is unaware of it.

Wouldn't it be easy if the opponent wanted to kill.

In an instant, many thoughts flickered from the mind of the Black Gun King, and his eyes contained the extremely cold light, which burst out instantly.

The black gun in his hand trembled suddenly, as if a black dragon was rushing out of the abyss, blooming with an unparalleled senhan bully, and was about to destroy everything.

The wind passed, and then a figure appeared in front of the Black Gun King, separated by dozens of meters.

"It's you ..." The Black Gun King stared at the person's face, his face suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank like a needle, terrified.

Chen Zong!

Chen Zong, who walked through the Miguang realm, sent himself and others away from Miguang Island.

It was him who killed the Blood Claw King.

Although the Black Gun King also wondered why the other party was wearing a white robe before, and it turned into a gray robe, now it is a white robe. It seems that there is a difference in temperament, but now he has no time to consider so much.

As if facing the enemy, he was terrified.

"How can you find me?" After all, the Black Gun King also has an elite six-star combat power. After countless battles, his strength is overbearing and he calms down quickly.

Although he felt frightened, in fact, the Black Gun King did not believe that the other party had the power to kill the Blood Claw King. Everything was a rumor. No one had seen it.

Maybe someone killed the Blood Claw King.

"You don't need to know that much." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, not intending to give the other party any explanation.

"In this case, then you die." The black gun king's voice fell, and the black gun in his hand trembled, as if the black dragon danced his body, and issued a high-pitched and sharp scream, piercing the sky and turning into one Black light, amazing power, unmatched combat power.

As soon as he shot, the Black Gun King had no reservations.

Just a few moments, dozens of meters were crossed, and there was no difference from one meter.

The black pistol blooms in front of the eyes, like a dark meteor-like swift and fierce, powerful like a dark thunder, carrying the power of extreme horror, piercing everything and crushing everything.

The power of the Black Gun King is still terrible.

However, Chen Zong's combat power is even more terrifying.

In the face of this shot, Chen Zong did not have any plans to dodge. In the view of the Black Gun King, it seemed as if he could not avoid it, and had no time to react.

One shot carried the moment of terrible power through the sky, and Shen Yejian also came out of the sheath and turned into a black sword light, making the surrounding light dim.

A sharp voice sounded suddenly, and countless sparks splattered in all directions. The Black Gun King found that a shot that was assassinated with 10% of his own power was blocked.

The sword that blocked him was his opponent's black gun.

The black sword, standing in front of it, was blocking the tip of the black gun with a very precise blade.

It looks like a coincidence, but the Black Gun King has a feeling that it is not a coincidence, but it is really blocked.

The other person's eyes were very calm and there was no accident.

The Black Gun King suddenly had an indescribable sense of thriller, which emerged from the deepest heart.

Drinking a low voice, the murderous gas exploded, and the black gun trembled again, as if it had transformed from a dragon to a demon dragon, and an increasingly powerful force broke out.

Black Dragon Shooting!

Without hesitation, the Black Gun King took out his strongest means.

The black gun in his hand was like a dark demon dragon that raged the world, and the countless darkness breathed out. His teeth and claws opened, showing his madness.

The King of Black Guns seemed to be holding a dark demon dragon in his hand, carrying the horrible power, and blasted Chen Zong fiercely, his eyes were crazy and irritable.

Either you die or I die!

Chen Zong did not directly erupt all the fighting power to kill the Black Gun King, because the Black Gun King's marksmanship is really good, and he can accumulate a small amount of polishing.

Therefore, Chen Zong also limited his combat power to the level of elite six-star, and tortured with this opponent.

With a sword in hand, Chen Zong resisted all the attacks of the opponent. No matter how aggressive the Black Gun King's marksmanship was, he couldn't break the defense of Chen Zong's sword circle.

Without breaking the sword circle, this seems to have become Chen Zong's instinct.

Incorporating the yin and yang meaning without breaking the sword circle, even if the yin and yang sword wheels are not displayed, it is enough to withstand many powerful attacks. Unless the attack is beyond the bearing of Chen Zong, the yin and yang sword wheels need to be displayed.

Although the strength of the Black Gun King in front of him is arrogant, it is clear that Chen Zongshi does not need to show his sword.

Not breaking the sword circle is enough to withstand the opponent's marksmanship attacks.

The Black Dragon's marksmanship was used, but Chen Zong's sword circle could not be broken, which made the Black Gun King even more impatient.

His fear, the deepest fear, was not even clear to him. The kind of horror originating from the heart was eroding his mind a little and affecting his calmness.

"The black dragon exploded. The black dragon broke the air!"

The King of Black Guns drank suddenly, and the momentum broke out in an instant, instantly surpassing his own limits, and approaching the seven-star level.


The Black Gun King used a secret method to release the most powerful blow, just to break Chen Zong's sword circle and kill it to prevent future troubles.

The black gun seemed to be completely transformed into a dark demon dragon, with its teeth and claws dancing. It was burning with the terrible dark demon fire, wantonly burning, and wanted to burn everything.

This is a demon dragon with destructive power, which comes instantly.

Chen Zong's eyes suddenly burst out a sharp and sharp, piercing the void like a sword.


Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat!

No secret method erupted, just a sword to kill, the speed of the sword, but extremely fast, as if streamer-like, first come first.

This sword condenses incomparable strength, tearing through the void in silence and silence, directly hitting the head of the Dark Demon Dragon, the astonishing sharpness, and immediately piercing the head of the Dark Magic , Killing like a broken bamboo.

A sword pierced through the head, penetrating directly through the body, carrying an incomparable sharp edge, piercing the black gun king through the body of the dark demon dragon.

There is no escape!

Chen Zong, also uses the elite six-star combat power, but the mystery of the first move of the mind and sword flow is much more than the black gun king and the black dragon's broken air strike, which is a two-level difference.

You must know that when it comes to talent, Chen Zong is better than the Black Gun King many times, and when it comes to chance, it is even better than countless times, especially the eternal battle fortress, so that Chen Zong ’s understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth has deepened a lot. This trick of accumulation and perfection is even more mysterious to the extreme.


There is no escape!

The Black Gun King's pupil contracted like a needle, and his consciousness became instantaneous. He felt only his consciousness and body seemed to become heavy, and it was difficult to avoid it under the dark sword light.

The inevitable result is that the brows are pierced.

Chen Zong didn't keep his hand in the slightest.

Although the Black Gun King's combat power is good, the elite six-star level is very powerful. If it can serve Shuramon, it can indeed bring a great improvement to Shuramon.

However, it is not required.

This man not only broke his oath, but did not go to Shuramon to confess his guilt. He also planned to kill himself, so he had to die.

With one sword, the King of Black Guns died, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and remorse.

He did not hesitate to break the vow at that time, in order to survive, but did not expect, but finally died because of this.

The Black Gun King was unwilling to die. The black gun was collected by Chen Zong, and the opponent's appetite was also reduced to Chen Zong's trophy.

It happens that within the opponent's apprenticeship, there are also martial arts such as the black dragon marksmanship practiced by him, although it is useless to himself, but it can be used to enrich the collection of martial arts of Shuramon, which is not bad.

Kill Black Gun King, but it's not over yet, it's just the beginning.

Because there are two other six-star and five-star and four-star combat power, they have never traveled to Shuramon to plead guilty. These people also have to pay the price.

The Seal of Miguang Island is there and cannot be erased unless it is death.

In this Tai Xuan Realm, Chen Zong can feel it.

The closest one is in the northwest direction, not too far.

In an instant, Chen Zong turned into a sky wind, merged into the void, with an amazing speed, and flew away. Just blinking, he disappeared without a trace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The second person locked by Chen Zong is a respected man. Four-star powerhouse.

But at this moment, this strong man with a four-star combat power has transformed into an ordinary person and lives in a small town.

This small city is very ordinary. There are practitioners, but the overall level is not high and not too many. The strongest is only in the late stage of the Holy Land, and there is not much fighting. It is simply a city suitable for old age.

This four-star powerhouse chose here, incognito, want to live.

He fled Shuramon in violation of his oath, and did not go to Shuramon to plead guilty, here, disguised as an ordinary person with little practice.

In his opinion, he should be able to survive in a stable way. Until many years later, Shuramon forgot himself. At that time, would he continue to live incognito, or go out and say something.

As everyone knows, he has been stared at by Chen Zong, the crisis is approaching, but unfortunately, he does not have the keen ability to sense danger such as Chen Zongna.

Soon, Chen Zong came to this small city and stepped directly into the city.

Following the imprint, Chen Zong came to the incognito place of the four-star combatant.

It was a very ordinary house. It looked normal, and it was no different from the surrounding area.

On the other side, you are enjoying the sun in the small yard.

Sure enough, the outside sun is very comfortable, and this day without fighting is also very comfortable and leisurely.

A slight sound of footsteps rang into the person's ears, and immediately made him vigilant, his eyes gazed outside the door, staring tightly, as if the door was to be seen through.

At the next breath, the door opened, a white robe figure appeared in the eyes, and the pupils contracted like needles.

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