Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 56: King Rakshasa (on)

The drizzle is soft, silky, cut continuously, and connected into pieces. If the clouds of smoke cover the world, it is a bit hazy and can't see clearly, just like twilight.

The streets are wide, and the colorful oil-paper umbrellas are like flowing water, which are pedestrians.

However, there are also some people who do not have umbrellas. When the raindrops fall, they disappear naturally, and they cannot get wet on the placket.

Once in a white robe, he stepped out of a huge pavilion, white as new, no dust, no rain, feet like a trace of the ground, and the soles of the shoes will not get water.

The face is a bit soft and indifferent, the eyes are quiet and far away, as if seeing through the clouds of smoke, rain, dust, and reasoning, the black sword on the waist, the black sword with white robes, and unique temperament.

It is Chen Zong.

"King Luocha has disappeared for hundreds of years. No one knows where he is now, but he can only be certain that he is retreating somewhere in the Taixuan Realm." Chen Zong walked in the drizzle and said to himself. He said like a word, the voice was so subtle that only he could hear it.

For more than half a year, I have killed the grievances before the break, so it has been more than half a year, I have been looking for all kinds of news, but I still can't find it.

The news of the Void God Thunder was more clear.

Void **** thunder does not exist in the heavenly sanctuary, but outside, that is, in the void.

I want to find the thunder of the void, only to go to the void outside that day.

Chen Zong also visited once in the sky outside the sky, that is, when he entered the place where the Emperor Lingwu left his chance, the entrance was somewhere in the sky outside the sky.

However, at that time, I did not see any Void God Thunder. I want to know that the Void God Thunder exists, but I don't know where in the void outside the sky?

Without a certain location, it is really difficult.

"After the King Rakshasa was completed and King Soura's last wish was fulfilled, I went out and walked in the void that day, looking for it, maybe if I was lucky, I could find it." Chen Zong secretly said, if not, Then go to the Eternal Fortress.

Now that the power of the eternal heaven and earth has accumulated, he can once again come to the eternal battlefield.

Look for it, take the initiative, find King Rakshasa, and kill it.


The bottom of the abyss of Taixuanjie is the deepest, the deepest cave.

A mass of darkness, much deeper than before, has shrunk to the center, as if forming a layer of black as a substantial film, tightly wrapping that strong and tall body.

At first glance, the figure was extremely strong, as if it propped up the sky and the earth, dark, as if possessed by ghosts and gods, and full of horror.

"Ghost Purgatory, shine on me today!"

Suddenly, as if the thundering sound of thunder suddenly exploded, as if the ghosts of Jiuyou Purgatory roared.

The physical darkness that pervaded the whole body exploded in an instant, impacting all directions, coiling all directions like a ghost of Moruo, and directly rendering the surroundings into a dark ghost.

In the next breath, endless ghosts rushed out from all directions, and flew towards the central figure, and in a hurry, rushed directly into the powerful and tall body.

A roar that did not resemble a human voice sounded, and the tall and strong body trembled suddenly, seeming to bear unparalleled pain.

The ghosts were heavy, and the ghosts were full of ghosts. All the ghosts poured into the body. When all the ghosts entered the body, the tremor of the body stopped in an instant.

That layer is like a layer of black light that transforms into a film covering the whole body, like a peculiar layer of armor, making the tall and strong body look like a ghost and a **** standing in a terrifying atmosphere.

At the next breath, the black color is fading, as if merging into the body.

After a while, a tall, strong, and nearly perfect body was revealed.

"My King finally became the sixth infernal spirit of Purgatory ghosts." King Rakshasa said, the sound was like a roar of thunder, shaking the whole cave, as if it were about to collapse, his inner excitement was beyond words.

Hundreds of years ago, after removing King Gusula himself, he didn't get the secret of the other party's condensed clone, so he became angry with Gusuramon and killed some strong men, causing Gusuramon to fall.

After that, he left the boundary of Tailuo City, traveled around to find the chance, and finally got the chance in the depths of this Dark Demon Demon: Purgatory Ghost Nerve.

As soon as he became enlightened, King Rakshasa was shocked. The mystery of the spirit of purgatory ghosts was infinitely more mysterious than any of the exercises he had ever seen before. It was two levels.

Naturally, King Rakshasa began to practice in isolation, first reversing his exercises and then continuously improving his practice.

His goal is very straightforward, that is to cultivate to the sixth level, which is the last level of infernal ghost nerves, and then go out again to dominate the world.

As for the Blood Claw King and the Wild Mountain King, they were two unlucky ghosts who entered Dark Demon Depth within hundreds of years. They were directly enslaved by King Rakshasa, became subordinates, and cultivated again. work.

Unexpectedly, those elite seven-star combat powers were all killed.

However, now that I am out of the game, the sixth infernal ghost's nerves bring to myself is a terrible power, even a power that feels astonished.

The ghost wind was rolled, and suddenly a black robe appeared on the strong and amazing body, with great vigor.

Both shoulders seemed to shake slightly, then King Rakshasa turned into a gust of black wind, and quickly rolled away outside the cave.

Only momentarily, the black wind blew out the winding long cave, without any pause, and quickly rushed up into the sky.

The dark magic depth claims to be bottomless, but in fact it is not. It is just a very deep and deep relationship. At first glance, what you see is only a dark piece, and it is difficult to see the bottom, so it is called deep bottomless. .

Three streamers flew quickly from a distance, extremely fast.

Blink, then landed on the edge of Dark Demon Abyss.

"Brother Su, are you really convinced that there is a huge opportunity in this Dark Demon?" The old man among the three frowned, staring at the bottomless Dark Demon Deep. His voice was somewhat depressed, not intentional. So, but he talked, that's it.

"Who dares to be 100% sure about the chance in the world." A middle-aged man in a green robe with white hair and ordinary face laughed warily.

"Brother Su's words are extremely true, but as long as there is a possibility, it is worth investigating." Another big man with a brown armour snorted and gasped.

If anyone sees the three of them, they will be very surprised, because these three are on the Tai Xuan Da Sheng list, and the high-ranking people, especially the middle-aged robe of the surname of Su, are among the top ten. Strong.

These three people, one elite seven-star combat power, two ordinary seven-star combat power, come together to explore Dark Demon Abyss.

Many people have done this kind of thing before, some went in, and never came out again, and some came out, but nothing was gained.

Of course, some people did find a good treasure in it.

In a moment, a dark wind sounded like a ghost, silently, rising up from the depths of the Dark Demon Deep, blinking, and a tall and strong figure appeared in front of the three.

This speed suddenly shocked the three of them.

King Raksha's eyes were so cold and deep that he stared at the three, and immediately felt the breath of the three, and the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned. Suddenly, the white teeth shone coldly, and an indescribable mysterious murderousness pervaded. Drive away.

There is no reason to kill.

The three were gazed and immediately felt uncomfortable, with a threat and malicious attack on their faces that frowned.

"What is your enlightenment?" Su middle-aged man with a surname Qing Su said quietly.

The other old man and the big man also looked stunned, and secretly gathered together.

People who suddenly swept from the depths of the Dark Demon Demon had a vague atmosphere, which made them feel ominous, and their looks did not seem to be good, and they had to be highly vigilant.

"Nothing to teach." King Luocha grinned, his teeth were white, like ghosts and fangs, and the gloom of his eyes seemed to deepen: "It's just that I haven't killed anyone for a long time, and I miss it."

The words fell, and the three powerful men with seven-star combat power changed suddenly, without hesitation, decisive decisive action, and shot instantly.

The three of them can obtain today's combat power and status, but not by chance, but from weak hours, step by step practice and grinding, and they were obtained through life and death.

Their sensitivity to the crisis was extremely alarming. The moment the words of the other party fell, they immediately shot without mercy.

If you want to kill yourself, then kill the other person, even if the other person just says it and has n’t done it yet.

The middle-aged man with a surname Su has a blue sword in his hands to stab the sword, tearing the void, and it instantly turns into an incomparable and majestic blue sword light, killing it with mercy and horror.

The old man in black with five fingers and five fingers turned into amazing claws, tearing the void, as if the black eagle volleyed, shot down instantly and shred everything.

There was a loud roar of the big man, with bronze light on his body, blood rushing and surging, behind him, a bronze mountain spirit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was burning with a **** flame, and it was a king of refinement.


The violent punch that condensed the strength of the whole body came out suddenly, and the punch was extremely powerful, like a mountain burning with flames, ramming, breaking up the vacuum, shattering everything into a fan, extremely violent.

The three did not reserve the slightest shot, because they all felt a little bit of malicious murder and threat from that person.

This person really has a murderous desire for himself and others. Moreover, he never knew each other, let alone any grievances. He was planning to act just because he hadn't murdered for a long time. It was definitely a terrible person.

Such people, of course, will not have any burden to kill them.

Facing the merciless siege of three seven-star powerful men, King Rakshasa stood still and looked stern, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, his left hand was stretched out, and his five fingers were empty. A touch of darkness condensed in the palm, rendered diffusely, and turned the entire palm into a black paint.




Only momentarily, the understretched palm that stretched out first caught the blue sword light and crushed it instantly, then crushed the black hawk's claws, and finally shattered the fierce punch that was burning with flames.

(Six truths tell you, setting up more rules, is to let you out of trouble, so that I can quietly make a 10,000-year-old house, but there are still local tyrants who will not let me go. Add more, thank you "Zhenwu Warring States" for ten thousand coins, and the two will be offered first, and then we will discuss it, don't give a prize tomorrow, eat too much chicken and bear birds, let me be a quiet beautiful man, and The fourth chapter of Dushen Fanwai is expected to be issued tomorrow, with a probability of more than 70%. Welcome to pay attention to the public account: the six roads sinking, read the tasting)

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