Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 72: Extinction

The Qingguang Gate is an influential force within the borders of Tailuo City. The entire martial arts ranks from the master to the disciples, and there are less than a thousand people.

Among the entire martial arts, the highest is the master, which is the sixth stage of the Holy Land. In addition, there are less than five elders in the middle of the Holy Land. Among the influential forces in the entire territory of Tailo City, the whole of Qingguang Gate Strength is average.

However, even though it is salty fish, there is still the thought of turning over one day, not to mention the practitioner.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Qingguang Gate is very good.

Especially after Xiuluomen took control of the territory of Tailo City, unlike the former Tianluozong, they would not oppress them, but let them develop well. In this way, opportunities are rare, and of course, we must seize the opportunity Enhance yourself.

Personal cultivation and strength, the overall strength of the martial arts.

At the beginning of the rising sun, the Qingguang Gate has been awake up and down, meditating, practicing martial arts, a vigorous look.

For a while, there was a hint of cold air that seemed to spread from nothingness, and it continued to spread with the wind.

The disciples of Qingguangmen who were practicing martial arts suddenly trembled, feeling a chill, but didn't know where they came from.

For those who reach the level of sacred realm, Xiu is more perceptive and can more clearly feel the pervasiveness of this cold and cold atmosphere, one by one with uncertainty.

"What is this?" The master of the sixth stage of entering the holy realm reached out and grabbed a ray of coldness, faintly feeling that the atmosphere contained not only the coldness of the cold, but also the powerful spirit, it seemed It was terrifying, making him feel uneasy from the bottom of his heart and frowned.

Accompanied by the hint of coldness, there was a black light, filled with extremely intense terror waves.

For a moment, the black light directly impacted and appeared in the blue light door. The endless black breath was released from the black light and swept out, as if it were a dark and cold storm. Just blinking, the blue light door Full coverage.

From the master to the master and the disciples, all of them were difficult to react, completely covered by the dark wind that swept the darkness.

At the next breath, they felt that something seemed to be going on in their bodies. When they passed away, they felt convulsions. The pain was so great. It seemed that the essence and blood were being severely evacuated.

"Not good!" The masters who entered the sanctuary immediately felt bad, and what was flowing through their bodies was vitality, their own vitality.

What the **** is it that can devour one's life.

All the power erupted immediately, and the blue light became a masterpiece, and immediately bombarded the surrounding darkness, tearing it apart.

But at the next breath, the gloom swept again, covering it again, even more intensely.

As soon as he entered the sacred realm, his attention was focused.


Consume constantly.

After a while, the disciples below the sanctuary twitched, the skin quickly became wrinkled, the body became thin and slender, and the body began to permeate with a strong death.

But within a short span of ten minutes, all the disciples who had fallen into the holy realm all turned into corpses and fell to the ground. In their bulging gray eyes, they were full of fear and consternation. Make any sound.

Masters in the sanctuary can better resist, but they only slightly delay the passage of vitality. When they are focused, vitality is released from the body like a torrent.

It was just ten more breaths of time. The masters who went up and down into the sacred realm also lost their vitality and became dry corpses.

Repaired as the most powerful and powerful doorkeeper, sitting in the hall, the thick and dark hair originally became sparse and pale, and his thin face was filled with astonishment and unwillingness, as if the last struggle became despair, imprinted in On the face.

It's as if he's been dead for thousands of years.

In a moment, all the dark and dark winds converged, and in the blink of an eye, all fell into the black body.

I saw this ghost-like figure fluttering his arm, and immediately flew away the figure holding in his hand, raising a burst of heartbreaking laughter.

"Human race ... it's really delicious food." This language is really a human language, even if it sounds very stiff and very obscure, as if it was just learned, but it is certain that it is a human language.

The evil-looking figure had large arms, and a force of force was breeding and spreading in his body, and his breath seemed to strengthen a little with it.

Consume vitality, strengthen oneself, enhance strength, and even break through to improve levels.

In just a few tens of breaths of time, nearly a thousand people went up and down the entire Qingguang Gate, and they were completely devoured and turned into nearly a thousand dead bodies.

Putting down his arms, the ghostly figure suddenly soared into the sky, turned into a black light, and went away.

He is going to continue to devour vitality, devour more vitality, so as to strengthen himself, especially now, while his army has not formally entered the world, these pathfinder pioneers just want to devour vitality a lot. To more benefits, improve yourself as much as possible.

If you can break through the fate of life, you can get rid of the status of a soldier and be promoted to a general.

Twelve pioneers, each along the way, began to rag in the territories of Tailor City.

They did not cover up their actions, nor did they intentionally hide their tracks, only because they used the human race as food.


Devour life!

This is as if the slaughter of a pig is a meat-eating act.

Would you mind the pig's thoughts?

No, not to hide what happened, just kill it.

So it didn't take long for someone to find something wrong.


"Master, there is a disciple who found an abnormal situation ..." An elder of Shuramon reported to the disciples that a Shuramon disciple had seen.

The master immediately told the disciple to come to the hall, and explained everything in detail.

"Vitality disappears, all become corpses?" The door owner's brows frowned suddenly, and the arrogant breath filled the whole body.

In the early days of the Nine Heavens!

After getting burnt Shura Gong and practicing in the secret territory of Shura, the cultivation of the master of Shuramon is very obvious. It has reached the early stage of the ninth stage of the sacred realm.

Not only is the promotion of the door master significantly, the promotion of the elders is even greater. After all, the elders have more time to practice in the secret territory of Shura. Unlike the door masters, they must deal with martial affairs.

Therefore, the current elders have been trained to directly reach the ninefold limit of entering the sanctuary.

Only after the thirty-first layer of Burning Shura Gong is perfected and self-made, can we proceed with a half-step grand-level breakthrough.

The improvement of Xiuwei is one aspect, and the improvement of strength is even more significant.

After all, there is the sharpening of Shura's mysterious realm, coupled with the mist crystal and mist source brought by Chen Zong, etc., to understand the secrets of heaven and earth, the effect is amazing.

All in all, the cultivation and strength of the current masters, elders, elders, and others have been improved many times compared to before.

"Lin Hufa, please also leave for that Qingguang Gate to have a look." The master instructed immediately.

"Okay." A response came. Immediately, a light rose from behind the hall and flew out at lightning speed, rushing out of the semi-open array of Shuramon, and hurried to Qingguang Gate. Away.

This forest protection law is exactly those half-step holy-class strong men who vowed to always be loyal to Shuramon. They have four-star combat power and are very powerful. Their position in Shuramon is higher than that of elders, almost equal The door presided over the flat.

Of course, as a guardian of the law, some of the master's orders must also be obeyed, and Lord Shuramon will also give corresponding respect.

Immediately, the doorkeeper called other elders to discuss the matter.

A martial art, even if it is not a martial art, nearly a thousand people have become dead, which is certainly not a trivial matter and must be taken seriously.

For one thing, Shuramon is now the most powerful martial art in the territory of Tailo City. It has replaced Tianluozong and became the ruler. Naturally, the security in the territory of Tailo City is closely related to Shuramon.

Second, a sect was destroyed unknowingly, and nearly a thousand people were devoured to become dead bodies. Who did it?

It must be ascertained that otherwise, Salomon might have encountered such a danger.

Lin Hufa is a powerful four-star warrior with a fast speed. He will rush from Shuluomen to Qingguangmen to investigate and return, and it will not take long.

As soon as people do, wait here.

Lin Hufa's speed is very fast. What he is good at is also speed. Compared with other four-star combat powers, it is faster.

The body is like a lightning flashing through the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ toward the Qingguang Gate.

It didn't take long for Lin Hufa to reach the sky above Qingguang Gate, and immediately felt here, filled with a thick breath of death, like a place of death.

Landing and glanced over, Lin Hufa suddenly changed his face.


All were dead bodies, nearly a thousand.

Looking closely, the faces of these corpses are full of pain and consternation. Obviously, they suffered great pain before they died, and they were irresistible.

Immediately, Lin Hufa's eyes gazed on a dead body, and his eyes fell on the head of the body with traces of five fingers, which were slightly black.

The finger marks, which looked very large and long, were bigger and longer than normal human fingers, as if they were caught by the fingers of a little giant.

Lin Hufa bent down, his fingers lightly scratched the pale black finger marks, his expression suddenly changed, as if scorpion's tail was stabbed, and immediately retracted his fingers.

"What a terrible power!" Lin Hufa secretly startled.

Of course, this residual breath can't hurt him at all, but that strength made Lin Hufa feel terrible and terrible.

This is a fundamental gap.

What exactly left this power?


Vaguely, Lin Hufa felt bad, but didn't know where it was bad.

Suddenly, Lin Hufa grabbed the dry corpse, put it into the ring, and burst into full speed, like a flash of aurora, hurried away towards Shuramon.

Subconsciously, he felt this kind of power, where he seemed to feel it, but he couldn't remember it all at once.

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