Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 66: Summit (1)

When Chen Zong was out of customs, it had been a month.

One month in the Eternal Battlefield is almost equal to one year in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

In this month, Chen Zong's promotion is huge.


Chen Zong began to fight.

Last time, he stopped at the 59th straight streak and the 60th streak was defeated by the King of Knives.

This time, he will have more than sixty consecutive victories, and even defeat the Extreme Knife.

Chen Zongyi participated in the battle, and the number of people entering the spectator surged, because Chen Zong was a genius who became king.

This is the case of spectators in the virtual world. The higher the level of the participants, the more people will randomly arrange spectators.

The last stop was a 59-game winning streak. Now, naturally, it starts from the first game.

However, because Chen Zongnai is a genius with the title of king, so even if he wins only the first game, he can get a hundred records.

A winning streak!

Two consecutive wins!

Three in a row!

Chen Zong didn't need to show much strength, he could easily defeat his opponent.

The opponents at the beginning were not that strong. When they met Chen Zong, they could only be considered bad luck.

It was as if before, Chen Zong accidentally encountered a six-stage Xiao contention.

What's more, nowadays, Chen Zong is not only confined to the king level, but he is no longer limited to participating in the battle of heaven and earth, but extends to the entire eternal battlefield. There are so many geniuses and there are always people with bad luck.

Ten straight wins!

Twenty consecutive wins!

Thirty consecutive wins!

This winning streak cannot be stopped.

Regardless of whether they are eight or nine soldiers, they are not Chen Zong's opponents.




Even Chen Zong need not show much strength.

Forty consecutive wins!

Fifty straight wins!

Since the fifty-game winning streak, the opponent has become more powerful.

Fenghou class!

But Feng Hou's opponent is also not an enemy of Chen Zong.

Not long after, Chen Zong won 59 consecutive victories.

The next game is the 60th straight win.

Last time, I stopped at the 60th straight streak, so this time?

Chen Zong looks forward to his opponents, those who watch the game, and Chen Zong's opponents.

This will not be a fight.

The previous fifty-nine battles did not cost Chen Zong much power, and he recovered quickly.

Come this time, my promotion is not small.

It can be said to be a double promotion.

The first is the promotion after returning to the body, and the power of promotion naturally comes with consciousness.

The second aspect is the promotion after returning to the Eternal War Fortress to further enhance the combat power, which will definitely be stronger than the body.

So now, even Chen Zong himself is not sure what level of combat power he has reached at this time.

It is estimated to be at least equivalent to the nine-star rating of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

So let's see now, who is the opponent in Game 60?

Can you let yourself go all out.

Chen Zong hopes to be the King of Knives, and he can fight again and defeat him.

Huantai changed and turned into a void, and the opponent appeared. It is a pity that it is not a knife king, but also a king-level genius.

King-level genius in the void: Fengyun Sword King!

The same is practiced sword.

One of the swords is still very popular in the void of the universe. The sword can be regarded as the mainstream weapon in the void of the universe.

This Fengyun Sword King's highest winning streak is impressively seventy-three. It seems that it is more than Chen Zong.

Of course, this does not mean that he is stronger than Chen Zong.

Fengyun Sword King wears a white sword robe, his eyes are faint, as if there is a void in it, and the diffused breath around him also gives a void-like feeling.

The basic method of cultivation practiced in the vein of Void is called Void Change, and its power is definitely different from that of heaven and earth.

Similarly, the power cultivated by the eternal law of eternity is different from heaven and earth and void change, each with its own characteristics.

Fengyun Sword King has cultivated the void to the sixth level of perfection and has great strength.


A sword broke through, the sword light was almost transparent, filled with a sense of emptiness, as if blended into the surroundings, making people elusive.

This sword, in conjunction with such a void environment, seems to be completely integrated, and it is necessary to blur and blind Chen Zong's sight and perception.

It's just that it can't be truly blinded.

Under the realm of the heart, a transparent sword light came along the veins of the void, assassinated instantly, and the speed was extremely fast.


The unique fighter Tianyuan Sword blocked the sword with extreme precision, and instantly emerged.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

When he died, it was Nine Dao Jianguang tearing the sky, killing Fengyun Sword King from nine directions.

This time consciousness came down again, Chen Zong's understanding of the martial arts of the heavens and the earth deepened, his mastery became more and more profound, and the grasp of the hands was the interpretation of mystery, and the power of each sword was also raised.

Tian Ling's nine strikes and nine swords are divided into different lights, and suddenly the sword king is completely enveloped, as if blocking the void, making it difficult to evade.

Especially in conjunction with the realm of the heart, the effect is even more amazing.

Fengyun Sword King flashed a dignified look, and the next breath, as if blown by the wind, his body faded, like a ray of smoke, into the void, and escaped from Chen Zong's sword light.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

Under the envelope of the realm of the mind, Chen Zong can clearly feel the other person's body shape, yes, it is a body shape, as if it can be integrated into the void.

The basic form of Heaven and Earth's pulse is Heavenly Spiritual Illusion, which is volatile and elusive, while the basic form of Heaven's Pulse is to transform the Void, as if into a void, into the void.

Of course, it's not really turning into nothingness, it's just a superb application, very delicate, so that you can get out of the blockade, avoid attacks, and even unexpectedly counterattack.

In short, this is a good assassination method.

After Fengyun Sword King escaped from the attack of the Ninth Strike of the Heavenly Spirit, his figure was blurred to the extreme, and his sight was difficult to capture at all. Between the vaguely, only a faint phantom could be seen, as if sliding in the void.

A sword is broken!

The body and sword are united into the void, and when they are killed, they are killed from the side.

Assassinate with a sword!

The pulse of the Lord of the Void is like an assassin. The best thing is that it will kill in one hit, and if it fails, hit away immediately and look for opportunities.

Their stature is very clever, and their martial arts are dominated by one-shot kills, and all their powers are only within one shot.

Nothing changed!

Not to mention any complicated skills.

Nonetheless, it is scary.

The three veins of the eternal battlefield, on the subject of killing, belong to the most prominent vein of the void.

Chen Zong is very vigilant. This is the first time that he has fought against the feudal powers of the void.

Although there were before, they were not strong enough to explain the martial arts subtlety of the void.

Under the envelope of the realm of the heart, the trajectory of the other party was captured immediately, but it was a pity that Fengyun Sword King did not know this, did not know that he had been exposed, and was completely present in Chen Zong's perception. .

Chen Zong pretended not to know.

Only when the sword of Fengyun Sword King came to assassinate the assassination and nearly infiltrated his heart, Chen Zong's figure flickered for a moment, and the heavenly spirit slashed.

That sword was pierced by Chen Zong's phantom.

Immediately after Jianguang entered the body, Fengyun Sword King realized that it was not good, and his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately pulled back.

At the same time, Fengyun Sword King immediately entered the self-confidence and took control of himself, his expression became cold.

However, all this is under the control of Chen Zong.

Jianguang is empty!


The first sword light was killed, it was the first strike of Tian Ling's nine strikes.

However, the blow did not hit the Fengyun Sword King, but was avoided by him. However, the second shot seemed to be accurate in the evasion trajectory of the Fengyun Sword King, and it stabbed in an instant, so that the Fengyun Sword King was slightly surprised and immediately adjusted Avoid.

Third strike!

Fourth strike!

Fifth strike!

Feng Yun Sword King is indeed very good, avoiding Chen Zong's sword strikes again and again, but again, Chen Zong also masters Feng Yun Sword King's evasion trajectory, and each hit is almost a hit.

The seventh attack, this one, Fengyun Sword King was a little slow, and was immediately hit.

Eighth strike!

Hit again!

Ninth strike!

Hit again.

Consecutive three swords, hit three points of Fengyun Sword King's body respectively.

Each time the sword strikes, Fengyun Sword King will have a momentary meal. Even if the opponent masters himself in his own free will, he will not be able to stop the power contained in these three swords, because the level of power has surpassed heaven and earth. Sixth.

In other words, self-reliance is not omnipotent, but it can't be dealt with in a place like Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Three swords!

Feng Yun Sword King died, the power that invaded him was very terrible, he could not resist at all, and his vitality was wiped out directly.

"Tianyuan Sword King Chen Zong achieved sixty consecutive victories!"

The low and vigorous voice sounded again, so that everyone in the virtual world could hear it.

"Chen Zong!"

"Tianyuan Sword King!"

"Did he show up again?"

For a while, many people were stunned, and then ran into ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The battle in the virtual world is going on every moment, every minute, every second. After one day, I do n’t know how many games will be played, always Someone has won a streak.

Chen Zong has not appeared for some time. Although it will not be forgotten because it is a feudal relationship, it will gradually fade.

Therefore, now I hear the news that Chen Zong has achieved 60 consecutive victories, and I will be somewhat surprised.

Sixty streak!

Chen Zong also breathed a sigh of relief. The last time, he stopped in this game, and now he finally got it.

It's a pity that the other party is not the king of swords.

However, if you think about it, you will have a chance, even if you have n’t encountered it in the war, you can still carry out the designated challenge, and you only need to pay a part of the record.

Chen Zong didn't give up his full strength in defeating Fengyun Sword King. Fengyun Sword King was really strong. If he was before, it would be difficult to defeat him. But now, his strength has been greatly improved and has become stronger. Already.

Game 61!

The opponent of this game is Fenghou class.

Fenghou class is not weak, some powerful Fenghou class can even compare to Fengwang class.

However, Chen Zong's current strength, even in the rank of Wang Feng, can belong to a stronger level.




Continuous defeat, continuous winning streak.

Sixty-eight streak!

Sixty-nine streak!

Next up is the seventieth game.

If this game wins, it is a 70-game winning streak. This level of winning streak is the standard that the Fengwang genius can reach.

However, not all Fengwang levels can achieve 70 consecutive victories in a short time.

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