Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 48: Attacking Sword Emperor (4)

Inside the palace, the atmosphere was cold and depressed, making it difficult for people to breathe.

"Breaking the vows of life and fearing death, I am too sacred, and I ca n’t stand this kind of shame." Taixuan Shengzi stared coldly and ruthlessly at the King of Light and Red Charm, and suddenly called King of Light and King of Red Charm to change their looks.

Anyway, they are also six-star powerhouses with their own dignity. They were so scolded by a younger generation, their faces were dull and their hearts were angry.

However, they dare not attack, otherwise, they will most likely be killed here.

Here, but the Taixuan Holy Palace, in their eyes, it is completely impossible to resist the slightest behemoth.

"However, Ben Shengzi always believes that anyone has its own value." Tai Xuan Shengzi's words suddenly turned, and his eyes fell on the two men with deep meaning.

King of Light and King of Charm are not stupid people either. When they turn their heads, they immediately understand the meaning of the Son of Tai Xuan.

"My King of Light is willing to swear allegiance to the Son of Tai Xuan, be loyal, and never betray my life ..." King of Light immediately knelt on one knee and vowed loudly: "If there is a breach, it will be destroyed by nature."

Vaguely, there seemed to be a thunderous roar.

Seeing King Guangguang doing this, the Red Charm also swears.

This vow is not the vow of Xiumen before, if it violates it, it will be destroyed by nature.

Of course, swearing at Xiuluomen is different from swearing at Taixuan Shenggong. After all, Taixuan Shenggong doesn't know how many times stronger than Xiulong.

If they violate the vow of Shuramon, they can run away, and even seek the asylum of Taixuan Holy Palace. So where can they escape if they violate the vow of Taixuan Holy Palace?

Who can seek asylum?


Listening to the vows of the two, Tai Xuan Shengzi stared with cold eyes and did not respond. This gesture suddenly called the King of Light and the King of Charm.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the cold and indifferent face of the Taixuan Shengzi.

Very good. In this way, his Majesty has two half-step grand saints, and they are also strong with a six-star level.

The half-step holy war power is divided into nine stars, but seven stars is not easy, eight stars are more rare, and nine stars are extremely rare.

The six-star rating is already a very powerful level, and it can be placed on the Taixuan Dasheng list and get a good ranking.

Two more six-star combat powers work for themselves, or they are fully loyal to themselves, that is not the same as the half-step grand saint of Taixuan Holy Palace.

After all, King of Light and King of Charm are as useful as their servants and even slaves.

"The people of Xiuluomen have chased outside Taixuan Mountain, and even sent a worship post." Taixuan Shengzi stared at the two and said, but it made the two look very different.

"I'm curious, where did you come from?" Tai Xuan Shengzi turned to the topic again, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He had already investigated and knew that some time ago, there were suddenly more half-strength strong men in Shuramon, four stars for weak and six stars for strong.

And these people, as if they appeared out of thin air, had no information about them before.

After all, some of these people are not from Taixuan Realm, but from other realms.

Even the people of Taixuan Realm disappeared for many years after entering the sea of ​​light, and have long been forgotten.

"Holy Son, it is not that we are unwilling to say it, but we are taking an oath of heaven, and we cannot say it." King Jinguang responded bitterly.

When they left Miguang Island, they made two vows. One was to guard Shuramon for a hundred years. The vow was relatively light. The other was not to disclose any information about Miguang Island. The vows were very heavy. If they violated, they would be destroyed by nature.

Miguang Island is very important. Chen Zong naturally does not want to be known. Therefore, anyone who leaves Miguang Island must make an oath of heaven.

Otherwise, once leaked out, it will cause greater trouble for yourself.

Chen Zong is not afraid of trouble, but there is some trouble, there is no need to upper body.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's eyes flashed with a ray of fineness, thinking.

He felt that there must be some big secret among them.

However, Chen Zong ’s post did not mention his name, but was issued in the name of Xiuluomen. Therefore, Tai Xuan Shengzi did not know the arrival of Chen Zong.

Otherwise, he wouldn't sit here so securely.

Between the turning of thinking, Tai Xuan Shengzi has already decided.

"You two, go with me." Taixuan Shengzi immediately got up, took the King of Light and Red Charm and another elite seven-star warrior who was arranged to protect him by Taixuan Shenggong, and left Taixuanshan.

After Chen Zong posted the post, he went to Tai Xuancheng to wait for the news.

Taixuan City, however, is controlled by the people who belong to Taixuan Mountain Taixuan Temple. Most of the benefits are owned by Taixuan Temple.

The owner of Taixuan City is also a disciple of Taixuan Holy Palace.

Chen Zong temporarily lived in a restaurant in Taixuan City and was meditating.

"Sir, the city owner has invited you." The person from the city owner's house came directly to the restaurant and knocked on the door of Chen Zong's room, saying very directly.

This man, with an armour and a cold breath, is a strong man who has entered the sacred realm with great strength.

After turning his thoughts on, Chen Zong got up and left for the main city.

The main city hall is large, but there are already some people in the main hall.

When Chen Zong stepped into the main hall, all eyes stared.

When King Jinguang and Red Charm saw Chen Zong, their expressions suddenly changed, and they were a little apprehensive, because they already knew that everyone else who violated their vows had been killed by the other side and became a ghost under the sword. Only two of them were left.

However, now they have vowed to be loyal to Taixuan Shengzi, and use it for Taixuan Shengzi, they should be protected.

Besides, here is the city's main mansion, and there is also an elite seven-star warrior who is too powerful in the Taixuan Holy Palace. It doesn't seem to be a strong one on the Taixuan Great Holy List, but the breath leaked out is very arrogant.

Life is guaranteed.

Thinking of this, the two were relieved.

Seeing Chen Zong stepping in, Tai Xuan Shengzi was standing upright, his eyes condensed and shrunk in an instant, bursting with a terrifying and powerful, powerful, majestic and majestic majestic, suddenly burst out, like an invisible storm It seemed to pass by.

Obviously, he recognized Chen Zong at a glance, even if he hadn't met Chen Zong for some years.

"It turned out to be you," said Tai Xuanshengzi word by word, a trace of excitement and a trace of murderous power gradually permeating from the bottom of his heart.

But Taixuan Shengzi remembers very well that when he first met this person, he was not his opponent at all, but he suffered a small loss.

The second time, it was already possible to fight on its own.

The third time, that is, the time of the Fengwang Pagoda, even surpassed itself, and won the first place on the Nine-colored Fengwang Monument, which is extremely ancient.

Since then, he has been working harder and harder to continuously improve himself. With his superb talent and the resources of Taixuan Shenggong, his cultivation and strength are also advancing by leaps and bounds. Now, he is stepping into a half step. Great holy level, combat power soared.

Taixuan Shengzi has thought many times that he must find the Chen Zong and kill it with his own hands.

After all, from time to time, this person has left a trace of indecipherable shadow in his heart, which must be eliminated, otherwise, he will affect his entrance to the Great Holy Land.

That's right, Tai Xuan Shengzi's ambition is extremely ambitious. He is determined that he can become the great sacred realm. On this road, there can be no obstacles, but now, Chen Zong has become an obstacle.

Originally, he had planned to leave and go to that Xuanyuan Realm to find Chen Zong. Crossing the Miguang Sea was not too difficult for the Taixuan Holy Palace.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zong actually appeared in front of him.

In addition to the two kings of Jinguang and Hongmei and the son of Tai Xuan, two others also stared at Chen Zong.

One is the owner of Taixuan City, and the other is the guard of Taixuan Shengzi.

The owner of Taixuan City is also a half-step grand saint-level strong, whose combat power has reached the elite five-star level, otherwise there will not be enough deterrent to defend Taixuan City.

In other words, in the main hall of the city ’s main government hall, there are five half-step sage-level powerful men with amazing combat power, which are like dragon gate tiger caves, but Chen Zong is not afraid.

Look calmly, step forward without slackening.

"Tai Xuan Shengzi, I haven't seen you for a long time. How much has I grown?" Chen Zongxian said with a smile, as if he was greeting someone he knew.

Before this, this Taixuan Shengzi was indeed his own strong enemy, it can be said that he is a strong enemy of this life.

But after the consciousness came to the Eternal Battle Fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong saw more peerless demon evil, Tai Xuan Shengzi may also be called the peerless demon evil, compared with some geniuses in the Eternal Battle Fortress. Let.

However, there is a gap if you compare those top geniuses.

At least, from the previous perspective.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Taixuan Shengzi has greatly improved.

However, in any case, Chen Zong will no longer regard Tai Xuan Shengzi as a strong enemy in the past.

At best, it can only be regarded as a sharpening stone, and nothing more.

Only momentarily, Tai Xuan Shengzi felt the change of Chen Zong.

"Dignified sword emperor, on the post, but dare not settle down, what are you afraid of?" Tai Xuan Shengzi said with a sneer, and immediately counterattacked.

The word "Sword Emperor" immediately surprised everyone.

"Since Taixuan Shengzi has read my post, when you know my purpose, what do you plan to do?" Chen Zong smiled indifferently, glancing over the King of Gold and the Red Charm, and fell on Taixuan Sheng Zi's ​​face: "Are you going to shelter them?"

"The two of them are already loyal to the Son."

"Sometimes, there is some trouble, you can't provoke it." The meaning of Chen Zong's words is also obvious.

"Trouble ..." Taixuan Shengzi smiled coldly. "What can be called trouble in front of Ben Shengzi?"

In a word, domineering.

After all, the Taixuan Holy Palace is the most powerful force in the heavenly realm, and he is the Taixuan Holy Son, but on the first day of Taixuan Holy Palace, he is unparalleled. In the future, he will inherit the Supreme Master of the Taixuan Holy Palace. .

In short, in this world, who dares to deal with Taixuan Holy Palace?

If you dare not deal with it, what can be called trouble, everything is relative.

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