Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 55: Mystery Center (below)


In the secret world of Shura, among the Ninth Ring, the evil spirit fluctuates like tide, and the evil spirit is turbulent like a raging sea.

The mystery center is calm and clear.

Shura, as Chen Xiu, is sorting out and reading the complex and complex information in the soul.

Part of this information was left by that cosmic strong man, and part of it was the content of God's Shasura Warfare.

The surname of the cosmic strongman was not named, but he did not mention the name of the avatar of Shura: Shura Demon.

In fact, there is not much information about Shura Mojun, nor does it say that those who accept the inheritance must avenge Yunyun, but just continue the inheritance, that's all.

In this way, there is less trouble for yourself.

After all, how strong the universe is, Chen Xiu doesn't know. It's better to have less trouble.

After finishing the information, Chen Xiu began to sort out the information of Shenshaura's warfare.

This inheritance is so profound and unpredictable as the vastness of the ocean. For a time, Chen Xiu couldn't sort it out completely with a strong soul and understanding, but he could only sort it out slowly.

It took several days for Chen Xiufang to sort it out.

This inheritance, inherited from the cosmic void of the gods and demons of the Shura tribe, is a superb inheritance of its tribe. It would not have appeared in the outside world, but because a strong Shura tribe died in a foreign war, it was The cosmic strongman found it.

The Shenshaura warfare is both a cultivation practice and a fighting method. The combination of the two is amazing.

Compared to burning Shashugong, I don't know how many times to be superior, it is simply unpredictable, just like the difference between heaven and earth.

Even if Chen Xiu, with his superb understanding and accumulation behind him, constantly perfects his own continuity and strengthens the burning of Sharma Shura Gong, it is completely incomparable with the Shensha Shura warfare.

The mystery gap is not as simple as a hundred times a thousand times, but a completely fundamental difference.

Just like the gap between earthworms and true dragons.

Not only was Chen Xiu not half frustrated, but he was only happy and excited.

This is obviously a more sophisticated inheritance. If it is trained, its own combat power will be further improved on the original basis.

It will not be difficult or even easy to upgrade to eight-star combat power.


This God of Shawura warfare has twelve levels. If you practice to the fourth level, you can also stimulate a unique form and increase your combat power.

Then, Chen Xiu immediately became enlightened, first realized the mystery, and then practiced, so that he could do more with less.

Superb understanding and fit physique instantly made Chen Xiu better understand all the mysteries contained in the God of Asura Warfare.

Of course, this kind of enlightenment is flawed in any case, and only after the enlightenment of the enlightenment can be practiced, can the deeper mysteries be grasped.

Chen Xiu did not fully enlighten the twelve-level **** Shasula warfare, but only realized the fifth.

In the sense, this God of Sharon warfare is far more unpredictable than the eternal battlefield.

Chen Xiu doesn't know what the concept of gods and demons is, and Chen Zong, the deity, has limited information.

Therefore, the level of the God of Shasura's warfare is more unclear, but it can only be affirmed, it is much better than heaven and earth.

Of course, compared with Chen Xiu's own perfect burning of Shawra Gong, Tiandi is not much higher, at best, just a little bit.

Perhaps, only the higher inheritance of the Eternal War Fortress can be compared with the God of Asura warfare.

These are off-topic, so don't worry too much about it.

One month later, Chen Xiu finally realized the first three mysteries.

Then, it took another month to realize the fourth mystery.

"It seems that it is better to cultivate first." Chen Xiu secretly said that he could only change his plan.

The difficulty of comprehension of this magical repair method is beyond his expectations.

If it ’s the fifth one, I do n’t know how much time it will take, at least two months. Chen Xiu secretly tried it.

Then it will undoubtedly take more time to understand the sixth point.

Practice first.

The God of Shura warfare is far more inscrutable than the decision of heaven and earth. If the cultivation is successful, its power will naturally be far better than that of heaven and earth.


Start practicing.

As soon as he practiced, Chen Xiu's body was immediately mobilized and slowly carried in a more marvelous trajectory. Its trajectory was the most important of the God Shasula's warfare.

In this practice, Chen Xiu felt different.

That trajectory is not only very complicated, but also extremely mysterious. It is difficult to complete the operation unless you have a thorough understanding of yourself and have a strong divine mind and a superb control of your own power.

The difficulty of such cultivation can be more than a thousand times more difficult than that of heaven and earth.

When the first operation of Shenshaura's warfare was completed, a moment of power breeded in the body.

As soon as Chen Xiu felt it, he was shocked. The strength was extremely condensed, as if it were a thousand hammers, it was even more innocent, and it contained violent and extremely fierce power, which seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Continue to cultivate, that little bit of God Shasula ’s combat power is extremely overbearing and fierce, and does not allow the existence of other forces, but Chen Xiu ’s previous strength also belongs to Sha.

Suddenly, the power of Shen Shashuura began to devour Chen Xiu's original strength and strengthen himself with a domineering attitude.

In this regard, Chen Xiu did not stop, instead he actively mobilized his original strength and constantly poured into the power of God Shasula.

That little bit of God's Shahura's combat power suddenly increased at an alarming rate.

However, the original burning power of Shashaura is not as good as that of Shenshaura. In terms of transformation, the improvement of the strength of Shashaura is not so great.

When Chen Xiu's 10,000 Shasura strength was fully integrated into the power of Shen Shasula, the battle method of Shen Shasula also broke through.


Immediately, the combat power of the **** Shashaura was purified, and the power was even more aggressive and overbearing.

With a complete transformation of strength and the second-largest God Shasula combat power, Chen Xiu stopped practicing, feeling the overbearing power flowing in his body, secretly shocked.

It also refers to a sword, passing through the void, leaving a trace of trace, and carefully discerning and discerning. Such power is not inferior to the previous, that is, in terms of combat power, he is not inferior to the previous.

Even more, the war power of the **** Shashaura is even more fierce and overwhelming, and the destruction of vitality is even more amazing. Invisibly, his strength has been further enhanced, and it is close to the eight-star combat power.

After feeling this, Chen Xiu did not hesitate to continue practicing.

However, this time the practice was a statue close to the center, reaching out and grabbing, the statue was burning with the beads of gray flames, and flew into the hands.

This bead was left by Shura Demon King, and his own source of God's evil spirit was not scattered, but placed here, and left to be accepted by the fate.

Shura Mojun is extremely powerful, and even though there is only a little bit of the origin of Shensha, for Chen Xiu, it is massive.

Holding Shen Sha's original beads in hand, Chen Xiu began to operate Shen Sha Shura's second method of combat, and absorbed it wholeheartedly.

Immediately, a ray of flames permeated continuously from the original beads of Shensha, penetrated into the palm of Chen Xiu, poured into the body along the arm, and merged into the fighting power of Shenshaura.

There is no need to refine any impurities, and there will be no loss. It can directly convert and absorb, and strengthen its own God Shasula combat power.

There is also a close relationship between the cultivation of the **** Shashura's warfare and the realm of warfare.

The second is definitely stronger than the first.

Cultivation, cultivation, cultivation, and whole-hearted cultivation, Chen Xiu can feel that his own power has been strengthened a little bit, which is more and more amazing.

As you continue to cultivate, you will definitely break through to the eight-star combat power and become more powerful.

As long as you have an eight-star combat power, even the King of Rakshasa is not afraid of coming to the door, you can fight with it, and even hope to kill it.

Chen Xiu is practicing with all his heart. As for the deity Chen Zong, he has already been out of customs. That retreat is only a small one, a short one, but it only takes a few days to sort out and increase accumulation.

After leaving the customs, Chen Zong naturally began to look for the whereabouts of King Rakshasa, and also explored various news.

For example, the news of Nether Thunder.

Sanjie Lifeng is a secret method created by the life of the most powerful sacred state in Kendo. Its function is to sharpen the sword.

His heart and swordsmanship has gone through the torture of the first calamity and the second calamity, and has risen to the highest level. Today, the third calamity is still lacking, which makes it impossible to sword.

Of course, this supreme sword, but it is also a speculation of the Kendo Great Sacred Realm, whether it has ever appeared, no way to know.

The creation of those three jealous fronts has never been practiced ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so it is impossible to know for sure whether the ultimate sword intention or the collapse of the sword intention will happen.

But no matter what, Chen Zong will try.

Now that we have embarked on this path, when we want to go to the best, we should steadily step each step and pursue higher.

It's just a pity that King Rakshasa's silence disappeared for hundreds of years, and it was difficult to find it for a while. As for the Void Thunder, there was a little clue about it.

One month, two months, three months, time goes on and on.

Every day, many things happen in the Taixuan Realm. There are also newborns born, and old people die. Of course, there are also many people who died because of battle and experience.

The situation changes and the years overlap.

The deity Chen Zong, while tracking the whereabouts of the Void God Thunder and the whereabouts of King Rakshasa, will not forget his accumulation.

At that time, the sixth power of Jian Yuan was also gradually perfected. As soon as the time came, he could create it immediately, and then he could quickly cultivate and master it, and his combat power would be raised again.


Just wait for an opportunity.

In another place, the cultivation of Chen Xiu, who was in the secret territory of Xiu Luomen, also reached a bottleneck.

Shen Shasula's second round of the state of perfection, his strength has been overpowered to the extreme.

Although I feel that I am still at the level of seven-star combat power, real fighting may not be inferior to the ordinary eight-star.


Continuously working exercises, draw strength from the source of God Sha Sha, transform into the body, and enhance the power of God Sha Shura's combat power.


Get ready!



The overwhelming breath suddenly exploded, as if a volcanic eruption was rolled up by thousands of storms and raged in all directions.

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