Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 60: Purgatory ghosts (middle)

The gates of purgatory are wide open, with ghostly shadows and gusts of wind, and they continue to blow out from the depths of purgatory, with cold and murky flames, as if freezing all vitality, and as if they can burn all vitality, it is extremely terrifying.

That power kept flowing into King Rakshasa's body, absorbed by King Rakshasa, and turned into a surging ghost flame, becoming more and more vigorous and fierce, from the original one foot to three feet, as if the void of heaven and earth was burned into nothingness.

Chen Xiuqiang slashed his sword and couldn't cut the one-foot ghost flame. Now, the ghost flame becomes three feet, becoming more and more horrible, and the coercion emitted is even more amazing. It also makes Chen Xiu look more dignified.

The three-foot ghost flame did not continue to skyrocket, but began to shrink, and gradually reduced to a one-foot ghost flame, but Chen Xiu could clearly feel that the ghost flame was not weakened, but was compressed and enhanced. .

Then, the ghost flame became more and more compressed and condensed, eventually covering the body of King Rakshasa.

King Rakshasa's black robe disappeared and was replaced by a layer of dark, film-like material covering the strong body, as well as the head, with only a pair of dark and deep eyes and white crickets. Tooth is horrible like a ghost.

Immediately afterwards, a spiral unicorn was drilled on the forehead, but the end of the unicorn resembled a blade, showing a dazzling blood red, diffused with red light, as if it were extremely hot, and as bloodless as possible, containing a terrible Power fluctuations.

The strong body looks like a strange streamlined beauty, as if the body not only contains the terrifying force of terror, but also has superb speed and flexibility.

The shoulders are wide and the arms are slender. At the end of the five fingers, the nails are sharp enough to protrude about an inch like hooks and claws, just like the inverted blade, with a little dazzling scarlet, as if it can tear the world. Everything in between is irresistible.

The thighs are very thick and the muscles are bulging. It seems that there are large tendons such as python dragon discs, the calves are also bulging, and the muscles are knotted, looking like steel cast iron.

The five fingers of the soles are slightly buckled, and they are like claws. They seem to pierce the void and fasten them tightly.

At the end of the day, a little scarlet red was blooming from the tip of the forehead spiral blade's one-corner, and quickly fell along the edge of the one-corner blade, and along the spiral of the one-corner, fell very regularly on the forehead, divided into two, along the Cheeks slipped.

It slipped down to the neck, then down to the shoulders, and differentiated again.

With your arms, chest, and back down, at the end of the five fingers of your feet, there is a beginning and an end.

The texture is red, blood-like, and flame-like. It contains blood and blazing. On the dark body of King Rakshasa, a complicated and mysterious pattern is drawn, and it looks as if it is a faint look. Flaming flame.


The arrogant and ferocious atmosphere constantly diffused from the opponent's body, and the purgatory ghost gate behind it continued to shrink. Eventually, it turned into a black hole the size of a skull, hovering behind his head. The endless coldness of the tyrants spread out.

Chen Xiu felt that there was an eternal volcano in his opponent's body, and he was terrified and shocked.

Compared with before, it is completely two levels.

King Rakshasa's face seemed to have a look of intoxication, reveling in the powerful power contained in this body.


I saw King Rakshasa waving his arms lightly, and when he was there, a howling wind roared and rushed out, and the howling wind tore the void like a blade, rushed to Chen Xiu, and let Chen Xiu's robes grin.

When the howling wind rushed towards the broken mountain peak, many trees above it were uprooted, and the stones, large and small, were blown up in the air, and they were stabbed and smashed completely in the like wind.

Just waving his arm, a gust of wind was brought up, so powerful, that Chen Xiu was secretly heartfelt.

"Strong." King Rakshasa didn't take another shot, but immersed himself in the horrible power contained in this body, deeply intoxicated.

This feeling is as if you can destroy the heavens and the earth, everything will be reduced to nothingness and nothingness under your own power.

"You are lucky to be able to see the King's purgatory ghost body." King Raksha's voice has also completely changed. It is an accent, one is the voice of King Raksha himself, and one is from the depths of Jiuyou Purgatory. Of evil spirits roar, terrifying the world.

At that moment of stress, there was an invisible force that directly impacted Chen Xiu's spiritual will and wanted to defeat it.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu's spiritual will is extremely firm and unaffected, but if it is replaced by another elite eight-star combat power, it is absolutely difficult to resist the erosion of this stress, and his spiritual will will be immediately disrupted. In the light, it distracts the mind, and in the worst, the ghost of roar of the evil spirit appears, which affects the control of its own power and the exertion of its strength.

When breathing, there was a blazing breath, which rushed out from the nasal cavity of King Rakshasa, just like white smoke billowing, spraying out directly for dozens of meters before gradually dissipating.

Chen Xiu could even feel the terrible power contained in the white smoke, and the three-star and half-step grand saint couldn't hold it.


It's scary.

Purgatory ghost body!

Chen Xiu was absolutely impressed.

This purgatory ghost and **** body is also a terrible secret method that the purgatory ghost nerve can master only when it is cultivated to the sixth level.

Once cast, it will trigger the purgatory ghost gate, open it, and attract its breath into itself, creating a purgatory ghost body, and its own combat power will skyrocket.

Of course, it is very reluctant to perform with the sixth, and there will be sequelae.

However, in the state of the body, it is almost difficult to suppress the opponent. In order to win, it can only be so.

Suppress each other first, as for the side effects, then bear them.

In order to be able to cultivate into the ghost spirit of Purgatory, these hundreds of years, King Rakshasa has also endured many ordeals, and what are the side effects.

Not afraid at all.

Now, this kind of control is extremely powerful, as if raising his hands and feet can destroy the feeling of destroying mountains and mountains, making him addicted to it, deeply intoxicated and difficult to extricate himself.

"Now, let you know how powerful my King is." The accent resounded, and a scarlet scarlet man suddenly burst out from King Rousan's eyes.

The moment the words fell, Chen Xiu was terrified and the sense of crisis was elevated to the extreme.

Without hesitation, Chen Xiu's figure flickered, phantoms appeared alternately and overlapped, spreading in all directions, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, as if every figure was real.

King Rakshasa shot, the five fingers scratched and released, and instantly, the dark claws of the sky with the cold and fierce domineering horror, shot through the air, completely covered the thousands of voids, dense and dense as extinct.

Chen Xiu's numerous phantom bodies were torn apart in an instant and shattered.

The Sword of Extinction slashed out, the sword light splashed like a violent wind and torrential rain, violent and dense, and the claw strength that immediately attacked and killed in all directions resisted.



Chen Xiu's eyes were solemn and dignified. At the moment when his claws collided with the sword body, Chen Xiu could clearly feel that the overwhelming force impact would almost collapse the sword body.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu's sword skills are superb and his accomplishments are amazing. Even if the opponent's power is more powerful, he can also use his strength to better resist and block the opponent's attack.

King Rakshasa was not surprised by this attack. In fact, this attack was just his own, an exploration and attempt of his own power.

Next is the dinner.


One claw killed it, and it broke instantly. The astonishing three claws tore up the void, with horrific killings, without mercy.

This blow truly tore the void, leaving a faint pitch of black space, exuding terrible breath fluctuations.

Nine stars!

This is definitely a super-combat force that reaches the level of nine stars, which can really affect or even tear the vacuum.

Chen Xiu looked horrified and didn't dare to fix it, but the speed of the claw was too fast. In desperation, Chen Xiu went directly into the self-confidence.

For a while, a few strands of silvery white emerged in the eyes, becoming cold and deep, all emotions seemed to be nonexistent, absolute calmness, absolute perception, and absolute control.

Field of Hearts!

At the same time, Chen Xiu also released the realm of the heart, covering thousands of kilometers.

The super-perception brought by the state of self-freedom overlaps with the coverage of the realm of the heart, and the power is multiplied.

Take control!

A feeling of mastering the surroundings, permeated.

The horrible claw power of that dark tearing vacuum ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is extremely fast and amazing. Originally, Chen Xiu wanted to avoid it, it was not so easy, but at this moment in the perception, that claw power entered the heart. After the scope of the domain, it seems to become a little slower.

In fact, it does not become slow, but a wonderful state brought by Chen Xiu's perception beyond the limit.

In this state, Chen Xiu's speed has also been increased.


Chen Xiu's body is extremely light, it seems to have lost all its weight, and it is extremely flexible, like a goshawk soaring into the sky, as if swimming under the water, relaxed.

It's as if this space has lost its restraint on itself.

The speed has been improved by several percent than before, and it is more rapid and lighter and agile. Between flashes, it directly approached King Rakshasa, and a sword was shot out of nowhere.

Jian Tu!

This sword is extremely powerful, the sword body is cut off, and the layers of void ripples are open, but it still has not reached the point where the vacuum is really torn, which means that the power of this sword cannot reach the level of nine stars.

In the face of this sword, King Rakshasa had to do his best to deal with it, but now he grinned, his teeth were white and cold.

A flick of a finger, like the blade of a blade, hits the sword body instantly, disintegrating the power contained above, and it is necessary to bounce the sword body.

The moment the sword bounced, it was like a bamboo in the wind, and it fell off with a more terrible edge.

Jian Tu!

This sword suddenly increased its power.

King Rakshasa couldn't help but feel pain, only feeling that his sharp claws seemed to be split into a tiny rift. Although he healed at once, the pain was real.

At this point, there is still the strength that can hurt his purgatory ghost body.

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