Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 61: Purgatory ghosts (below)

(Chapter 4 of the God of the One God Fanwai has been updated in the earth. Please pay attention to the public account: Six Ways to Decline, Taste it)


Such as the horror roar issued by the ghosts and gods from Jiuyou Purgatory, shaking the void and roaring the world, turning into a horrible dark storm raging in all directions, as if destroyed.

In an instant, the indiscriminate ramifications hit all directions, just like the impact of 10,000 tons of seawater, and rushed directly to Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's body was unchanged under the horrible sound of love, but the speed of the silver wires in his eyes increased.

This is not an ordinary roar, but a roar that contains the powerful and terrifying power of King Rakshasa's purgatory ghosts and gods. The indiscriminate impact is in all directions, which contains the terrifying power of deterring the spirits.

Under his self-confidence, Chen Xiu can more clearly feel the threat contained. If he is too close, he may affect himself.


With a certain body, Chen Xiu held up his sword and slashed vertically, as if splitting everything in front of him, the sword edge was extreme.

The horrible sound wave was torn in an instant, as if going up against the current. This sword turned into a waning moon, and was killed with great killing power. It was chopped again on the body of King Rakshasa.

However, the power of this sword seems to be ineffective, and it is impossible to break the body of King Rakshasa.

That body was too arrogant. Through the contact of Jianfeng, Chen Xiu clearly understood how amazing the King of Rakshasa's purgatory ghost body at this moment was.

This sword, it is difficult to damage even the slightest.

The talented sword slaughter technique only breaks the opponent's membrane slightly.

Can't hurt each other, how to fight?

Chen Xiu became more dignified.

"Are you tickling my king?" King Luocha laughed disdainfully, and the ghost claws were shot straight across the air, all around him, all grabbing Chen Xiu.

That kind of sharp breath, cold and domineering, terrible, if it is caught, it will definitely be torn, very terrible.

It is difficult for your sword to break the opponent's body and cause damage, but the opponent's ghost claw can easily tear yourself.

This is an unequal battle.

However, Chen Xiu will not retreat because of this.

Although the opponent's purgatory ghost body is very strong, I believe that there will be a way, or that there are flaws.

I was looking for that flaw.



Suddenly, Chen Xiu split out dozens of swords, and each sword was forced to the extreme, beheading and killing King Luocha.

King Rakshasa also seemed to be intoxicated by this strong cross-body feeling, but he did not escape, leaving Chen Xiu's sword to slash.

The sword that had opened his own membrane before was very arrogant, but Chen Xiu could not burst out continuously. After all, the power was extremely amazing.

But now this relatively ordinary sword move, it is impossible to split its defense.

"Weak and weak, how could you be so weak." King Luocha opened his arms and let Chen Xiu's sword fall off without any damage.

Even if it was only cut by a sword, the membrane was slightly injured, and healed in an instant.

This is the power of purgatory ghosts and gods, which is a fascinating power.

The power cultivated by the God of Shasura's warfare is extremely fierce and extremely arrogant, but it can't break the defense of the opponent's ghost and body. Of course, this is also because his own God of Shara's warfare has only been trained to the third level. And, it's just the third entry.

If it is the fourth one, its power will increase dramatically, and it should be possible to break the defense of the other party.

But if you want to practice to the fourth level, you don't know how much time and energy you have to spend.

King Rakshasa doesn't give himself that time.

King Rakshasa experienced a strong sense of defense, but he would not be foolish enough to allow Chen Xiu to attack.

Fight back!

The ghost claws were shot out of the air, and the power was overwhelming.

The arrogant body allowed King Rakshasa to give up the dodge directly and attack with all his strength. In this way, Chen Xiu's pressure increased greatly.

Even under the condition of self-reliance, with the cooperation of the realm of the heart, Chen Xiu can perceive all changes of the air flow in advance, perceive all the attacks of King Rakshasa, and then dodge and consume more.

The self-consciousness will continuously consume its own energy, and when the energy is consumed, it will withdraw from the self-consciousness. At that time, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Chen Xiu has fallen into a dilemma.

Maintaining the self-confidence and the realm of mind, when you can constantly avoid the attack of King Rakshasa and fight back, it is just that this counter-attack has not achieved any results.

Even if Wang Luosha was cut and wounded, it was only a minor injury and healed instantly.

If you get away, the other party will also chase. Of course, you can enter Miguang Island, and how King Rakshasa can't catch up with you, the consequence is that Shuramen will be slaughtered up and down.

If you do n’t get out, when your energy and strength are exhausted, you will be slaughtered.

Chen Xiu can be sure, although the other party's display of the purgatory ghost and **** body is very arrogant, but it can not continue forever, there will be restrictions.

Well, it is to fight for consumption.

Let ’s see if it ’s his own spirit and spirit that first empties himself and exits the self-free state, or if King Rakshasa is unable to maintain the purgatory ghost body first.

Whoever consumes first may lose.

But at the moment, it seems that he is not very good.

At this moment, King Rakshasa's combat power has soared to the level of an ordinary nine-star, and it is certain that even other ordinary nine-stars, he would never want to defeat him.

This mighty body and terrible recovery ability, it is estimated that the elite nine-star strong shot, it is difficult to kill it.

I am able to deal with it now, also because of the cooperation between the self-consciousness and the realm of the mind. If not, any one of them will be suppressed by the other.

Instantly, a streamer flew from a distance, and the streamer was white, as if the white horse was passing through the gap, and the speed was extremely fast.

This is deity Chen Zong.

In the same Taixuan Realm, the deity and the avatar can sense each other, so when the avatar Chen Xiu fights with King Raksha, the deity can also know.

The original deity was not intended to come, but King Rakshasa's strength was too aggressive and he had to come.


Field of Hearts!

As the deity approached, he went directly into the state of self-reliance, opened the realm of the mind, shrouded King Rakshasa, and controlled everything.

Shen Yejian emerged from the sheath and turned into a dark sword light, tearing the sky to kill.

One sword is absolutely empty!

King Rakshasa was suddenly surprised.

Who is this

But at the next glance, King Luocha was slightly surprised, and then his eyes were excited.

The two men looked exactly the same.


Perhaps, if someone saw it, there might be such a guess, but King Rakshasa's guess is different.

Deity and avatar!

"Hahahaha, you are indeed inherited by King Gusula." King Rakshasa became even more excited.

Before, he just guessed. Now, it is certain that the other party has mastered the secret method of avatar.

Then, you only need to grasp the deity or avatar to force out the secret avatar.

Of course, it is best to enslave the opponent's deity and avatar, not only to get the secret avatar, but also to have two powerful and loyal subordinates. It will be of great help to dominate the Taixuan Realm and even the entire Heavenly Realm in the future. .

That's right, King Rakshasa is a very ambitious person. After hundreds of years of training, his combat power has soared. Of course, he will not remain anonymous and keep a low profile.

This time, after seizing Chen Xiu, he will ask for the secret method of the avatar, and then he succeeds in training. At that time, he intends to challenge and defeat the first power of the Taixuan Realm, which is the master of the Taixuan Holy Palace.

The dark sword light pierced the sky, killing it like a bit of a cold star.

The deity and the avatar are different in cultivation, and their swordsmanship is different.

At this moment, the deity and the avatars joined forces to lay down the mysterious array and gain strength.

Two to one!

Suddenly, the two teamed up to compete directly with King Raksha.

The combat power of Shura's avatar, because of the inheritance of the **** Shashura's warfare, and the cultivation to the third, greatly increased to the level of elite eight stars.

However, the deity's combat power is worse, only the elite seven-star level, which is a big star difference from the full body.

However, even an ordinary eight-star powerhouse, Chen Zong can fight.

Moreover, under the power of spiritual martial arts, the deity's combat power has also increased, close to the avatar.

The power of Lingwu was stimulated, and Taiyuan Jianyuan's power was motivated to the extreme. Behind him, a shadow of Taichu sword condensed out, making each of Chen Zong's swords sharper and sharper.

The power cultivated by Shenshaura's warfare is fierce and overbearing, exterminating all vitality, but the power cultivated by Jianyuan Gong in the beginning is sharp and extreme, tearing everything.

The two are quite different.

Of course, the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was created by Chen Zong. For reasons such as vision and background, Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong is far from being comparable to Shenshaura's warfare, but it can be compared with Tiandi Jue.

You know, the sword power in the beginning of the early Taiyuan, but far worse than the world.

This is a kind of progress, which is the benefit of Chen Zong's consciousness after he came to the Eternal War Fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The in-depth understanding and mastery of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Although Chen Zong's combat power is not as good as Chen Xiu, or even less than King Rakshasa, but the characteristics of the sword power in the early days is to tear all defenses.

Therefore, under the astonishing sharpness of Jianyuan Gong, the fifth-heavy Taichu sword, Chen Zong's heart moved, and he was extremely fast. The sword came out and struck the body of King Rakshasa directly.

I felt an indescribable tenacity against the sword tip. However, under the power of the sword power in the early days, it was pierced and penetrated into the membrane.

King Rakshasa was suddenly shocked.

What kind of power is it that can break his defense.

In his keen perception, King Rakshasa can feel the sword power of this person. It is definitely not as strong as the other person, but he can break his own defense. That is because the opponent has special power.

This kind of power is the lasting force, otherwise it is enough to really hurt itself, not just to break the defense.

In short, this person's threat to himself is stronger than the other.

Well, let's beat this white robe person first and then talk about it.

King Rakshasa is also unclear, who is the deity and who is the clone of the two is actually not important.

Let's talk about disability first.

Ghost God Purgatory Fist!

Ghost Parade!

A punch punched out, and at that moment, the portal behind it that seemed to connect with Purgatory released a terrible force, as if a ghost rushed out, merged into the boxing method, and punched and killed the air.

The power of this punch is much stronger than before.

Chen Zong's deity locked by this fist has the same look, but his eyes are more dignified.


A strong sense of crisis swept madly, like a surging wave, and was about to drown himself.

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