Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 70: Summit (5)

(Tomorrow will update the fifth chapter of Fanwai, please pay attention to the public account: six sinking, read and communicate together)

Swordsman Sen Luo, desperate Vientiane.

Countless blades of light swept out of the blast, smashing and tearing Chen Zong's heavy rain-like sword gas, killing all to Chen Zong.

The blades below seemed to be pulled by inexplicable forces, and they trembled. With the direction of Judgment King's long sword, they suddenly broke away from the platform and shot upward.


The endless knife light in the sky swept across, converging into a 10-meter square knife light, covering Chen Zong from all sides.

Between the blades below, they converged into a 100-meter sword dragon, carrying unparalleled horror and rushing straight towards Chen Zong, as if tearing through the heavens and the earth.

The rich and extreme desperate atmosphere also slammed away, like a torrent of dyke, suddenly rushing into Chen Zong's Shenhai.

The masterpiece of Xinjiandao is a glorious masterpiece. Between the swordsman's swords, it seems as if the sky sword is killed out of the sky. Immediately, the breath of despair invading Shenhai will be impacted, torn and broken.

Yin Yang Sword Techniques First Form: Yin Yang Sword Wheel!

The black and white sword wheel surrounds the whole body, two points in the sky and the ground, and the yin and yang blend together. The mystery is infinite, and at once the blade of sword light is blocked.

When the sword dragon rushed to death, the terrible power directly caused a yin and yang sword round, and cracks appeared, which surprised Chen Zong.

The power of that dragon was so arrogant that he could break his own yin and yang sword wheel.

Fortunately, his own means are not only the yin and yang sword wheels. This yin and yang sword wheel is just the first form of the yin and yang sword tactics, but it is also the premise of the second form.

To exhibit the second-style reversal of Qiankun, the Yin-Yang Sword Wheel must be exhibited as the basis.

At the moment when the yin and yang sword wheels burst, the sword light suddenly turned and changed suddenly, turning it into an upside-down world, as if it were one side and the other.

Daoguang and Daolong suddenly burst into them.

The rumbling sound continued to rang and shocked in all directions. Chen Zong could clearly feel that the sword light and sword dragon that had been swallowed up in the reversal of Qiankun were extremely powerful, especially the strength of the sword dragon was extremely terrible, as if to break The world of Qiankun's reversal is like breaking it down.

However, Qian Kun's reversal was extremely subtle, and under the control of Chen Zong, he fully supported it.

Taken away!

Reverse counterattack!

Suddenly, Daoguang and Daolong were merged into one by Qiankun's reversing force, and turned into a hundred-meter Daolong surrounded by countless Daoguang, carrying a terrible desperate atmosphere and killing power, and instantly blasted out of Qiankun heaven and earth.


The space shook endlessly, and the sword-like dragon was like a smashing bamboo. Wherever it passed, the void seemed to break apart.

Of course, the space strength of the Eternal Battlefield is far from being comparable to that of the Tianyuan Sanctuary, and even the great holy realm of the Tianyuan Sanctuary cannot truly tear the space of the Eternal Battlefield.

The battle here can tear the space and cause cracks. In fact, the eternal battlefield is deliberately set to reduce the intensity of the space in the virtual world, just like other worlds. Fighting in this way will make people feel more fulfilled.

The sword dragon is surrounded by endless sword lights. Those sword lights are like the debris of stars. They look very magnificent, but they contain the terrible danger, as if the void is constantly torn and broken.

The sword dragon rushed to kill him, and even the King of Knives could not help being shocked even if he was in his self-confidence.

What is this trick?

He could swallow his attack completely and counterattack as much as possible.

Directly locked, the intense desperation breath came madly, so that the King of Knife himself also realized the power of Despair.

However, this desperate sword intention originally belongs to the absolute sword king, for which the extreme knife king can well resist.

But the power of that dragon was very arrogant, breaking the void to kill it, the amazing coercion was like blocking the void around his body.


It ’s gone!

The astonishing dagger light came out in an instant, savagely killing the dagger, as if the dagger was divided into two, but the dagger was broken.

The sword dragon paused for a moment, seizing the momentary opportunity, the sword king who trembled his arms and numb his arms immediately got away from the strong breath of the sword dragon.

As soon as he got out of the way, there was a sharp sword light.

Jian Guang's lightness and agility are full of change, and the power is extremely mysterious, as if it contains the mystery of heaven and earth.

The King of Extreme Knives is still trembling slightly, and his arms are numb. He never recovered, but had to wave his sword against the sword of Chen Zong.

At the moment of the sword's clash, the true power of the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth directly impacted, and the blade body was instantly removed, killing it like a stream of clouds, and cutting directly to the absolute knife king.

Suddenly, King Jue fell into the downwind and was suppressed by Chen Zong.

Each sword not only moved away from the King of the Knife, but also had a shock of force, which made the King of the Knife tremble constantly, and his numb arms could not be completely recovered.

Such an opportunity is rare, Chen Zong flatly will not give the opportunity to restore the King of Blades.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Earth strike!

Sword of Heaven and Earth!

Continuously exerting, the mysteries of yin and yang in the heavens and the earth are also exerted to an endless extent.


The King of Knives constantly resists retreating and wants to open the distance to get time to recover his arms, but Chen Zong will not give him such a chance.

If it weren't for the self-confidence, such numbness would only make the King of the Knife unable to wave even the sword.

In his self-confidence, Chen Zong's perception and control of the surroundings surpassed that of the King of Knives.

Especially in cooperation with the realm of the heart, how the Master Knife can display his body skills can not avoid Chen Zong's sword attack.

The strength of both sides is constantly being consumed, and it is becoming less and less.

In order to withstand Chen Zong's sword attack, the consumption of the Spirit of the Extreme Knife King was more intense.

Suddenly, the silver thread in King Sword King's eyes became dim and then disappeared, which means that King Sword King can no longer maintain his self-confidence.

It's a good time.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Instantly, the Nine Swords were shot in succession, and each sword counted all the reactions and trajectories of the Extreme King.

The empty knife was broken open, the middle door opened, and Jian Guang drove straight in.

Sword of Heaven and Earth!

The frontal attack power of this sword is extremely powerful.

The King of Blades could not resist at all, and the King of Blades was almost blown away, and Jianguang directly penetrated the heart of King of Blades and penetrated it.

At the moment when Tianyuan Sword penetrated the heart of Judgment King, the silver light in the eyes of Chen Zong also became dim, and disappeared after a breath.

Chen Zong is also unable to continue to maintain self-confidence.


It was just a time of dying, and he was almost unable to defeat the knife.

After all, once forced to withdraw from self-confidence, it means that energy and spirit are almost completely consumed.

However, he still won and eventually defeated the King of Knives.

"Next time, I will defeat you again." There was a smile on the slender face of Jue Wang, with no hatred and no murder, and some, just a belief.

Next time, we must defeat Chen Zong's belief.

"Come on now." Chen Zong smiled, and the sword returned to her sheath.

"Tianyuan Sword King Chen Zong achieved eighty consecutive victories!"

The deep and vigorous voice sounded again in the void, causing greater shock.

Eighty streak!

Throughout the eternal battlefield, at the semi-god level, there are very few people who have achieved 80 consecutive victories.

Naturally, Qing Ming, the Lord of the Void Realm, also got the news.

"The eighty-game winning streak is really unexpected." Qing Su Mingyue was slightly surprised and immediately chuckled: "But I don't know, when will I reach the summit?"


That is a ninety-game winning streak.

Some people can't achieve the 90-game winning streak in their lifetime, that's the vast majority of people.

But I don't know if this Chen Zong has the potential and strength to reach the summit.

If so, how long will it take to reach it.

Chen Zong did not continue the battle. This battle with the King of Blades consumed his energy and spirit almost completely, and it took a lot of time to recover.

Another point is that for 80 consecutive battles, there are also a number of opponents who are not weak, and bring their own sharpening, especially the sharpening brought by the absolute sword king.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not hesitate to withdraw from the virtual world and began to retreat.

The purpose of the retreat this time is to digest and absorb the gains of 80 battles, increase their heritage, and improve their strength.

It is best to be able to combine the three kinds of Taoism of Heart Sword Taoism and Fenghuo Lei as Yin and Yang Taoism, to fit into the heaven and earth, and to exert its power to the extreme.

Chen Zong started to retreat, but the outside world caused a lot of discussions because of him.

The geniuses of the three kings in the Thousand Kings Mountain also have a lot of people focusing on Chen Zong. After all, Chen Zong is likely to become their opponent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, people continue to pay Records Watch Chen Zong's battles with King Hengguang, King Sword King, etc. to observe and study Chen Zong's martial arts mysteries, etc., to know each other.

In addition, the mystery of the Nine Strikes Realm recorded by Chen Zong began to be focused on, and some people paid for it.

Intangible, Chen Zong can get more records.

Here, there are more records and their usefulness is not small.

Chen Zong's retreat completely eliminated all news from the outside world. Gradually, the discussion about him gradually faded away with the passage of time.

The eternal battlefield is huge, and the personnel inside it are countless.

However, the area of ​​the soldier level is only a small area among them. Moreover, these soldiers basically come down with consciousness, consolidate their bodies, and cannot leave this area.

The mission of the soldiers is to cultivate, to continuously cultivate, to constantly improve themselves, and to use the resources of the Eternal War Fortress to enhance and improve themselves. One day, they will break through to the gods.

Tongshen Realm is a great realm, and it is also the real starting point for stepping into the void of the universe. If you do not reach the Tongshen realm, you are simply not qualified to enter the universe.

Every genius here, no matter how to improve himself, the ultimate goal is to shock the gods.

Of course, shocking the Divine Realm is actually not difficult for them. However, they all want to have a more vigorous and solid accumulation and background when they are at the level of the demigod. , You can directly gain more power than the ordinary psychic state.

This is where geniuses can surpass others' abilities and heritage.

Chen Zong retreats in the Thousand Kings Mountain, but Tianyuan Sanctuary changes quietly.

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