Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 53: Mystery Center (1)

(Chapter 2)

In the setting sun, the residual red is like blood, the lone goose is in the sky, the goose is in the photo, and the trail is ugly.

The deity Chen Zong made a brief retreat in the mountains, and deep in the dark forbidden land, the famous forbidden land of Taixuan Realm, there was a pure darkness in the deepest part of the cave.

Darkness, as if the heart was beating, ripples spread out, and if there were no sounds permeating deep in the cave, there seemed to be invisible ripples.

If someone stares, they will find that the dark ball, although it is constantly fluctuating, shrinks a little bit at a speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye, and shrinks into the strong figure at the center of the dark ball. , Its breath is also enhanced a little bit.

In a few months, it will only take a few months for you to practice this powerful secret method. By then, your strength will increase greatly.

Three days passed by.

Taixuanshan Taixuan Holy Palace.

With the Lord of the Taixuan Holy Palace, the Taixuan Holy Son continued to go deep into the Holy Palace, and the levels were extremely tight. Even if a strong seven-star warrior broke into it, he would be killed, even an eight-star Invasion of combat power will also be trapped.

Even if it is a nine-star powerhouse, it will not achieve any benefit.

Going to the deepest place, there is a huge stone gate that has been banned. The stone gate is gray-white and extremely ancient.

A stupid-looking body was standing beside the stone gate, motionless, like a sculpture.

This is an old man in gray clothing, looking very old, with wrinkles like deep grooves on his face, like wrinkled tree bark.

This old man is about to die, like an ordinary old man, already dying.

But how could someone here be just an ordinary person.

After seeing the master of Taixuan Holy Palace standing, he bowed to the old man.

"Tianjin, this is our Supreme Master Yuan Sheng, who guards Taixuan Cave." After the Lord of the Holy Palace salutes, he tells Taixuan Shengzi.

"Tian Shen met Yuan Sheng too." Tai Xuan Shengzi bowed and saluted quickly.

He didn't know that Yuan Sheng was above, but he knew a little bit. The Tai Shang in Tai Xuan Sheng Palace had at least ordinary eight-star combat power.

As for this, it looks like a mortal is dying. It is not clear how much combat power it is, but it does not hinder the necessary respect.

Each of them has fought for the holy palace and made countless contributions.

"Do you want to enter Taixuan Cave?" Yuan Sheng too gazed at Tai Xuan Shengzi's face, his voice was deep and hoarse.

"Yes." Taixuan Shengzi resolutely.

"Be brave, don't die." Yuan Sheng nodded his head and sank in a loud voice, and then, a sudden and eruptive breath broke out all over his body.

The breath, imposing and imposing, as if the sea was imposing and imposing, suddenly changed from calm to violent, raging in all directions and destroying everything.

Tai Xuan Shengzi's look suddenly changed.

Nine stars!

This breath of Yuan Sheng's superiority surpasses the eight-star level and reaches the nine-star level.

Like his master of the Holy Palace, they are all ordinary nine-star combat power.

Sure enough, within the Taixuan Holy Palace, the nine-star warriors are not just a master.

The nine-star combat power is fully open, and the old man's body seems to be inflated, and quickly expands.

In just three short breaths, he turned from an old man with a full body to his face, which could pinch the mosquito wrinkles, and quickly became strong and straight. The wrinkles on his face also disappeared, replaced by ruddy and vigorous blood.

The Taixuan Shengzi looked for a moment, but the Lord of the Taixuan Holy Palace smiled slightly and did not explain anything.

Suddenly, Yuan Sheng took a shot, and patted it again and again. The palm prints fell on the gray and white boulder. The boulder suddenly trembled, and gradually rolled away, revealing a pale light.

That's not the light, but the hole.

It's just that the color of the hole is pale and extremely deep, like a pale hell, giving people a sense of vitality.

At a glance, the Taixuan Shengzi was frightened and looked slightly changed for no reason.

As if deep inside the pale hole, there is a terrible danger that can't be explained enough to kill himself.

"God, you can still change your mind now," said the Lord of the Holy Palace, staring at the Son of Tai Xuan, Shen Sheng.

"Master, my mind is determined, and I will never change it." The terror on the face of Tai Xuan Shengzi was eliminated and replaced by absolute firmness.

Because when he thinks of Chen Zong, he has to be firm. If he is suppressed by his opponent all his life, what is the meaning of being alive.

In this case, it would be better to enter the Taixuan Cave and fight once in a lifetime. If you get the chance, you will definitely advance by leaps and bounds and become more powerful.

If it fails, it is nothing more than death.

Set aside and live!

Taixuan Shengzi's mind became more and more determined.

"Go in." Although the lord of the holy palace is the master of Taixuan Shengzi, at this time, he cannot make decisions for Taixuan Shengzi, nor can he interfere in his decision.

Taking a deep breath, the resolute Taixuan Shengzi stepped forward toward the entrance of Taixuan Cave. In a hurry, he stepped out and stepped into the hole, his body was swallowed and disappeared, but there was no splash. ripple.

Then, Yuan Shengtai shot again and shot out again and again, and the boulder thundered back into place.

"Within ten years, if the Son can get the chance, he can open the hole on his own." Yuan Sheng, too, looked like a discouraged ball, blinked, and returned to the original old look, his voice became hoarse and muffled.

The Lord of the Holy Palace nodded.

Ten years is actually not long.

If Gongtian God can get chance in Taixuan Cave, even for a hundred years.

Because of the chances in it, it can be said that it is the first chance of the Taixuan Holy Palace. Of course, this is what the old ancestors said in the classics. As for what the chance is, it is not clear.

At the same time, the records left by the ancestors also show that no matter who they are, they can only stay in Taixuan Cave for a maximum of ten years.

If you don't come out for more than ten years, you will die.

Similarly, if you don't get the chance, you will die.

All in all, as long as you step into the Taixuan Cave, if you get the chance to come alive, either nothing will die.

There is no third way.

"God, if you can get the chance, I will invite the Taixuan Realm to hold a grand event to pass the position of the Lord of the Holy Palace to you." The Lord of the Holy Palace said to himself.


Territory of Tailuo City, Shura Peak is closed behind Shuramon Mountain.

Shura Secret!

Shura's mysterious territory is filled with endless evil spirits, as vast as the ocean and as vast as the universe.

In addition to evil spirits, there is also persecution of tyrannical chaos. That evilness is so amazing that it can easily make people fall into madness, but evil spirits are not trivial. They can be applied properly. So that the people of Shuramon can understand the meaning of sha.

Shura's mystery is divided into nine rings and the center. The closer to the center, the stronger the evil spirit and evil spirit.

Today, such powerful men as Silver Knife King Zhao Mingkong can only reach the sixth ring to sharpen their will and refine their cultivation, so as to enhance their heritage and enable them to make further breakthroughs and become a seven-star powerhouse.

But it takes a lot of time to do it, a little bit of grinding, a breakthrough that can be achieved, and it won't be young.

However, this is already very good, because after their combat power reaches the elite six-star level, they are almost at the limit. In this life, it is difficult and extremely difficult to break through to the seven-star level. .

At this moment, Chen Xiu stood at the Ninth Ring Road, very close to the center.

The endless evil spirit and savage shocked madly, and wanted to destroy Chen Xiu, but Chen Xiu didn't move at all, and he was not affected at all.

"Today, I will step into the mysterious center to see what mystery is." Chen Xiu said to himself, his tone was extremely firm.

The origin of Shura's mystery is completely unclear.

However, the small magical power of God, Shura, was obtained from the secret territory of Shura. There is endless evil spirit and shame here. It is astonishing and powerful, and it must have its secret.

Perhaps, when you step into the center, you can unlock these mysteries.

Now, I have to break through this ninth ring, step into the center of Shura's mystery, and unlock all the mysteries contained in Shura's mystery.

The footsteps lifted and fell forward, and the moment of the fall, as if there was a thunderous thunder, stirred in all directions, and it was extremely powerful.

The more forward, the greater the resistance, Chen Xiu entered the ninth ring, it has been nearly two years, the next two years, the distance forward is not large ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but very stable.

Today, today is to erupt in one fell swoop, step over the ninth ring, and step into the center.

After the footsteps fell, Chen Xiu took a moment, gathered his momentum, and gradually stabilized. Then, he lifted his left foot and faced heavy resistance, as if he was moving forward in the torrent of torrents and fell again.


It seemed that the ground shuddered slightly, and Chen Xiu's kick seemed to have a weight of tens of thousands of kilograms. More intense evil spirits and more violent evil spirits also followed, as if Chen Xiu would be defeated.

But Chen Xiu completely resisted and stood still.

Keep your body in shape, adjust your energy, and prepare for the next step.

Eight steps!

Chen Xiu felt that he had only ten steps to cross the ninth ring.

After eight steps, you will step into the mysterious center and unlock the mystery of Shura's mysterious.

At the thought of this, Chen Xiu was faintly agitated, but pressed down again to restore peace.

The third step was lifted, and continuously advanced against the torrent of torrents, and then fell again.

In a rush, the fourth step was lifted, and he headed for a stronger countercurrent.

The fifth step was lifted, and the pressure from the shock became even more tyrannical. It seemed that Chen Xiu would be crushed, but that foot eventually fell down. Chen Xiu's body slightly shook and almost backed off.

Hold on, you must hold on, do your best to hold on, and never back off.

After a moment, Chen Xiu finally completely stabilized, and adjusted, adjusted his interest rate, adjusted his state, and took the sixth step.

There are four steps left to cross the ninth ring.

There are three steps left.

There are two steps left.

There is one last step left. This step will also be the most difficult step, but it will also be a step of gain. This is a perception.

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