Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 78: Summit (8)

King Mingkong really did not come to seek revenge. His purpose was to know Chen Zong and associate with him.

That altar wine, although only two pounds, was very delicious. Moreover, the two of them went down one pound each, and they began to feel a little bit drifted by their cultivation.

This surprised Chen Zong even more.

Drink, talk, talk.

Chen Zong talks about swordsmanship and Chen Zong talks about boxings.

Both swordsmanship and boxing are martial arts and they have something in common.

Talking to each other and confirming each other is also a way to enhance self-accumulation and heritage.

A conversation lasted almost a day before it ended.

In addition to preaching, other geniuses are also mentioned.

For example, among the world's most powerful ones in the world.

There are three in total.

Hao Tianwu King!

Yitian Sword King!

Jedi King!

All three have a winning streak of more than ninety consecutive victories. They are the oldest geniuses in the world, and they are among the best.

Among them, Hao Tianwu King is the strongest, and his winning streak has reached ninety-five.

Similarly, King Haotian Wu is also one of the three players with the highest winning streak in the eternal battlefield generation, and the other two are Hengyu King of the eternal pulse and Xingye Pluto of the void.

Of course, the whole world is the same. The people who have reached the 90th consecutive winning streak are not only the three kings of Haotian Wu, Yitian Sword King and the Jedi King, but they have the highest winning streak.

For example, King Haotianwu reached ninety-five, and King Yitian and King Jedi both reached ninety-three.

In addition, there are two people, one is the King of the Earth War, with 91 consecutive victories, and the other is the Thousand Moon Magic King, with 90 consecutive victories.

In other words, so far, there are five geniuses who have reached the top of the world.

The pulse of Nether is also five, and the pulse of Eternity is stronger, six.

"I heard that after breaking through the twelfth floor of the battle tower and reaching the top of the virtual world, there will be changes." King Mingkong stayed here longer than Chen Zong, and he sometimes went out to make friends Others, Tan Wulun Dao and so on, so the news is more informed.

"What kind of change?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"I also don't know. Only when two conditions are met can I know." Mingkong Wang laughed. "I have won eighty-nine games in a row, and once I win, I can reach the top. I didn't have much confidence, but After discussing with you this time, retreat for a period of time, integrate what you have learned, and further improve, you will have greater confidence in reaching the summit. "

After speaking, King Mingkong got up and left.

After sending King Mingkong away, Chen Zong returned to Dongfu, but thought about it.

Break through the twelfth floor of the World War Tower!

Ninety consecutive winning streak peaked!

After these two conditions are met, there will be new changes.

So what's changed?

Thinking for a moment, Chen Zong gave up because there was no clue.

So, if you want to know, you can get a 90-game winning streak in the virtual world to reach the top. As for the other condition, you have already achieved it.

However, Chen Zong was not in a hurry. Instead, he closed the retreat first, and digested and absorbed the gains from the battle with King Mingkong and talked about martial arts and turned them into his own.

This time the retreat was not long, only three days.

After going out of the game, Chen Zong felt that his seventh place in the heavens and the earth had reached the apex, that is, the level of perfection, and the eighth stage was also a little clue. In the feeling, even the heaven and earth spirits have improved, and they are far away from the middle grade spirit Getting closer.

However, it is not easy to create the eighth weight in a short time.

Therefore, Chen Zong began to enlighten the final threefolds of Tianling Phantom and practiced.

After mastering it completely, he exchanged the follow-up of Diyuan Bengshan, and he also learned that the cultivation was successful.


Chen Zong entered the virtual world again.

Carrying enhanced strength and the power of eighty consecutive victories, a new battle began.

In the eighty-first game, the opponent is a feudal champion who also achieved 70 consecutive victories.


In the vein of heaven and earth, the feudal title of winning 70 consecutive victories is actually not small.

The result of the battle was naturally that Chen Zong won and did not consume much power, but Chen Zong still tried his best to recover his strength before proceeding to the next battle.

Fight fight!

Fight endlessly Fighting endlessly.

Lien Chan has won and won continuously.

This time, Chen Zong came for a 90-game winning streak.

Ninety consecutive victories and reaching the top will be able to become the most elite group of eternal fort soldiers.

Eighty-nine streak!

In nine battles, the most powerful, that is, the level of the King of Knife, naturally is not Chen Zong's opponent now.

Ninety games!

The number of people watching the battle has exceeded 50,000. It can be said that most of the soldiers entering the virtual world are concentrated here.

Among these tens of thousands of people, many are geniuses in the Fengwang rank, and many are in the Fenghou rank.

Of course, compared to those who have not obtained the title, the proportion of the title level is very small.

"It's the ninetieth game. As long as you win this game, the King Sword King can reach the top this day."

"That being said, how difficult it is to reach the summit."

"His opponent must be the one who reached the summit, but he doesn't know which one."

"Luck, if you choose one of those three, you can only think you are out of luck."

This is the rule of the imaginary world.

In this battle, the opponent must be someone who has already reached the summit. Choose one randomly.

Of course, the prerequisite is also that person.

If not, the virtual world will randomly select and send a message to let the selected person enter the virtual world to participate in the war.

If the one selected is the one with the lowest winning streak among the summit, such as the ninety-game winning streak, maybe the strength will be weaker and it is easier to beat.

Of course, the relatively weak strength is relatively speaking. Anyone who can reach the top with 90 consecutive victories is very scary.

However, if the three players with the highest winning streak and the strongest among the three main pulses are selected, it is really bad luck, and they are almost 100% lost.

The winning streak after the summit has been different from the previous winning streak, and it is almost a layer-by-layer incremental change.

Therefore, the winning streak after the summit is the best test of school strength.

But I don't know, who will Tianyuan Sword King's opponent be?

Six people in an eternal vein.

Five people in a vein.

There are five people in the world.

Only 16 people reached the summit.

If the King of Heaven Sword can win this battle, he can be the seventeenth.

But can you win?

Chen Zong is also looking forward to who his opponent will be?

Then, four weeks began to change.

From the original Huantai, it began to become a volcanic valley, the ground collapsed, and countless magma streams shone bright red light in it.

The astonishing heat permeated, raging in the air, as if everything was burnt.

Chen Zong only felt that he was wrapped in an endless blazing flame, and the blazing breath continued to penetrate into the body from all sides.

When this volcanic valley appeared, someone made a sound of suspicion, and seemed to know who was going to appear.

Chen Zong stared, and a light gate appeared. The light gate was not white or black, but a color that could not tell what it was. The breath was endless and eternal, like eternity.

This is the gate of eternity. The comer should be the eternal peak of heaven, but I do n’t know which one of the six people?


The flaming fire was permeating from the eternal gate.

Immediately, a figure stepped out of the gate of eternity, and there was a flame of fire spreading on his body, reflecting the red light of this volcanic valley.

The astonishing heat continued to diffuse from the person, and it seemed to become a heating body in the entire valley.

This man's body is not tall, just average, and his appearance is very ordinary, but a pair of eyes seems to be burning with flames, containing an extremely high temperature.

When he stared, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be ignited. From his body, as if there was a flame to burn.

This feeling made Chen Zong's heart sink slightly and became more dignified.


This is a terrible rival.


One of the six eternal peaks of Tianjiao, the highest streak of 91 games.

Chen Zong's luck is not bad, but it's not very good either. He did not choose a 90-game winning streak.

However, neither the 90-game winning streak nor the 91-game winning streak did not hinder the battle.

Then, fight.

Great Realm of Heaven and Earth Yin Yang!

In a hurry, Chen Zong moved the seventh-heavy heaven and earth decision to the extreme.

This is a strong opponent, and if you don't give it ten percent at the beginning, you may be suppressed by the opponent.

Chen Zong will not underestimate the other party's minus ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is a peerless demon-like Tianjiao, and can reach the top of ninety consecutive victories, and his strength will no doubt be very terrible.


The body of the Hengyan King was originally just a slight burning flame, which became strong in an instant, as if it turned into a fierce fire. All the hot breath in the valley was directly led by it and became more violent. blazing.

The next breath, King Hengyan shot, and saw that he blasted out with one palm, the palm was vigorous, the intense flames condensed on the palm, and he came out with violent bombardment with amazing enthusiasm and terrible power.

That palm seemed to pierce the void, leaving a trail of flame palm prints.

Chen Zong drew his sword. The sword was black and filled with a ray of white awn, extremely sharp.

This sword, Jianguang is extremely condensed, sharp and striking, piercing the void directly, but also piercing the opponent's flame print, as if killing.

However, the pierced flame palm print was also very powerful and did not dissipate, still carrying amazing power to Chen Zong.

The breath was hot and violent, and the shop was killed to the point that Chen Zong had a feeling of being burned and killed. The King of Heng Yan also felt the sword of the other party. The power was amazing, as if he could pierce himself through everything.


Tianyuan sword staggered across the void in an instant, and between the vertical and horizontal directions, the flame palm print was cut and separated into a few flat pieces, passing by.

King Hengyan took a palm print, and after breaking that sword light, with one arm, the flame of the entire valley was instantly activated, becoming more violent, like a turbulent surge.

The roar was violent and violent.

On the sky, the endless fire and gas condensed, and then turned into a huge palm print, spreading an astonishing fluctuation.

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