Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 59: Purgatory ghosts (on)

(Fourth, as an important evil supporting role, it must be fierce enough)

Gray Mansions!

Black light!

The gray mang is fierce, extinct, and terrifying.

Black time is cold and cold, overbearing, destroying everything.

The two forces were controlled, bombarded again and again, and they continued to collide with shocking aftermaths. The mighty void was like a dragon spreading in all directions.


The aftermath bombarded one of the hilltops and immediately smashed the peak into a corner. The vegetation lost all vitality in an instant. That was the consequence of being affected by the aftermath of two overbearing forces.

The whole mountain was shaken.


This kind of power is really horrible. If such a mountain more than 2,000 meters high is directly attacked by the two people, I am afraid that it will be crushed and collapsed and turned into flat land.

However, no matter whether Chen Xiu or King Rakshasa, the target is not the mountain, but the other side, the mountain is damaged, but it is only caused by the collision of the two forces.

Elite eight-star combat power!

Both Chen Xiu and King Raksha show their combat power, all of which have reached the level of elite eight-star level, and all of them are the best elite eight-star level. The ordinary elite eight-star level is not their opponent at all.

Meeting Yu Liangcai and chess against his opponents, Chen Xiu's more battles, the more blood boiled and the fighting spirits skyrocketed.

King Rakshasa became even more shocked at the Vietnam War. At the same time, the heart was breeding more tyranny and madness. Deep in the eyes, the gloom became more intense, as if it could swallow everything.

Chen Xiu exerted his sword skills to the extreme. Each sword embodies the power of God Shasula. It is extremely powerful and fierce. It is only for the sake of slaughtering people.

In this way, the power of each sword, even if it is just an ordinary sword, is not inferior to the previous tricks, and it will be even stronger.

This is the gap brought by the power of Gongfa.

For any practitioner, cultivation is very important, it is a basic force, and other aspects are also very important.

The increase in strength brought about by a brilliant and powerful method is undoubtedly very significant.

Such as the God of Shasula Warfare in the void of the universe can be regarded as superbly inherited exercises, even more terrible.

Compared with the heavenly sanctuary and the cosmic void, the gap is too big and too big to be calculated.

Such as the God of Shawura warfare, in the entire spiritual and sacred realm, incomparable.

If King Rakshasa knows that Chen Xiu's cultivation methods are much stronger than his own purgatory ghost nerves, he will be very enthusiastic and want to get it. Of course, even if he does, he can't practice successfully .

What's more, he couldn't find it.


Fierce battle!

Extremely fierce battle of life and death.

In this battle, life or death, no half chance.

The more the battle, the more violent the Raksha King, the more aggressive the killing, gradually, the faint dark mist and fog diffused out from the eyes, and the body also seemed to have the faint dark mist and fog burning.

Chen Xiu can feel that the breath of King Luocha is getting more and more terrifying, and the surrounding is also rendered, becoming darker and darker, shrouded in darkness, as if devouring the void, gradually diffused away.

Fight more and more bravely!

The more battles get stronger!

Whether Chen Xiu or King Rakshasa.

King Rakshasa's body is strong. This battle seems to be not exhausting. Every blow is exhausted with every effort. The more ordinary elite eight-star combat powerhouse can't resist how many blows will be killed.

This kind of combat power, even if it is not as good as nine stars, will not be too different.

"Guns Parade!"

At the end of the day, King Rakshasa gathered a punch and blasted it out. The punch was dark and smashed, crushing the void, and turning into a ghostly ghost, as if rushing out of the void of hell, traveling around the world.

As soon as the ghost and ghost appeared, the surroundings became darker and darker, as if a ghost came.

Chen Xiuqing couldn't help trembling, only feeling that dark and murky breath invaded into the body in an attempt to infiltrate himself. The ghost and ghost were roaring and rushing, the claws turned empty, tearing everything.

The power of this punch is extremely violent and terrifying.

These martial arts suddenly made Chen Xiu secretly startled, and how exquisitely and exquisitely it was, and was exhibited by the King of Rakshasa, it was even more powerful.

Ghost Parade!

This is a martial arts supplementary martial arts on the purgatory ghost nerve. Only the power of the purgatory ghost nerve can be motivated, and only the power of the purgatory ghost nerve can truly exert its power.

This technique of purgatory ghost nerves is very unpredictable, and it can almost extinguish the entire heavenly sanctuary. It is incomparable. Its supporting martial arts is of course very terrible.

With one punch, Chen Xiu felt that his soul seemed to be drawn out, and his body seemed to be crushed.

Tiansha sword tactics: Shaying!

A sword comes out, the sword speed is extremely fast, runs through everything.

This is Chen Xiu's self-made sword skill, which is urged to perform with the power of the **** Shasula. Its power has soared many times, not only the speed of the sword is a little faster, but its destructive power has soared and improved. More than a few times.

That is the gap brought by the power of Gongfa.

A sword is killed, and the sword disappears directly into the void. There is only a faint shadow that condenses the ultimate power of God and runs through everything.

There is a sword mark in the void, as if it were a vacuum sword mark. All the vitality in that sword mark is directly obliterated by the overwhelming power of the gods, and even the vitality of the heaven and earth inside is directly destroyed.

The power cultivated by God Shasula's warfare is such a terrifying hegemony, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more terrifying it is.

An extremely condensed sword, immediately pierced the ghost and ghost's virtual shadow, pierced the wind and burst into the king of Rakshasa.

However, the phantom of the ghost and **** who was pierced seemed to be unaffected, and committed suicide to Chen Xiu.

Tiansha sword tactic second style: sword butcher!

The sword of evil is not that it has not hurt the ghost and ghost, but relatively speaking, the damage caused is not enough to defeat it.

However, the power of Jian Tu's one move is much better than the evil, and it is reflected in the direct destruction.

When a sword is cut off, the ghost and the ghost are split apart when the sword is cut off. The terrible power will crush the ghost and the ghost and break the void. King Rakshasa.

Luo Sha Wang Zhengyi boxed and shattered his shadow, and his face suddenly changed greatly. From the sword slaughter style, he felt the terrible murderous horror.

As if this sword is enough to threaten his life.


With a loud roar, King Luocha suddenly gathered the power of ghosts and gods and blasted with one punch. The power of this punch was much stronger than that of only one.

A punch blows out, a ghost and ghost as if drilling out of hell. As soon as he appears, he quickly solidifies, and sends out a terrible roar at Chen Xiu. ish.

Then, the gradually solidified ghost and **** turned into a dark light, passing by instantly, killing in shock, and making direct contact with the sword Tu cut out by Chen Xiu.

There is no evasion, pure, direct collision, who is stronger.

Jian Guang shattered and the ghosts were torn.

The energy hits all directions, crushes the vacuum, and destroys everything.

That mountain peak was affected again and collapsed for less than half.

King Rakshasa can see that the opponent's swordsmanship is very good, but there is still a gap compared to the ghost and **** purgatory fist he has mastered.

After all, Chen Xiu's swordsmanship is self-created and created on the basis of his own foundation, but the martial arts of purgatory ghost nerves do not know which one is powerful.

At least, that power is also at the level of the Great Sacred Realm, or at the level of the Divine Realm, and its insights and accumulation, as well as its heritage, are not comparable to those of Chen Xiu now.

The martial arts created under different base heights naturally have different levels.

However, Shenshaura's warfare is very advanced, far better than the spirit of purgatory ghosts. Even if it is only the third level of basic cultivation, it is still very arrogant. In this case, it will naturally make up for some of the shortcomings of the sword technique and enhance its power. Almost close to ghost purgatory fist.

Chen Xiu can also see that the Tiansha sword tactics are indeed inadequate in the martial arts of the opponent's boxing skills, but anyway, when it is possible to sharpen and draw on the mysteries of the opponent's boxing skills to further improve his sword skills.

If King Rakshasa knows Chen Xiu's thoughts, he doesn't know what will happen.

He repeatedly performed two strokes of ghosts, gods, and purgatory, but he couldn't help Chen Xiu. The violent and murderous heart of King Rakshasa had already accumulated to the extreme. The violentness was extremely violent and must be vented.


Unlike human voices, he suddenly blew from King Raksha's mouth, straight into the sky, shaking in all directions.

Chen Xiu was shocked, and saw the intense black ghost flames sprayed out of King Luocha's eyes. The black flames became intense in his body, burning, covering every part of the whole body.

At the same time, the back of King Rakshasa seems to be torn by the claws of invisible ghosts and gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It directly cracks a black mouth, which is dark inside, and there are countless dark winds roaring. , Screaming, in addition to the cold and quiet forest, there is a hint of fierce and domineering, as if the head of Jiuyou purgatory.

This is the power of ghosts and gods.

For a while, cold and murky, with both fierce and overbearing power, like storms and tides, rushed out of the purgatory ghost gate and poured directly into the body of King Rakshasa.

The body of King Rakshasa resembles a huge sea surface, absorbing the water emerging from the purgatory ghost gate like crazy.

The darkness of the ghost flames became more vigorous and more solid, and the breath emitted became more and more terrifying. The suppression in all directions made Chen Xiu difficult to breathe, and his expression was shocked.


It is still being enhanced, and it is constantly being enhanced.


Tiansha sword tactics: sword slaughter!

Without hesitation, Chen Xiu killed the sword across the air. The sword under full force was extremely powerful, tearing the vacuum, smashing all the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and beheaded and killed directly on King Rakshasa.

At the next breath, Chen Xiu's eyes widened and shocked.

Not only was he unable to kill King Rakshasa by slaughtering it with his own sword, but even that sword was chopped on King Rakshasa's body, and was immediately resisted by the raging ghost flames, which could not be completely broken, but Burned.

How terrible!

Suppressing the horror in his heart, Chen Xiu's heart became more dignified, his eyes sank slightly, but there was no intention to leave.

Not to mention whether King Rakshasa chased himself. If he did not pursue it, instead, he would be destroyed directly.

Therefore, this battle, no matter what, must win.

King Rakshasa must die!

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