Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 7: Shura Sword Demon (5)

The sword light is dark, as if lightning tore the heaven and earth into the void, the cold and overwhelming breath, freezing the heaven and the earth, and igniting the void, terrible, the knife pressure poured like a torrent of water.

Even if they are far apart, the people of a ghost hunting group also feel the terrible sword pressure, their faces have changed greatly, and they are extremely dignified. They only feel that if they change to face the knife, they will definitely be unable to resist it. Beheaded in an instant.

But the goal of this sword is Shura Sword Demon, the well-known strong.

In the face of this knife, Chen Xiu's look did not fluctuate, his cold eyes contained a touch of fierceness, and his look was indifferent, as if nothing in the world could affect his mood.


One sword is shameful, the speed of the sword is extreme, and it runs through the void and is invincible.

The first attack came first, and the sword of the Shaying sword suddenly carried the terrible strength and murderous power of the opponent's long sword, breaking through without mercy.

This sword shows Chen Xiu's unparalleled sword skills and control.

"Kill!" The purgatory ghost didn't mean half-dodging, but instead yelled and shook his body, and the violent muscle containing the volcanic eruption power suddenly trembled, and the power surged out again.

In the second outbreak, the sword light became more and more powerful, and the speed of the sword increased by more than 10%, and the power was further enhanced.

Under the dark knife light, the emptiness seemed to be torn into hairline-like fine cracks, inconceivable, but exuding a chilling breath.

The power of this knife is already infinitely close to the nine-star level.

The improvement from eight to nine stars is completely better than the improvement from seven to eight stars, which is almost a qualitative change.

Therefore, it is much more difficult to cross from eight to nine stars.

Top powers such as Taiyuan Hall, which are famous in the Taixuan Realm, are only second to Taixuan Holy Palace. There are three eight-star stars on the bright side. This time, due to the invasion of the purgatory ghosts, this time they were exposed. Out more powerful.

Eight-star powerhouses reach five, and nine-star powerhouses reach one.

Three eight-star powerhouses battled, and two eight-star powerhouses stayed in the Taiyuan Hall to prevent accidents in their hometown.

This is the practice of almost all forces. The purgatory ghosts must fight, but their hometown can not be abandoned, or they may be attacked by some speculative people.

People are turning their backs, and even under such circumstances, there are still people who disregard the ethics of justice and have to guard against them.

As for the nine-star powerhouse, it has appeared before, but now it is unknown.

This purgatory ghost general has to fight against the sword of Chen Xiu with his arrogant body, and seems to be desperate, all the same.

Chen Xiu's look remained unchanged, and he did not mean to return to defense because of that, the sword was directly assassinated, and the speed of the sword became a little faster in an instant.

When he died, the evil sword took a stun, and the sword of annihilation was picked up, and the sword's blade was raised.

Tiansha sword tactic second style: sword butcher!

One sword is cut, the slaughter is born, and the terrible killing intention traverses Yingye, and the world is invincible.

Change tricks!

Only in the moment, when the sword was about to hit the purgatory ghost general, Chen Xiu showed unparalleled sword skill, instantly changed from evil to sword slaughter.

Killing intentions erupted, such as the tide swept away, so that everything around them seemed to fall into the killing package, dripping into ice, shivering.

The purgatory ghost general's face also showed shock.

However, it is too late.

The sword has been chopped down, a sword splits the void, and nothing can be blocked or destroyed.

Like a broken bamboo, it is like tearing a thin paper. The sword light is very smooth, crossing the void, leaving a crack, dark and deep.

The knife that the purgatory ghost killed with all its strength was also instantaneous, like a snake with its spine pulled out, and became soft, just like the noodles from the soup shaking with complete strength Disappeared and could not cause any damage to Chen Xiu.

Kill two swords!

The infernal spirit of the inferno with an elite eight-star combat power, a majestic vitality, was continuously absorbed by the sword of silence, and blinked, it was absorbed.

There seemed to be a dull sheen on the sword of silence, as if it was joy, as if it was a rare and delicious food.

The elite eight-star mid-level purgatory ghost general has a strong physique and vitality, which is truly amazing.

Seeing that the Shura sword demon Chen Xiu changed his tactics in a short period of time, killing a powerful median purgatory ghost general, in a flash, he was shocked to other purgatory ghosts around him, and greatly inspired the ghost hunting group Masters.


The momentum is strong, the fighting spirit is high, and between the shots, the power is even more arrogant.

In particular, those of the Shura Ghost Hunting Team also increased their breath by three points, and the power between shots increased significantly.

The fierce leader of the Yuanji Alliance also saw that scene. In addition to being shocked, he felt extremely happy, and his heart gave birth to an unbeatable spirit. An invisible force was also inspired from the depths of his body. Shengsheng will repel the purgatory ghost.

This is the first time that the Yuanji League has been fighting fiercely. For the first time, the opponent has repelled the other side, and has slightly gained the upper hand.

Under my heart, I immediately understood that the combat power of Shura Sword Demon was just stronger than himself.

Although his opponent's strength is infinitely close to the nine-star level, it will be even more powerful than the ghost that was beheaded by Shura Sword Demon before, but he also used the power of battle to be able to confront him. Hard.

The Shura Sword Demon did not have to rely on anything. With only one sword in his hand and only with his own power, the median ghost would be killed in a short period of time.

The difference is obvious.

The thoughts flickered by, but the leader of the Yuanji League never stopped. Taking advantage of this moment, the palms gathered the mighty power and domineering power. The green light radiated in all directions, as if two rounds of the sun were carrying the thunder It was horrible and violent.

Nether turbulence is like waves of water.

The purgatory ghost will restrain the backwardness of life, the tyrannical body suddenly shakes, the ripples and waves tremble, the spear suddenly rolls up the terror, and it is killed with a fierce blow.

The power of this purgatory ghost general is really amazing, it is infinitely close to the nine-star level, and it is much stronger than the one beheaded by Chen Xiu.

A few percent of the gap in combat power brings about a direct gap in strength, which is very obvious.

With a gap of a few percent, just by finding the right time, you can suppress or even kill the opponent in a short time.

With two palms in a chain, with great power, with his powerful combat power and blessing from the battle array, he will repulse the purgatory ghost again and again.

The palms of the two hands suddenly snapped together, held high, and poured into it the ultimate momentum and strength, which turned into a substantive cyan sword.


This knife condenses his own spirit, and wants to directly kill the other party.

The purgatory ghost was frightened.

After being repulsed again and again, his arms were slightly numb, and his blood and blood trembled endlessly. In the face of this sword, he seemed unable to carry it.

Suddenly he yelled, very hurriedly, and seemed to be asking for help.


A terrible momentum suddenly burst from the rear of the Purgatory ghost clan, turning into endless waves, surging and violent, coming in wanton.

It seemed as if the sky became dark in an instant, an extremely cold breath permeated, and it carried a terrible blazing atmosphere, making people feel that their minds became hot, and the sea of ​​the waves seemed to be thrown into the flames to burn, uneasy.

"Are you here?" Deep in the eyes of Chen Xiu, there was a faint flash of excitement, faintly agitated.

The others were horrified.

This is so powerful!

It is the next ghost to attack.

The superior ghost general is at least equivalent to a super power with nine star power.

On that day, I joined forces with the deity and did my best. The deity also broke through and found the right way to kill the Purgatory ghost **** of Rakshasa. At that time, Rakshasa had nine-star combat power.

The higher-level ghosts now appearing are also equivalent to nine-star combat power, and will definitely not be inferior to the then Rakshasa king.

A dark light, like a spear that tore the heavens and the earth, and like a **** thunder that runs through the world, directly shot through the space and time.

The power carried by that dark light was unparalleled and extremely powerful.

"Dangerous!" Yuan Jimeng's heart trembled suddenly, his face suddenly changed.

The chopped cyan sword light was also hit in an instant, without a half-minute pause, directly broken.

It is indescribable.

Under that blow, the void was torn into a thin winding slit.

This is an attack that truly reaches the level of nine stars ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can really tear the void.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." A vigorous and vigorous voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as he appeared, it rang through the world like a thunder, and it was fierce and fierce.

Suddenly, with that vigorous and vigorous voice, countless cyan light emerged out of nothing, it seemed to be derived from nothingness, and turned into light rain.

A teal-like deep finger pointed out from the void as if struck by a god, carrying thousands of fireworks, and condensing the vast and vigorous strength of a broken mountain and falling down.

The finger was dark blue and lifelike, and the merciless point hit the black lightning bolt. After it was broken, it was smashed forward, and the void on the edge of the finger also showed a hint of Fine cracks.

Seeing this teal finger appear, everyone was relieved.

The nine-star powerhouse of Taiyuan Hall also appeared.

That is exactly the Lord of the Supreme Court, Yuan Kong.

Taiyuan Hall, regardless of the previous surname, once it becomes the master of the hall, it will immediately take a new name, use the Yuan word as the surname, and then take one or two of the original names as the name.

In fact, Yuankong and Yuanji have no blood relationship.

The higher purgatory ghost will be shot, and the nine-star-powered Taishang Hall master Yuan Kong will also be shot, which represents this battle and officially enters into a fever.

Nine-star-level battles are really terrible. Their combat power is extremely tyrannical. Once they shot, they were astonishing as if they were rock-shattering.

Therefore, both the purgatory ghost general and Taiyuan Lord Yuankong rushed into the sky to engage in fierce battles, so as not to affect other people and cause unnecessary casualties.

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