Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 54: Mystery Center (middle)


The gray-white evil spirit, surging and surging, is like a mighty tide, rushing and destroying everything.

Chen Xiu lifted his right foot, facing Wan Zhong against the current, stepped forward a little bit, and gradually fell.

Every point that goes forward and every point that goes down has to go through difficulties and dangers, but in no way can stop Chen Xiu's determination.


That kick finally fell.


As the soles of the feet fell, the ground shook, as if the entire Shura Secret shook with it, the Silver Knife King and the Celestial King who were sharpening themselves in the sixth ring.

But the shock was only momentary, and they returned to peace. Therefore, the two did not feel anything, so they stopped paying attention and continued to sharpen.

The gray-white was retreating, and the astonishing and chaotic incomparable violent shame disappeared at any time.

The sky was clear and clear, like a clear stream, and suddenly surprised Chen Xiu.

From the first ring to the ninth ring in Shura's mystery, the grayish white is getting richer and thicker, that grayish white is formed by endless evil spirit and evil aggregation.

However, when he stepped into the center, he completely disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Xiu didn't even feel half-hearted and shameful.

How is this going?

How could the center of Shura's mystery be half-shameless and shameless?

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, cold light condensed, like a wave of water, swept across, and immediately stared in front.

The center of Shura's mystery is actually not that big. It's about a thousand squares in size. It's very clear and clear.

In the center of the center, a statue stands.

The statue is ten meters high, wearing a gray-white armor, looking at the sky, carrying one hand, one hand extended, the palms facing the sky, the five fingers slightly bent, and a ball of the size of a baby's fist burning with gray-white flames floating up and down As if uniting a world.

In the eyes of the statue, there was an off-white flame burning.

Lifelike, like a real person, heroic and overbearing, like a god.

Just looking at it, Chen Xiu was trembling in his heart, and the spirit was shaking. An unspeakable feeling emerged spontaneously.

This feeling seems to be a kind of fit, a kind of closeness, as if there is an inexplicable inexplicable connection between himself and this statue.

"Mofei, is this the mystery of Shura's mystery?" Chen Xiu said secretly.

His eyes were more condensed, and he observed carefully.

The face of this statue is three-dimensional, and it is also gray-white, but it looks as clear as a real person, especially when the eyes burning with gray-white flames seem to turn.

At a glance, the face was calm and indifferent, but in an instant, it seemed to become full of anger, and for a while, it was full of horror and murder, and slaughter was born.

When he was stunned, Chen Xiu was frightened. The statue's eyes burning with gray and white flames seemed to move, his eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at himself.

Is this an illusion?

Chen Xiu wasn't sure, because, just like an illusion, the statue of you and Ha still kept looking straight into the sky. The feeling of eyes turning to glance at you disappeared instantly.

With more focused gaze, Chen Xiu looked at it a little bit, from the top down, without any omissions.

The off-white warframe is very close, as if it grows directly on the body, like the scales of a real dragon, so natural.

The statue in gray and white armor not only has an indescribable sense of overbearing power, but also an inexplainable sense of robustness and sensitivity, like the combination of a tiger and a cheetah.

Strength and speed are all there. It looks like it feels bloated for one point, and thin for one point. It is like being born for battle and killing. It can show its strength and speed perfectly. Into an extreme art of killing.

Above the palm of the right hand that stretched out, the fluffy beads burning with off-white flames also attracted Chen Zong's attention.

I can't feel the slightest temperature of the flame, nor can I feel the cold, but Chen Zong felt that the flame on the bead was extremely magical, and there was a mysterious fluctuation of Taoism, as if it contained the Supreme Mystery.

Could that bead be the greatest secret in Shura's secret territory?

Chen Xiu is still not sure.

There is such a statue in the center of the mystery, which is very surprising, but it is difficult to feel anything from the statue, even more surprised.

You know, this is the secret realm of Shura. It is the secret realm of Shura Secret to get a little supernatural power.

Then, the secret of everything should be on that statue, or something directly related to the statue.

Now, all you have to do is find out and crack the mystery from the statue.

Taking steps, Chen Xiu kept approaching the statue.

I don't feel any obstruction here, just like the outside world, completely without the intense violent evil spirit and the unintended impact, I can move freely.

Soon, Chen Xiu approached the statue, rose up in the air, stared at the same height as the statue, and observed more closely. At the same time, he released the realm of the heart and the divine thoughts and covered it.

When Chen Xiu did this, suddenly, the statue's eyes seemed to turn around, staring at him, his face became cold, like looking up at the gods from above.

Chen Xiu was frightened, but found that he didn't know when he was restrained by an invisible and imperceptible force, he couldn't move at all, and the whole person was confined in mid-air.

All forces broke out unreservedly, but they were put into a mudslide like a sea, and they disappeared without a trace instantly.

My heart sank a little, and the light in the statue's eyes suddenly burst out.

The two rays of burning off-white flames swept through the air at an unparalleled speed, silently and silently penetrating into Chen Xiu's eyes.

That power was irresistible, but at a moment, it swept a large circle in Chen Xiu's body, as if he was exploring something.

Immediately afterwards, the power rushed against the current, penetrated into Shenhai, and rushed into the soul.

Chen Xiu felt only a slight pause. The next breath, the sea of ​​spirits boiled endlessly. It was like the calm seas but suddenly the winds swept wildly. The tsunami was heavy and the end of the world came.

The soul was also suddenly shaken, as if thundered by thunder, a terrible force burst in it.




The endless roar rang through, and the soul seemed to be completely broken in an instant, and nothing was felt.

Chaotic and chaotic.

I don't know how long in the past, deep in the soul, a little aura of light reunited, and gradually, Chen Xiu's consciousness was restored.

As a result, the soul that seemed to be blown up has reunited, and after the reunion, it has changed a little bit from before.

This change, Chen Xiu could not say clearly for a while, as if it were an essential change.

It seems to be a transformation of the essence of life.

And this is not the end of the change, but the subsequent changes become very slow. I do n’t know how long it will take before the change can be completed. At that time, you should know what you will become.

With the reunion of the aura and the recovery of the soul, a burst of information, such as the tide, surged into the mind of Chen Xiu, hovering in the soul.

Chen Xiu immediately concentrated all his mind, focused on the information like a torrent of water, and kept reading.

The information appears to be overwhelming and cluttered. The general half-step saint is absolutely unbearable, and the soul will break apart instantly.

Therefore, for a while, Chen Xiu couldn't read it out completely, he could only sort it out slowly.

"Shen Shashura's warfare!" Chen Xiu couldn't help saying it, every word seemed to contain an inexplicable mystery.

God Shasula Warfare!

This seems to be a method of combat, and it seems to be a method of exercise.

Continuing to read and read, Chen Xiuyue was shocked, and at the same time, an indescribable ecstasy and excitement appeared on his face.

Shenshaura warfare is really a mysterious and unpredictable method of cultivation. It is very amazing, and it has a lot of restrictions.

Only Ningsha Shura can practice.

What is Ningsha Shura?

That is a special kind of constitution, which contains Shura's constitution. Only this constitution can cultivate and control such power.

Chen Xiu obviously fits perfectly, because Chen Xiu is the avatar that is finally condensed by drawing the massive amount of evil spirit from the secret method of the **** Shura. Its physique is Ningsha Shura.

The more you read and organize ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the more information you know, the more surprised Chen Xiu will be.

It turned out that this God of Sharon warfare is an ancient and extremely demon race in the void of the universe: the superb inheritance of the Shura tribe accidentally came out and was obtained by a cosmic strong.

However, to cultivate this superb inheritance, it is necessary to condense the Shura body. Therefore, the cosmic strongman spent a lot of time and energy, cooperated with certain treasures from the Shura tribe, and created the magical Shura secret method to condense the Shura avatar In order to cultivate this superb inheritance.

But why does this superb heritage appear here?

It doesn't go into details, but just shows that his deity was killed by the stronger, the opponent's means are extraordinary, he can trace the source to the source, kill the soul, and even the avatar can't really escape.

However, when the soul of the avatar collapsed, for a period of time, just passing through this side of the world, the inheritance was left behind, and the avatar also fell down, turning into endless evil spirit and shame, creating this Shura mystery.

It turned out that this was the origin of Shura's mystery, and Chen Xi was suddenly realized.

The fall of a cosmic strongman's clone is exactly the clone cultivated by the **** phase Shura. Before he died, he disbanded himself, turned into endless evil spirit and shame, and created a secret world of Shura, thus leaving many mysteries.

The burning Shashugong was left behind by hand, so it is incomplete. The key to the Shura Secret of God is the key point. Only by practicing the Shura Secret of the Gods and possessing the avatar of Shura, can he hope to step into the center of Shura ’s mystery and see After the statue has passed the test, the inheritance of the God of Shasura's warfare can be obtained.

The power of the genius is a test. If the test fails, the result is to be killed directly.

Fortunately, he is really condensing Shura body and passed the verification.

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