Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 65: Heaven and earth

Miguang Island is already empty because Chen Zong has been sent away. Only the entire island exists.


Repair damage to Heart Kendo.

In the Shenhai, on the imaginary sword shadow representing the heart and sword, there are three black thunder arcs flickering and jumping, permeating with terrible power.

These three black arcs of lightning are the power of Void God Thunder.

What Chen Zong has to do is to destroy and destroy these three wires of the Nether God Thunder, in order to be able to repair the intention of the sword.

He mobilized his own power and began to attack the three-line Nether Thunder, and fight against each other in the Shenhai.

Void **** thunder is really terrible. Chen Zong mobilized three mixed ways of yin-yang Taoism and Fenghuo Thunder to attack continuously, and he couldn't smash them all at once, only to pass away a little bit.

After all, this is Chen Zong's Shenhai, which is the home field, and the Nether Thunder is not supplemented by external forces. Once consumed, it cannot be recovered, and it will be less and less.

Therefore, under the attack of the yin and yang **** wheels and the three sacred ways, the void **** thunder annihilated a trace, leaving only two traces. It is only a matter of time before these two traces are destroyed.

For a month!

Before and after, it took Chen Zong a month to completely destroy the Three Void Soul Thunders.

The next step is to restore the damaged Kendo.

It was another month before the repair of Heart Swordsmanship was completed.

After repairing the Kendo, it seems to be a little more solid.

This kind of solidity, Chen Zong can clearly feel that although the Void God Thunder has damaged his heart Kendo, but it has also sharpened and promoted it.

"In this way, the three slaying fronts and secrets are indeed feasible." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly, his eyes were brilliant.

It is only a theory, but now it has been confirmed time and again. Although it is not 100% sure, Chen Zong is more confident.

Well, now that you've recovered, come to the Eternal War Fortress again with your consciousness and improve yourself.

But before that, we still have to look at the end of Miguang Wusheng.

After looking at it, Chen Zong's mouth suddenly hung a smile.

There are only three remaining in the Five Saints, and the other two have no trace and should be dead.

Perhaps after you return from the Eternal War Fortress, the remaining three may die here.

The Five Saints of Miguang are only small characters, and they are like ants. Chen Zong now does not want to kill them, so let them live in this miraculous sea, and they will survive and die.

Deep in the light, the most central place, this is a place that no one else can reach.

Chen Zong did a good job cross-legged, took out the eternal heaven and earth order, and the consciousness broke away from the sea of ​​God in an instant, straight through the eternal heaven and earth order.

Void channel reappears.

Chen Zong's consciousness immediately followed the void channel, quickly rushing into the void of the universe at an alarming speed.

The enlightenment of the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, and the enhancement of combat power, also made Chen Zong's consciousness stronger.

Not long after, Chen Zong's consciousness saw a slowly rotating star, which was like a huge fortress that traverses the universe and filled with horror to the extreme.

The difference in levels is so great that Chen Zong only saw it faintly, and consciousness was directly invested in it.

A vein of eternal battlefield heaven and earth Qianwangshan Tianyuanfeng Tianyuanju.

Chen Zong's heaven and earth spirit is sitting in it, motionless, like a sculpture, with only a little vitality, or else it will really make people think that it is a wooden sculpture.

Suddenly, an illusive figure poured into the head of the heaven and earth spirit body, and the only vitality left in the moment, as if revived, quickly became exuberant, like a tidal wave, sweeping everywhere.

The vitality became more and more vigorous, and the surrounding air of heaven and earth continued to pour into the body, and the strength was restored.

Eyes opened, black and white, as if the mystery of the sky and earth.

The sixth place of Heaven and Earth is also running.


As soon as Chen Zong's consciousness descended into the heaven and earth spirit of the Eternal War Fortress, he immediately cultivated.

This is a kind of spontaneous practice that allows Chen Zong to return to the heavenly realm, and after learning about the mysteries of the heavens and earth, the accumulation becomes more solid and vigorous, and it will also have an impact when he comes to the eternal battlefield.

Here, you ca n’t understand the cultivation of Taoism, but the level of the Taoism you have mastered is what level, the power can be exerted.

Of course, because here is the relationship between heaven and earth, only the mysteries that are closely related to the heaven and earth can be fully utilized, such as exercises and martial arts.

Well, as far as morality is concerned, it will also be more or less affected and needs to be adjusted.

Those powerful kings have basically taken this step. They have combined the martial arts mysteries of the heavens and the earth, and used their martial arts knowledge and accumulation to create more suitable martial arts and exert their power to the extreme .

The real strong man never steps along the footsteps left by the predecessors, but will gradually follow the footsteps of the predecessors, walk out of his own path, and leave his own footprint.

There are not many, even very few, capable of doing this step in any world, but the eternal battlefield is a collection of many world geniuses, so here, many people can do it.

Chen Zong, has not yet done so, after all, there is still a lot of gaps between the time when he entered the Eternal War Fortress and those of the powerful king-level geniuses.

But this time, it may be able to bridge the gap.

The idea of ​​the second level of the polar world is more than doubled than the first level, which means that by doing martial arts, the power will be significantly improved.

Tiandi decided to continue the sixth operation, gradually approaching Dacheng.

Chen Zong's dual purpose, while controlling the operation of the sixth decisive battle, was constantly enlightening the mystery.

Kendo meaning!

Yin and Yang meaning!

Wind, fire and thunder mix up!

At one go, using the consciousness to go back and forth to the accumulation and qualitative change of one's own accumulation, in order to enlighten and go out of his own path.

The endless atmosphere of heaven and earth swept continuously from all directions, poured into Tianyuan Residence, and was absorbed by Chen Zong's body.

Not long after, Tiandi decided to make a breakthrough again in the sixth.


The sixth place of heaven and earth suddenly reached the end.

After reaching Dacheng, not only has the amount of heaven and earth truths increased, but its power has also been significantly improved, becoming more horizontal, which means that Chen Zong's strength has also increased.

"Heart Sword Taoism ... Yin Yang Taoism ... Feng Huo Lei mixed Taoism ..."

Chen Zong is thinking and seeing.

Three kinds of thoughts, first set out to understand which one, so that it can best fit the mystery of the heaven and earth, and maximize the potential and strength that you have.

Choose one of the three.

It is not that Chen Zong intends to give up the other two, but to focus on one together first, to really get started, and to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Thinking like lightning, instantaneous is everything.

Deduction and simulation are like sparks of spark.

The outside world was just a short time before, but Chen Zong's thoughts have inspired more than 100,000 times and carried out countless deductions.

Deduction, overthrow, re-deduction.

Mind is consuming at an alarming rate.

When the mind was almost exhausted, Chen Zongfang stopped and was finally determined.

Yin and Yang meaning!

Learn about Yin-Yang Taoism first, and use Yin-Yang Taoism as an entry point to further master the mysteries of the heavens and earth and make yourself stronger.

Because of countless deductions, Yin-Yang Taoism is the best entry point.

yin and yang!


Qian Kun!

Sky is opposite to earth.

Yang and Yin are opposite.

Gan is opposite to Kun.

The sky is dry.

The ground is Kun, which belongs to Yin.

In this analysis, the heavens, earth, yin, yang, and heaven are in the same vein.

Therefore, it is most suitable to understand the mystery of the heavens and the earth with Yin-Yang Taoism as the entry point.

Yang is heaven, yin is earth, and heaven and earth blend.

Then, see it.

For a while, Chen Zong's left eye appeared black glory, filled with a cold and thick and vigorous atmosphere, and in his right eye, white glory appeared, filled with a majestic and magnificent lightness and deepness.

Then, in the left eye, a little white awn appeared, as if the seed broke through the ground and germinated, growing up vigorously.

In the right eye, a little blackness emerged and grew up vigorously.

When the black in the left and right eyes is as much as white, they each occupy half of the mountains and rivers, as if the water and fire are distinct.

White is on top, like heaven.

Black is down, just like the ground.

The world is clear, as if the shadow of a world.

Immediately, the white and black turned slowly, and gradually turned into a yin-yang runner, turning deep in the eyes of Chen Zong, interpreting the mysterious mystery.

The mystery of heaven and earth, the mystery of yin and yang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mystery of Qiankun.

Every mystery exists, but among them, the mystery of yin and yang is the most magnificent, the mystery of Qiankun is relatively strong, and the mystery of heaven and earth is the thinnest.

The sixth-largest operation of heaven and earth has become more rapid. On the basis of Dacheng, it seems to be breaking the limit.

Heaven and earth itself contains the mystery of the heaven and earth veins, of course, not many, just furry, after all, this is just the basic exercises of the heaven and earth veins.

The speed of the black and white runner in Chen Zong's eyes is getting faster and faster, and the mysterious breath diffused is getting stronger and stronger.

There seemed to be a slight sound ringing from within, as if breaking something like that.

The sixth place in the world and the world also broke through in an instant.


Heaven and earth are the sixth most important and reach the state of perfection directly.

Next, it is seventh.

Seventh, will be more clever and stronger than the sixth.

However, Chen Zong already knows one thing. In fact, in the context of heaven and earth, there is no direct seventh, eighth, and ninth heaven and earth, but only a little guidance.

That guideline is the genius who guides the world, and created the seventh, even the eighth, and even the ninth of its own on the basis of the original sixfold of heaven and earth.

Most geniuses can take that step only if they get that guidance, but a few king-level geniuses do not need that guidance and take that step in their own abilities.

The value of that guide has reached tens of millions of records, which is equivalent to the value of a unique fighter.

It now seems that Chen Zong does not need to consume tens of millions of records.




Yin-Yang Taoism is very close to heaven and earth, like a bridge.

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