Sword God

Vol 31 Chapter 10: Shura Sword Demon (8)

In a hurry, the atmosphere was magnificent, magnificent, and overbearing, and it stirred up all directions and straightened into the sky, as if it dispelled the darkness of Wan Xingyuan from one side, and it was still clear.

The body of the Yuanji Alliance Lord seems to be burning with a mass of nothingness, the breath is soaring, beyond the eight-star level, and reaching the ordinary nine-star level.

"Death!" With the surge of combat power, a terrible force filled the body, seemingly to explode, making the Yuanji League's main force violent, big tendons like dragons protruding, unusually overbearing.

With the sound of violent drinking, a sudden burst of palms burst out, imposing, destroying mountains and mountains.

This palm is irresistible, and it is like a broken bamboo, blasting directly at the old opponent.

"Broken Light!" This powerful mid-level ghost general has long been ready to concentrate all his powers, pouring into the forehead blade of the forehead, bursting out a scarlet glow.

In a hurry, the blade of the blade with its strength condensed into a bright light, like a round of red hot sun shining in all directions, suddenly burst out.

The red light tears the vacuum and seems to penetrate directly.

The light of destruction is like the talents and secrets of the purgatory ghost general. If you don't use it, it will focus on all your powers. The power will be terrible, but after you use it, your own power will drop significantly for a period of time.

It is really a desperate trick, and it will not be performed unless absolutely necessary.

But now, without showing, he will be photographed as a meat sauce by the other hand.

Don't care so much.

In a hurry, the palm print collided with the bursting red light, and there was a slight stalemate, all of a sudden, stalemate, no one could do nothing.

The Purgatory Ghost will be full-strength, and will continuously shoot red light from the blade's unicorn, destroying everything, spirit, and destroying all, while the Yuanji Alliance Lord is maintaining a launched palm, majestic strength, constantly turbulent and turbulent , There are thousands of rapids around.

"Hmm!" When it was awkward, a malicious cold hum rang through the ears of Yuanji League, as if it had been penetrated. Yuanji League's face was in pain, his expression was distorted, and his body was like a lightning strike. Trembling, his strength also became disordered and difficult to control.

After the palm prints, they could not continue, and they were crushed by the bursting light.

When in danger, the leader of Yuanji League quickly moved away, but still couldn't completely avoid it, and the left shoulder socket was hit by the light of destruction.


The tyrannical power even retreated with the body of the Yuanji Alliance leader.

Suddenly, Taiyuan Lock's empty array was disrupted by interference.

The Yuanji Leader itself dominates the entire formation.

The shoulder socket is penetrated and is not fatal, but the power contained in the light of destruction is extremely evil and terrible. From the wound, it is raging like a raging torrent and continues to spread. Its vitality is extinct.

The Yuanji Confederate immediately mobilized a force to fight against and block the terrible evil forces that were raging away, but their faces were suddenly green and red, as if they were alternately cold and hot.

This feeling is naturally extremely uncomfortable. For a time, the Yuanji Alliance lost most of its combat power.

Fortunately, after the other party's display of the light of destruction, his breath fell sharply, and within a short period of time, he also lost most of his combat power.

However, this is not a good thing for the human race side.

Suddenly, a terrible breath came.

Darkness pervades, rendering the sky, covering the sky.

A figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the human race and the ghost race, suppressing the audience.

This is a purgatory ghost general.

Its body looks very tall and strong, and it is more mighty than other purgatory ghosts.

A pair of eyes filled with amazing scarlet color, red light shone in all directions, wherever there was a breath of evil, all peoples trembled as they were swept, as if falling into the cold purgatory. He trembled, fearing the deepest part of his body.

It's as if the inferiors are unconsciously inferior to the superiors.

It's like the fear that comes from the bottom of my heart like the face of an unmatchable natural enemy.

Ghost will!

Higher Ghost General!

With an elite nine-star combat power, the high-level ghost who was suspected of killing Shura Sword Demon would be killed in just one blow.

When it came out, it suppressed the audience and it was unmatched.

The Taiyuan League side is dead.

Suddenly, each face was ashes.

"Human race, all die." This infernal ghost will stand in the void, his red eyes glanced away, and then he grinned, and that smile was full of immeasurable horror and terrible evil. It's just like San, it's amazing.

When he died, his left hand was swept slightly, like a fan, rolling up a terrible wind howling and blasting out, and the wind seemed to destroy everything, and there were a few looming cold lights. .

That claw was so terrible that it was indestructible and torn apart.

The wind howled and the direction of the claws was exactly the direction of the Shura ghost hunting group.

It's too fast, and the power is amazing. If you suppress it directly, you can't avoid it.

Just wait for a moment, when the claw is approaching, all the people of the Shura ghost hunting group will be divided into corpses and completely died.

Speaking of time and time, from the higher purgatory ghost will appear, suppress the audience to free shots, the claw energy volley to kill, but only a short breath.

Moreover, because the purgatory ghost general's momentum is too amazing, everyone has no time to respond, and it is impossible to reinforce them.

The strength of the elite nine-star combat power is too terrible. Even if you just wave your hand at will, you can also release the terrifying force that destroys the mountains and mountains.

Who can resist?


Even the response was too late, only to die.

Suddenly, in the distance, a arrogant, violent, fierce horror, as if the horror of destroying all things, erupted like a flash of eternal volcano, soaring into the sky, completely crushing and destroying the darkness enveloped by Wan Xing.

Accompanied by that horror, it was a grey sword light, which seemed to have no luster, but it seemed to bloom magnificently.

Coming late, first coming, extremely fast.

Only in an instant, the raging gale passed through, crushing those claws, and the remaining strength remained, carrying the terrible power and directly killing the higher purgatory ghost.

The change is too fast, this ghost will be a little stunned, but did not mean to dodge, but quickly shot, a claw tearing the sky, breaking the gray sword awn.

Scarlet eyes stared at the front, only a few kilometers away, a ray of gray sky soared into the sky, filled with endless fierce atmosphere, that fierce life is extinct, and there is a mystery that seems to be above the life .

At a glance, the purgatory ghost was a little volatile in his heart, and his eyes became more dignified.

The power carried by those breaths would not be weaker than the power he possessed at all, and seemed to be even more brilliant.

Moreover, he also recognized that this breath is like the human race that was previously suspected of being killed by one hit.

Not dead!

And not only did it not die, it seemed to become more powerful.

That's right!

Originally, after more than a year, Chen Xiu continued to cultivate, but he never broke the third rank of Shen Shashura's tactics to the fourth.

This gate originates from the superb inheritance of the Shulu tribe of the cosmic void gods and demons. It is indeed very clever and very high-end. Even if Chen Xiu is a Shura physique formed by the secret method of the **** Shura, and fits the cultivation of the **** Shashu warfare, Unable to reach a high level in a short time.

Although there is no breakthrough in Shenshaura's warfare, in the third level, it is constantly improved.

Especially in the past few months, the promotion has been more significant, and it has reached the third peak. Only then can Chen Xiu have the amazing power to easily kill the mid-level ghosts.

Even in the face of an ordinary nine-star, you can compete against the First World War.

However, the sneak attack was equivalent to an elite nine-star purgatory ghost general, and the strength was terrible.

Suddenly struck, unable to dodge.

However, Shura's avatar, Chen Xiu, is not a flesh and blood. For a normal person, the fatal injury is not fatal to him.

What's more, because of this attack, God Shasula's warfare was able to break the trance and make a successful breakthrough.


It just didn't appear before, that is, it was running the fourth important Shenshaura warfare method and stabilized it. As a result, Shenshaura's combat power increased sharply, and his own combat power increased greatly.

At this moment, Chen Xiu's breath came out, and he resisted the superior purgatory ghost chamber, each taking half a day.

Over the sky, the two nine-star powerhouses were slightly relieved, showing joy, while the two upper ghosts would have solemn faces.

How did this happen?

Shouldn't we win?

No matter what ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but there is nothing but helplessness, such changes are shocking, but there may have been many changes in fighting.

The ups and downs are extremely thrilling.

It was like a lightning. From the endless gray light of the sky, a sword awn broke, the spirit and the sword were completely united, and a sword broke the void.

Across the Jianmang, the vacuum was torn out into a straight black crack, and the diffused breath made people extremely distracted, unconsciously terrified and terrified.


At one time, both the human race and the purgatory ghost race broke out at full speed as quickly as possible.

Up to now, in this situation, it is no longer possible for them to determine the outcome. It is useless to continue the battle. It is better to retreat and call the battlefield to these top powerhouses.

Nine-star combat power!

Higher Ghost General!

Who is stronger?

In the end, whoever can win, whoever can dominate the win.

Winning, not only can survive, but also can kill each other, the significance is far-reaching.

"Sura sword demon, it's up to you." The weak Yuanji League murmured to himself, eyes full of hope.

Perhaps this time, the Terrans will not be defeated, and the Taiyuan League will not be defeated.

To win!

To win.

Once the victory is achieved, the impact on the Taiyuan League is significant and far-reaching. After all, since the invasion of the Purgatory ghost clan, it seems that the human side has not achieved any obvious victory. At most, it is just to resist it. In the case of casualties.

The current human race urgently needs a real victory to inspire morale. Otherwise, if they go on for a long time, they will only lose sight of hope. In the end, they will inevitably lose their fighting spirit and be broken by the purgatory ghosts.

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