Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 73: Purgatory Ghosts (1)

The place where Chen Zong Chen Xiu and King Raksha fought fiercely, the black light has expanded to a diameter of three meters, and more black breath continues to emerge, permeating the cold and murky and fierce and overbearing fluctuations, completely covering the radius of 1,000 kilometers, Getting richer.

And, the darkness spreads out all around, seems to slowly render in all directions to form a ghostly world.

In the expanding black-light portal, ghost claws protruded again, and then a ghost-like figure appeared.

One respect!


Three respects!


Various figures stepped out of the portal of black light, appearing in that kilometer of darkness, more and more.


Lin Shufa appeared in the hall of Shu Luomen, took out the dry corpse from the ring, and fell to the ground.

The doorkeeper and an elder all came over to examine them carefully, and looked extremely dignified.

"Why do I feel this kind of power a bit familiar, as if I have experienced it?" The three elders frowned slightly and groaned. Among the elders, he felt the most sensitive to the breath, even more than half a step. Strong.

When the three elders said this, everyone also thought about it. The more they thought, the more they felt the strength of the power, as if they had really felt it somewhere.

When the light flashed, the look of the doorkeeper changed slightly.

"King Rakshasa!" The master said three words, and the look of the elders and Lin Hufa suddenly changed.

Not long ago, King Rakshasa came to show his terrible power and defeated Shuramon's big Tian Luo array. If it wasn't for the opponent's goal to be Chen Xiutai, they would all have been slaughtered completely.

The breath of power remaining on this finger mark is a bit similar to the cold and cold breath exhibited by King Luocha that day.

"Fast, clear that Chen Xiu is too good." The doorkeeper thought for a moment, and faintly felt that the matter was greatly unsatisfactory, perhaps beyond his own scope.

On the same day, it was Chen Shangtai who beheaded and killed King Rakshasa. Let him identify it and find out whether this remaining strength breath is from Rakshasa King.

If so, then King Rakshasa is not dead.

If not, maybe someone who is related to King Rakshasa may threaten Shuramon.

The current Shuramon seems to be very strong, but he is the overlord of the territory of Tailo City, but after several crises before and after the crisis has made everyone understand that Shuramon is still not strong enough.

Except for Chen Xiutai, there are no other seven-star or even eight-star powerhouses.

So far, when facing some major crises, Chen Xiutai has to be dispatched.

The elder entered Shura's secret territory and uploaded a message to Chen Xiutai.

"Suspected of the power of King Rakshasa?" Chen Xiu, who was practicing God's Shasuluo's warfare, waved the sword of silence and practiced swordsmanship, and suddenly received a message from the elder, a moment's glance.

Of course, King Rakshasa was split into two halves by a sword of his deity, and his vitality completely strangled his life, and there was no chance. Rakshasa should have died completely.

Chen Xiu was very sure about this.

So, what is the suspected power of King Rakshasa?

Was it left before or was it beheaded?

If it was before, it would be normal, but if it is later, it means that something is important, either the resurrection of King Rakshasa or the existence related to King Rakshasa.

Anyway, you have to go and see for yourself.

Without hesitation, the silent sword returned to its sheath, and Chen Xiu immediately stepped out of Shura's secret realm and came to the hall of Shuramon.

"See Mrs. Chen Xiu." The host and elders, as well as Lin Hufa, all bowed and saluted to Chen Xiu.

"No courtesy." Chen Xiuying gazed at the dead body, keen perception, spread to the dark finger marks on the other's head, and immediately, the pupils contracted like needles.

Sure enough, the strength of this power is very similar to that of Rakshasa, and he is transformed into Rakshasa after the ghost body of purgatory.

However, from its residual breath fluctuations, Chen Xiu can judge the strength and weakness, not as strong as King Rakshasa turned, at most it is a three-star or four-star level.

Chen Xiu's fingers touched that finger mark, and he distinguished and felt more carefully.


The master of the residual breath, a combat force, is a four-star level, which is the conclusion reached by Chen Xiu's careful perception.

However, this power is very high-end and terrible. It is even more terrible than most half-step holy forces. Therefore, it is said that the opponent has a four-star combat power, but it is estimated that the five-star might not kill him.

Who is it?

Is it King Rakshasa's accomplice?

Chen Xiu can already be sure that this is not left by King Rakshasa. Although it is very close, there is a slight difference. This difference is like a personal imprint. Without sufficient keen perception, it is impossible to distinguish it. .

"Where was this found?" Chen Xiu's eyes flashed coldly, and he asked immediately.

"Guangguang Gate." The owner answered immediately.

"Open the big team first," Chen Xiu instructed, "notify the other defenders and Taishang, all guard the gate."

After speaking, Chen Xiu immediately left and quickly went out.

The emergence of this kind of power reminds Chen Xiu of King Rakshasa. It is very frightening. If the deity and the avatar teamed up, and the deity broke through at the end of the crisis, he would create the sixth priority of Jian Yuan Gong in the beginning, and find the right method. It is difficult to defeat and kill at all.

It would not be a good thing if someone like King Rakshasa appeared, and it would be even more terrible if it would devour vitality.

Suddenly, Chen Xiu disappeared. Even Lin Hufa, who had a four-star combat power, did not know how Chen Xiu left.

Chen Xiutai's strength seems even more terrible.


There is a super high level of understanding, there is a super high inheritance of the God of Shashaura Warfare, and God Shah's source beads to assist in cultivation. As long as you practice, you are ascending almost every moment.

Now that more than a year has passed since the killing of King Rakshasa, Chen Xiu is working hard to cultivate, and his strength has naturally improved.

It was like a lightning flash, flying through the void, and soon, Chen Xiu came to the Qingguang Gate.

After examining it, Chen Xiu's face became more dignified.

Vitality is swallowed up and completely swallowed up. The hidden meaning behind this is undoubtedly terrible.

Who did it?

What is the purpose of devouring life?


Must be traced.

I always felt that this matter had something to do with King Rakshasa. If that was the case, what to say, I could not stay out of the matter and had to find it out.

Suddenly his heart moved, Chen Xiu turned into a streamer again, and quickly left for the former warring place.

There is no reason, purely driven by a feeling.

In the air, there was gradually a cold and overwhelming breath, and Chen Xiu's expression gradually became more dignified.

It has been more than a year since the battle with King Rakshasa, and even if there is a breath remaining, it should dissipate almost. It is impossible to feel so far apart.

And it feels like it's pervading the whole body.

Suddenly, Chen Xiutun stayed in shape and saw a dark place covering the earth from a distance.

To be sure, there was a place where he and his deity were fighting the life and death of King Rakshasa, but it was shrouded in darkness covering thousands of kilometers.

The darkness was filled with a strong and extremely cold and overwhelming atmosphere, terrible, even if Chen Xiu was powerful, he could not help but feel dignified.

Especially in that darkness, with Chen Xiu's keen perception, he could vaguely feel the danger and crisis contained in it.

But it is impossible to tell what kind of vitality it is.

Chen Xiu didn't continue to move forward, nor did he rush directly into the darkness. After all, the darkness is weird. It is no small matter. His combat power is indeed more powerful, but even the most powerful of the Holy Land There is a possibility of falling, let alone a half-step grand holy class.


Chen Xiu did not leave, but hid to observe.

This observation was a long time, but Chen Xiu was not half impatient.

After a long time, there was finally movement in the darkness, and the figures quickly stepped out of the darkness, and suddenly called Chen Xiu's eyes and pupils contracted like needles.

An entire body was dark, and a figure more than two meters tall appeared in his eyes.

Spiral unicorns, a terrifying body full of strength and sturdyness, red flames like flames, and a cold and fierce atmosphere fluctuating, looking extremely evil eyes.

Everything shows that the other side is similar to that after King Rakshasa turned into a purgatory ghost.

And, completely unexpected, not one, but many.

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These ghostly existences look almost the same, and it is difficult to tell who is who.

But Chen Xiu noticed keenly that the unicorns on the foreheads of these figures were different from the infernal ghosts of King Rakshasa after his transformation.

King Rakshasa transformed the unicorn on the forehead of the Purgatory ghost and goddess. After the spiral, it was a blade, but the single horn of hundreds of figures was just a spiral and had a blade.

What does this difference mean?

Or what does it symbolize?

Chen Xiu also noticed that the breath fluctuations emitted by the hundreds of figures, strong, weak, and weak, are about the equivalent of a four-star and half-step grand sage, and strong ones can reach a five-star level. But compared to the nine-star level after the transformation of King Rakshasa, there is a big difference.

Could it be, what kind of family is this?

In the void of this universe, there are many races, such as the land demons who have fought and slaughtered before.

So, it is not surprising that other races will appear here. What makes Chen Xiu focus on is what race is this?

And where did it come from?

Looking at the power fluctuations emanating from this race, Chen Xiu can conclude that they are definitely not good. Their arrival will definitely not have any benefit to the Taixuan Realm. On the contrary, it will only bring disaster to the Taixuan Realm.

Just thinking about the Qingguang Gate, Chen Xiu can conclude that the vitality of the Qingguang Gate has been swallowed up and down, which is definitely what these races are doing right now.


Very evil!

When Chen Xiu's thinking was working, suddenly, I saw hundreds of ghost-like figures rising into the air, divided into four directions, and quickly flew away in the distance. Wherever I went, darkness followed. Diffuse, the air flutters in the void.

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