Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 62: Breakthrough and beheading (on)

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One punch hit the sky, ghosts and ghosts roared, dominating everything in the world.

Chen Zong was extremely dignified.

The ghost and ghost snarled to death, the claws turned empty, and the breath was cold and fierce, as if to tear himself completely.

Everything around is blocked, even with the cooperation of self-reliance and the realm of the mind, you can feel its trajectory, but you cannot avoid it because of the difference in strength.


After King Raksha exhibited the parade of ghosts and gods, another punch followed.


The power of this punch was even stronger, the ghosts and ghosts became more solid, and the terrifying breath was shaking.

This punch, however, was blasted to Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu was unable to support his sword with a sword, and Chen Zong could only face the fist of King Raksha.

Blocked, unable to dodge, can only resist.

Magical Power!

Blood thunder!

Three Swords ... Destroy the Mountain!

This sword is the most destructive sword in the front. It was instantly blasted out. The terrible three-color sword was like a torrent, destroying mountains and mountains, and the world was roaring.

Suddenly, Destroying Mountain Sword Light was shattered by ghost ghosts.

Yin Yang Sword Wheel!

The black-and-white two-color sword light differentiates around the body and spins up quickly.

The ghost and ghost shadow followed.

The crunching sound continued to sound, and the yin and yang sword wheels were overloaded, but they were unable to completely block the ghost and ghost's shadow.

The yin and yang sword wheels are indeed amazing in defense. They are displayed with Chen Zong's combat power, which is enough to block ordinary eight-star attacks. However, the current combat power of King Rakshasa has reached the level of ordinary nine-stars.

The power of this punch is even more terrible.

The sword that destroyed the mountain was broken, and the sword wheel of the yin and yang was also broken. The ghost and ghost were a little weaker, but still very scary.

After the bombardment, Chen Zonghengjian resisted.

The overwhelming force directly bombarded the sword, and even through the sword's body, he rushed into Chen Zong's body instantly and beat him.

On the other side, Chen Xiuqiu tried his best to display the sword slaughter, which was very reluctant to block the shock from the ghosts and gods, but was also repelled.

Chen Zong vomited blood and flew out thousands of meters. The terrible power of ghosts and gods was raging madly in the body. The cold and fierce bursts of fierce domineering and violent shocks seemed to be completely from the inside of the body Minced and extinct.

To some extent, these powers are similar to the powers of the God Shashura Warfare. Of course, there are also significant differences.

Chen Zong had refining and physical strength, so he was not killed by this boxing shatter, but he was also not badly damaged. Moreover, the power was constantly raging in the body, as if he had fallen into Jiuyou Purgatory, suffering. Incomparable.

If this force cannot be dispelled and expelled, if it continues, the damage will intensify and it will probably die.

As a last resort, Chen Xiu can only be used to drag King Luocha, while the deity Chen Zong is fully operating the exercises, mobilizing all his power, and constantly impacting the power of the ghosts and gods who invaded the body.

Unleash the power of magic and strengthen the power of sword power in the early period.

The power of magic and martial arts soared his combat power, barely reaching the level of elite eight stars.

The more the combat power goes backward, the more difficult it is to upgrade, even if it is the mystery of such magical powers as the magical power, it is difficult to raise Chen Zong again by one star, just barely one star.

This is also because Chen Zong's foundation is too ambitious.

It is also the improvement of the power of Lingwu that can make Chen Zong reluctantly block the ghost and god's parade.

The power of ghosts and gods is raging, and Chen Zong mobilizes all the forces to continue the confrontation.

Chen Xiu tried his best to block King Rakshasa, making it difficult for King Rakshasa to attack Chen Zong.

But this resistance is only temporary.

The power of ghosts and gods raging in the body must be removed as soon as possible.

Under pressure, Taiyuan Jianyuan ’s operating speed exceeded the limit.

In a hurry, all the light emerged.

Before that, Chen Zong had already realized the sixth weight of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong to the extreme. Only the last trace was needed to complete it.

Now under the pressure of the crisis of life and death, this trace is finally made up.


The domineering breath suddenly breeds, and the speed of Jian Yuan's operation in the early period is 50% intensified, which is more complicated. The early period of Jian Yuan is also continuously purified.

Increase in quantity, quality and power.


Taiyuan Jianyuan's power doubled.

In this way, Chen Zong's combat power also directly broke through the seven-star level and reached the eight-star level.

Although it has not reached the elite eight stars, it is very close.

In the early days, sword Yuan Gong, after all, could not compare with the deep and deep powers such as Shensha Shura's warfare, and it could not compare with the infernal ghost nerve obtained by King Luocha.

However, this is self-made and has great potential. In the future, it can be continuously improved.

Under the blessing of Lingwu's power, Chen Zong's power broke through again and became more powerful.

Nine stars!

Ordinary nine-star combat power.

At the level of combat power, it is not inferior to King Rakshasa.

Suddenly, Chen Zong shattered the power of the ghosts and gods that raged in his body and dispelled them.

The injury also recovered.


After the injury recovered, the combat power under the power of Lingwu also soared to the level of an ordinary nine-star star. Chen Zong's speed was much faster than before.

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat!

The speed of this sword was also increased to the extreme, surpassing the original limit, and passing through a vacuum in silence.

I saw in the void a tiny sword mark like needlepoint, which was a crack and a vacuum crack.

The nine-star combat power can already tear up the space of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

King Rakshasa is fighting fiercely with Chen Xiu, and his heart beats with a sword. The speed is so amazing that he has no time to dodge.

When he died, King Rakshasa sword.

The mighty defense seemed to have lost its effect. The long sword broke through and penetrated through the tearing of Rakshasa ’s protective body. Then it pierced the tough membrane and penetrated into the body. The sword gas fluctuated. In Luo The king's body raged away.

King Rakshasa was terrified.

He was wounded, not the kind of small membrane injury before, but really wounded.

The strength of the opponent can really break open his arrogant infernal ghost body.

This made King Rakshasa panic.

His biggest reliance is on the nerves of purgatory ghosts, especially after the display of the ghosts of purgatory ghosts.

So relying on this, he dared to challenge the Lord of Taixuan Holy Palace and defeat it.

But now, such a brutal body was injured, and the injury was not serious, but not light.

This means that the other party has the ability to really hurt themselves.

Chen Zong will not stop because of this, he can break the opponent's defense and hurt the opponent, which is also expected.

The sword light splashed. If the rainstorm hit and killed, he covered every place of King Rakshasa, immediately tearing the body of Rakshasa, and then wounded him.

Suddenly, sword wounds spread over King Rakshasa.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of black smoke spewed out from the black hole ghost gate behind King Rakshasa and merged into Rakshasa's body. Just blinking, you can see that the sword wound on King Rakshasa recovered at an amazing speed.

"What if you can hurt my king." King Rakshasa was determined.

As long as the purgatory ghost body is maintained, even if it is injured, it will be supplemented by the power of the purgatory ghost gate and recover quickly.

Therefore, he is not afraid of injury.

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, but there was a little more dignity in his eyes.

An enemy with powerful combat power, amazing defense, and amazing recovery power is undoubtedly difficult to entangle.

Well, either, you can destroy it directly with tyrannical power, but the opponent's strength is very strong, this way will not work.

In this way, there is only another way to destroy the black circular portal behind King Rakshasa first, and cut off its power supply.

The deity and the avatar teamed up should be able to do it.

God mysterious battle array!

Under the strength of the breakthrough strength of this deity, the power of the two together is even more amazing. Although King Rakshasa is very powerful, he is also suppressed.

Ghost Furious!

At an instant, King Rakshasa exhibited the third form of Ghost God Purgatory Fist.

The ghost and ghost ghost flew out of the black hole, but did not bombard, but merged into the body of King Rakshasa, and turned into a black flame and burned.


As if the ghosts were roaring, the momentum of King Raksha's outburst suddenly strengthened by 30%.

Punch out!

Double fists turned into black virtual shadows, and like countless large black guns, they were killed by crazy bombardment. The power of each hit was extremely powerful. It seemed to be able to break the mountains and destroy the void.

Ghost Fury is not a direct attack move, but a move to increase its own state of combat power.

In an instant, countless punches drowned Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

The power of tyranny seemed to completely break them.

However, the strength of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu was stronger, and between the sword swings, he completely resisted King Raksha's fist.

The fury of ghosts and gods can only last for three breaths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Three breaths, but it is enough to blast thousands of mighty fists, terrible, but completely resisted by Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

At the moment when the black flame disappeared from King Rakshasa, Chen Xiu's figure turned, turning into a ray of gray electro-optic light, with an amazing speed, bypassing Raksha King, and appeared behind King Rakshasa.


Jian Tu!

This sword, extremely powerful, directly chopped down and slaughtered on the purgatory ghost gate.

King Rakshasa was immediately shocked that if the Purgatory Ghost Gate was broken, he would lose his strength.

A sword was cut off and everything was slaughtered. When the moment passed, a terrible sound was sounded, pulsing in all directions, and the sound was rolling, directly urging Chen Xiu back, and the endless ripples kept pulsating out of the purgatory ghost door.

Not broken!

Despite the shock, the Purgatory Ghost Gate was not broken.

King Luocha was secretly relieved, and also surprised Chen Zong and Chen Xiu secretly.

The purgatory ghost gate is so hard.

That hardness, even if the deity shots, it can't be broken.

So, what should I do?

"You guys, why can't you be my King." King Luocha roared and shot again.

Ghost Furious!

Attack again, the fist is extremely violent.

With the Purgatory Ghost Gate in, he doesn't need to worry about being injured, because when he is injured, he will be supplemented by the power of the Purgatory Ghost Gate and heal within a short period of time.

Therefore, he doesn't need to dodge and defend, he just needs to exhaust all his strengths and continue to attack and then attack.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu can't do it. Once they are hit, they are bound to be harmed, and they may even be bombarded. Therefore, they are affected invisibly.

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