Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 64: Nether Thunder

In Shura's secret territory, Chen Xiu sat cross-legged at the center of the secret realm. In front of him was a bead burning with an off-white flame. A constant off-white breath was emitted from the bead.

This is the origin of the God of Shasha, and it is the origin of the God of Shasha's warfare left by Shura Demon.

It seems small, but it is the compression and materialization of power, which is amazing.

Today, Chen Xiu absorbs only a small part of it. If it is fully absorbed, Shenshaura's warfare can reach at least the fourth level, and even reach the fifth level, and the combat power has surged.

Separated in hidden cultivation, Shuramen's large array is also rebuilt with the efforts of Tiangong elderly.

This time, it is not only necessary to rebuild the Huzong Formation, but also to further optimize it and strive to upgrade it to a level that can resist the attack of the seven-star or even elite seven-star combat power without breaking.

After all, the original Tiantian array is still weak, and it can only resist the elite six-star combat power.

However, it is not so easy to take the matrix method to a new level, and it takes a lot of energy and time. However, during this period, with Xiu Chen, Xiuluomen can basically be safe and sound.


A white light, like a meteor, rushed upwards against the sky, rising faster and faster, and in a hurry, it rushed into the clouds, as if it were invincible.

This is Chen Zong.

After beheading King Rakshasa, King Soura's last wish was basically completed, and the next step was to complete his own affairs.

Look for Void God Thunder.

Void **** thunder is located in the void, so Chen Zong must go to the void to be able to find it.

Void is the cosmic void.

If you want to truly survive in the cosmic void, or even travel in the cosmic void, you must have the strength of the Great Holy Realm Xeon, that is, the Divine Realm.

But Chen Zong's purpose is not to actually enter the void universe, but to reach the edge of the heavenly sanctuary, which is the junction of the universe and the heavenly sanctuary, where it will be relatively safe.

Of course, if there is not enough strength to enter, it is also very dangerous.

After all, there are many dangers in the void of the universe, and if they are not careful, they may fall.

Of course, the deity now has an eight-star combat power, which is very powerful. With its full strength, it is enough to exert the ordinary nine-star combat power. As long as you don't find your own way, they will not fall.

Keep going up through the thick clouds and into the squall layer.

The howling wind, such as the mad sword sweeping, mad strangling, when split on Chen Zong's body, was resisted by Chen Zong's physical strength, unable to break the slightest.

After passing through the squall layer like a bamboo, the surroundings changed, and endless black flames burned wantonly, like a sea of ​​fire.

These flames contained terrible power, burning everything and turning to ashes.

Chen Zong broke into it without fear.

Although the flame was terrible, it was nothing to Chen Zong now, and he could not shake Chen Zong at all.

Facing the endless black flames, Chen Zong kept going up into the sky thunder layer.


The violent momentum shook all directions, and the terrible scarlet thunder was extremely violent, like a group of snakes dancing, bursting out an incredible power.

This is the thunder layer, the last layer at the junction of the heavenly sanctuary and the universe, and it is also the most powerful layer. It is terrible.

Thunder thundered and boundless on this day, and the power was more arrogant than the howling wind and the sky fire, but there was nothing more than Chen Zong.

Chen Zong needs to continue to go up, because this thunder is not a void **** thunder.

Void **** thunder only exists in the void.

In a hurry, Chen Zong rushed out of the sky mine layer, and after that, the universe was empty.

At a glance, it was endless, deep in darkness, and boundless. Only countless stars flickered endlessly, as if countless eyes blinked, cold and mysterious.

Here, Chen Zong could not hear any sound, as if entering a silent world, feeling that everything around him seemed to be slow, this feeling is very strange.

And it seems that it has lost all its weight, even if it does not use its power, it can float, but if it does not use its own power, it will float with it, as if it does not know where to go.

Chen Zong controlled himself, looked around carefully, and circled around, starting to look for the Void God Thunder.

Void God Thunder is indeed located in the void, but it is not everywhere and needs to be found.

Chen Zong is now looking for Void God Thunder.

Expanding his figure, Chen Zong began to swim in the most marginal zone of the heavenly sanctuary, that is, the junction with the void of the universe, and kept searching.

The power of divine thoughts is released, and the more you go out, the more erratic it is, as if you are not attentive, the effect is better to stare with your eyes.

Here, it is difficult to feel the passage of time, so Chen Zong does not know how much time has passed.

Look for it, look for it slowly.

Once far apart, Chen Zong saw a whole black snake, said to be a giant snake, because the giant snake had a length of tens of thousands of meters, very amazing, the speed was like lightning, but it disappeared in Chen instantly. Under Zong's gaze.

In this regard, Chen Zong was shocked.

The snake was so fast that it was like lightning, making it difficult to catch.

If you want to attack yourself, you will be very dangerous.

The void in the universe is indeed very dangerous. Here, it is only marginal.

As for why the giant snake did not enter the heavenly sanctuary, Chen Zong is not very clear. Perhaps it is more comfortable for the void environment of the universe.

Next, Chen Zong became more cautious, and the giant snake made himself extremely jealous. Fortunately, he did not notice himself, and if he encounters a similarly powerful universe life again, he will be very dangerous if he stares at himself again.

However, Chen Zong will not give up the search for the Void God Thunder because of the unknown danger.

After all, Void God Thunder, but it is possible to further transform his sword, become more powerful, and achieve great results.

Even if it's just a theory and a theory, it's worth trying on your own, because the first two robberies of the Three Tribulations and the Frontier Secrets have indeed taken effect.

Then, the third robbery should also be effective.


Above the top Taoism, it may be supreme. As long as it is a bit possible, it is worth pursuing yourself and achieving supreme achievement.

Look for!

Keep looking.

Suddenly, Chen Zong was in shape, his eyes and pupils contracted like needles, staring ahead.

I saw a black thunder arc with thick hairs jumping forward, sending out terrible breath fluctuations, as if it could overthrow everything.

"Void God Thunder!" Chen Zong was suddenly excited.

Although it is difficult to feel the passage of time here, it can be estimated that I have been searching for at least a month.

At first, you will feel that the universe is vast and magnificent, but as time goes by, you will feel tired, because how you look at it, the scenery is like this, as if it has not changed in ancient times.

As time goes on, you will get bored.

Especially here, you can't see anyone else, especially.

If a person who is not tough enough stays in such a place for a long time, he will collapse.

Of course, Chen Zong will not collapse, but he will also be bored.

Now, I finally found it.


Chen Zong quickly approached the Void Thunders, and the closer they were, the more he could feel the horror fluctuations contained in the Void Thunders.

Although it seems that there are not many thunder gods in the void, and each one is as delicate as hair, the power it contains is very scary and amazing.

Chen Zong stared, and suddenly, condensed his sword.

Sword Yi Polar Realm Second: Taoism Condensation!

Then I saw that the second most important mind and sword in mind of the extreme realm directly condensed into an illusory sword image, which flew out from Chen Zong's eyebrows, and quickly approached the small void **** thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the illusory sword shadow rushed into the Nether Thunder.

Suddenly, the Nether Thunder thundered quickly, enveloping the illusory sword shadow.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly.

Without hesitation, immediately evacuate the illusory sword.

After evacuating, there was still a trace of Nether Thunder attached to it, which continued to rag.


The illusory sword shadow looked a little blurred, as if it was not damaged.

Jian Ying entered the brows' heart, Chen Zong's brows frowned, and there was a little distress.

Heart Kendo is impaired.

The power of the Void God Thunder is unexpectedly strong. If it were not for the consciousness of taking back the sword of the sword, I was afraid that the damage would be more serious.

Under these circumstances, it is impossible to cultivate the Void God Thunder Robber of Sanjie Lifeng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The joy of finding the Void God Thunder disappears.

I found it, but because of the lack of arrogance in the mind and sword, I could not bear the relationship of the power of the Void God Thunder and could not cultivate.

Chen Zong is helpless.

"It seems that only when the Taoism is cultivated to the third level of the extreme realm can the practice of Void God Thunder Robbery be conducted." Chen Zong couldn't help whispering.

Now, of course, it's time to leave here and return to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

After all, the heart and swordsmanship is impaired, and you must restore it first. After the recovery, you have to consciously come to the Eternal Battle Fortress again, and use the opportunity of the Eternal Battle Fortress to sharpen yourself. When you return to the body next time, maybe you can Raise the heart of Kendo to the third level in one fell swoop.

At that time, not only will your own combat power be greatly enhanced, but you can also practice the last calamity of the Three Calamity Fronts. With the help of Void God Thunder Grinding, you can lift it up, and then transform and become supreme.


Thinking of this, Chen Zong's heart was fiery.

Then leave now.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong headed down, extremely fast, entered the sky mine layer, facing the numerous sky mine bombardment, and kept going down.

Although the mind sword Taoism is impaired, it has little effect on the combat ability. After all, not only does he master the heart sword Taoism, but also the same level of Yin Yang Taoism and mixed Taoism.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong crossed the sky thunder layer, broke into the sky fire layer, and then broke into the squall layer.

Layer by layer, constantly going down, Chen Zong felt the existence of Miguang Island more clearly.

The body was in mid-air, but in an instant, disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, there was just a half-step holy saint-powered man passing by from a distance, and suddenly his eyes widened and horrified. He thought he had an illusion.

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