Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 9: Shura Sword Demon (7)

"Tian Sha Jian Jue Third Form: Killing Cangsheng!"

Along with the endless ice-cold killing, infiltrating the bone marrow spirit, making people feel cold, blood frozen, stiff limbs, rigid thinking, sword, killing instantly.

Crossed with a sword, it seemed to carry thousands of fireworks, as if silently out of the world.

Under the sword, the three median purgatory ghosts who came to death with all their might, all seemed to slow down, forming an amazing gap.

Before their attack, Chen Zong's sharp-edged sword had already carried the horrific killing power of slaughter, like a tide-like impact.

The faces of the three median purgatory ghosts suddenly felt terrified.

In the face of this sword, the late arrival comes first, seemingly slow, but it is only a visual gap, but it is extremely fast and extremely fast.

There is no escape!

Can't resist!

The sword light passed, and the air was rippled with water, faintly accompanied by darkness, and seemed to be lifted up by a film.


Jian Feng is incomparable, as if he is cutting through a thin paper, and directly across the body of three mid-level ghosts.

Jian Guang converged, as if integrated into the sky, like a drop of ink dripping into the river, then disappeared without a trace.

The bodies of the three ghost generals were trembling, complexion, and quickly contracted, turning into three dry corpses, alive, already swallowed up by the sword of silence in an instant.

The mutilated corpse fell, followed by the fighting spirit of the purgatory ghost clan.


Why is this Shura sword demon of this human race overpowered to this point, totally unreasonably strong.

Obviously what the other side showed was just the power level equivalent to the median ghost general.

On the other hand, the morale of the human race was boosted, as if it were pouring oil on the fire.

Morale is crucial in the battle, and can even make people win over weakness.

Even though the purgatory ghosts are born with arrogance, amazing combat power, brutal means, and more, at this moment, they are also dwarfed by morale and morale.

Those two high-level ghost generals were respectively resisted by the two nine-star powerful men in Taiyuan Hall, so at this moment, who in the purgatory ghost army can compete with Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's sword cutting is not as simple as devouring the vitality of the ghost clan, because once that vitality is devoured, it also affects the final method of fighting the infernal ghosts.

For example, with a single character, condensing all its own power, the soul rushes into the sea of ​​Shen Xiu and performs soul fighting.

Chen Xiu already knew this and was prepared for it. Killing a sword inside also contained the terrible divine fighting power, hitting the soul directly, destroying the influence and even defeating it, and could not perform the final means of fighting.

In this way, the purgatory ghost clan died.

Otherwise, if the purgatory ghost will rush into the sea of ​​God with the soul and start the soul duel, the body will not be able to move, and it will likely be destroyed by other purgatory ghosts and die tormented.

Now that you know the capabilities of the Purgatory ghosts, you will certainly be ready.

Therefore, other strong men who will confront the infernal ghosts will of course have corresponding measures to protect them, so as to avoid killing the infernal spirits and then be confronted by their souls.

Compared with the purgatory ghosts, the human race is indeed far worse than the innate body, but the advantages of the human race are in learning and creation, continuous improvement of self, and strong adaptability.

It was a deep promotion and evolution of life.

No matter how bad the environment, the human race can adapt to it sooner or later.

This is the deepest talent for being a person.

Kill kill!

The situation began to tilt towards the human race side by side.

If you change to a race that is innate to the human race, I am afraid that you have already lost it.

Looking at the Shura sword demon holding swords, everyone didn't understand why the fighting a few months ago had not been played so far.

The reason is only known by Chen Xiu.

In a hurry, in silence, a black mang looks like a ghost, from a distance behind the purgatory ghosts, as if shuttled in the void, swimming at lightning speed.

In just an instant, they crossed tens of thousands of meters. Without anyone being able to detect them, they crossed the purgatory ghost clan and hit Chen Xiu directly.

Too fast!

Extremely obtrusive!

It's hard to defend.

That black mang, all the breath is restrained, until it kills Chen Xiu, and it is close at hand, but it suddenly erupts. The horror is the extreme power, then the void is broken, countless black cracks are all around, twisting and twisting. , The incomparable horror breath seems to destroy everything.

Everyone trembled, only to feel that in the horrible atmosphere, they would be torn into powder dust.

As soon as this power broke out, it would break up in the void, suppress the entire audience, and the nine-star combat power and high-level ghosts fighting at high altitudes would also change their looks and be dignified.

Because of this level of strength, they suddenly surpassed them.

In theory, whether it is the two nine-star combat power of the Taiyuan Hall or the two high-level ghost generals, it can only be regarded as an ordinary nine-star level.

But now the power that has burst out has reached the elite nine-star, more than doubled.

"You guys, it's dead!" A high-level purgatory ghost in the sky would be ecstatic, because he felt it all at once, and the force of the horrible horror that exploded beneath him was exactly the power of the purgatory ghost.

That is the strongest in this reinforcement.

From the appearance of the inconspicuous black mang to the bursting out of infinite power and fragmentation of the void to kill Chen Xiu, it was just a one-tenth breath.

Chen Xiu couldn't evade or resist, he was directly hit and turned into a streamer that flew down for several kilometers, fell straight below, and fell into the ground.


A fierce roar rang through the heavens and the earth, Wan Xingyuan's earth trembled endlessly, the dust fluctuated, and rushed to the hundred feet.

The power exploded, slowly dissipating, and the fragmented void gradually calmed down and recovered again.

But that terrible breath remained in the hearts of everyone.


Is Shura Sword Devil dead?

Under the terrorist attack that can tear the void, it was still hit by the front, and it was impossible to carry it.

Such a blow has already been killed. Even if it is not dead, it is estimated that it is dying.

Changes in the situation are too fast and too fast.

Basically, it is a change for a while, and the morale of morale is constantly rising and falling, which is very exciting.

First of all, the power of Shura Sword Demon was unmatched, which inspired everyone's fighting spirit and boosted morale.

But suddenly a high-level ghost was about to appear, and the power was amazing, so that the morale of everyone was hit, and the fighting spirit was suppressed and began to decline.

Fortunately, Yuan Kong Tai from the Taiyuan Hall appeared on the ground, resisting the upper ghost general, fighting fiercely, and for a while there was no victory or defeat.

In this way, because of the relationship between Shura sword demon Chen Xiuzai, he continued to kill other infernal ghost soldiers and generals, which once again inspired everyone to be suppressed by the fighting spirit, and morale increased.

But then, there appeared a second high-level ghost general, who suppressed the crowd and panicked.

Unexpectedly, Taiyuan Hall also has a strong nine-star combat power, and appeared, so that everyone saw hope again.

The Shura Sword Demon has once again inspired everyone's inner fighting spirit with even more amazing means and strength.

I thought that if you continue this way, you can repel the purgatory ghosts, and even dare to think about it, you may also kill the purgatory ghosts here.

As a result, the third higher purgatory ghost will suddenly shoot.

Suddenly caught off guard and overwhelming in strength, but also better than the two former purgatory ghosts.

Shurao Sword Demon Chen Xiu was hit directly, unpredictable.

Depending on the situation, it is estimated that immortality is also dying, and there is no power to fight again.

Even if there is power to fight again, it will not help.

The horizontal superior ghosts will be stronger than those two superior ghosts, maybe they can reach the level of elite nine stars.


Extremely terrible!

Extremely terrible!

Despair was permeating, and everyone's morale began to fall, but it took only three short interest periods to fall to the extreme.

The face of the Yuanji Confederate leader is also a dead face.

Hopeless to win!

Not to mention winning, even against the purgatory ghosts, it is difficult to achieve.

That is equivalent to the emergence of a superior nine-star ghost, as long as a shot, you can kill everyone in the scene in a short time, no one can escape.

This is the terrible thing of the top warriors. One person wins one army, which is enough to reverse all disadvantages and war situations. Unless there is the same strong person, they can compete with it.

Is it true that this time the Taiyuan League ’s calamity cannot be achieved?

It is a pity that in the Taiyuan Hall, there is no elite nine-star powerhouse ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, it will not be so.

Xuankong Mountain should be similar to Taiyuan Hall. If this happens, there is only one way to lose.

However, it is hard to say that the Taixuan Holy Palace is very powerful. After all, the Taixuan Holy Palace is very powerful and profound. How strong it is, the Taiyuan Hall is not clear.

However, with the power of the purgatory ghosts sweeping through, it is estimated that the Taixuan Holy Palace will not be able to support it for long.

This time, I really want to share my life.

The face of the Yuanji Confederate Master suddenly flashed a decisive moment, and his breath converged into the body instantly, as if he could not feel it, and suddenly burst out.


The earth-shattering momentum was endless, terrifying, and the explosion went off, pushing the air current in all directions, setting off thousands of air waves, becoming more and more powerful.

Yuanji did not hesitate to cast the secret method of Taiyuan Hall.

Taiyuan Hall's secret methods are better, but most of them are more common secret methods, which have little effect on the seven-star combat power, and have no effect on the eight-star combat power.

There is only one secret method, but it is a secret method suitable for the eight-star star. It can also increase the combat power of the nine-star star slightly.

It's just that the secret method is not easy to cast, and the cost is great, at the cost of consuming its own life.

If it is displayed with the power of the Yuanji Alliance, it can be upgraded to the level of ordinary nine stars.

The reason why I have been unwilling to perform before is because of its too much cost, which is almost equivalent to the secret method of life-threatening. When it is absolutely necessary, I am unwilling to perform.

Otherwise, Shou Yuan is damaged, and invisibly, it will also affect his state.

But at this moment, it has to work.

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