Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 57: King Rakshasa (2)

(Chapter 2 is added, and the third is about 4 o'clock)

"Is this your strength?"

"Weak, really weak."

"Since it's so weak, you don't need to continue living."

A few words were sent out from King Rakshasa's mouth, with a bit of ridicule and a bit of teasing, and immediately made the three men look greatly changed, terrified.

The attack that they had just made was a trick they had done with ten successes, and even the other party couldn't help but easily be crushed by the other's hand.

What kind of combat power is this?

It's a terrible difference.

The three knew that this time, it was dangerous.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"We have never known you, nor have we complained."

Several people spoke one after another and secretly backed away.

"My King is King Rakshasa, remember before he dies." King Rakshasa's voice fell, as if it were ringing directly in the ears of the three, and the unspeakable thriller was horrifying.


Do not hesitate, do your best, even the secret method burst out, killing with one sword, the sword light, condensed from the majestic mad compression, turned into a dark cyan sword mantle with wide fingers but extremely thin.

It may seem worse than just a sword, but the power contained in it is more than ten percent, which is even more terrible.

A sword, killing relentlessly, instantly, the teal sword cremated and shattered, turned into countless pieces of light, and flickered away. A dark shadow passed by like a ghost, tearing and piercing the void.

The sword of the middle-aged man with the surname of Su surnamed also followed. Then, numerous cracks appeared on the sword. His body shivered as if being raged by electric current, and then remained motionless, holding a sword. Try your best to stab.

A dark wind and a ghostly shadow passed by instantly, twisted and turned, appeared on the side of the old man in black, the black light broke like lightning, and rushed towards the refined man after passing by the old man in black.


It's like a thunderous explosion.

All the offensives of Dahan were broken in an instant, like a bamboo, and the spirit behind him burst instantly.

Dahan's extremely powerful body was bombarded by black light in the front, as if he had been hit by an ancient monster, and flew upside down instantly. The blood was spitting like a waterfall.

I saw the big man's chest center completely recessed, all around collapsed, and black cracks appeared all over the body.

In one blow, the seven-star-powered King of Refining flew directly out of the kilometer. When he landed, he was completely out of breath. His eyes were wide and the beads were bulging out. His mouth was wide and his tongue was spit out. The chest collapsed completely, straight through the back.

Even more frightening is that the body is covered with black cracks, just like porcelain that has been dropped. If you look closely, you will find that this strong body has become soft and soft, as if the solid and diamond-like skeletons on the body and the extremely strong The muscles are all shattered.


All three seven-star combat powerhouses died, all in one blow.

The middle-aged middle-aged man in the most powerful blue robe kept his sword full-strength, and stared at it with a hint of consternation. His brows didn't know when a little redness would appear, straight into his head.

The old man in black fell forward, and his heart was penetrated directly.

The big man landed thousands of meters backwards, his sternum collapsed, and his skeletal muscles shattered.

"Hahahahaha ..." King Rakshasa manifested himself, looked down at his masterpiece, and couldn't help uttering a loud laughter.

For hundreds of years of silence, only to improve the combat power for cultivation, it is really rare for him by nature.

Now that the nerves of Purgatory have been trained, they have finally come out. He has never really killed anyone for hundreds of years. He is already so anxious that he is planning to kill some people before going to Shuramon.

Unexpectedly, some people even came to the door, and there was still a bit of combat power.

The feeling of slaughtering the weak and killing good people is completely different.

However, just killing three people can not release the desire for inner killing at all, but it can already ease a little.

So now, directly go to Shuramon and exterminate that Shuramon, and at the same time, catch the Chen Xiu alive and ask the mystery of the avatar.

Although he has such powerful and profound exercises as the Purgatory Ghost Nerve, and he has also cultivated to the highest level, if he can get the secret of the avatar and condense the avatar, it will definitely help.

What's more, avatars are not only improving their own combat power, they are also improving their lives, one more.

In an instant, King Rakshasa turned into a black wind, flew away at lightning speed, blinked, and disappeared.

This is Dark Magic Demon, which is one of Taixuan Realm's forbidden land. It is far from the land boundary of Tailao City. It is not easy to arrive in a short time.

However, there are also Void Gates of the Nether Temple that can teleport.

Just after King Rakshasa turned into a gust of black wind, a white light flew from a distance, and then stopped.

The white light disappeared, Chen Zong's body appeared, and when he looked down, he was shocked.

On the edge of the dark abyss, there are three bodies on the ground, one is still standing, maintaining the posture of a sword piercing, but Chen Zong can feel that there is no vitality.

The other one was lying on one's back and the other was lying on its back.

Death, all died.

Chen Zong looked at the faces and decorations of the three and reflected the strong men in his mind, and he was even more surprised.

Three strong men!

The three strong men who have been at the forefront of the holy list have all died here, and it seems that the death time is not long.

Chen Zong inspected it more carefully, and the more he checked, the more solemn he looked.

Qingpao middle-aged was fingered through the eyebrows, with extremely fast speed, extremely penetrating power, and the residual breath was cold and dim, like a ghostly ghost, which made Chen Zongxin startled.

The old man was smashed into the heart by a terrible punch, straight through the back, and the remaining breath was also bleak and dark, terrible, to be sure, it was the same person who killed it.

Looking at the big man facing up to the sky, Chen Zong's pupils suddenly shrank like a needle, terrified.

It can be seen that this big man was only hit by a boxing, directly hitting the center of the chest, the sternum was completely collapsed, and the muscle membrane was torn, and more terribly, the muscles and bones were all shattered by a horrible and overbearing force .

This power is equally cold and gloomy, like a ghostly forest.

The cold and dark power, which was overbearing and overbearing, was extremely horrible, which made Chen Zong feel shocked and frightened.

What kind of power is this?

Whose power is this?

For a moment, Chen Zong's clue was a little chaotic.

Chen Zongke didn't know that this was the power of King Rakshasa now, after all, he only knew King Rakshasa, nothing more, but didn't know much about Rakshasa King.

What's more, the information about the King Rakshasa you know is hundreds of years ago, but the King Rakshasa hundreds of years ago has not received the infernal ghost nerve.

Don't be afraid of returning, but Chen Zong still took away the three people's appetite, and the money of the dead should not be wasted.

Immediately, Chen Zong looked at the dark magic deep, but did not intend to enter, but left, and continued to find the whereabouts of King Rakshasa.


Not long after, a tall and strong figure appeared in the void temple of Tailo City, stepping out, wherever he went, as if he was retreating from the ghosts, and he was so chilling that he did not dare to approach the slightest. Tear directly.

King Rakshasa is here.

Out of town, soon, the dark wind transformed by King Luocha came to Xiuluo Peak.

Without hesitation, the five fingers of the right hand spread out suddenly like a fan, bang!

At that moment, the right hand rolled up an extremely violent wind, howling and rushing forward, rushing directly to Shura Gate at Shura Peak.

It was as if a twelve-level storm struck, and rushed into Xiuluo Peak in an instant, rolling up the horrible power, blowing the trees on the mountain swaying wildly, as if to be uprooted.

The Shuramon Palace on the top of the mountain was also under the storm, and seemed to be shaking slightly.

The disciples who are practicing are swept away by this cold storm, their bodies are shaking, they are all cold, and they seem to be frozen.

The violent winds raged for a while, and gradually, there was a frost.

The buzzing sound rang at an instant, and Datian Luozhen turned on in an instant, with full strength, and immediately resisted the cold and violent wind, unable to invade the slightest.

"Oh, it's time to start the formation, is it useful?" A ridiculous smile appeared on King Rakshasa's face.

The regional matrix method is nothing in his eyes.

Even if he didn't know how to crack the formation, but did he need it?

No, just smash it, why bother.


King Rakshasa just blasted out with one punch.

The dark boxing power seemed to be accompanied by ghosts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for an instant, and blasted towards Tiantian array.

The power of this big Tian Luo array is powerful enough to withstand the attacks of the elite six-star, even if it is an ordinary seven-star shot, it cannot be broken at once.

But this is nothing to the King of Rakshasa, quite vulnerable.

With just one blow, the Datian Luozhen vibrated violently and was instantly broken and torn.

The formation is broken and scattered.

The remaining power immediately raged away, crushing and collapsing the palaces.

Enemy attack!

Enemy attack!

The whole Shuramon was fully mobilized.

At the same time, the second elder immediately entered the secret territory of Shura to find the elders who practiced and polished and the several guardians.

The main thing is too much Chen Xiu.

Such a strong enemy is completely a strong step in the half-step sacred class, at least, also has an elite seven-star combat power.

This kind of combat power, only in the entire Xiuluomen, can only be opposed to Chen Xiu too.

I have to say that Shuramon's response was very rapid, from the formation was broken to the entry into the secret area of ​​Shura to send out a message notification, but it was only a time before the last ten breaths.

But King Rakshasa did not rush to do anything in a hurry. Instead, he looked like a joke. In his opinion, the people of Shuramon were already dead. The difference was that they died earlier and later.

Now, it is time to give Xiuluomen all the so-called strong men in it, give them hope, and then kill them all at once, then they will fall into the abyss of despair at once.

It's more fun to play like this.

King Rakshasa discovered that after practicing the Purgatory Ghost Nerve, his mind seems to have changed a lot, but this change, he wants to like it, and will not resist it at all.

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