Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 77: Summit (7)

(I'm going out to drink, I don't know if this small amount of alcohol will be upset)

This time for nearly a month of retreat, Chen Zong also successfully combined the heart and sword of Taoism with the mysteries of the heavens and earth's veins, and fully expressed the mystery and power of the sword of mind and flow.

The battle-fighting Mingkong King's subconscious exploded directly, his body flickered in an instant, leaving behind a lifelike phantom, the phantom was blasted out with one fist, and the display was a frightful fist.

But after all, the phantom body is not the real body. The open sky boxing performed is just the foundation, without multiple punches.

Mingkong's true body flashed and moved in an instant to avoid Chen Zongyi's assassination. Then, his fists were clenched, and a series of vacuum boxing blasts out, like a broken meteor, blasted towards Chen Zong.

Yin Yang Sword Wheel!

Under one sword, black and white, the world merges, and the yin and yang spin.

All the terrible vacuum boxing blasts on the yin and yang sword wheels, but they are completely resisted by the yin and yang sword wheels and cannot be broken.

"Mingkongquan ... Broken Mountain!"

The vacuum fist like a broken meteor is just a prelude, a cover, a real blow, released in an instant.

Just like the eruption of the ancient volcano, the terrifying punches permeated King Mingkong's right fist, and a layer of dazzling brilliance appeared. With King Mingkong's punch out, he gave out an unparalleled power.

This punch seems to be able to directly crush a mountain.


King Mingkong ’s right fist directly bombarded the yin and yang sword wheels, but Chen Zong found that this time, the yin and yang sword wheels did not seem to be able to guide the power in the rotation to counterattack, because the power contained in that punch was extremely condensed, already Beyond Yin and Yang sword wheels can weaken the level of guidance.

However, the biggest mystery of the yin and yang sword wheels is not to guide the counterattack, it is only incidental. The real mystery is defense.

The power of this punch was immediately blocked by the yin and yang sword wheels.

Just moments ago, the sudden changes occurred.

The heavy vacuum boxing with amazing penetrating power, continuously penetrated the defense of the yin and yang sword wheels, and killed Chen Zong.

The yin and yang sword wheel defense is amazing, but the vacuum boxing strength is amazing. It seems to be able to penetrate all attacks.

Chen Zong secretly was surprised by King Kong ’s vacuum boxing power. At the same time, King Kong Kong was also secretly startled by the opponent ’s defense, making his vacuum boxing power penetrate so difficult.

The direct destructive power of the vacuum boxing force of Mingkong Quan is not so strong. The mystery lies in the penetration and the impact of multiple powers. This is how the previous Sky Gun King was defeated and killed.

This penetrability and multiple punches are quite effective against opponents with amazing defense.

But now, it has been blocked. Although it continues to penetrate, it is very difficult and obscure, and the fist speed is amazing.

According to this situation, his punch may not be able to completely penetrate the defense of the opponent. Even if it is possible, it is estimated that the exhaustion is exhausted and it cannot cause any damage to the opponent.

Chen Zong did not blindly defend, that was just a means to better counterattack.

So, take the other side to try out the sword tricks that you re-created this month.

For a while, the eyes were black and white, as if the chakras flowed between the eyes, it seemed that the eyes were mixed with the black pupils, the heavens and the earth were fused, and the yin and yang were chaotic.

But in an instant, a touch of divine light, like the early Jianguang that tore the world, suddenly cut across, tearing the eyes.

Black sinks into the earth!

White rose and turned into the sky!

That touch of sword light in the beginning of the beginning interpreted the endless mystery of yin and yang.

Yin-Yang Sword Wheel Third Style: Yin-Yang Cuts the World!

Chen Zong's sword was also killed in an instant.

The Yin and Yang sword wheels followed for a while. When the time was up, the white rose, and the black sank. The heavens and the earth were cut by two people.

Unlike the reversal of the yin and yang sword wheels and Qiankun, this third type of yin and yang cuts the sky is a pure attacking trick.

A sword comes out, like the glory of the yin and yang, cutting the world, incorporating the sharp edge of the sword, and also interpreting the sharp edge of the sword to the extreme.

With a sword out, heaven and earth are cut and cut. What else can I resist?

The mystery of yin and yang turns into an endless edge.

Chen Zong's counterattack is too fast, and the mystery of this sword is infinite. Yin and Yang are mixed in all directions, making people unable to dodge, because no matter where they dodge, there is always a feeling of facing the sword. Yin and Yang reversed the general, and affected the space and time.

King Mingkong couldn't evade. When he had the idea of ​​evasion, he felt that everything around him had become chaotic. For a while, he had a feeling that he couldn't distinguish between east and west, as if it was chaotic.

This is the mystery of this sword, and also because the King of the Sky is not strong enough.

Nothing in the world is absolutely perfect, everything is relative.

Not strong enough to find the flaws of the other party.

Therefore, in the view of King Mingkong, Chen Zong's sword is perfect and cannot be avoided, even if it is a phantom.

Then, there is no evasion, only defense.

break out!


All forces erupted completely. The vacuum boxing was like a tidal wave, surging and mighty, sweeping in all directions, overlapping and endlessly.

The roaring voice continued to come out of King Mingkong's body, and the tyrannical power also raged, straight through his arms and up to his fists.

Bright light masterpiece.

The two fists exploded with all their strength, and also brought out the power of Mingkong Quan to the extreme, as if two rounds of little sun rose.

The vacuum boxing force was repeated one after another, constantly turbulent, condensing on the fist.

Mingkong Wang looked dignified, with blue tendons protruding from his forehead.

The original multiple punches should have been a heavy bombard, but the King of Skyrim felt that, in this way, it was impossible to block the sword of the opponent.

Therefore, he kept the accumulation of multiple boxing energies on the surface of the fist, and then exploded until the limit was reached. In this way, he could release the strongest blow instantly.

Mingkongquan ... Hunyuan!

This is the strongest blow of King Mingkong, and it is also the one with the greatest burden. In a short period of time, he can only perform the show once, otherwise his bones and bones will be damaged and the viscera will be damaged.


King Mingkong blasted out his most powerful punch to break Chen Zong's sword.

However, how wonderful is yin and yang.

In an instant, the yin and yang sword light came into contact with the mixed fist vacuum boxing, the magic was born, and the yin and yang were reversed, and the terrible power contained in the mixed mixed boxing punch of the other party was quietly guided to transfer, unable to bombard directly, and unable to exert power Play it out.

Jian Guang tore, the fist was cut apart like heaven and earth.

Tianyuan Sword also cut the King Kongkong ’s gloves in an instant. The amazing sword energy penetrated the weapon and rushed directly into the arm, as if the arm was cut and torn.

Mind Sword Flow: Heartbeat!

After waiting for the other side to react, Chen Zongyi sword shook his wrist, his sword shook like a spirit snake out of a hole, faster than lightning, and stabbed out in silence.

Close the sword!

Come back!

At the center of the forehead and eyebrow of the Mingkong King, he was immediately pierced, leaving a sword hole, but no blood flowed out, because this Mingkong King was not the real Mingkong King, only the image clone.

But even if it is just an image clone, it will be hurt if it is hit, and it will be affected.

"You won." The sword hole in Mingkong Wang Meixin's face disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face. Immediately, his body faded quickly and disappeared.

There was also a smile on Chen Zong's face.


I have broken through the twelfth floor of the World War Tower, which is the last floor.

Going through this layer, you will get 3 million points and have additional rewards.

But don't know what the extra reward is?

At the end of the day, the extra reward appeared, which turned out to be the last triple of Tian Ling's phantom.

In this way, Chen Zong got all the celestial magic.

A ray of light fell, covering Chen Zong's whole body up and down, this feeling was very wonderful.

Immediately, another light also fell, in front of Chen Zong.

When the light was gone, a figure appeared in front of Chen Zong, turning from illusory to solid.

The other Chen Zong is exactly the same, whether it is looks, body or breath, even the Tianyuan sword at the waist.

"Since then, I'll guard it here," the new Chen Zong said with a smile.

Chen Zong nodded, and knew that this was his image clone, guarding the twelfth floor of the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower. It would disappear unless he was defeated one day.

In addition, in the image avatars left by him, there is also a kind of responsibility and conviction for calm.


Inside Qianwang Mountain, in the sky of Mingkong Mountain.

"Did my image avatar be defeated?" A young, brisk voice sounded, with a bit of doubt: "Let me see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Who exactly defeated my image avatar? "

It is beneficial to leave an image avatar on the 12th floor of the World War Tower, that is, when someone comes to challenge, whether it is victory or defeat, they will feel and can view it.

This view is just like seeing it with your own eyes. It is extremely clear and detailed. You can even replace yourself with the image, and feel the battle yourself.

To a certain extent, this is also a kind of sharpening and accumulation, which has no small benefit to oneself.

After Chen Zong left the heaven and earth battle tower, he retrieved the eternal heaven and earth order and quickly returned to Qianwang Mountain.

The Mingkong King ’s Mingkongquan brings a lot of inspiration to him, perhaps a little retreat, he can gain something.

However, when Chen Zong was not retreat, someone came to visit.

"King of the sky." Chen Zong slightly hesitated, and the visitors were totally unexpected.

Because not long ago, he himself defeated the image of him remaining in the heaven and earth battle tower and replaced it.

Is the other party in trouble?

The image avatar was defeated, and the real person came to fight?

Even so, Chen Zong was not afraid, and he was a little more excited.

"King of Heavenly Sword." King Mingkong smiled, seeing no hostility, as if he was a guest: "I don't know if you like to drink?"

The King Kong Ming's discourse called Chen Zong even more confused.

"I have an altar of fine wine here. How about tasting it together?" A king of clear wine appeared in the hands of King Kong Kong. It seemed that it was about two pounds.

"Please." Regardless of the other party's intentions, it seems that there is no malicious intention. Then, he can't refuse to be thousands of miles away. Chen Zong will not admit it, the focus is on the good wine in the other party's hands.

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