Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 47: Attacking Sword Emperor (3)

The courtyard door opened again, and Chen Zong stepped out, walking calmly and unhurriedly, closing the door gently and heading out of the city.

In the small yard behind the gate, a man leaned on a reclining chair with his eyes closed, as if sleeping, but his heart had an inconceivable sword mark that penetrated the heart directly and there was no resistance. This is Caused by the gap in combat power.

the second!

Chen Zong's heart kills another name on the list.

Next, naturally, is the third.

Tai Xuanjie said that it was big, big, not big, not too big. After all, Chen Zongnai was an elite seven-star combat force, flying at an amazing speed, but also better than the normal elite seven-star level, which was close to the ordinary eight-star .

Even if the distance is too long, it can be borrowed from the Void Gate of the Void Temple. The speed is very fast. Although it costs some money, it is nothing to Chen Zong.

The third target, a five-star combat power, killed.

The fourth target, kneeling down for mercy, but Chen Zong still hesitated to kill his sword.

It is a sin to flee in violation of the oath. After knowing the ultimatum of Shulomon, it is a second crime not to take the initiative to go to Shuramon.

Under the two sins, is there any reason to spare the other party.

Once something is done in this world, there is no room for remorse.

Fifth, sixth, seventh ...

Everyone who violated the oath and did not take the initiative to confess guilt to Shu Luomen was killed by Chen Zong, and their appetite was naturally taken away by Chen Zong, reduced to loot, and will be used to enrich the treasure house of Shu Luomen.

As for the avatar Chen Xiu, he re-entered Shura's secret territory.

Today, Chen Xiu has set foot on the ninth ring, only a ring away from the center.

But I don't know, what exactly is the center of Shura's mystery?

Under the sky, there is no wind that does not leak, and there is no impenetrable wall.

While Chen Zong was hunting down those who violated the oath, gradually, other people who broke the oath were gradually informed about the news.

Although they didn't know how the other party found them, they were terrified.

At that time, violating the vow because of fear of the Blood Claw King, now, it will bear another cost of violating the vow.

No one wants to die.


King of Light and Red Charm are connected. Both of them have six-star combat power, but they are ordinary six-star level.

The place where the two people meet is in a city, in a guest room of an ordinary restaurant.

King of Light is a middle-aged man in a pale golden robe. He has a slender body and ordinary appearance, but his eyes are sharp. Between the rotations, he looks as if the sword is sharp, with a little bit of sharpness.

The Red Charm is a middle-aged beautiful woman in a black and red robe with a mole on the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, the two looked dignified.

Because they had learned the news of the death of the Black Gun King.

Although Chen Zong's actions are very efficient, it takes time before and after, sometimes the speed of the message is faster than the speed of human flight.

"Not only the Black Gun King was killed, other people were also killed in succession." King Jin Guang looked dignified and pale.

The Black Gun King's combat power is higher than them. Both of them are not opponents of the Black Gun King, but the killing of the Black Gun King means that both of them can't escape.

But they don't want to die.

What should I do?

"We ... relied on a top power." The Red Charm screamed sharply, with a firm look: "With our fighting power, no power will refuse us to take refuge."

"What do you think we should rely on?" King Jin Guang had no idea for a while and could only ask.

"Tai Xuan Sheng Gong!" The Red Charm King's eyes flashed, word by word, very decisive.

Taixuan Holy Palace is the most powerful sect of Taixuan Realm. It is a well-deserved overlord of Taixuan Realm.

Even if the Great Holy Realm Xtreme does not usually appear, but in the Taixuan Holy Palace, half-step Great Holy Ones abound, and even the top one on the Taixuan Great Holy List has a nine-star rating. The powerful terrorists are the people of Taixuan Holy Palace.

The eight-star powerhouse has two in Taixuan Sheng Palace, at least on the bright side.

As for the other two eight-star powerhouses on the Taixuan Grand Holy List, they belong to the other two top forces, second only to the Taixuan Holy Palace.

Although there are many half-step sacred powers in Taixuan Sheng Palace, both of them have six-star combat power. Even if they are placed in Tai Xuan Sheng Palace, they can belong to the ranks of the strong. , I believe Taixuan Holy Palace will not refuse.

After making a decision, the two immediately acted and quickly went to Taixuan Mountain where Taixuan Holy Palace is located.

Taixuan Mountain is the tallest and largest mountain in the Taixuan Realm. It is almost 10,000 meters high and very majestic. It towers over the earth and goes straight into the sky. The endless clouds and shrouds are mysterious.

After the King of Gold and the King of Red Charms arrived quickly, they sent their worship cards and waited for arrangements.

After all, they were six-star and half-step big holy men, and soon they were received.


One name after another, in the mind of Chen Zong, whether it was hiding, or kneeling and begging for mercy after being found, or hysterically, or desperately fighting back, all could not escape the end of death.

In the end, there were only two people left.

King of Light and Red Charm.

In the perception of the mark, the two seemed close.

Could it be in one place?

"Just right, solve it all together." Chen Zong smiled slightly and set off again to the nearest largest city, teleporting through the void gate of the void temple.

Void temples are scattered throughout the heavenly realm, but some small cities have no separate temples. They are only available in larger cities. After all, it is not expensive to build the gate of the void.

Few people know where the main temple of the Nether Temple is located.

All in all, the Nether Temple has always been neutral.

Soon, Chen Zong appeared in Taixuan City.

Taixuan City is the largest city in the Taixuan Mountain boundary, and it is also the largest, strongest and most famous city in the Taixuan Mountain.

Here, you can buy treasures that you can't buy anywhere else, and here you will also see many powerful people with famous names.

All in all, Taixuan City is the most prosperous gathering place in Taixuan Realm. Countless powerful people, countless resources and countless treasures are gathered and transferred here.

Chen Zong didn't stop, immediately left the city, and flew away in the direction of the mark fluctuation.

Soon, a huge mountain appeared.

Taixuan Mountain, nearly 10,000 meters high, is the highest mountain in the Taixuan Realm and the gate of the Taixuan Holy Palace.

The Taixuan Holy Palace is the overlord of the Taixuan Realm, and even in the entire heavenly sacred realm, it can be regarded as the overlord.

Xeon Power!

The two, King of Light and King of Red Charm, were located in Taixuan Mountain.

Did they hide in Taixuan Mountain, or became a member of Taixuan Holy Palace?

Perhaps the latter.

Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, his eyes gazed faintly.

For a while, he did not immediately enter Taixuan Mountain because Chen Zong was thinking about many things.

If King Jinguang and Red Charm join the Taixuan Holy Palace, they will be protected by the Taixuan Holy Palace.

Then, if you insist on killing the two, you will be the enemy of Taixuan Holy Palace.

Chen Zong is very clear that these powerful forces attach great importance to their prestige. Even if they do not care about the death of the King of Golden Light and the Red Charm King, they will think that it is a blow to the prestige of the Taixuan Holy Palace. It is absolutely not allowed. Will definitely retaliate.

"On the bright side, Tai Xuan Sheng Palace has an ordinary nine-star powerhouse, an elite eight-star and an ordinary eight-star." Chen Zong secretly thought.

This is so on the bright side, so what's secret?

A powerful force like the Taixuan Holy Palace must have hidden power, so what is the hidden power?

Ordinary eight-star combat power, if your strength is fully open, you should be able to fight one. As for the elite eight-star combat power, you can also save your life, but if it is a nine-star combat power, then the current self is definitely not an opponent.

Moreover, provoke such powerful forces as the Taixuan Holy Palace is not good for Shu Luomen.

Could it be given up?

No, absolutely not allowed, King of Gold and Red Charm must pay for it.

Maybe, you can wait and wait until your combat power is further.

However, with the thought in mind, it is the truth of killing other people who break the vow, without any interruption.

After the ceremony!

After turning his thoughts on, Chen Zong made a decision and sent a post in which Daoming came.

Of course, Chen Zong will not step into Taixuan Mountain alone, that is not good for himself.

In the post, Chen Zong stated that King Jinguang and Red Charm were traitors to Shuramon, and they contained two people, which harmed the prestige of the Taixuan Temple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I hope that the Taixuan Temple will expel them Out.

As long as the Taixuan Holy Palace expelled the two, they could use their hands to kill them.

After all, such powerful forces as Taixuansheng Palace attach great importance to their reputation and it is not a glorious thing to accept traitors from other schools. It will have some impact if it is passed on.

Of course, this kind of influence cannot be eliminated, and the key lies in benefits.

When the benefits are sufficient, everything is possible.

But no matter what, you have to try it, at least in theory, you already have it.

Posting first, explaining the reasons, and pursuing the traitors are normal, but no matter where they are placed or in which age, it is justified.

In the Taixuansheng Palace, the **** of the Taixuansheng womb tops, and underneath, stands the King of Light and the King of Red Charm.

"Why are you two betraying Xiuluomen?" Tai Xuan Shengzi asked in a humble manner, with a tone of indifference and supremacy.

King Jinguang and Red Charm want to hide, but they also know very well that they can't hide anything in front of the Taixuan Holy Palace. They can be easily checked if they need to be checked.

In fact, Taixuan Shenggong already knew all the information, but didn't say it explicitly, but let them both speak it out.

In desperation, King of Light can only bite the bullet and say the reason.

Greedy for fear of death!

Break the oath!

This will be cast aside no matter where it is.

After speaking, both of them lowered their heads and didn't dare to say anything. Anyway, they were also two six-star warriors, but in front of a younger junior, they could only glance so easily.

For one thing, the person in front of him is the Son of Taixuan Holy Palace.

Second, this Taixuan Shengzi is also a half-step grand sage-level strong, with good combat effectiveness.

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