Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 58: Shura War Rakshasa

(Tianwang covers the tiger, Shura battles Rakshasa, the third one, and then notices that the public account will release the fourth chapter of Dushenfan tomorrow. Remember to pay attention to the public account: the six roads perishing)

The black wind roared, and the black clouds were overwhelming.

The cold, dreary, and ghostly horrors spread all over the place, and immediately brought strong pressure and threat to Shu Luomen.

An unprecedented big crisis has come.

The host, the elders, and the disciples all looked dignified and extremely depressed. In this terrible dark and cold atmosphere, everyone felt suffocated, as if to be dragged into a ghost, like never before. Superborn.

When Chen Xiu stepped out of Shura's secret realm, he immediately felt that the cold and cold atmosphere in the air was fluctuating. Such breath fluctuations did not exist before.

Sensitive Superman's perception, called Chen Xiu, knows that this distant, cold and murky atmosphere fluctuates, which is very amazing. It is small and big, showing the arrogance and terror of the breath master.

Strong enemy strikes!

But who is the attacking enemy?

The thought rose, but Chen Xiu's speed was not slow at all, and instantly turned into a gray electric mang, passing through the sky, over the important hall of Shuluomen, and heading for Shuluo Peak.

A cold, sharp, unmatched gaze, carrying a terrifying will to break the vacuum, fell on Chen Xiu's body instantly, making Chen Xiu's heart shiver.

Facing that gaze, Chen Xiu saw a pair of dark eyes, deep and dreary, like a ghostly forest, as if the soul of a living soul should be sucked in again, and he would never fall into hell.

Chen Xiu was not afraid, his eyes were condensed, and the gray mansions were rippled and rippled away.

Eyes, touching in the void, swinging invisible sparks, bursting out intangible ripples, as if stones hit the calm water surface, ripples are endless and endless.

"Chen Xiu!" King Luocha grinned, his teeth were white, reflecting the dazzling cold light, reminiscent of the fangs of ghosts and gods, able to bite everything and devour everything.

"King Rakshasa!" Chen Xiu reacted in an instant without the need for the other party to protect his own portal.

This person is King Rakshasa.

This kind of breath is so powerful that it is at least an eight-star level and kills Shuramon. Who else is there besides King Rakshasa.

On the day the Blood Claw King struck, Chen Xiu already had some speculation.

Therefore, the deity Chen Zong took the initiative to seek out, intending to find King Rakshasa first, and beheaded to prevent the other party from seeking Shuramon, causing unnecessary injuries and damage.

But I did not expect that the whereabouts of King Rakshasa was hidden, and he had never found it for more than half a year, but now he came to Xiuluomen actively.

Fortunately, King Rakshasa just broke Da Tian Luo Zhen, and did not take another shot. He slaughtered the Salmons, or else he lost a lot of money.

The other party was able to say their title, and King Rakshasa was not surprised. Instead, the gleam of eyes flickered and seemed more excited.

"Did you kill the two envoys of this seat?" King Rakshasa spoke again.

"Are you talking about Bloodclaw King and Savage Mountain King?" Chen Xiu asked with a slight smile.

"You can rest assured that the King will not easily kill you." King Rakshaa's eyes and pupils contracted slightly, and the opponent was able to kill his two left and right envoys, indicating that his combat power is good. An opponent.

Of course, it's just an opponent. There is a difference between an opponent and a rival.

By training the infernal ghost nerves to the sixth level, King Rakshasa has mysterious confidence in his combat power.

He had already made up his mind not to kill Chen Xiu, but to capture it alive, one forcing out the secret of the avatar, and the other, enslaving him, just like the slaves of Bloodclaw King and Manshan King.

Enslaving a strong man with eight-star combat power will undoubtedly be better than enslaving two seven-star combat power.

Chen Xiu's eyes gathered, but he was surprised.

The previous Rakshasa King was not as good as King Shura, and the reason he could cause damage to King Shura was that King Shura trusted King Raksha, and was defeated without precaution.

But now, the power of King Rakshasa is at least an ordinary eight-star.

No, the pressure brought by this breath is not only the level of ordinary eight-stars, but maybe it has reached the elite eight-stars.

This improvement is not small.

However, there is no ranking of King Rakshasa on the list of Tai Xuan Da Sheng.

However, even if King Luosha's combat power reaches the elite eight-star level, Chen Xiu will not have half the fear, because the self-renewed God of God Shashura's warfare has already been far better than before.


When he died, Chen Xiu was so excited that he was fighting.

Feeling Chen Xiu's warfare, King Rakshasa was a little surprised, and looked a little unexpected. Then, the horrible black light erupted on his body, turning it into a black storm, as if the ghosts were turning on. Peerless, extinct all living beings.

The extinct evil sword came out of the sheath, bringing a touch of fierce gray sword light to the extreme. The sword light was like a waning moon in the vertical and horizontal sky, tearing away and killing.

With an amazing sword, his fierce violentness seems to destroy all vitality, and relentlessly kill King Rakshasa.

In the face of this overbearing sword, King Rakshasa did not evade in the slightest, but stretched out his left hand.

The black light was diffused, wagging on the palm, a sudden shot, the world roared, and trembled suddenly.

The moment when Cang Yue Jianguang made contact with that palm, a moment's pause, as if the sharp blade slashed on the steel, bursting out thousands of sparks, the astonishing sound was extremely sharp, as if tearing everything.

In Xiuluomen, everyone felt that their eardrums seemed to be pierced, and blood spilled out. Some disciples who were trained to be weak and not strong enough also screamed and fell to the ground.

This scene made Chen Xiu frown slightly.

The collision between the eight-star combat power is too amazing, and the aftermath is terrible and unbearable.

If a fierce battle is fought here, I am afraid that Shuramon will be completely killed.

With a thought, Chen Xiu flies through the void with a sword, like a white horse passing through a gap, and a sword is stabbed out.

The Sword of Perdition exudes arrogant sword breath, piercing the void.


Just momentarily, hundreds of gray sword lights were like thunderbolts and swept across the sky, killing King Rakshasa, densely, covering all over him.

This shroud is not chaotic, but is aimed at all parts of King Rakshasa.

In a hurry, King Rakshasa came out with both hands, his palms circled in front of him, and he turned and rubbed, and he uttered horrible power, and immediately resisted hundreds of sword lights that were extremely powerful, and completely broke.

Chen Xiu's figure approached directly, one sword was killed, and the evil sword was killed.

This sword was also resisted by King Rakshasa.

However, Chen Xiu passed directly by King Rakshasa and moved forward at an astonishing speed.

"Are you trying to escape?"

"Still want to keep Shuramon?"

King Luocha turned to stare at the light and shadow that Chen Xiu quickly left, his face full of jokes, but also turned into a black wind, and quickly chased away.

Relatively speaking, it is more important for Chen Xiu to exist than Xiumen.

Not to mention the current Shuramon, even if it was the strongest period of ancient Shuramon, he could wipe it out.

Only the Secret Secret that was inherited by ancient Xiu Luo Men was what he wanted, and he always kept in mind, otherwise, he would not betray his friends and secretly kill the killer, but eventually found nothing.

This is an obsession, no matter what, you must get that avatar.

Obviously, the secret of the avatar is probably Chen Xiu.


King Rakshasa was so fast that he blinked and chased him.

Seeing that Chen Xiu had led away the horrible strongman of King Rakshasa, all of them were relieved.

The treatment of this treatment, the elderly elderly workers also began to repair the formation.

I only hope that Mrs. Chen Xiu will be able to slay this powerful enemy, otherwise, Shu Luomen will be in danger.

Chen Xiu did not intend to escape. The purpose was merely to draw away King Rakshasa, so that the aftermath of the battle would not cause devastating damage to Shuramon.

There are hundreds of mountain peaks on the boundary of Tailuo City. A few of them are occupied by martial arts. Nearly half of the peaks have become ownerless for various reasons.

Chen Xiu led King Rakshasa to a mountain without a master, and he paused, turned, and faced the dark wind that came after him.

The black wind roared, raging madly, violent to the extreme, as if destroying everything between the heavens and the earth, and rushing in like a ghostly forest, to swallow Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's horizontal sword stands in the void, with grey rays like lightning flashing in the void, straight through the black wind, staring at the body of King Rakshasa.


Killing with a single sword, like lightning fast, arrogant to the extreme.

The power of Shenshaura's combat power is integrated into this sword, making the power of this sword more and more horrible and tyrannical, as if to exterminate all the vitality between heaven and earth, making King Luocha secretly scared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This kind of power is not inferior to the power of your infernal ghost nerve in the slightest.


King Rakshasa shot, with one finger broken, the fingers were mighty, like a row of mountains and rivers.

Chen Xiu was also secretly shocked.

The power of King Rakshasa is very terrible, and the cold and quiet is overbearing. This kind of power is in no way inferior to the sixth-strength power that the consciousness came to the heaven and earth cultivated by the eternal battlefield.

Could it be said that King Rakshasa obtained some profound inheritance and acquired a terrible and powerful technique before he mastered such terrible power.

This is not impossible. There should also be some profound inheritance in the heavenly realm, but there is no chance to get it.

You can get a great chance by yourself, and you can't get others to get it.

Then, such a Rakshasa king, beheaded, will be more fulfilled.

Although King Rakshasa was a strong enemy and had great danger to Shuramon, he had to beheaded and killed the king ’s last wish, but in essence, whether it was Chen Zong or Chen Xiu, he was fighting. Those who support themselves, sharpen themselves in various life-and-death battles, and then inspire people with deep potential to break through themselves are a little crazy.

Therefore, no matter what kind of opponent, as long as you have enough strength, it will ignite your blood, the war will be boiling, and the war will be more brave.

What Chen Xiu didn't know was that the infernal ghost nerve cultivated by King Luocha was cultivated to the sixth level, so that he had such arrogant power, while the **** Shaxura warfare cultivated by Chen Xiushu was only cultivated to the first. Threefold.

The third and sixth are different from each other, and the first three of the God of Sharasura's tactics are only the basic level. Only in the fourth, will its power soar.

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