Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 71: Purgatory Ghost Door Opens

(The renewal package of King Rakshasa has taken effect, but unfortunately, he hung up)

Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

Taixuanjie, Tailuo city boundary, a broken mountain peak of Tailuo Mountain, this peak was caused by a war some time ago, it directly collapsed in half, and there were still terrible breath fluctuations, which was frightening. Tremble.

Some time ago, people often came to observe and try to see what came out, but it must be a powerful man with amazing combat strength. There has been a war here, causing amazing damage, but no other mystery can be seen. .

Gradually, fewer and fewer people came.

However, this does not mean that no one will pass by.

In the sky, two streamers passed by quickly, and then landed downward, where Chen Zong Chen Xiu fought fiercely with King Raksha.

Here, you can still feel the residual breath, that breath has a sharp edge, tearing the world, a fierce, extinct vitality, a cold and powerful, destroy everything.

On the ground, cracks crisscross, and potholes are chaotically scattered, and the remaining breath is more intense.

However, it is difficult to find anything other than these traces of battle and the remaining breath that is slowly dissipating.

The reason why I came here was a rumor not long ago that someone was here to perceive the remaining breath of enlightenment, so that they could gain something, and break through and become stronger.

Therefore, some people come every day, but the rumors seem to be just rumors, but there are still people who come to try their luck.

The two people who are here today are the two practitioners in the early days of entering the holy realm.

They watched and looked constantly, and kept enlightening, but found nothing.

"It seems that rumors are always rumors, and you can't believe them."

"We didn't have much hope at the beginning anyway."

The two said one by one, but it was inevitable that they would be a little disappointed. When they were about to leave, they suddenly had a meal, their eyes gazed at the front as if they had been immobilized, and they could not move like a statue.

Through their eyes, they can see a little black man suddenly, that is the reflection.

Just under the gaze of their eyes, about a kilometer away from them, a little black mang appeared out of thin air, and the black mang grew rapidly as it rotated, and about ten breaths later, it expanded to the size of a fist.

The two looked at each other with tension and excitement in their eyes.

Is it true that the two of them want to have a great chance?

From then on, it seems like some people in the rumor, turned into the pride of the sky, soaring into the sky?

Nervous, hopeful, alas ...

These strange feelings constantly impacted their minds, letting them breathe quickly without knowing it, their heartbeat accelerated, their cheeks turned red, and their fists clenched subconsciously.

Under the gaze of their anticipation and hopeful eyes, the black light continued to expand, the size of their palms.

Immediately, it became the size of a washbasin.

big big big……

With the passage of time, between the continuous rotation of the edge of the black light, it spread like a tidal blade.

After a quarter of an hour, the entire black light also expanded to the diameter of Mitch, but there has been no pause, and the speed of its expansion is intensifying.

The coldness and coldness were mixed with the fierce and overbearing breath fluctuations, and suddenly released from it, like a tide, when they passed over the two bodies in the early stage of the holy realm, they let them tremble involuntarily, feeling only a while The coldness and coldness breed from the depths of the body, and a fiery flame seems to invade Shenhai and burn.

The two reacted quickly, and at the same time thought of the remaining breath, one of which was very similar to the current breath.

Instinctively, the two men realized that something was wrong.

This may not be a chance, but a dangerous one.

"Come on," one of them whispered.

"No, maybe it's a big chance." The other was obsessed with it.

"Hurry up." Those who advocated leaving felt increasingly uneasy, and immediately pulled back and pulled their companions.

However, his companions seemed to be fascinated and did not intend to leave.

At that moment, there seemed to be a weird sound coming out of the rotating black hole, not like a human voice or a beast's voice, but a very weird and terrible voice. When it came out, the thick malice spread, causing the scalp to numb.

Like the sound of a fierce demon.

The person who was about to leave changed his face, and immediately let go, bursting out of the fastest speed, rushing up into the sky and flying away.

At the same time, he also glanced subconsciously, and this look made him pale and almost stunned.

His companion stared at the ever-expanding black light, as if a black hole, as if it were a gateway to the ghost.

He seemed to be absorbed into the soul, unable to move.

Suddenly, a strong, intense breath permeated, turning into a light black tornado, directly engulfing the person, and quickly pulled away in the direction of black light.

In the blink of an eye, the man was pulled to two meters before the black light. A black arm caught the lightning speed from the black light at an astonishing speed beyond the sight, and grabbed the head of his companion like a lightning. The whole curved dark claw clasps the entire head tightly and completely covers it.

It's like lifting a little chicken. The dark arm directly grabs the person, and the body and limbs are shaken like noodles.

The next breath, I saw the dark arm ghost claws grabbing the body of the head, flashing a faint almost transparent light, starting from both feet like a stream of water continuously flowing towards the head, one after another submerged into the dark ghost claws Inside, it continued to spread along the dark and stout arm.

Just within three short breaths, those who were leaving quickly at high altitude saw their companions, and their bodies became dry, like dead trees.

The ghost's claws were loosened, the withered body dropped, gray eyes bulged, and the entire cheek was completely sunken, looking like a layer of dead skin that had lost its luster and became wrinkled, wrapping the fragile bones.


In just a short period of three breaths, this vitality in the early days of the Holy Land was directly swallowed up and completely disappeared, turning into a dead body that seemed to have died countless years ago.

"How could this be!" The sky was flying away in a horror in the early days of sacred realm, and the entire scalp was numb, and its head almost burst.



How could this happen.

The startling change directly impacted his soul, causing him to lose sight in an instant.

And the instant absence is enough to cause many changes.

I saw that the black light swelled a large circle suddenly, and after that arm, there was a tall black figure.

With a height of more than two meters, the body is dark, and the body looks extremely strong. There is a short spiral on the forehead, and a little blood is drawn down. A mysterious blood pattern is drawn on the cheek and the body, as if Burning ghost flame.

If Chen Zong or Chen Xiu were here, he would be shocked, because the body in front of him looks almost exactly the same as the Purgatory ghost body cast by King Rakshasa, except that the blade does not extend out of the blade.

As soon as this ghostly figure appeared, his eyes turned, and he immediately stared at the figure flying away from the sky.


The black light flashed like lightning, but only in a flash, it caught up with that figure, and when he looked at his arm, the ghost's claw immediately clasped the man's head, as if his current was shaking like a shock.

Three Breaths!

In just less than three breaths, the fleeing person was caught up and turned into a dead body.

I saw the dark, ghost-like figure with a look of intoxication on his face, as if drinking a bowl of cold sour plum soup in the summer, and enjoying the meat in March without knowing the flavour.

"It's a wonderful world, so much vitality." The weird emphasis suddenly sounded from the mouth of this evil ghost, deep and hoarse, with an astonishing malice, but the discourse was the discourse of the Tianyuan Sanctuary. It just seems to have just learned, a bit obscure and blunt.

"Come out, my people, this is our hunting ground."

Immediately, another ghost claw protruded out of the dark light gate, and then the body appeared.

One respect!


Three respects!


Not long after, twelve seemingly identical bodies stepped out of the black light gate.

They swept around one by one, observing the heavens and the earth, with curiosity and greed on their faces, and then, one by one, they spoke weird words.

The first evil spirit who came out also said weird words that humans do n’t understand, it seems to be explaining to his own kin, one by one, showing a stunned look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then, all laughed maliciously The sound was extremely horrifying, and their eyes were occupied by thick malice and greed.

A world full of life.

For them, it is the best hunting ground. Constant hunting and hunting constantly draw vitality to improve themselves and become more powerful.

In their own world, drawing life has become difficult and competition is too great.

Immediately, amidst a series of weird laughter, the twelve figures spread out immediately, each choosing a direction, passing through the sky like a dark lightning, and disappearing into the sky.

The black light ghost door exuding a strong cold and cold tyrant's breath did not disappear, but slowly turned, releasing a trace of breath fluctuations, slowly eroding and rendering the surrounding world's vitality and qualitative change.

If this situation continues, if there is no change, I am afraid that this side of the world will be rendered and transformed into a terrible place.

But now, everyone in the territory of Tailuo City still doesn't know about it. It is not clear at all. A disaster has come in silence.

First and foremost, it is the terroir boundary of Taixuan Realm.

However, the practitioners in the territories of Tailo City still do n’t know the slightest situation, because the two early sacred people who can probably know the situation were already dead, they were devoured by life, and even the soul could not escape The death of the death, the death of the body, is extremely miserable.

Within the Taixuan Realm, some secrets of the big factions, but there were some surprises.

"This world seems a little different."

"Why do I feel a palpitation?"

"Is there any disaster coming?"

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