Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 8: Shura Sword Demon (6)

(Everyone should pay attention to the public account as much as possible: the six roads are sinking. If there is any situation or news, the six roads will be posted in it.)

At the original altitude of Wanxing, a cyan majestic streamer carried a vast and unparalleled might, and devoted all its might to kill it.

An extremely dark, horrible figure surrounded by thousands of ghosts, filled with an endless cold and tyrannical atmosphere, shot ruthlessly, and extinct vitality.



It ’s amazing!

The astonishing momentum continued to resound, like a rush of thunder, and it was frightening, and the battle below seemed to be suppressed.

The gap between nine-star and eight-star is too obvious.

"Well, you, all of you will become your general strength." The roar of malice, but it rang from the rear of the purgatory ghost army in an instant. The extreme breath was rolling in.

Those mighty powers caused the leader and the ghost hunting group to tremble all at once, and the blood seemed to be frozen, and the operation speed became slow and greatly affected.

Qi and blood are very important. Even if there is no refining, it is also necessary for the human body. It is a vital component. Once it is affected, its own strength will be affected as well.

After all, these people do not have such profound and profound realm powers as self-reliance.

The only one that was not affected was when Chen Xiu was the only one.

Along with the extremely cold atmosphere, it was a blazing heat, which directly made everyone feel upset, as if things were not going well, and they wanted to vent their blood in a mess.


Extremely horrified!

There is no need to doubt, this turns out to be a superior ghost with a nine-star combat level.

Actually, there will be a second superior ghost.

This battle is in danger!

Originally, he still had a sense of death, and he was about to explode all the people to kill the Purgatory ghosts as much as possible. At this moment, he was directly hit by a major blow.

The breath of nine-star combat power is too terrible.

Come with an upper-level ghost with a nine-star power, who can resist?


Even the Yuanji Allies under the blessing of the battlefield forces cannot resist it.

There is a huge gap between the infinitely close to the nine-star and the true nine-star.

The opponent has one more senior ghost general, which has broken the balance between each other.

Originally, the Taiyuan League side was very difficult to resist, but also because of the might of Shura Sword Demon, and further inspired the fighting spirit, it was able to barely support it.

But now, with the terror of the second superior ghost sweeping through, like a straw that crushes a camel, all of a sudden, the fighting spirit of everyone is like a candle in the wind, swaying, Just want to go out.

Once the fighting spirit is extinguished, it cannot be ignited again. At that time, it will be scattered by the purgatory ghosts and destroyed, and the Taiyuan League will fall apart due to this.

At that time, the purgatory ghosts will drive straight into the land of Taiyi City, devour the human races to grow themselves, and support the better parts of them to become reserve food.

The human race will gradually decline. In the end, the Taixuan Realm will be occupied by the Purgatory Ghosts. Based on this, it will start to invade the other eight realms. Finally, it will completely occupy the entire Tianyuan sanctuary and even go to the sanctuary Spread outside, completely occupy the entire Lingwu Holy Realm.

At that time, Lingwu Holy Realm will become another ghost of purgatory.

"Sure enough, my husband didn't expect it." There was a long whistle, but suddenly, from behind, it turned into a gale howling, filled with amazing power, and roared wildly into the sky.

As soon as he appeared, the coldness and heat in everyone's bodies seemed to be wiped out invisibly.

"This is ..." Everyone was startled, and then showed joy.

Nine stars!

It turned out that the Taiyuan League side, in addition to Taikong Dian Yuankong, also has another nine-star star, but I don't know where this nine-star powerhouse belongs?

"This voice ..." The Yuanji League master felt that the wind-like voice was familiar, and seemed to have heard it somewhere.

Feeling that breath, I also have some familiar feelings.

After turning his thoughts and thinking carefully, he suddenly realized, and then smiled.

That is the master of Taiyuan Hall: Yuanfeng is too high.

That is the Lord of the Taiyuan Hall who took office.

Hundreds of years ago, when I took over as the master of the temple, I once saw the other side, but after that, I didn't know anything about it, and I didn't know whether I went out for a trip or closed the door.

Hundreds of years have passed, there is no sound, and I have not thought about so much.

I did not expect this time, but it appeared, and the timing was right.

It turned out that in the Taiyuan Hall, there were two strong nine-star warriors, and sure enough, they were deeply hidden.

Chen Xiu was secretly surprised.

Although it is not clear who the visitor is, from the sense of breath, we can know that it is a strong man belonging to the Taiyuan Temple.

Sure enough, these top forces are deeply hidden.

Then, as the Taixuan Realm and even the Tianyuan Sanctuary, the Taixuan Holy Palace is known as the first?

How strong is its hidden strength?

At least, there is a nine-star rating on the bright side, so there must be no less than two, or even no less than three, secretly.

Perhaps there are still elite nine-stars.

At the turn of thoughts, two very different figures were also killed from behind their respective camps.

A black ghost, full of malicious killings, is the superior ghost general.

An indigo like the wind, sweeping the mighty mighty power, is exactly the Yuanfeng Taiyuan Hall.


The two men fought with each other, and immediately issued a horrible power, and the impact went away, causing an amazing impact on the surroundings, one by one, spreading east and west, and the blood was flowing.

Not only the Taiyuan League side, but also the Purgatory ghost clan side.

Fortunately, this Yuanfeng is too high and the higher purgatory ghost will be a little clearer, and immediately rushed into the sky to start a fierce battle.

As long as you can kill the other party, it will be enough to lay down the battle and reverse the situation.

The role of the strong is so terrible that one person can reach all armies.

On the side of the Taiyuan League, the fighting spirit that was about to extinguish was instantly restored, and it became vigorous again.

Without the suppression of the upper-level ghost generals, why not fight a battle, even if it is dead, have to pull a back.


The fierce tearing started again.

Chen Xiu's sword, invincible, launched an astonishing killing, killing each of the purgatory ghost soldiers, and also constantly killing the purgatory ghost generals.

Either inferior position or in the middle position, causing great casualties and bringing very terrible threats.

Moreover, as long as it is hit by Chen Xiu's sword, vitality will be devoured by the sword of silence, and death by fate is completely different from being hit by others.

This kind of situation, called the purgatory ghost family's growing fear of Chen Xiu, there is a kind of fear growing deep inside.

It is precisely because of this that the troop strength is clearly under the gap, and the human race can still struggle against the purgatory ghost race, otherwise, it has already been shocked and dispersed.

One person with one sword directly brings such an amazing threat to the Purgatory ghosts, which is terrible.

"kill him!"

"Kill that Terran."

Several purgatory ghosts will growl and scream in three directions.

This is the three median purgatory ghost generals, in a joint attack, directly blocked off the surrounding, terrible attack power.

The purgatory ghosts themselves are very high-end and extremely powerful. Once they are hit, not only the body surface is damaged, the viscera is also seriously damaged, and even the spirits are also damaged by the impact.

This is one of the reasons why the purgatory ghosts can smash down several cities.

Only in an instant, Chen Xiu was surrounded and fell into a lore.

An accidental person is very likely to be injured or even killed.

A pair of eyes stared.

There are people, there are ghosts.

Leaving aside the nine-star level of combat power, the Shura Sword Demon Chen Xiu is very important here, affecting the morale of both sides, and to some extent, it also affects the war situation.

"It's bad!" Yuanji League's main body could not help but tremble.

Under this siege, even if he is, he will lose or even die.

That Shura sword demon may be stronger than himself, but it will not be too strong. In the face of such a siege, it is difficult to obtain any benefit.

Once the Shura sword demon is damaged, it will inevitably affect the fighting spirit of other ghost hunting groups, and then the fighting spirit of the Allies.

In this point, the Yuanji Alliance Lord can see clearly.

It stands to reason that originally, it should be his leadership that became the center of morale, but I don't know how, but the Shura sword demon became the center and dominated morale.

Although a bit unwilling, the Yuanji Alliance Lord didn't think much, just hoping that Shura Sword Demon could resist this siege.

It's a pity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I can't help myself.

Everyone was nervous, but the party's Chen Xiu was indifferent, without the slightest change.

Is it blind?

Still confident?

I do n’t know, but I will know soon.

The Sword of Extinction lifted up slowly and sternly, in front of him, flush with his chest, looking at the front, a breath of astonishing breath, permeated the sword silently, like a ray of gray smoke, There is no vague imagination.

The dimness resembles smoke and mist. At first glance, it seems to have a bit of beauty, but when you look deeper, you will find that the ferocity it contains.

The power of God Shashura!

Perfect to pure, powerful.

A trace of terrible killings condensed on the sword.

This kind of killing is not for whom, but it is purely as if it originated from the bottom of the heart, as if it was a killing initiated by heaven and earth.

As soon as this killer came into being, it quietly and quickly grew stronger. Silently, there was a sense of horror in the slaughter.

It seems that the world is full of life, all living things are regarded as enemies, all are regarded as dead, and they will be mercilessly cracked down, beheaded, and extinct.

Completely destroyed!

For a time, the air machine was traction and swept across all directions and poles.

Everyone shivered unconsciously, as if there was a trace of cold wind passing by, silently, as if brushing the membrane, infiltrating the muscles of the bones, straight into the viscera, causing the blood to freeze, uncontrollably A tremor, together with the spirit, seemed to be affected, as if in a cold hell.

Suddenly, as well as thinking, it was greatly affected. It seemed to become slow and obscure. I could think about it for a long time, but now it is very slow and very dull.

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