Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 63: Breakthrough and beheading (below)

(No subscription, the three-meter-tall Rakshasa king is next to you. You like it or not)


Chen Zong gave a low sigh, and when he froze, a black light appeared on his brows, and he was profoundly mysterious.

A black awn burst from the dark place of the eyebrows.


Third way!

Fourth way!

In a hurry, four black awns surround Chen Zong's body, and they are four young imperial soldiers.

Inside the sea of ​​light, Chen Zong met the elderly Tiangong, cast the embryos of the two young imperial soldiers and two young imperial soldiers, and was taught by the old elderly to master their casting method.

The embryos of the two little **** soldiers only need Chen Zong to become the real **** soldier after they get the soul melting stone.

In the past six months, in addition to finding the trace of King Rakshasa and the news of the Void God Thunder, he was looking for the soul melting stone. Finally, he found two. After successful integration, he got two complete small Royal God soldiers.

Nine young soldiers can be merged into real soldiers, but now only four young soldiers are not enough.

But the power of the four young soldiers is stronger than two.

In a hurry, four black lights burst out like electricity and shot towards the purgatory ghost gate.

Chen Zong was fighting fiercely with King Luocha.


Chen Xiu cooperated with Chen Zong to siege King Rakshasa.

Although the Purgatory Ghost Gate is very tough, Chen Zong believes that it can be broken, even if it is pierced by stones.

The four black mangs carried arrogant powers, attacking the gates of Purgatory ghosts time and time again, and constantly stirred up ripples.

The deities and avatars set up a mysterious battlefield, besieged King Rakshasa, and suppressed it.

It was only that King Rakshasa's purgatory ghosts were very arrogant. For a time, they could only be suppressed and could not be killed.

Killed with two swords, attacked King Rakshasa, and immediately wounded King Rakshasa again.

But King Rakshasa's face remained the same. Although it was a little painful, the pain made him feel excited.


How about that, he can completely heal in a short period of time with the power of Purgatory Ghost Gate.

When Rakshasa was wounded, there was a group of forces that surged out from the gates of Purgatory Ghost, submerged into Rakshasa's body, and helped Rakshasa to recover his injuries quickly.

At the same time, Chen Xiu shot.

The gray light permeated the eyes, turning into two wheels, turning continuously, releasing the horror of life and silence.

Silent Evil Eye!

In a hurry, the speed of the runner reached the extreme, one forward and one reverse, and all rays seemed to converge towards the center of the pupil, turning into two gray rays.

Laser shot!

There were two gray-white rays permeating the void, which shot through the void.

Death is dead!

This is an even more aggressive attack than the Silent Evil.

The two dying lights broke instantly and hit the purgatory ghost gate.

The tyrannical power is about to destroy the purgatory ghost gate, and the power of silence is violent. Between the shocks of the purgatory ghost gate, there is a dark layer of dark light, cold and domineering. .

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat!

This sword was almost to the extreme, and King Rakshasa could not avoid it, and immediately hit the sword.

It is difficult to avoid, and King Rakshasa did not bother to dodge, but used his power in the offense.

Even if wounded, he is not afraid.

However, the Purgatory Ghost Gate, which is facing the death and death, has no power to restore King Raksha's injury.

His guess was confirmed.

Then, it is the death of King Rakshasa.

Chen Xiu did not attack King Rakshasa, but maintained the power of silence.

After revising the Shenshaura warfare method, after the combat power increased, the power of the evil eye of extinction exhibited also increased greatly, and the continuity was stronger.

The wicked evil eye fights the purgatory ghost gate.

Although the Purgatory Ghost Gate is overbearing, it cannot ignore the power of Silent Evil Eyes. It must be exhausted to counter it. In this way, it is impossible to provide any supplement and help for King Rakshasa.

This is a good opportunity to kill King Rakshasa.

Three Swords ... Destroy the Mountain!

The most destructive sword was killed directly, and the three-colored sword light was spinning, as if destroying a mountain and destroying Yue, and bombarded directly on the body of King Rakshasa.

In the beginning, the terrible power of Jianyuan broke the protective power of King Rakshasa instantly, and the amazing fusion of Taoist power also invaded King Rakshasa's body, destroying it wantonly.

Suddenly, it brought fierce pain to King Rakshasa, especially the infernal ghost gate was unable to supplement himself, causing the king of Rakshasa to panic for a while.

His purgatory ghost body was indeed very arrogant, but Chen Zong's power restrained him, or he could tear it apart and make him hurt.

There is a purgatory ghost gate, and even if injured, you can quickly recover without fear.

But now the purgatory ghost gate seems to have lapsed.

Without the power of the Purgatory Ghost Gate, once it is wounded, it cannot heal in a short time due to its healing ability.

The injury will affect himself.

One sword destroyed the mountain, wounding King Rakshasa, the silver light in Chen Zong's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light.

The four small imperial soldiers were constantly influxed by the power, blooming with a strong light, shining in all directions.


The four small masters of light masterpieces suddenly spun up at an amazing speed, blasting into the sky, and they shot at King Rakshasa.

Royal God Break!

This is the strongest blow that Chen Zong's current ambassador Xiaoyu Shenbing can send out. The power of this blow directly surpasses the sword destroying the mountain.

There is no escape!

The power of Royal God's smashing directly beats the sword that destroys the mountain, and its speed is also better than the sword of heartbeat. It is the fastest and most powerful trick that Chen Zong has.

There is no escape!


Just moments later, King Rakshasa's extremely strong defense was directly torn and broken, and his amazing body was also penetrated, blasting a large hole the size of a human head, straight through his back.

The four small militiamen, like a fish, rushed into the body of King Rakshasa from the wound, strangling and destroying it arbitrarily, bringing great pain to King Rakshasa, and he couldn't help shaking.

An overbearing force also quickly passed.

The Purgatory Ghost Gate was also affected, and with a click, cracks began to appear under the attack of Silence.

The crack quickly spread and spread throughout the ghost gate.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong killed the mountain with a sword and beheaded directly on the ghost gate of Purgatory.


The purgatory ghost gate was immediately broken. The purgatory ghost gate is closely related to the purgatory ghost and **** body. The purgatory ghost and **** body is severely damaged and the purgatory ghost gate will also be affected.

The breach of the purgatory ghost gate will also have a significant impact on the purgatory ghost body.


The Purgatory Ghost Door is broken open.

King Rakshasa shivered violently, and could no longer maintain the purgatory ghost body, quickly degenerate, and returned to his original body.

In this way, the battle power of King Rakshasa dropped significantly.

This is the perfect opportunity to kill King Rakshasa.



With a sword, King Raksha's heart, which weakened greatly, shook his heart uncontrollably, and felt a strong heart trembling for a while like a tide.

He is unwilling!

His heart was full of unwillingness.

He is the King of Rakshasa. He has been inherited from the spirit of Purgatory ghosts. He has been working hard for hundreds of years in retreat. He has raised the combat power to the highest level of the eight-star star in one fell swoop.

It is even possible to exhibit such terrible secrets as the purgatory ghosts and gods, so that their strength can soar to the level of nine stars, even if it is against the elite nine stars, there is no small certainty.

He also wants to dominate the Taixuan Realm and even the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, becoming the strongest under the Great Holy Realm, coming to Japan, impacting the Great Holy Realm and realizing his ambition.

How can I die here!

How could he die here!

Unwilling, full of unwillingness, strong and unwilling.

However, no matter how intensely unwilling, it cannot stop its vitality.

One sword was cut off, and when he was slain, he split the body of King Rakshasa from the head, breaking two swords.


Total death.

Seeing the death of King Rakshasa, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were slightly relieved.

This is undoubtedly a very scary rival. It requires the deity and the avatar to join hands and exert their full strength before they can be defeated and killed.

Moreover, the correct method is still found. If the method is not correct, it is still unknown whether it can be killed in the end.

Regardless, King Rakshasa was dead.

"I have completed the last wish of King Shura." Chen Zong secretly said.

The last wish of King Gusula was to revive Gusuramon and kill King Raksha in revenge.

Now that King Rakshasa is dead, it will take some time for Shuramon to rise again, but it is already on the road to re-emergence. The only difference is the length of time.

Then, in the next step, the deity Chen Zong is going to find the Void God Thunder, in order to sharpen the sword, and strive to further enhance the sword, as for Chen Xiu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he is returning to Xiuluomen to repair, Absorbing the power of Shensha's original beads, and also fully lifting Shenshaura's warfare.

After recovering some of their strength, the two quickly left with Roxa's appetite.

Naturally, the deity would not return to Shuramon, but left, and began to look for the trace of the Void God Thunder. As for Chen Xiu, he returned to Shuramon and entered the secret area of ​​Shura.

Just after Chen Zong and Chen Xiu left one after the other, suddenly, a trace of black smoke slowly emerged at the place where King Rakshasa died, and between them, it seemed to condense into an illusion to the extreme, as if blown by the wind. Will dissipate invisible.

The ghostly face looked very similar to King Rakshasa.

The face of that illusive face was moving, it seemed to be talking, looking at it, it was very vicious, as if cursing.

Suddenly, anomalous changes occur, and a black hole spreads out, as if the purgatory ghost gate is opened again, and a whole body of dark claws protrude from within the purgatory ghost gate in an instant.

The ghost-like arm, a ghost claw, exudes a terrible breath, shaking the earth, and the moment it is detected, it renders the surroundings as a ghostly ghost.

Suddenly, the illusory figure was caught by the ghost claws, unable to resist the slightest, and was dragged directly into the purgatory ghost gate. At the next breath, the purgatory ghost gate closed at an amazing speed, turned into a point, and then disappeared.

The enchanting spirit that pervaded the surroundings was also blown by the wind, and gradually dissipated, dissipating between this world.

The battle here is very fierce. When the duration is actually not long at all, coupled with the terrible atmosphere, even the elite six-star strong in the terroir territory, dare not approach, let alone other people.

Until now, no one came over, seeing the broken and trembling.

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